The 2014 NATO Summit will intensify conflicts and arms build-ups – international peace movements protest and call for actions
Sign the appeal No to NATO
Heads of State and Foreign and Defense Ministers of the NATO member states will meet in early September at the 2014 NATO Summit. There, they want to decide to increase the military spending of member states to at least 2% of each country’s GDP. For Germany, this would mean a military budget of more than 56.5 billion Euros. NATO forces should be stationed directly at the Russian border in Poland and the Baltic states. Once again, NATO should expand; over time Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldavia should become NATO member states. The USA is determined to complete the “encirclement” of Russia at all costs.
For 13 years NATO has waged war in Afghanistan. According to independent reports, more than 180,000 people have been killed thus far. Contrary to the lip service given the public, NATO’s deployment will not end. Rather, between 8,000 – 10,000 soldiers will remain in Afghanistan, among them some 800 Germans.
NATO wants to modernize and make its weapons systems more efficient, among others the US nuclear weapons in Büchel, Germany.
NATO is focusing on drone warfare. German Defense Minister von der Leyen is not the only supporter of this.
At the USA’s side, Germany wants to take on more responsibility internationally and thus also within NATO. German President Gauck supports the strengthening of NATO and Foreign Minister Steinmeier does not want to watch from the “outside”. The era of German reluctance is over for the German government and it is more than obvious where this will lead:
Thousands of people are being killed in wars in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine and in many other places. They are also killed with German weapons and these wars are also financed with German funds.
We call for resistance against the politics of NATO.
We say: NO to sanctions against Russia, NO to the war in Ukraine, NO to new armaments, NO to missions in the Balkans, in the Mediterranean Sea and Africa, NO to nuclear weapons and drones, NO to making money with weapons.
We say YES to collective civil security in Europe. The concepts of common security and civil conflict resolution are alternatives to NATO’s politics of war. Civil organizations and structures like the UN and OSCE must be strengthened.
We say YES to disarmament, YES to the withdrawal of US nuclear weapons from Germany. We are against wars and therefore against NATO and demand its dissolution. NATO must not be allowed to expand militarily and geographically.
We call for active support of the diverse actions of the peace movement in Newport/Cardiff (Wales).
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I support the appeal:
Wilhelm Achelpöhler, Grüne Friedensinitiative, Münster; Dr. Matin Baraki,Hochschullehrer, Marburg; Christine Buchholz, MdB die Linke, Berlin; Ulrich Boje, die Linke, Berlin; Reiner Braun, Geschäftsführer IALANA, Berlin; Sibylle Brosius,BeiratNatWiss, Ludwigshafen; Stephan Brues, BSV, Wiesloch; Isabelle Casel die Linke, ATTAC, Bonn; Uli Cremer, Grüne Friedensinitiative, Hamburg; Marsili Cronberg, Montagsmahnwache, Berlin; Wolfgang Dominik,DFG-VK, Bochumer Friedensplenum; Carlos Echegoyen, Koordinator AK Globale Entwicklung Bündnis90/Die Grünen, Bonn; Matthias Engelke, Vorsitzender Versöhnungsbund, Nettetal; René El Saman, Grüne Friedensinitiative, Bonn; Dorothea Forch, Militarismus und Wissenschaft – Stipendiatisches Projekt der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Jena; Lea Frings, Montagsmahnwache, Berlin; Wolfgang Gehrcke, MdB die Linke, Berlin; Dr. Edgar Göll, Zukunftsforscher, Netzwerk Cuba, Berlin; Susanne Grabenhorst Vorsitzende IPPNW, Mönchengladbach; Jürgen Grässlin, Bundessprecher DFG-VK, Freiburg; Anna Gyorgy, WLOE, Bonn/Massachusetts; Claudia Haydt, Vorstand Europäische Linke, IMI, Tübingen; Lühr Henken, FRIKO, Sprecher Bundesausschuss Friedensratschlag, Berlin; Konrad Hentze, Koordinator AK Globale Entwicklung Bündnis90/Die Grünen, Bonn; Inge Höger, MdB die Linke, Berlin; Willi Hoffmeister, Ostermarsch Rhein Ruhr, Dortmunder Friedensplenum;Philipp Ingenleuf Netzwerk Friedenskooperative, Bonn; Otto Jäckel Vorsitzender IALANA, Wiesbaden; Matthias Jochheim IPPNW, Frankfurt/Main; Kristine Karch, Netzwerk No to War – No to NATO, Düsseldorf; Jutta Kausch, Künstler für den Frieden, Berlin; Christian Keller, Dekan i.R., Villingen-Schwenningen; Ralf Krämer, Berlin; Ekkehard Lentz, Bremer Friedensforum; Patrick Luzina, Brandenburg-Berliner Initiative für Zivilklausel, Berlin; Pascal Luig, KriWi, Berlin; Prof. Dr. i.R. Mohssen Massarrat, Osnabrück; Evelin Menne, die Linke, Lippe; Falk Moldenhauer, Bochum; Uwe Moldenhauer, Altena; Hans Peter Mortier, Infostelle für Friedensarbeit, Meckenheim; Prof. Dr. Norman Paech, Hamburg; Nadja Petersen-Härter, Trittau; Tobias Pflüger, stell. Vorsitzender die Linke, IMI, Berlin; Karim Popal, IALANA, Bremen; Eberhard Przyrembel, Duisburg; Elsa Rassbach Code Pink, Drohnenkampagne, Berlin; Prof. Dr. Fanny-Michaela Reisin, President International League of Human Rights – FIDH, Berlin; Corinna Renz, Ecomujer, Kaarst; Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf, Kassel; Ulli Sander, VVN-BdA, Dortmund; Monty Schädel, Geschäftsführer DFG-VK, Waren; Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheffran, Vorstand NatWiss, Hamburg; Monika Schierenberg,Sprecherin EcoMujer, Düsseldorf; Astrid Schmied, Rhythms of Resistance, Düsseldorf; Claus Schreer, Münchner Bündnis gegen Rassismus und Krieg; Dr. Dietrich Schulze, Hochschule für den Frieden – Ja zur Zivilklausel, Karlsruhe; Christine Schweitzer, Geschäftsführerin BSV, Hamburg; Pedram Shahyar, Montagsmahnwache, Berlin; Martin Singe, Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie, Köln; Dr. Jens-Peter Steffen, IPPNW, Sprecher Kooperation für den Frieden, Berlin; Dr. Peter Strutynski, Sprecher Bundesausschuss Friedensratschlag, Kassel; Hannelore Tölke, DFG-VK, Dortmund; Bernhard Trautvetter, Essener Friedensplenum; Kathrin Vogler, MdB die Linke, Berlin; Renate Warnie, Werkstatt für Gewaltfreie Aktion, Sprecherin der Kooperation für den Frieden, Heidelberg; Lucas Wirl, Geschäftsführer NatWiss, Sprecher Kooperation für den Frieden, Berlin. (Funktionsangaben dienen der Information) Berlin, 27.08.2014
(organizations for information only)
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Contacto: Reiner Braun (), Lucas Wirl (), c/o IALANA, Marienstraße 19/20, 10117 Berlin Telephone: 0049 (0)30-20654857