Foodproduction and Conflicts
A contribution by Kristine Karch at the World Socila Forum in March 2013 in Tunis Food production and conflicts – Land use not land exhaustion.pdf
Continue reading →A contribution by Kristine Karch at the World Socila Forum in March 2013 in Tunis Food production and conflicts – Land use not land exhaustion.pdf
Continue reading →Dear Friends, Here’s my article in Common Dreams that gives an overview of the new anti-drone campaign in Germany: Lots of press in German can be found here: Wishing everyone a happy Easter/Passover weekend. Best, Elsa
Continue reading →A contribution by Reiner Braun at the World Social Forum Tunis 2013 Reiner_Braun_disarmament_for_sustainability_Tunis2013
Continue reading →The lecture by Christiane Reymann at the public event “For gender justice peace and solidarity No to war – no to NATO, stop militarization” of the annual meeting of the international network “No to War – no to NATO” in Gent March 8th International womens day 2013
Continue reading →Attached a flyer from INES with workshop annoucements in the World Social Forum in Tunis 2013 Tunis flyer.pdf
Continue reading →Dear friends and colleagues, yesterday the ialana courtcase started. It is led by Karim Popal for the victims of the Kunduz-bombings. Please find an article of Deutsche Welle here: The media precence was great and we are positive that the process against the German government will take place. Greetings, Lucas and Reiner
Continue reading →Here the presentation discussed in Gent on Sunday with the topics: Activities 2013 / 2014, Network developments, Awareness rising, Campaigns. Activities and time schedule 2013 and 2014 of the international network No to war – No to NATO as pdf
Continue reading →Ein Film von Elsa Rassbach, Neufassung aus 2012, 23 Min., Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln A video from Els Rassbach, new version in 2012, 23 min. English with German subtitles download:
Continue reading →Friends, Following on my brief overview of the U.S. Pivot to Asia and the Pacific and Peiter’s presentation about nuclear weapons moderization and the F-35, I though the following article from tomorrow’s Japan Times might be of interest to you. For peace & Justice, Joseph Gerson Ka-ching!: Abe to bargain with NATO for Japanese role in F-35 Kyodo – Japan Times Mar 19, 2013 Ka-ching!: Abe to bargain with NATO for Japanese role in F-35 Kyodo – Japan Times … Continue reading →
Friends, Apologies if it seems like you are being barraged by e-mails. When we met in Gent, I made reference to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the U.S. effort to create the world’s most intense free trade area, in part to wed Korea, Japan and other Asia-Pacific nations – but NOT China – not only to the U.S. economy, but to further integrate these societies.
Continue reading →Friends, I thought that you might find the following disturbing article about U.S. simulated nuclear attacks on North Korea as part of the current war games of interest. I don’t normally look at the Washington Free Beacon, but in seeking to confirm the veracity of an e-mail message, I was channeled there by the conservative Weekly Standard,. There seem to be enough stories- including Business Week- on the web to confirm the following report and statements by Pentagon press secretary … Continue reading →
Preventing an Arctic Cold War One of the four New York Times op ed articles today helped to put the rising resource competition in the Arctic and the lack of diplomatic structures to address them on the public map here. You can find it at
Continue reading →The High North and International Security Conference June 27- 29, 2013 Kiruna, Sweden
Continue reading →Here you will find a gallery with some pictures from the event “For gender justice peace and solidarity: No to War – No to NATO – Stop Militarization
Continue reading →Communiqué de presse – 13 mars 2013 Du 8 au 10 mars 2013, la réunion annuelle du Réseau international Non à l’OTAN – Non à la Guerre s’est tenue dans la ville de Gand, en Belgique. Le Réseau comporte plus de 650 organisations membres dans 20 pays.
Continue reading →Press release, March 14th 2013 From March 8th – 10th 2013 the annual meeting of the International Network “No to War, No to NATO” was held in the Belgian city of Ghent. The Network has more than 650 partners and organizations from over 20 countries.
Continue reading →Pressemitteilung, 14.3.2013 Vom 8.-10. März 2013 fand in der belgischen Stadt Gent die alle zwei Jahre stattfindende Jahrestagung des Netzwerkes „No to War –No to NATO“ statt. Dem Bündnis gehören mehr als 650 Initiativen und Organisationen aus über 20 Ländern an.
Continue reading →Here are the first annoucements for the Peace Event in Sarajevo June 2014 “From a World of War and Violence to a World of Peace and Nonviolence”.
Continue reading →We wanted a short, hard-hitting video showing what the Global Day of Action on Military Spending is all about. Well, now we’ve got it! The GDAMS 2.0 promotional video is now at: It lasts 5 minutes and shows actions taken in different continents. Many thanks to our collegues at IPS for putting this together. Please feature it on your websites, Facebook pages, e-lists etc. We think this deserves to go viral… The current list of planned events/contacts is under … Continue reading →
Information from the website of the American Friends Service Committee
Continue reading →Information from the website of the American Friends Service Committee
Continue reading →Die belgischen Autoren Ludo De Brabander und Georges Spriet sehen in der global operierenden NATO ein geostrategisches Instrument der USA zur Welteroberung. aus: Historischer Rückblick und Analyse der Entwicklung der NATO von 1949 bis 2012 Von Ludo De Brabander und Georges Spriet, – 2012-05-17 Global Research, 18.05.12 ( )
Continue reading →Presented at the annual meeting in Gent March 9th 2013 by Reiner Brown
Continue reading →The greetings from Angie Zelter at the public event March 8th 2013 International womens day Dear All, it seems like the skype connection is not working. That is a shame. But here is a copy of my welcome speech. I hope you have a productive meeting. Love Angie.
