Monthly Archives: January 2024
2024/02/11 webinar 11 am EST
2024/02/02 UNAC webinar 12 noon EST
War and Climate Change
A UNAC webinar
February 2, 2024, 12 noon EST
2024/01/28 zoom 18h CET
Online-Treffen Aktionsberatung Steadfast Defender
Steadfast Defender wirft seine Schatten voraus. Zur gegenseitigen Information, Vernetzung und Vorbereitung von Aktivitäten laden wir euch recht herzlich für
Freitag, 26. Januar 2024, 18 Uhr
zu einem onlinetreffen ein. Zugangsdaten unten. Da die Hauptaktivitäten erst im Mai sein werden, bleibt noch etwas Zeit. Einladung bitte weiterleiten.
friedliche Grüße Reiner Braun und Torsten Schleip
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2024/04/06 Essen, Germany
Agenda für Frieden in Europa
2024/01/13 Hamburg, Germany
Friedenskanal Hamburg “Global Day of Action for Gaza in Hamburg 2024 Hamburger Forum und Palästinensische Gemeinde
Es gibt einen neuen Film auf dem Friedenskanal Hamburg Dauer: 14:32 Minuten
Joseph Gerson : Gaza Cease-Fire Now! No Wider War
we must join the majority of the world’s nations in building pressure on Biden and Netanyahu to declare a ceasefire, to deluge Gaza with the food, water, medicines, and fuel essential for life. We must do this with everything we’ve got and we must do it now.
Joseph Gerson Common Dreams
2024/02/05 session 1
IPB Peace Education Webinar 1: What is neutrality?
Radioactive:The Women of Three Mile Island
Start: Thursday, March 28, 2024• 7:00 PM
Location:Cinema du Parc•3575, av. du Parc, Montreal, QC H2X 3P9 CA
Host Contact Info:
Killer Robots: UN Vote Should Spur Action on Treaty
From: “‘Kate Kheel’ via GN List serve: Keep Space4Peace”
On October 5, Secretary-General Guterres & President of the IC Red Cross Mirjana Spoljaric issued a joint appeal for UN member states to negotiate a new international treaty by 2026 to ban and regulate autonomous weapons systems.
2024/01/13 zoom
Towards Peace, Justice, and World Social Forum 2024
Event by Folkochfred
Public · Anyone on or off Facebook
2024/01/12 Washington DC, USA
BREAKING: Protests Held Tonight at the White House & Times Square
BREAKING: Protests Held Tonight at the White House & Times Square
Photo: Demonstration tonight outside of the White House
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