1914 – 2014 We stand firm to achieve Peace without Weapons!pdf
a newspaper published in autom 2013 by the No to war – no to NATO netwrok with the support of IALANA, IPB, INES, GUEN/NGL,ROSA LUXEMBURG FOUNDATION and transform!
Bolivien, Ecuador, Kuba , Nicaragua und Venezuela warnen bei UN-Generalversammlung vor Gefahren für den Weltfrieden New York. Die Länder der Bolivarischen Allianz für die Völker Unseres Amerika (ALBA) haben in der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen die USA und die NATO aufgefordert, die “Doktrin des Regimewechsels” aufzugeben, um Regierungen, die ihren Interessen entgegenstehen, zu stürzen. In der Debatte… 31.03.2014 https://amerika21.de/2014/03/98819/regimewechsel-gefahr-frieden
Continue reading →Spirit of optimism and enthusiasm marked the international preparatory meeting of the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014, held in the City of Sarajevo on March 22/23. More than 70 people from international, regional and local organizations and initiatives participated in the last preparatory meeting prior to the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014 from June 6-9. Among them were representatives of almost all former republics of Yugoslavia. http://www.peaceeventsarajevo2014.eu/news-47/id-70-days-before-the-peace-event-sarajevo-2014.html
Continue reading →a newspaper published in autom 2013 by the No to war – no to NATO netwrok with the support of IALANA, IPB, INES, GUEN/NGL,ROSA LUXEMBURG FOUNDATION and transform!
Obama will visit the European institutions on wednesday 26/03. We organise a protestmeeting (see appeal below) asking for ‘desarmement for development’ at ‘place Luxembourg’, Brussels (at noon, 12.30) Attached you’ll find banners and posters. Can you distribute it widely to your network (especially those who are living/working in Brussels) and on the websites? There is also a facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/691080584269170/?fref=ts You can also sign the appeal
Continue reading →Wednesday March 26, Barack Obama will visit the European institutions. Let us remind them of their responsibilities for peace and democracy that accompany their prize. The peace movement invites you for a protest action at Place de Luxembourg, Brussels, Wednesday March 26 at noon, 12.30. President Obama and The European Union received the Nobel Peace Prize but… – The United States (685 billion dollar) and Europe (407 billion dollar) sign for 62 % of the global military expenditures – Both … Continue reading →
please find here a English version of the statement the speakers of the Cooperation for Peace (a German umbrella organization consisting of more than 50 peace organizations) released on Monday (March, 3rd, 2014) on the Ucraine. Feel free to spread the document and to send your comments and thoughts.
Continue reading →During the International peace seminar Verdun 25.-26.01.2013 an ICC (International Coordinating Committee – Meeting of our network “No to war – no to NATO” took place in Verdun. Continue reading →