To get there: from station Brussels-midi take metro to Madou (line 2) – from there it’s a 10 minutes walk. Other option: It’s a twenty minute walk from Central Station. Continue reading →
English below Aufruf/Info zum GLOBAL ACTION DAY Berlin in Berlin am Samstag, 24. Februar 2018 um 14 Uhr vor der US-Botschaft beim Brandenburger Tor in SOLIDARITÄT MIT CUBA & GEGEN DIE US-Militärbasis GUANTÁNAMO/Cuba Seit genau 115 Jahren halten die USA Guantánamo Bay als Marinestützpunkt besetzt. Seit dem Sieg der cubanischen Revolution 1959 verlangt Cuba, verlangt das cubanische Volk die Rückgabe seines eigenen Territoriums, wie es dem völkerrechtlichen Prinzip der Selbstbestimmung entspricht. Guantánamo wurde vom US-Militär 1903 unter kolonialen Machtverhältnissen eingenommen … Continue reading →
The conference attendees* decided on some next steps. A national day of action against foreign military bases is being planned for February 23, the anniversary of the US seizing Guantanamo Bay, Cuba through a “perpetual lease” that began in 1903. Activists are encouraged to plan local actions. If you plan an event, contact and we’ll post it on the events page. The demands will include closing the base and prison in Guantanamo, returning the land to Cuba and ending the US blockade.
*The Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, held its inaugural event January 12-14, 2018 at the University of Baltimore in Maryland.
Sign the Call and come.
Aufruf unterschreiebn und zur Demo kommen:
The next NATO summit is scheduled for 11 and 12 July 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. Main topics will be the evaluation of the 2% rule in the member-countries and the confrontation with Russia, the militarization of the EU and the nuclear weapons modernization. The international network No to war – no to NATO is working against NATO and NATO summits since 2009 (NATO’s 60 year anniversary summit) and will be active also in 2018. The ICC (international coordinating committee) of … Continue reading →
Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases January 12-14, 2018 University of Baltimore Baltimore, Maryland Hosted By: Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases Thirteen prominent peace and justice organizations in the United States are collectively organizing a 3-day national conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases on January 12-14, 2018, at the University of Baltimore, Maryland: Alliance for Global Justice Black Alliance for Peace CODEPINK Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space International Action Center MLK Justice Coalition Nuclear Age … Continue reading →
Young academics, professionals and activists working in the field of nuclear disarmament, are invited to Prague for the international youth conference Reaching HIGH for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World. The conference, which will take place from Nov 27-29, 2017 (apologies for incorrect date in an earlier notice) at the historic Charles University, established in 1348 by King Charles of Bohemia. It will include workshop sessions, networking, action planning, an exciting social media action and a visit to the ATOM Muzeum, a former … Continue reading →
Webinar series next 3 Wednesdays at 7pm starting October 18, 2017 (Tuesday) October 18, 2017 (7 PM- 8:15 PM) Economic War with North Korea: Impact of Sanctions on North Korean People Webinar series: next 3 Wednesdays at 7pm. The United States and North Korea are on a dangerous path towards a military confrontation that could kill millions and engulf the world in a nuclear holocaust. It’s time for the U.S. anti-war and peace movements to mobilize mass opposition to … Continue reading →
Webinar series next 3 Wednesdays at 7pm starting October 18, 2017 (Tuesday) October 18, 2017 (7 PM- 8:15 PM) Economic War with North Korea: Impact of Sanctions on North Korean People Webinar series: next 3 Wednesdays at 7pm. The United States and North Korea are on a dangerous path towards a military confrontation that could kill millions and engulf the world in a nuclear holocaust. It’s time for the U.S. anti-war and peace movements to mobilize mass opposition to … Continue reading →
Webinar series (Tuesday) October 18, 2017 (7 PM- 8:15 PM) Economic War with North Korea: Impact of Sanctions on North Korean People Webinar series: next 3 Wednesdays at 7pm. The United States and North Korea are on a dangerous path towards a military confrontation that could kill millions and engulf the world in a nuclear holocaust. It’s time for the U.S. anti-war and peace movements to mobilize mass opposition to Trump’s saber rattling and demand a diplomatic solution to … Continue reading →
Keep Space for Peace Week
International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space
No Missile Defense
Close U.S. Bases Worldwide
No to NATO
Stop Drones Surveillance & Killing
End Privatization of Foreign/Military Policy
