2020/10/08 First zoom event 10am (EST), 3pm (BST), 6pm (KST), 12midnight (AEST)
Global Network leaders discuss ‘Space domination’ during Keep Space for Peace Week
Global Network leaders discuss ‘Space domination’ during Keep Space for Peace Week
October 8, 2020 on Zoom
10am (EST), 3pm (BST), 6pm (KST), 12midnight (AEST)
How can we confront the rapidly increasing militarisation and possible weaponization of space?
When the US Space Force was established last year President Trump said that it marked “a big moment” and that there was “going to be a lot of things happening in space. Because space is the world’s newest warfighting domain.”
A new generation of space weapons – Episode 2 of Reagan’s Star Wars – is in the cards. The U.S., Russia, China and India have extensive military space programmes and tested Anti-satellite weapons (ASATs) and the UK, France, NATO, Japan and South Korea have either established or are working towards their own military Space Forces.
Keep Space for Peace Week gives us an opportunity to focus on the challenges presented by the rush to exploit space.
GN Convenor Professor Dave Webb introduces a panel of GN experts: Professor Karl Grossman (U.S.), Tamara Lorincz (Canada), Sung-Hee Choi (South Korea), Denis Doherty (Australia) and GN Coordinator Bruce Gagnon (U.S.) to discuss ways in which we can face these challenges.
Register for the meeting here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wOxEQ4elRCGbfi0G8ZfHew
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 389-4606
http://space4peace.blogspot.com (blog)
‘Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.’
~ Henry David Thoreau