2021/01/24 | 11-15 h UTC+1
Preventing War Through Collaboration And Dialogue
Preventing War Through Collaboration And Dialogue
January 24th, 2021, at 11:00 – 15:00 CET (UTC+1)
Organised by PragueSpring2
Join: https://zoom.us/j/99394487928?pwd=MHdjS3FBdkZUVCtxanZGYW5Odll3QT09
on Nagorno-Karabakh:
Aram Amirbekian (Armenia), Academic and Anti-War Activist
Bahruz Samadov (Azerbaijan),
on the conflict in Donbass:
Nina Potorska (Ukraine), Political Scientist
Andreij Kochetov (Lugansk), Trade Union Leader
on the war in Syria:
Omar Alshaar (Syria), International Movement for Peace in Syria
Samir Abullaban (Istanbul), Muslim Brotherhood
Nilüfer Koc (Kurdistan-Germany), Solidarity movement with Rojava
on the Resistance in Palestine and Peace in Israel
Iman Shaker (Palestine-Austria) BDS
Farid Esack (South Africa) Muslim theologist Solidarity Movement with Palestine
Yoav Bar (Israel) One Democratic State solution
on the Sahrawi People
El Hiba Abdelouhab (Sahrawi) Africa watch
introduction on common strategy for transformation
Alexander Buzgalin (Russia), coordinator of the organisation Alternatives
Moderator: Kate Hudson (UK), CND, No to war – no to NATO network.
What can social movements do to promote peace and prevent war? In this webinar we will first discuss the ongoing processes of collaboration and dialogue as tools in the pursuit of peace in four different areas of conflict (Nagorno-Karabakh, Donbass, Syria and Palestine) and then ask the question, what the different peace-activities can learn from each other in order to establish a common strategy for the transformation of conflicts.