How to join: Click here to register for the Zoom link!
Tuesday, March 9 at 7:00pm-8:00pm Eastern Time (UTC-5) Continue reading →
How to join: Click here to register for the Zoom link!
Tuesday, March 9 at 7:00pm-8:00pm Eastern Time (UTC-5) Continue reading →
America has a vast overseas military empire. Does it still need it?
The U.S. has enjoyed global military dominance for decades. But in the face of emerging threats, some say a new strategy is in order.
Three days after the US attack on the senior military Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian amen published this picture showing an Iranian drone. Iran’s retaliation is a matter of time, says former diplomat Ann Wright. Photo: AP / TT
The original is here: and here:
Published February 20, 2021
When robots decide on life and death Continue reading →
A Global Demand to 35 Governments: Get Your Troops Out of Afghanistan / A Thank You to 6 That Already Have
Target: Governments with Troops Occupying Afghanistan
After three quarters of a century, it’s clear the alliance has done much more harm than good.
February 24, 2021
The February 17-18 meeting of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Defense Ministers, the first since U.S. President Joe Biden took power, revealed an antiquated, seventy-five-year-old alliance that, despite its military failures in Afghanistan and Libya, is now turning its military madness toward two more formidable, nuclear-armed enemies: Russia and China.
via Ukraine: Biden’s Unprincipled Stands Involving Covert Operations, Blackmail, Corruption, Nepotism and State Terrorism ByJeremy Kuzmarov – February 20, 2021
Continue reading →On 18 February 2021, in preparation for the Second IPB World Peace Congress in Barcelona this fall, IPB held a roundtable discussion on US-China Relations, featuring Dr. Joseph Gerson of the US and Prof. Wang Danning of China, with commentators from across Asia.
here are short minutes of our productive ICC meeting 16.02.2021 participants: Alain Rouy, Ann Wright, Ingela Martensson, Kate, Hudson, Kristine Karch, Ludo De Brabander (at the beginning), Medea Benjamin, Reiner Braun, Tamara Lorincz (later), Yves-Jean Gallas. Agenda: paper NATO2030 evaluate the webinar about NATO2030 we had a very interesting and productive webinar with about 35 persons. It is important to take more attention to this paper, even if the topics are not new, but never announced in this confrontational way. … Continue reading →
After the reintegration of France into the NATO integrated command decided by Nicolas Sarkozy in March 2009, the government has just taken a new step by proposing to NATO to host in Toulouse a new NATO Center of Excellence exclusively dedicated to space. Continue reading →
Après la réintégration de la France dans le commandement intégré de l’OTAN décidée par Nicolas Sarkozy en mars 2009, le gouvernement vient de franchir un nouveau pas en proposant à l’OTAN d’accueillir à Toulouse un nouveau Centre d’Excellence OTAN (CEO) exclusivement dédié à l’espace. Continue reading →
Le réseau Non à la guerre – Non à l’OTAN condamne les propositions pour un nouvel agenda de l’OTAN, exposées dans OTAN 2030: Unis pour une nouvelle ère . Ce rapport présente un dangereux plan d’expansion qui augmentera les tensions et les risques de guerre. Introduction En 2020, le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, Stoltenberg, a chargé un groupe de 10 « experts » de réfléchir à l’avenir de l’OTAN. Dans leur rapport OTAN 2030:Unis pour une nouvelle ère, ils présentent 138 propositions censées aider l’alliance militaire à relever les … Continue reading →
Watch the latest video from the Global Network which focuses on the impacts of the 5G network, it’s satellites, earth-based stations, antennas and military applications. The video is produced by Will Griffin who is a GN board member and Iraq & Afghanistan war veteran.
Continue reading →När robotar bestämmer över liv och död English: When robots decide on life and death is an inview with Ann Wright about the US assassin drone killer projects by the Swedish journalist Olof Klugman MEDIEHUSET GRÖNT.
Autonoma vapensystem kan göra dödandet både bekvämare och billigare. Nu kan världen stå inför en ny kapprustning och ett internationellt förbud brådskar, enligt fredsrörelsen. Men den svenska regeringens linje är ett frågetecken.
