ICC members elected 2013
The present ICC (International Coordinating Committee) members
At the annual meeting in Gent, Belgium, March 10th 2013 a new ICC (International Coordinating Committee) was elected.
Reiner Braun, Germany (International IALANA/ International Peace Buro (IPB))
Claire Chastain, France (Collectif national OTAN-Afghanistan)
Ludo De Brabander, Belgium (Vrede vzw.)
Joseph Gerson, USA (American Friends Service Committee)
Luis Gutierrez-Esparza, Mexico (Latin American Circle of International Studies)
Kristine Karch, Germany (Women’s Network No to War – No to NATO)
Judith Leblanc, USA (Peace Action)
Joe Lombardo, USA (United National Antiwar Coalition)
Miguel Monserrat / Cinthia Ruiz, Argentina (Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos (APDH))
Agneta Norberg, Schweden (Swedish Peace Council)
Tobias Pflüger, Germany (Information Centre Militarization (IMI)/ DFG-VK)
Patrice Salzenstein / Yves-Jean Gallas, France (Mouvement de la Paix)
Dave Webb / Kate Hudson, UK (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)
Lucas Wirl, Germany (International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES))
Michael Youlton / Seamas Rattigan, Ireland (Irish Antiwar Movement / Peace and Neutrality Allicance)
The ICC elected Claire Chastain and Lucas Wirl as Co-Chairs in Gent. Because Claire is not more able to fulfill the possition as co-chair, due to her paid job, the ICC elected at the anual meeting in Newport Kristine Karch as co-chair. The anual meeting thanks Claire a lot of for her work as co-chair and for her ongoing contributions in the ICC.