Monthly Archives: October 2019
Deadly for the Environment and Climate: United States Military and War Policy
Why do weapon systems threaten people and the environment at the same time? by Reiner Braun A 2012 report from the US Congress found that the US Military is the largest single consumer of petroleum products in the USA and thus worldwide. According to recent report by researcher Neta C. Crawford, the Pentagon requires 350,000 barrels of oil per day. For better context of the extremity of this, the Pentagon’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2017 were 69 million more than … Continue reading →
A statement by: SAY NO TO THE WAR AND INVASION OF ROJAVA! Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT) calls for an immediate end to the invasion of Northern Syria (Rojava) by the Turkish government. Turkey and all other foreign forces in the region must immediately withdraw from the region. After a phone call between Donald Trump and Turkey’s President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday, the American president announced that the US military would withdraw from the region. Turkey has … Continue reading →
No to war against Kurds – IPB calls for negotiations
The war started by Turkey is an aggression against the Kurdish people and an attack against the Syrian territorial sovereignty. Tenth of civilians have already been killed by the Turkish bombing and many of them are escaping from the region.
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No to War and Military Bases – first thoughts afterwards
2019/06/23-30 Ramstein Germany Action week in Ramstein and Kaiserslautern against the Air Base 2019/06/28 Kaiserslautern Germany 3rd international conference “No Military Bases and Wars” No to War and Military Bases – first thoughts afterwards by Reiner Braun For many it was the threat of a war with Iran and the stationing of new nuclear weapons that led thousands of people to the streets to protest against the US Air Base in Ramstein on June 29th2019. The more than 5,000 participants … Continue reading →
Newsletter :: Blockierer soll verurteilt werden :: Einladung zur Aktionskonferenz
Blockierer vor der Air Base Ramstein soll verurteilt werden – Protestiert für Demokratie und Meinungsfreiheit Einladung zur Abendveranstaltung und Mahnwache vor dem Gericht
NO TO NATO performance in Copenhagen Denmark
Help environment and help humanity – Stop war!
Keep Space for Peace Week – No to NATO Video
Videos and photos from NoWar2019 Pathways to Peace
We filmed videos and posted them on Youtube.
We livestreamed the panels on Facebook.
Still photos by Ellen Davidson.
PREVENT NUCLEAR WAR and Join the Hibakusha Rebellion!