Convert the Military Industrial Complex
Deal with climate change and global povert Continue reading →
No to War Call to Action October 6, 2017, marks the 16th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan – the longest foreign war in U.S. history. The Afghan war, which has been a thoroughly bipartisan effort, was originally railed against by Donald Trump when he was running for president. He claimed to be against U.S. troop involvement in Afghanistan. Now he is moving forward with a “secret” plan of escalation that will also include Pakistan. He says the secrecy … Continue reading →
Help Build the Peace Wave – September 20-26 Dear Friends, As many of you will have seen, growing out of the World Conference against A- & H- Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Gensuikyo has initiated a call for a global “Peace Wave” beginning at noon on September 20, the day that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons will be open for signatures at the United Nations. A number of our European partner organizations have already signed on. Gensuikyo’s call, which follows … Continue reading →
COMS 2018 Date/Time Date(s) – 12/09/2017 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Location Pax Christi International Dear colleagues, dear friends The Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) is an international campaign founded in December 2014 and promoted by the International Peace Bureau. The main aim is to reduce the global military spending thanks to the cooperative works made by the organisations of civil society. Nowadays, more the 100 organizations from 35 different nations have joined the campaign. The GCOMS is run … Continue reading →
8 and 9 September 2017
Leipzigerstraße 5,
67663 Kaiserslautern
Download the leaflet: Flyer No-Base-Congress, Stopp Ramstein-en.pdf
More informationen: (most in German)
Die „Kampagne Stopp Air Base Ramstein“ und die „Pfälzer Initiative Entrüstet Euch“ rufen erneut zu großen Protestaktionen vom 08.-10.09.2017 auf.
Unser gemeinsames Ziel ist die Schließung der Air Base Ramstein und ein ziviles Aufblühen der Region durch ein umfassendes Konversionsprogramm.
Weitere Informationen auf:
WEBINAR: “Stop U.S. THAAD and War Threats in Korea” A Report-back by the U.S. Solidarity Peace Delegation to South Korea Pre-register today! Featured Speakers: Jill Stein, Green Party Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK Reece Chenault, U.S. Labor Against the War Will Griffin, Veterans for Peace Juyeon Rhee, Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific Wednesday, August 30 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. EST *** Pre-Register for the Webinar *** … Continue reading →
No Fire. No Fury. No to Trump War on North Korea Emergency Rally Wednesday, August 23 5pm to 6:30pm Park Street Station downtown Boston On August 21 the U.S. will begin joint military maneuvers with the South Korean military on North Korea’s doorstep. These highly provocative exercises only heighten the tensions and the danger of war in the whole area. In response organizers from the Korean peace movement, Mass. Peace Action, American Friends Service Committee, United for Justice with … Continue reading →
update the time now 4-5PM (18.08.2017) EMERGENCY RALLY & CALL TO ACTION NO WAR WITH NORTH KOREA Anti-War Rally Outside of Senator Schumer & Gillibrand’s Office 3rd Ave. Between 48th & 49th Sts Monday, August 21 from 4 – 5PM Facebook Event Linked Here We must stand against war and together defend diplomacy to save the United States and North Korea from a nuclear war started by improvised “fire and fury” comments. We cannot go to war for this Administration’s … Continue reading →
Dear Friends, I am writing to remind you that activists from the UK will be actively involved in trying to nonviolently disrupt and disarm the UKs nuclear weapons at Faslane and Coulport in Scotland. It is important for us to start up the disarmament camps again and encourage more direct action in Scotland. We have been concentrating on Burghfield and Aldermaston in England but with the intransigence of Westminster we need to remind them that Scotland is against nuclear weapons … Continue reading →
No Nukes, No Wars, No Walls, No Warming – One Struggle, Many Fronts Documentation and Videos from the panels are online now. First Panel, Survivors Resist: Humanitarian Consequences One Struggle Panel 1 Survivors Resist One Struggle, Many Fronts: No Nukes, War, Wall, or Warming. First Panel: Survivors Resist: Humanitarian Consequences. Moderator: Sally Jones, Peace Action Ne… Second Panel: Nuclear Arms: Causes, Effects, and Movements Against One Struggle Panel 2 Nuclear Arms: Causes, Effects, and Movements Against … Continue reading →