The first webinar, “The International Nuclear Disarmament Agenda: Civil Society Perspectives from Seven Key States” will be held
Tuesday, February 23 at 10 am EST – 9 am CST – 8 am MST – 7 am PST – 4 pm CET.
Speakers include:
Lockdown für Rüstung, Militär und Krieg
Samstag, 20. Februar 2021 um 14 Uhr, Marienplatz in München
Die „SIKO“ kommt später, aber wir sind schon da!
Wolfgang Ischinger hat die diesjährige MSC auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt verschoben und veranstaltet stattdessen eine virtuelle MSC am 19.02. von 16.00 bis 18.45 Uhr. Die Teilnehmer*innen, drunter Joe Biden, Angela Merkel, Jens Stoltenberg und Ursula von der Leyen, werden zugeschaltet.
Hello friends. The article below was printed in the UK daily paper, the Morning Star, and in the current newsletter of END – European Nucleaclear Disarmament – from the UK Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. NATO 2030 – United for a New Era NATO recently commissioned a report on the future of NATO from ten experts appointed by the Secretary- General, Jens Stoltenberg. It opens with congratulations to themselves, as according to the authors, NATO is the ‘most successful alliance in … Continue reading →
February 4, 2021
The No to war – No to NATO Network condemns the proposals for a new NATO agenda, outlined in NATO 2030: United for a New Era. The report presents a dangerous expansion plan that will increase tension and the risk of war. Continue reading →
First International Day of Action against Foreign Military Bases April 30th organized by the campaign Stopp Air Base Ramstein, the international “No to War – no to NATO” network, the International Peace Bureau with the support of GCOMs Resistance is the urgent challenge! We are calling for an INTERNATIONAL DAY of resistance to the approximately 1,000 military bases around the world, on which people can come together in strength and solidarity. Our solidarity is especially directed toward actions against the … Continue reading →
2021 Bikini Day Gensuikyo National Conference (Online)
Workshop: “For a Nuclear-Free and Peaceful Asia”
14:00 – 16:00 JST (UTC+9) , Sunday, February 28, 2021 |
Here is the link to join the workshop.
Meeting ID: 859 8064 2635
English-Japanese translation is available for this meeting. Looking forward to meeting and discussing with you online! Continue reading →
Am: 24.02.2021 18:00 Uhr Ort: Online-Diskussion veranstaltet von KLUG, IPPNW und der Initiative Sicherheit neu denken. Wir sind dabei die planetare Bewohnbarkeit zu stören und möglicherweise irreversibel zu zerstören, durch Erderhitzung, Biodiversitätsverlust, Übernutzung der Lebensgrundlagen, Raubbau an der Natur und zunehmender Atomkriegsgefahr. Das hat schon jetzt massive Folgen für unsere Gesundheit, aber auch für die menschliche Sicherheit.
Continue reading →Einladung zur Online-Veranstaltung am 26.3. ab 18 Uhr: Klimakrise zwischen Militarisierung und Frieden Klimaveränderungen erzeugen und verschärfen soziale, ethnische und geostrategische Konflikte durch die Ausbeutung und Vernichtung von Ressourcen, Wetterextreme und Naturkatastrophen, Vertreibung und Flucht, die besonders die verwundbaren und fragilen Regionen treffen.
Continue reading →POSTPONED due to the preparation of counter actions against the next NATO summit on June 14th, 2021 in Brussels.
More information are coming soon.
The focus of this meeting is for us to familiarize ourselves with NATO’s new campaign “NATO 2030: United for a New Era”. Please visit the web site here: and if you can please read in advance 67-page report (in English and French) here: and
In this session we will focus on the topics
The discussion will also reflect on the Meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence in Brussels, 17-18 February 2021
Dial by your location
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Meeting ID: 853 0613 3416
Passcode: 169434
Pablo Domínguez spoke also in the WSF webinars ‘Global NATO – All Countries Are Affected’ and in ‘Military Bases: Environment and Geostrategic Impacts’
Talk by Alison Bodine at the United National Antiwar Coalition National Conference held from February 21–23, 2020, at the People’s Forum in New York City.
