2022/05/02 Mexico City + online 15h UTC / 10am mex-time
World Social Forum 2022 plenary NO TO WAR – YES TO LIFE!

(02. May 2022, 15h UTC = 10am mex-time)
Online and Escuela de Medicina Ciudad
Register in advance for this meeting: https://www.bitlylinks.com/imV0-xRlo (zoom link)
https://wsf2022.org/ | https://join.wsforum.net/activities/10374
This would be the main event in the thematic PEACE AREA which, because of its importance should be organized by the WSF-Facilitation-Committee.
The threats with nuclear weapons, 26 actual wars and more than 200 armed conflicts demonstrate: the world is in danger. 2Billion Dollar 2020 for military spending and 900 million people are going with hunger to bed, poverty enlarged worldwide. Money for health care and education is missing everywhere. We need disarmament for surviving, for solving the global challenges and realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
It implies the participation of outstanding personalities who profess their opposition to any kind of military action to pursue political goals. The participants will examine the root-causes of the ongoing military conflicts and outline the perspectives of peace-making in different parts of the world.
- Reiner Braun – executive director of the International Peace Bureau – Germany (zoom)
- Noam Chomsky – Professor of Linguistics – USA (video)
- Jeremy Corbyn – former Chair of the Labour Party, MP from UK (zoom)
- Julieta Daza, Venezuela/Columbien Juventud Rebelde (zoom)
- Aleida Guevara, Cuba (tbc)
- Cindy Larissa Rodríguez, Deputy minister for international cooperation Honduras
- Binalakshmi “Bina” Nepram – indigenous activist and Human Rights activist from India, board member IPB – India
- Raul Vera, catholic bishop from Saltillo, Mexico
Mexican Singer Cabino Palimarez
Moderation: Cora Fabros, Philippines network for peace and nuclear weapons free (zoom), and Miguel Alvarez, SERAPAZ, Mexic
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Register in advance for this meeting:
https://www.bitlylinks.com/imV0-xRlo (zoom link) https://wsf2022.org/
Original zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvf-mppj0oH9AKzRi0xsCMkYCaxGL8oB1w