No Nukes, No Wars, No Walls, No Warming – One Struggle, Many Fronts Forum: One Struggle, Many Fronts: No Nukes, War, Wall or Warming Sunday, June 18 at 1 PM – 6 PM | Brooklyn Friends Meeting | 110 Schermerhorn St, Brooklyn, NY 11201-5108 Free and open to the public. All are welcome. RSVP: Sponsored by Peace and Planet International Network Takes place the day after the Women’s March to Ban the Bomb on Saturday, June 17th. Join One Struggle, Many Fronts forum on June 18th to stand united against … Continue reading →
Saturday June 17th – New York City- Support the UN in Adopting a Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons New York City | Outside Bryant Park, W. 40th St. Women’s March to Ban the Bomb? Supporting UN Negotiations to adopt a treaty to ban nuclear weapons The Women’s March to Ban the Bomb!. Bringing together people of all genders, sexual orientations, ages, races, abilities, nationalities, cultures, faiths, political orientations and backgrounds, marches in NYC and around the world have been launched … Continue reading →
Einladung: Zur Aktions- und Planungskonferenz der Kampagne Stopp Air Base Ramstein Am 17. Juni 2017 | von 11:00 bis 17:30 Uhr im Saalbau Bockenheim | Schwälmer Straße 28 | 60486 Frankfurt am Main Wir bitten um Anmeldung unter: Liebe Friedensfreundinnen und Friedensfreunde, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, der Luftangriff auf Syrien, die Erhöhung des Militärbudgets in den USA um 54 Milliarden Dollar und die angestrebte Erhöhung in NATO Ländern auf 2% des Bruttoinlandsprodukts zeigen, die Militarisierung schreitet weltweit fast … Continue reading →
National Antiwar & Social Justice Conference to be Held June 16-18 in Richmond, Virginia FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 6, 2017 MEDIA CONTACT: Phil Wilayto – Editor, The Virginia Defender; Coordinator, 2017 UNAC Conference Ph: 804-247-3731 or Hundreds of activists from around the United States and many other countries will gather in Richmond, Virginia, June 16-18 for a national conference: “Stop the Wars at Home & Abroad: Building a Movement Against War, Injustice & Repression!” The conference, to be held at … Continue reading →
UNAC Announces a Major Antiwar & Social Justice Conference Stop the Wars at Home & Abroad: Building a Movement Against War, Injustice & Repression! Greater Richmond Convention Center, Richmond, Va., June 16-18, 2017 Trump has proposed adding $54 billion to the already enormous U.S. war budget. He has put more boots on the ground in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. He’s sent a Navy carrier group to threaten North Korea. Russia and China are being militarily surrounded by U.S. and allied … Continue reading →
RASSEMBLEMENT à CARHAIX-Finistère LE DIMANCHE 28 MAI 2017 à 11H 30 RDV à 11 h 30 place des droits de l’homme (salle des Halles) Download: flyer 2017recto verso Carhaix à partir du flyer du comité 44.pdf
Continue reading →Liebe Mitstreiter/Innen für eine solidarische und friedliche Politik, aufgrund der zugespitzten politischen und militärischen Situation in verschiedenen Konfliktregionen dieser Welt ruft die Gesellschaft Kultur des Friedens (GKF) zusammen mit Initiativen aus dem Bereich der Zivilgesellschaft auf, am Samstag 27. Mai 2017 zu einer Friedenskundgebung in Berlin am Brandenburger Tor, Pariser Platz Lets make peace great again…give peace a Chance ! u.a. mit einer Friedensbotschaft von, Michail Gorbatschow “Kommt endlich zur Vernunft – Nie wieder Krieg ” Die NATO-Staaten treffen sich … Continue reading →
The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) and the AJ Muste Memorial Institute join together for an historic and movement-changing gathering celebrating 50 years of alliance-building between forces in the Black liberation and anti-war movements. Echoing the slogan popularized by Stokley Carmichael (Kwame Ture), we proclaim: “Hell No” We STILL Ain’t Going! Join a panel of poets, speakers, artists and dancers including: Bob Brown (AAPRP-GC organizer, who co-founded the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party, directed the mid-west office of the … Continue reading →
El Foro Contra la Guerra Imperialista y la OTAN, junto con otras organizaciones antiimperialistas, se suman a las movilizaciones internacionales con ocasión de la próxima Cumbre de la OTAN, que tendrá lugar en Bruselas el día 25 de mayo. Celebraremos una Concentración el día 25 de mayo, a las 20 horas, frente al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores (Plaza de la Provincia nº1, Madrid) En este enlace podéis acceder a la Convocatoria: Por el momento, las siguientes son las organizaciones … Continue reading →
On the 25th of May, simultaneously with the NATO summit in Brussels, we organise an alternative international conference. Several international guests will delve into NATO and the problems related to this trans-atlantic organisation.
The counter summit will start with a plenary session in which four experts will be talking about various issues such as NATO military interventions, military spending, the tensions with Russia and nuclear weapons.