Dr. Steinfeld wird erschlagen in seiner Praxis gefunden. Der renommierte Psychiater war spezialisiert auf Kriegstraumata, unter seinen Patienten finden sich zivile Opfer von kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen wie auch traumatisierte Militärangehörige der US Air Base in Ramstein. Menschen mit unterschiedlichsten Gewalterfahrungen, von denen sich einer möglicherweise gegen seinen Therapeuten gewandt hat.
Joseph Gerson shared the following slightly edited version of a CNN report. U.S. and France flex muscles in South China Sea, raising Beijing’s ire CNN – Feb. 9,2021 CNN reports that two U.S. carrier groups are conducting exercises in the South China Sea, reinforced by France which announced one of its attack submarines had sailed through the zone. According to CNN: The Navy reported that “The aircraft carriers Theodore Roosevelt and Nimitz “conducted a multitude of exercises aimed at increasing … Continue reading →
Rae Street, February 2021 NATO recently commissioned a report on the future of NATO from ten experts appointed by the Secretary- General, Jens Stoltenberg. It opens with congratulations to themselves, as according to the authors, NATO is the ‘most successful alliance in history’. I guess it depends on how you define ‘success’. Provoking conflict by expansion? Not short on arrogance, the report claims that it is ‘indispensable’ with its ‘peace ensuring role’ in a world of ‘competing great powers’. Throughout … Continue reading →
von: Jürgen Wagner | Veröffentlicht am: 27. Januar 2021
COLOGNE, Germany — The U.S. Air Force is temporarily deploying 200 personnel with an expeditionary B-1 Lancer squadron to Norway to help manage bomber training flights in the region, U.S. European Command announced Tuesday.
Continue reading →31“….the rise of China is fundamentally shifting the global balance of power;heating up the race for economic and technological supremacy; multiplying the threats to open societies and individual freedoms; and increasing the competition over our values and our way of life.” This is how NATO chief, Jens Stoltenberg,speaking in June 2020, introduced his outline for NATO 2030,
Continue reading →by Tamara Lorincz January 31, 2021
The most significant multilateral treaty for nuclear disarmament in fifty years came into force on January 22. The United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) has now been ratified by over 50 countries and signed by more than 80 countries.
by John C. Cannon on 18 January 2021
Mongabay Series: Covering the Commons, Land rights and extractives
by Manlio Dinucci NATO is looking to the future. For this reason, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg summoned students and young leaders of the Alliance countries via video conference on February 4, proposing “new ideas for NATO 2030.” His initiative is part of the growing involvement with universities and schools, also with a competition on the theme: “What will be the greatest threats to peace and security in 2030 and how will NATO adapt to counter them?” To carry out the theme, … Continue reading →
Asia-Pacific Political Economy: Dynamics and Their Implications, Tuesday, February 9, 2021 9 p.m. (EST) Register at: In recent decades, the Asia/Indo-Pacific region has been transformed by unprecedented economic growth, driven in significant measure by globalization, law wage production, growing economic inequality, repressive labor laws, technological coemption and disregard for the environment. With the world’s three largesteconomies the region is responsible for 60 percent of global gross domestic product. Impacting these dynamics are the impacts of the pandemic, the U.S.-Chinese trade war including … Continue reading →
Angelo Cardona, Alianza Iberoamericana por la Paz – AIPP
La Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) fue fundada en 1949 como una alianza militar intergubernamental con el objetivo de defender a sus aliados y frenar la expansión de la entonces Unión Soviética. Hace más de 70 años que se fundó la OTAN y actualmente cuenta con 30 Estados miembros y 9 socios globales fuera de Europa.
by Angelo Cardona,Ibero-American Alliance for Peace
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded in 1949 as an intergovernmental military alliance with the aim of defending its allies and stopping the expansion of the then Soviet Union. NATO was founded more than 70 years ago and currently has 30 member states and 9 global partners outside of Europe.
The focus of this meeting is for us to familiarize ourselves with NATO’s new campaign “NATO 2030: United for a New Era”. Please visit the web site here: and if you can please read in advance 67-page report (in English and French) here: and Our No to NATO Network needs to discuss this terrible plan and develop a strategy of resistance. Many of us believe that NATO 2030 will prevent the international community from achieving the Paris … Continue reading →