Wer hat Angst vor Wladimir Putin?
NATO sucht Strategie gegen Russland / Pentagon-Chef Carter: Schweres Kriegsgerät nach Osteuropa http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/975497.wer-hat-angst-vor-wladimir-putin.html
Continue reading →NATO sucht Strategie gegen Russland / Pentagon-Chef Carter: Schweres Kriegsgerät nach Osteuropa http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/975497.wer-hat-angst-vor-wladimir-putin.html
Continue reading →Derzeit üben mehr als 10 000 NATO-Militärs nahe der Grenzen zu Russland http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/973516.zu-viel-grauer-stahl-in-der-ostsee.html
Continue reading →»Global Hawk«-Überwachungsdrohne soll demnächst einsatzbereit sein – Schwerpunkt: Osteuropa http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/973002.roll-out-fuer-den-nato-stalker.html
Continue reading →Invitation 6 September 2015, Helsinki, 2:30-5 pm Download: Agenda Annual Meeting 2015 No to War – No to NATO.pdf
Continue reading →Conference: NATO and Russia in the Baltic Sea The aim of the project is to gather citizens from the Baltic Sea region and experts to inform each other; analyze the tense situation in the area, and present alternatives to militarization including cooperation, a common house of Europe, OSCE, and Neutralism. Besides the analysis of the NATO strategy and their geostrategic interests the international conference discusses the negative impacts of these policies to the societies, in particularly to a social and … Continue reading →
New leaflet: Network No to War – No to NATO Who we are – Anti-NATO Activities 2015 – Stuttgart Appeal This leaflet was distributed during the activities around the NPT-Review Conference in New York in 2015. It includes also an application Form for the network “No to War – No to NATO” Who we are and Stuttgart Appeal.pdf
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