Monthly Archives: May 2018
Krieg droht – mit ungeahnter weiterer kriegerischer Dynamik – Wir treffen uns auf den Plätzen und Straßen
Erklärung des International Coordinating Committee No to War – No to NATO Krieg droht – mit ungeahnter weiterer kriegerischer Dynamik – Wir treffen uns auf den Plätzen und Straßen Die faktische Aufkündigung des Iran Abkommens durch US-Präsident Trump hat nicht nur die internationale Politik weiter verschärft, sie wird zu weiterer Aufrüstung und Konfrontation führen. Eine mögliche Verbreiterung von Atomwaffen droht, auch wenn dieses erst einmal vom Iran dementiert wird. Saudi Arabien und weitere Länder des Nahen Ostens sind prinzipiell atomwaffenfähig. … Continue reading →
NATO – Struktur und Aufgaben
von Josef Mühlbauer.
Dem Frieden ein Gesicht geben: Vielfältige Protestaktionen gegen die US-Air Base Ramstein
Danger of war – with unforeseeable military consequences – we will come together on the streets
Declaration of the International Coordinating Committee No to War – No to NATO Danger of war – with unforeseeable military consequences – we will come together on the streets The withdrawal from the Iran deal by US president Trump has not only exacerbated international politics, it will lead to further armament and confrontation. First attacks between Iran and Israel underline the dangers of the actual situation. Israel is a nuclear weapons country. A possible nuclear proliferation is impending, even though … Continue reading →
IPB press release regarding new SIPRI figures
German MPs and actors from civil society emphasize: Disarmament is the challenge of our time 02.05.2018 On the occasion of the publication of the statistic on world military expenditure 2017 by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) German MPs and members of the peace movement criticized the enormous armament at a press conference of the International Peace Bureau (IPB). World military expenditure has risen to $1739 billion in 2017 with an upward trend. The press conference was part of … Continue reading →
2018/07/07 – 10 am till 1 pm Brussels
meeting of peace movements from the European nuclear (host) nations (update 06.07.2018 with agenda and location)
Invitation to the peace movements from the European nuclear (host) nations to a meeting in Brussels on Saturday 7th July 2018 (from 10 am to 1 pm), the meeting will take place in: De Kriekelaar Rue Gallait 86 B-1030 Schaerbeek It’s about 1 km or a 12 minute walk to the Brussels North Station For more details how to get there, see: We propose the following agenda: 10:00 – 10:15 Greetings by Ludo de Brabander 10:15 – 10:30 Round … Continue reading →
Researchers against EU military research – Sign the pledge
As you know the European Commission in 2017 took the unprecedented step by proposing a European military research programme of 40 billion euros for the next ten years. The establishment of a EU military research programme points towards an unprecedented acceleration in the militarisation of the EU and will divert funds from other research areas. These steps will not increase peace and security. On the contrary, they will only worsen global tensions. In the meantime, scientific research which might actually … Continue reading →