2019/09/21-23 New York USA
People’s Mobilization To Stop The US War Machine
Continue reading →https://popularresistance.org/peoples-mobilization-to-stop-the-us-war-machine/
Continue reading →Invitation to the IPB Youth Network Conference 2019 – Transform! Towards a Culture of Peace Organizers IPB Youth Network, IPB in partnership with ITUC and ITUC Youth With the support of DFG-VK, International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES), Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (tbc) Date 20-22 September 2019 Location Technical University Berlin, Building of Mathematics, Strasse des 17. Juni 136, Berlin, Germany IPB Youth Network Conference Transform! Towards a Culture of Peace (as of 26 July 2019) … Continue reading →
Organized by Abolition 2000-Europe Nuclear Weapons Working Group www.abolition2000.org | Bertrand Russel Peace Foundation www.russfound.org/ | INES www.inesglobal.net | International Peace Bureau www.ipb.org | IPPWN Europa www.ippnw.eu | ITUC www.ituc-csi.org | With the support of TRANSFORM www.transform-network.net & Belgian Coalition Against Nuclear Weapons www.nonukes.be
Hello, after the letter of invitation from the Municipality in Italian and Slovenian, here’s a press release for the cross border event on the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence, that will take place Friday, August 30 afternoon. Alessandro Capuzzo The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Slovenija, for an international Gulf of Peace and free from nuclear weapons – The 2nd edition of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence will start on October 2 this … Continue reading →
July 19th 2019
Manifestation for the US Consulate 12:45h
Museumplein 19, 1071 DJ Amsterdam
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Call for participation on the actions day against nuclear weapons in Büchel at 07/07/2019 (unfortuntly only in German language) Aufruf zum 2. Aktionstag am Fliegerhorst Büchel/Eifel am Sonntag, 7. Juli 2019 Wir, Christinnen und Christen aus mehreren evangelischen Landeskirchen und der katholischen Friedensbewegung pax christi laden in Kooperation mit ICAN und IPPNW ein, nach Büchel (bei Cochem/Mosel) zu kommen. Dort lagern US-amerikanische Atombomben, die im Kriegsfall von deutschen Flugzeugen zu ihren Zielen geflogen werden. Nun sollen sowohl die Bomben, als … Continue reading →
Kampagne Stopp AirBase Ramstein
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Continue reading →
Hi all, Here is an invitation to join the 2019 East Asia Peace Walk from June 10- August 6 which goes from Okinawa, to Taiwan, to 3 Japanese islands that have missile bases , Jeju Island, South Korea and finally to Hiroshima. Rev Yuichi Kamshita has led walks in the Pacific North West and on the East Coast. Could we add this peace march to all our organizational calendars? VFP, World Beyond War, No to NATO, Nuclear Resister, Codepink and … Continue reading →
Vor der Wahl zum EU-Parlament Wo steht die EU? Wo geht sie hin? Eine Veranstaltung von: Attac Projektgruppe Europa, Friedens-und Zukunftswerkstatt Frankfurt, Initiative Europa neu begründen, Initiative EUREXIT, Attac-Gruppe Frankfurt Frankfurt/M. 18. Mai 2019 11:00 h – 17:30 h Türkisches Volkshaus, Werrastraße 29 (Hinterhaus, 2. Stock)* Die EU steckt in einer Mehrfachkrise. BREXIT, Konflikte über den Umgang mit Flucht und Migration, autoritäre Regierungen in einigen Mitgliedsländern, Probleme des Euro, Aufrüstung zwischen Eigenständigkeit und NATO, Handelskrieg mit den USA. Was ist von … Continue reading →
We’re now in the post-post Cold War era, an interregnum marked my major geopolitical changes, uncertainty, and an unrestrained nuclear arms race. With partner organizations across the U.S., Europe and East Asia, we have assembled a remarkable group of analysts and movement leaders to deepen our understanding of the changing world and how we can best respond. On May 4, 20198 (8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.), at Judson Memorial Church in New York City, we invite you to join an international conference, “Growing … Continue reading →
Vortrag und Diskussion “Der (un)aufhaltsame Weg Europas zur militärischen Großmacht” mit Claudia Haydt (IMI) Ort: Innenstadt, Wedel, 22880 Wedel | Zeit noch offen. Veranstalterin: Friedensnetzwerk Pinneberg
Continue reading →by Pat Elder Reporting from the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington. See our media messages attached here. I’ll be speaking tonight on military recruiting – and contamination – at 7:00 pm Washington time.