Continue reading →A Historical Review and Analysis (1949-2012) By Ludo De Brabander and Georges Spriet Global Research, May 18, 2012 17 May 2012
Continue reading →All initiatives, organisations, groups who signed the Appeal from Stuttgart are member of the network. For signing the appeal send an email to . Flyer Stuttgart Appeal with signatures.pdf
Continue reading →The present ICC (International Coordinating Committee) members At the annual meeting in Gent, Belgium, March 10th 2013 a new ICC (International Coordinating Committee) was elected. Reiner Braun, Germany (International IALANA/ International Peace Buro (IPB)) Claire Chastain, France (Collectif national OTAN-Afghanistan) Ludo De Brabander, Belgium (Vrede vzw.) Joseph Gerson, USA (American Friends Service Committee) Luis Gutierrez-Esparza, Mexico (Latin American Circle of International Studies) Kristine Karch, Germany (Women’s Network No to War – No to NATO) Judith Leblanc, USA (Peace Action) Joe … Continue reading →
Minutes of First Preparatory meeting for an Afghanistan conference (October 2013), Strasbourg, February 16th 2013
Continue reading →On October 13/14 2012, the Cooperation for Peace, a network of more than 50 German peace organizations, together with about 20 peace initiatives comprising of German and European Afghanis living in exile are conducting an international peace conference on Afghanistan for the first time. On this occasion, the organizers release this declaration: Afghanistan: Challenges for Peace, Democracy and Development
Continue reading →Public event: March 8th 2013 Gent: For gender justice peace and solidarity No to war – no to NATO, stop militarization Download the leaflet here: international-women-day-march-8th-2013.pdf
Continue reading →updated version!!! Program of the Annual Meeting, Gent, March 9th – 10th 2013 [as of March 04, changes to the program may occur]
Continue reading →Declaration French-German Peace Seminar on the occasion of 50 years Élysée Treaties
Continue reading →Minutes with ELECTION Procedures of ICC elections in March
Continue reading →50 Years of Élysée Treaties: A German-French Peace Seminar, Berlin 19./20. January
Continue reading →ANNOUNCEMENT: creation of the Working Group for Peace and Demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific
Continue reading →Brochure on Nato and EU, September 2012 (German)
Continue reading →The International Network No to War-No to NATO, together with the Latin American Circle of International Studies and the Argentinian Permanent Assembly for Human Rights, is organizing, in Buenos Aires, Argentina an Inter-Continental Conference from December 13th to 14th 2012, focused on the global policies and strategies of NATO and their implications for the Global South, especially in Latin America, and the political, social and human alternatives that the Global South offers for peace, security, and the environment.
Continue reading →La Red Internacional No a la Guerra – No a la OTAN, junto con el Círculo Latinoamericano de Estudios Internacionales (México) y la Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos (Argentina), organiza en Buenos Aires, Argentina, una Conferencia Intercontinental, el 13 y 14 de diciembre de 2012, que se enfocará en las políticas y estrategias mundiales de la OTAN y sus implicaciones para el Sur Global, especialmente en América Latina; así como en las alternativas políticas, sociales y humanas que ofrece … Continue reading →
Peace congress 2012 “Stop the War – Ways to peace in Afghanistan” Friedens congress 2012 ” Stop den Krieg – Wege zum Frieden in Afghanistan” Program in English and German Delcaration of the Conference: French, German, English
Continue reading →2012 world conference against atomic and hydrogen bombs (Declaration of the International Meeting)
Continue reading →“Some facts about Iran’s nuclear activities” by Dr David Morrison (Peace & Neutrality Alliance)
Continue reading →“The Battle Groups of the European Empire” by Roger Cole Chair (Peace & Neutrality Alliance)
Continue reading →Article “Siria: detener la guerra”( by Luis Gutiérrez Esparza (excelsior 2012-08-01)
Non-strategic Nuclear weapons by Hans M. Kristensen (Special report No 3, May 2012)
Continue reading →US Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan return war medals at NATO Summit Article in Excelsior by Luis Gutierrez Esparza New York Times Letter to the Editors by Kevin Martin Article by Tom Hayden in Huffington Post – Final Press Statement of Nato-Free-Future and No to War – No to NATO network – Final Statement of the Counter Summit for Peace and Economic Justice
Continue reading →— Interview by Amy Goodman with Reiner Braun on Democracy Now — Interview with Reiner Braun on Russia Today — Protests at Obama headquarters and consulates (Canada, GB, Germany) — Chicago Tribune NATO’s hard sell at the summit by Michael Lynn, May 16 2012 — Reiner Braun on WBEZ Radio, May 16 — Fotostream: Impressions of the actions around NATO and the city of Chicago
Continue reading →Paper on Pentagon’s new strategic guidance by Joseph Gerson
Continue reading →ICC Letter to Obama regarding Bradley Manning
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