Saturday, April 27, 11a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EDT (East Cost USA)
Women united against NATO speak out from Latin America
with speakers from Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela.
English <-> Spanish simultaneous interpretation available.
Organiser: Global Women for Peace United Against NATO – GWUAN
Supported by: No to war – No to Nato network | MAPA (Massachusetts Peace Action) | United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) | Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) | United Nurces Association of California | CODEPINK – women for peace
Speakers are: |
Juliette Tain, Cuba
Yuliette works at the Embassy of Cuba as a Second Secretary in Washington DC.
Leonelis Diaz, Venezuela
Passionate about political activities with social sensitivity, integration and cooperation. I work in the areas of popular and communal Feminism, political formation and Revolutionary Internationalism, within the organization of the Left Cultural Front and the Communal Union of Venezuela through the application of La Ruta De Las Flores as a communal feminist policy for the strengthening of the social fabric in the areas of Sexual and Reproductive Health, Violence against women, and Political participation and leadership of women, as well as in our role in the construction of Commander Chávez’s strategic project: La Commune. |
Rosy Elva Zuniga Lopez, Mexico
Rosa is a Popular Educator, Feminist, Mexican Sociologist. From a very young age she has been involved in various social and youth movements. She is currently the General Secretary of the Council of Popular Education of Latin America and the Caribbean – CEAAL, from where she articulates diverse continental efforts to confront the system of colonial, patriarchal and capitalist domination; she is a member of the International Council of the World Social Forum and its secretariat, from where she accompanies the organization of the World Social Forums; It is a member of the Social Assembly of Struggles and Resistance of the World Social Forum, from where it articulates actions with various global movements to build a global action agenda; it is an active member of the Committee of Solidarity with Palestine in Guadalajara and the International Coalition to Stop the Genocide in Palestine.
She has conducted investigations on the problems of Mexican indigenous communities of women and civil organizations. Among them, the Identity of Indigenous Women, the productive problems in Chiapas and the changes that civil and social organizations have generated.
She taught Environmental Education and Community Development at the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicos de Chiapas and Agropecuarias at University of Guadalajara.
Also, taught Conservation of Natural Resources at the Colegio de la Frontera Sur – Ecolodge of the South. at the Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Sede San Cristobal.
She coordinated the creation of didactic materials for citizen participation, the promotion of human rights and the systematization of human rights and the systematization of experiences. She has several publications on the problems experienced by indigenous communities and on the systematization of experiences.
She considers herself a citizen of the world, committed, critical and sensitive to the injustices experienced today by the peoples of Latin America, the Caribbean and the Caribbean. |
Moderator: Gloria Caballero Roca, Afro-Cuban
Register https://masspeace.us/nato-bases-webinar
We are asking each woman to talk bout the role of the U.S. / NATO and as they experience their imperialist role in her country. How and what kind of militarization do they experience in their country, by whom and by what? (10 minutes each)
Then any conversation they want to have on the podium, questions or comment (another total 15 minutes).
Then open questions/ comments from people on the webinar. (total 30 min).
I’m in favor of a meeting, every speaker and participant should be able to speak and use the camera, speaking time 3 min. each).
Then each woman gets to give her final thoughts (at the end, 5 min. each).
Program should be 90 minutes.