More information also on https://www.codepink.org/dc_protect_the_venezuelan_embassyhttps://www.codepink.org/dc_protect_the_venezuelan_embassy
(Themen: Nato-Kommando-Zentrale JSEC in Ulm, Rüstungsexporte, Rüstungsetat (2%-Ziel), Atomwaffen (INF, NPT, TPNW), Bundeswehr-Werbung (Jugendoffiziere in Schulen)
Auftakt/Start: 16.30 Uhr, Eingang der Wilhelmsburg-Kaserne mit 1 Rede und Musik, anschl. (ca 17 Uhr) Demozug in die Innenstadt zur Abschlußkundgebung: 18 Uhr, Hans-und-Sophie-Scholl-Platz, mit 3 Reden und Musik: Festtagsmusik, Mod.: Lothar Heusohn, [Flyer siehe hier], VA: Ulmer Friedensgruppen [als zentrale Auftakt aller Baden-württembergischen Ostermärsche]
Webseite: ruestung-ostalb.wixsite.com Ort: Wilhelmsburg-Kaserne, Ulm, Stuttgarter Str. 199, 89081 Ulm Kontakt: Ulmer Friedensgruppen, 89075 Ulm, , ruestung-ostalb.wixsite.com
The meeting will be dedicated to Julian Assange. An Evolving EU/NATO Military Alliance From Yugoslavia via Syria to Venezuela – the road of the aggressors Public Meeting Ireland Institute 27 Pearse Street Dublin, Ireland Tuesday 16th April 2019 at 7.30pm All welcome – Admission Free Programme:- * Robert Navan has a great understanding of Latin America, will chair this debate on evolving imperialist strategy today – *Presentation by Eva and Markus Heizmann – Their long experience supporting Syrians devastated by … Continue reading →
Die Veranstaltung des ZAA* findet am 14. 04.2019 um 11 Uhr in Neumünster statt mit Alison Dorsch von IMI.
“Die Ostsee : Aufmarschgebiet der NATO gegen Russland oder Meer des Friedens?”
Vermutlich 11 Uhr im DGB – Haus, Carlst. 7.
Weitere Informationen gibt es in Kürze.
*ZAA = Zusammenarbeitsausschuss der Friedensbewewgung in Schleswig Holstein https://zaafrieden.wordpress.com/
SEMINAR ON EUROPEAN MILITARISM IN AMSTERDAM April, 14th 2019 in Amsterdam The Dutch committee Oorlog is Geen Oplossing (War is No Solution) and the anti-militarist research group VD AMOK together with the international Network No to War – No to NATO are inviting you to a seminar on European militarism Sunday April 14th in Amsterdam. Place of the meeting: Perdu Kloveniersburgwal 86 1012 CZ Amsterdam Tel: +31 20 627 62 95 Time 11.00-17:00 Some weeks before the European Union Parlamentarian … Continue reading →
This month, the GCOMS – Global Campaign on Military Spending released its third newsletter of 2019!
It provides an overview of current events related to military spending around the world and of the campaign’s activities in preparation for the next GDAMS – Global Days Against Military Spending (13 April – 9 May 2019). Click here to access the newsletter
Auftaktkundgebung: 14 Uhr, Luiseplatz / Brandenburger Tor (Potsdam!), Brandenburger Str. 1, 14467 Potsdam | Redner*innen: Diether Dehm (MdB, Die Linke), Alexander Wehr (ver.di, Die Linke) | anschl. Demo durch die Innenstadt zur Abschlusskundgebung: 16 Uhr, Platz der Einheit, Deserteursdenkmal,
Veranstalterin: Friedenskoordination Potsdam (gegen Militarismus, Nationalismus, Rassismus und Krieg)
The Peace Event of the Dutch Socialist Party will take place on Saturday April 13. Peace day, Amsterdam April 13th, programme with some proviso. Request: Please let us know that you are coming, so we know in advance. Either via https://doemee.sp.nl/vredesdag via button ‘Doe Mee’, or . Opening venue; 10.30 Morning session; 11-12.30. 11.00. Opening clip 11.01. Message by Noam Chomsky 11.02. Opening remarks by party chairman Ron Meijer 11.15-11.35. Ludo de Brabander. ‘Developments in NATO and Europe on nuclear … Continue reading →
Das Dortmunder Friedensforum veranstaltet am 12. April, um 19:00 Uhr, im Kulturcafe “Taranta Babu”, Humboldtstr. 44, einen Informations- und Diskussionsabend zum Thema: ” 70 Jahre NATO (k)ein Grund zum feiern? ” Es referiert Reiner Braun, Co-Präsident des Internationalen Friedensbüros (IPB). Er wird die globale Rolle der NATO darstellen und in diesem Zusammenhang auch auf die europäische Militarisierung eingehen.
