2021/01/24 | 21-23 h UTC+1
COVID-19 Global Solidarity Manifesto
COVID-19 Global Solidarity Manifesto
January 24th, 2021, at 21:00 – 23:00 CET (UTC+1)
Organized by COVID-19 Global Solidarity Coalition
join: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYscOuupjkjHdcDXDSaDvceXe23_a-PUo_p
Speakers: TBC
Moderator: David Vine (USA), Anthropologist at American University
The webinar will provide a discussion of the COVID-19 Global Solidarity Manifesto, how to disseminate it more widely, and how to ensure its greatest impact. It will also go into a strategy session to launch a campaign to thank nurses, doctors, teachers, social workers, and others serving humanity during the pandemic and after. The underlying goal is to valorise these professions more and ensure that soldiers (in the US and elsewhere) are not the only people thanked for their “service.