Monthly Archives: August 2017
Afghanistan: 6 Myths and How to Respond
After almost 16 years in Afghanistan, what will it take for our Elected Officials to represent our interests, and ask: is there a military solution for peace in Afghanistan? And, what will it take to try a different approach? Please, take a quick moment now and tell your members of Congress that you expect them to stand up and fulfill their responsibilities by repealing the 2001 AUMF, and debating whether to authorize continued, endless war in Afghanistan. Here are six … Continue reading →
Demokratiets sorte hull
Invester i fred, ikke krig
An artikel by
2017/08/23 Boston
No Fire. No Fury. No to Trump War on North Korea
No Fire. No Fury. No to Trump War on North Korea Emergency Rally Wednesday, August 23 5pm to 6:30pm Park Street Station downtown Boston On August 21 the U.S. will begin joint military maneuvers with the South Korean military on North Korea’s doorstep. These highly provocative exercises only heighten the tensions and the danger of war in the whole area. In response organizers from the Korean peace movement, Mass. Peace Action, American Friends Service Committee, United for Justice with … Continue reading →
WEBINAR: “Stop U.S. THAAD and War Threats in Korea”
WEBINAR: “Stop U.S. THAAD and War Threats in Korea” A Report-back by the U.S. Solidarity Peace Delegation to South Korea Pre-register today! Featured Speakers: Jill Stein, Green Party Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK Reece Chenault, U.S. Labor Against the War Will Griffin, Veterans for Peace Juyeon Rhee, Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific Wednesday, August 30 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. EST *** Pre-Register for the Webinar *** … Continue reading →
2017/08/21 New York
update the time now 4-5PM (18.08.2017) EMERGENCY RALLY & CALL TO ACTION NO WAR WITH NORTH KOREA Anti-War Rally Outside of Senator Schumer & Gillibrand’s Office 3rd Ave. Between 48th & 49th Sts Monday, August 21 from 4 – 5PM Facebook Event Linked Here We must stand against war and together defend diplomacy to save the United States and North Korea from a nuclear war started by improvised “fire and fury” comments. We cannot go to war for this Administration’s … Continue reading →
CND protest at the US Embassy in London
Kate wrote us: below is our letter to The Guardian, following our protest at the US Embassy.
Britain must pressure Donald Trump over Korean peninsula crisis
Pressemitteilung: Keinen Drohnenkrieg – keine Aufrüstung | Frieden ist die Ultima Ratio
Stopp Air Base Ramstein :: Newsletter 07_2017 | Endspurt bis zur Aktionswoche
The US Air Force Base at Ramstein, Germany, is a central pivot for preparing and executing wars of aggression violating international law. Most of the lethal missions of US combat drones, e.g. in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, and Africa, are conducted via Ramstein’s satellite relay station. US drone pilotes from a multitude of military bases use Ramstein for operating killer drones in illegal war missions around the world. In Ramstein itself, about 650 personnel continuously analyze, update and pass … Continue reading →
2017/09/12 Brussels
Strategy Meeting on GCOMS 2018
COMS 2018 Date/Time Date(s) – 12/09/2017 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Location Pax Christi International Dear colleagues, dear friends The Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) is an international campaign founded in December 2014 and promoted by the International Peace Bureau. The main aim is to reduce the global military spending thanks to the cooperative works made by the organisations of civil society. Nowadays, more the 100 organizations from 35 different nations have joined the campaign. The GCOMS is run … Continue reading →
Considering the recent events such as Macron’s recent election and from a French perspective, what is your opinion of the G 20? In Hamburg, the newly-elected French president, so far presented as “young and modern”, only perpetuated the habitual, neoliberal politics of his predecessors, Sarkozy and Hollande. No new ideas or initiatives were mentioned by President Macron in reaction to the dramatic failures of past unfair commercial practices, notably in Africa or concerning his support for the Paris Accord on … Continue reading →
Atomkriegsgefahr verhindern – Atomwaffenverbot unterstützen
Die verstärkte nukleare Aufrüstung und die aggressiven verbalen Atomkriegsdrohungen durch die USA, das Schweigen ihrer Verbündeten in der Nato und das Streben nach nuklearer Bewaffnung durch das nordkoreanische Regime haben die Menschheit an den Rand eines atomaren Krieges geführt. Damit erleben wir angesichts der Zuspitzung des Konflikts zwischen den USA und Nordkorea eine atomare Bedrohung, wie sie seit dem Ende des Kalten Krieges beispiellos ist. Gleichzeitig fördern die aktuellen wirtschaftlichen und politischen Verhältnisse eine militärische Konflikteskalation in Ostasien, die neben den USA und Nordkorea auch China, Japan, Südkorea und Russland in ein Wettrüsten mit Atomwaffen, Raketen und Raketenabwehrsystemen einzubeziehen droht.
Gedenkrede zum Hiroshimatag in Berlin – von Lucas Wirl
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Mehr als nur Drohnen
Die U.S.-Air Base Ramstein ist noch gefährlicher als man gemeinhin denkt.
von Andrea Drescher (veröffentlicht am 21.7.2017)
Hört oder liest man von Ramstein stehen immer die Drohnen – genauer, die dort ansässige SATCOM-Relaisstation – im Mittelpunkt des Interesses, ohne die der Drohnenkrieg der USA im arabischen Raum nicht möglich wäre. So schwerwiegend dieser Aspekt, der von deutschen Politikern heruntergespielt und von der deutschen Bevölkerung weitestgehend ignoriert wird, für den Weltfrieden ist: Die US-Militäranlagen in der Region Ramstein (Kaiserslautern) haben sehr viel weitreichendere Bedeutung.