2022/05/07 zoom and facebook
Secure Finland without Nato and nuclear weapons
Rauhanliitto – Fredsförbundet und Suomen Rauhanpuolustajat ry. (Finland) are organizing an event with the title Secure Finland without Nato and nuclear weapons at 9 am UTC. as part of the Nordic action day for peace. First part is in Finnish,
the second part starting at 11.30 UTC in English.
You are hereby invited to join online through the youtube chanel of Finnish Peace committee
The speakers in the English part include: Reiner Braun, Risto Isomäki, Yurii Sheliazhenko, Ingeborg Breines (tbc) ,Tord Björk and Boris Kagarlitsky.
The English session is available also in zoom:
More info in Finnish and Swedish: https://www.facebook.com/events/385028833479340
Cooperative security, the UN and other options
A public debate on NATO, security and alternatives to armed security. Also on the UN, OSCE and international cooperation.