Continue reading →Flyer anzeigen 70 Jahre NATO KL 11.4-2019.pdf
mehr Informationen auf http://www.piee.kl-netz.de/?page=home (Seite der Pfälzer Initiative Entrüstet Euch)
altre informazioni in italiano INVITO IT.pdf INVITACIÓN PARA LA CONVENCIÓN INTERNACIONAL DEL 70º ANIVERSARIO DE LA NATO Promotores: ASOCIACIÓN PARA UM MUNDO SIN GUERRA Comisión No Guerra No NATO/Global Research en colaboración con Pax Christi Itália, Comisión de Justicia y Paz de los Misioneros Combonianos, Rivista/Sito Marx21, Sección Italiana de WILPF (Liga Internacional de las Mujeres por la Paz y Liberdad), Mesa para la Paz do Val di Cecina y otras asociaciones cuya adesión está en andamiento. Convención … Continue reading →
Internationalist Front (FAI) has organised a rally in front of the US embassy in Madrid, Spain. We are forwarding the report from the rally and the statement that was read. After an intense but brief hailstorm, some 50 people accompanied the representation of “the NATO clown”, with a satirical interpretation of the role in security and stability that politicians and the mass media try to convince us NATO plays and of the complicity of the Spanish state and the cession … Continue reading →
Ort und Zeit wird noch bekannt gegeben Siehe auch www.no-natom-krieg.de und www.essener-friedensforum.de
Continue reading →+++ save the date +++ save the date +++ save the date +++
www.unbelehrbare.de planen eine satirische Plakat Aktion u.a. mit Fotos von Zerstörungen durch die Natokriege Irak, Afghanistan, Serbien, Libyen, Syrien etc. und als Unterschrift klein evtl.: “Völkerrecht? … interessiert uns nicht, denn wir sind die Guten” | “Genfer Konvention? … interessiert uns nicht, denn wir sind die Guten” | “Haager Landkriegsordnung? … interessiert uns nicht, denn wir sind die Guten” | “Genfer Rot-Kreuz-Gefasel? … interessiert uns nicht, denn wir sind die Guten” | “UN-Uranwaffenverbot? … interessiert uns nicht, denn wir sind die Guten”
Weitere informationen gibt es in Kürze hier oder auf www.unbelehrbare.de
On April 4 2019, Trump will gather the leaders of the NATO countries to Washington, DC to “celebrate” the 70<sup>th</sup> anniversary of NATO. April 4 is also the date of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., exactly one year after his famous antiwar speech at Riverside Church in New York City.
Dear sisters and brothers, We’re two weeks away from April 4th, the anniversary of the awful murder of our brother Martin. We carry this man in our souls. We know his essence and we remember Beyond Vietnam at Riverside Church: I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today: my own government. For the sake … Continue reading →
Thursday, April 4th
We learned yesterday (21.03.2019) that the NATO foreign ministers will be meeting at the State Department at 2201 C St. NW, Washington DC on the morning of Thursday, April 4th.
8:00 am- 9:30 am – We will come together at the Albert Einstein Memorial, (2101 Constitution Ave.), very close to the State Department where the NATO foreign ministers will be meeting.
At this point, we’ll decide on a potentially more suitable location to hear from speakers and musicians, protest NATO, and greet meeting attendees.
At 9:30, we’ll march 15 minutes to the MLK Memorial for a rally there at 10 a.m. with speakers and musicians.
At that point we’ll announce further arrangements. More: https://worldbeyondwar.org/notonato/
Don’t miss out during this fabulous time in our nation’s capital.