Read the program: Programm-Counter-Summit-Brussels-2017-web.pdf (2 MB) (We thank the European Left for their financial support)
Download the program: Programm-Counter-Summit-Brussels-2017-print.pdf (23 MB)
More information:
24 May 2017 Brussels 5 PM North Railway Station Meeting point for the Peace movement / anti-Nato block is at the Proxiumus building at the North Station. Program and more information: here Call for the march taken from: At the end of May, Donald Trump, president of the United States, comes to Belgium to attend the NATO summit. These past months, Trump caused outrage all over the world: dividing and excluding people, denying climate change, intimidating the media, phasing … Continue reading →
May 21 – 26 Peace Camp
Direct Actions
May 24 (5pm) Protest March – TRUMPism not Welcome
(see also the facebook page
May 25 – Conference – Why we need a world without NATO?
More soon on:
Call for March in Copenhagen may 24. Starting in Nyhavn with a meeting from 4-4.30 pm crossing the walking bridge to the Defense Command and returning same way. Yes to peace and welfare – No to NATO rearmament! NATO holds the 2017 summit inaugurating the new 5 billion dkr headquarter. The summit will consolidate the agreements on cooperation and integration between NATO and the EU military efforts. The agenda is expanding armor and war threats from NATO, the world’s strongest … Continue reading →
Mary Ann Wright is a retired United States Army colonel and retired U.S. State Departement official, known for her outspoken opposition to the Iraq War. She is most noted for having been one of three State Department officials to publicly resign with an open letter to protest the US war plans against Iraq. She’s member of the National Staff of CODEPINK: Women For Peace
A series of direct actions, starting on Sunday, May 21st. If you want to join in, let us know via:
Participation in the big “TRUMPism Not Welcome” march on Wednesday, May 24th at 5PM. This protest march will be held in coordination with the woman, student, climate, social and refugees movements (among others). We’ll try to have the messages of the peace movement as visible as possible. Suggestions or co-operation?
A Conference & workshops with international guests on Thursday, May 25th. See the draft program here based on the proposals made during the preparatory meetings. You’re invited to suggest adjustments, names and co-operation:
A peace camp will take place from May 21st till 26th 2016. For more information contact:
Lodging and practical information? Continue reading →
Podiumsdiskussion im Vorfeld des NATO-Treffens in Brüssel Panel discussion in the run-up to the NATO meeting in Brussels Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK Reiner Braun, International Peace Bureau Inge Höger, Franktion DIE LINKE im Bundestag Andrej Hunko, MdB als Moderator Konferenzsprachen sind Deutsch und Englisch (simultanübersetzt) Samstag, 20 Mai 2017, 15 Uhr DGB-Haus Aachen, Dennewartstr. 17 Veranstalter: DIE LINKE. im Bundestag
Continue reading →(Tuesday) May 16, 2017 (4: 30 PM Eastern Time & 1: 20 PM Pacific Time) NO TO NATO, NO TO WAR! A UFPJ NATIONAL BRIEFING CALL RSVP for Nat’l Briefing Call: No to NATO, No to War! Please join us for an important telephone info-session and Q&A with experts and organizers from the No-to-NATO/No-to-war Network. RSVP TO RECEIVE THE CALL-IN NUMBER AND ACCESS CODE NATO is a dangerous, aggressive and outdated alliance with its roots in the cold war. … Continue reading →
(Saturday) May 6, 2017 Spring Conference at MIT “Reducing the Threat of Nuclear War” MIT, Cambridge Responding to the continuing risk of nuclear war or accident, this conference is intended to advocate and organize toward reducing the danger of nuclear war. It is not an academic conference, but rather one that addresses the political and economic realities, and attempts to stimulate and inform the kinds of social movement needed to change national policy. Locating it at MIT builds on the … Continue reading →
Dear colleagues The International Peace Bureau together with Austrian organizations conducts the conference “Dangers of nuclear power and the role of IAEA” in Vienna City Hall on May 4th. Please find the program here: We invite you to the conference and would like to ask you to spread the invitation to interested persons. We are looking forward to seeing you. Greetings, Reiner Braun Lucas Wirl
Continue reading →Events organized by: IPB, INES and transform
Side Events at the UN and
Read the flyer here!
Nuclear abolition more important than ever before! Abolition 2000 Update: Annual Campaign and Networking Meeting. Dear friends and colleagues, Thank you for your interest in the global abolition of nuclear weapons, and in Abolition 2000. Since its establishment in 1995, Abolition 2000 has served as a broad international network, open to any organization or individual that supports the Abolition 2000 call to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons. Abolition 2000 provides a space to share information and initiatives, discuss strategies, and build collaboration. The … Continue reading →