2019/04/04 Aarhus, Danmark
Rally: Stop Natos armament – invest in collective welfare
April 4th Aarhus
Rally: Stop Natos armament – invest in collective welfare
Starting point Town Square at 5 pm
Speakers: Birthe Sørensen, editor at Arbejderen (the worker),
Bo Hamburger, Arbejderbevægelsens Internationale Forum, AIF (Workers Internat. Forum).
Folkestedet, Carl Blochs Gade 28, Aarhus.
Songs at 6:30 pm and debate at 7 pm.
Tine Spang Olsen, peaceactivist “Stop Terrorkrigen – Ud af NATO” (Stop ther terror-war – Out of Nato), speaking on Natos aggressive policy.
Carsten Andersen, spokesperson for ”Aarhus mod Krig og Terror” (Aarhus against war and Terror), speaking on Peaceful Security Policy.
Tom Paamand, subversive journalist, peace-lobbyist and chairman for ”Aldrig Mere Krig” (War, never more) will contribute with facts and documentation.
No to ta new worldwar – Drop the cold war retoric, drop the set up of new missiles. Yes to negociations, relaxation and disarmament.
Invest in collective welfare, not in Nato – drop the Nato demand of 2% of GDP to military. Danish tax money shall not be used for weapon industry.
No to Danish participation in Nato wars of aggression – withdraw Danis troops and use the money to fight powerty and rebuilding the war-destoyed countries, where Nato has waged war.