Stop military aggression and upgrading! Demonstration April 4 at. 17.00 In front of the parliament on the occasion of NATO’s 70th birthday. Major organizer: The major Labor Union in Oslo, No to nuclear weapons organization and several peace organizations. The organizations have agreed on these five paroles: ■ Stop new cold war – ban nuclear weapons – support UN nuclear weapons ban ■ No new nuclear weapons in Europe ■ No foreign forces stationed in Norway during peacetime ■ No … Continue reading →
Break the Silence YES to Peace! NO to NATO! Join us to commemorate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. MN Capitol Steps (75 MLK Blvd. St. Paul MN) Thursday, April 4, 2019 Join us on the capitol steps at 12:15 for Veterans for Peace Chapter 27 Bell Ringing and commemorative program, including a speaker from Communities United Against Police Brutality. At 1:30 we will meet in the capitol rotunda to hear excerpts from the “Beyond Vietnam” speech … Continue reading →
TUSCANY TAKES PART TO GLOBAL MOBILIZATION FOR THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF NATO Every month ships of the Global Logistics, Liberty Promise, Liberty Passion, Liberty Pride and Liberty Peace arrive at the port of Livorno to load weapons coming from the largest US arsenal outside the United States, Camp Darby, located between Pisa and Livorno. The weapons are destined for the Middle East and Saudi Arabia. Since 1990, arms have been fired from Livorno for all the wars of NATO or … Continue reading →
April 4th Copenhagen Rally: Stop Natos armament – invest in collective welfare 5 pm – 6.30 pm at Nytorv, Copenhagen center. https://www.facebook.com/events/331797560802511/ Speakers: Claus Westergreen, chairman 3F BJMF (building workers union) Gerd Berlev, coordinating commitee TID TIL FRED – aktiv mod krig (Time for Peace – active against war) Anton Nielsen, Horserød-Stutthof foreningen (antifascist organisation) Spokesperson from 3F BJMF-youth Contact * No to a new worldwar – Drop the cold war retoric. Yes to negociations, relaxation and disarmament. * … Continue reading →
WESER-KURIER, 5. APRIL 2019, über die Mahnwache des Bremer Friedensforums: “70 Jahre NATO sind genug!”
Continue reading →70 Jahre NATO – Abschied von der nuklearen Teilhabe? Donnerstag, 4. April 2019 von 19:00 bis 21:00 UTC+02 im Aufsturz, Oranienburger Straße 67, 10117 Berlin Gastgeber: ICAN Deutschland und IPPNW Germany https://www.facebook.com/events/2268758140009541/
Continue reading →April 4th Aarhus Rally: Stop Natos armament – invest in collective welfare Starting point Town Square at 5 pm Speakers: Birthe Sørensen, editor at Arbejderen (the worker), Bo Hamburger, Arbejderbevægelsens Internationale Forum, AIF (Workers Internat. Forum). Peace-Meeting Folkestedet, Carl Blochs Gade 28, Aarhus. Songs at 6:30 pm and debate at 7 pm. Panelists: Tine Spang Olsen, peaceactivist “Stop Terrorkrigen – Ud af NATO” (Stop ther terror-war – Out of Nato), speaking on Natos aggressive policy. Carsten Andersen, spokesperson for ”Aarhus … Continue reading →
Wednesday, April 3rd
8:00 am- 9:00 am – We will gather at the Shepherd Statue at 13th & Pennsylvania Ave. in Freedom Plaza (ext. link to google) to protest during a very special event. That’s all we can say at this point.
Afterward, we’ll walk 12 blocks down Pennsylvania Ave. to the Peace Monument on Capitol Hill.
10:00 am – 11:00 am – We will gather at the Peace Monument (ext. link Peace Monument) on Capitol Hill while NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg prepares to address a joint session of Congress beginning at 11:00 am.
Our European comrades Kristine Karch, Ludo De Brabander, and Reiner Braun will join others in addressing the rally.
Afterward, we’ll walk up 1st Street to Louisiana Ave to the Union Station Metro. Take the Red Line toward Shady Grove. Transfer to the Green Line at Gallery Place – to the Columbia Heights Station.
From there, we’ll walk to St. Stephen’s Church, 1525 Newton St NW for the Peace Festival from Noon to 10:00 pm.
Während die Militärs und Politiker in Washington den NATO-Geburtstag feiern, sehen wir die Geschichte dieses Militärbündnisses kritisch: Der Warschauer Pakt, der alte Gegener, löste sich 1991 auf. Die NATO nicht. Warum nicht, wenn es doch keine Bedrohung mehr gab? Der Nordatlantikpakt – das heiß NATO wörtlich – erklärte sich plötzlich weltweit für zuständig und steht heute am Hindukush! Wofür will die NATO die Militärausgaben auf 2% des Brottoinlandprodukts erhöhen, obwohl sie schon heute 2/3 aller Militärausgaben weltweit bestreitet? Warum hat … Continue reading →
Vortrag und Diskussion “70 Jahre NATO – ein Bündnis für den Frieden?” mit Dr. Peter Barth, 18–20 Uhr, Münchner Volkshochschule, Gasteig, VA: VA: VHS München