12 Russian and 12 US-American Women have signed our Open Letter Calling for Peace!
The letter came about through the work of US-American and Russian women participating in a dialogue and peacebuilding initiative found in 2021 by Women Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy and the American Committee for US-Russia Accord. Please see the final versions of our letter in both English and Russian, here is the link: https://www.nuclearwakeupcall.earth/independentamericanandrussianwomencallforpeace
The letter has just been published in The Nation with a powerful opening essay by Nadia Azhgikhina:
The letter has been published in Russia in Novye Izvestia!
Please see attached the final versions of our letter in both English and Russian, and here is a link to where it is posted online: https://www.nuclearwakeupcall.earth/independentamericanandrussianwomencallforpeace
Please see the final versions of our letter in both English and Russian. Here is a link to where it is posted online: https://www.nuclearwakeupcall.earth/independentamericanandrussianwomencallforpeace