Category Archives: NATO Summit 2022 Madrid
2022/03/20 zoom webinar 1pm Pacific | 9pm UTC | 10pm CET
2022/03/10 online zoom 16 h UTC
Ukraine: Roots of the Current Conflict
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Call to action #OTANNOMadrid
The NATO No Madrid Assembly, of which the IAF (Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista) is a member, has just launched a call for the organization and participation of all people in all actions that can be prepared to show the popular rejection of the NATO Summit in June. (29.01.2022)
Call to action #OTANNOMadrid
La Asamblea OTAN No Madrid, de la que forma parte el FAI ( ), acaba de lanzar un llamamiento a la organización y a la participación de todas las personas en cuantas acciones se puedan preparar para mostrar el rechazo popular contra la Cumbre de la OTAN de junio.
LLAMAMIENTO #OTANNoMadrid Continue reading →
„Ukraine-Krise ist Teil des Ringens um eine neue Weltordnung“
Interview mit Reiner Braun (IPB, No to NATO network) in der Berliner Zeitung am 26.02.2022
Disband NATO – appeal of the Peace Summit Madrid 2022 initiative
The No to NATO network signed this appeal and is part of the organizing group. Disband NATO. NATO is a grave threat to world peace, having already left a trail of destruction from Yugoslavia to Afghanistan. NO TO NATO
Continue reading → 2022/02/26 online rally 5pm London (UTC)
NoWarWithRussia #PeaceInUkraine #NoToNATO?
Should we call for a Global Day of Action #NoWarWithRussia #PeaceInUkraine #NoToNATO?
Register here:
2022/02/22 online 19:30h CET
Putins „seltsamer Krieg“ – worum geht es bei der Ukrainekrise?
Putins „seltsamer Krieg“ – worum geht es bei der Ukrainekrise?
Am 22.02. um 19.30 Uhr im Livestream mit Reinhard Lauterbach; eine Veranstaltung vom DemoZ – Demokratisches Zentrum Ludwigsburg Continue reading →
Madrid 2022 NATO Counter-Summit Campaign Presentation Event
10 February 2022
On Tuesday, February 8, a public act was held at the “Teatro del Barrio” in Madrid to present the campaign organized by the “NOT TO NATO” Assembly of Madrid, aimed at expressing the strong popular opposition to the holding of the Summit of NATO´s Heads of State and Government, summoned in Madrid on 29 , 30 June of this year.
2022/02/19 Giugliano/Lago Patria near Napoli (Italy)
Demonstration No to NATO mobilization in Italy
On Saturday, February 19, 2022, 11am, a demonstration against the NATO at the NATO base in Giugliano/Lago Patria near Napoli (Italy) will take place. We are organizing this protest obviously because of the conjunctural situation in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, but the importance of that NATO base goes beyond that: In the last weeks, the NATO NeptunStrike2022 military exercise in the Mediterranean Sea took place and it was directed from Naples. The Southern Italian city has a central role as … Continue reading →
No a la guerra en Ucrania – No a la expansión de la OTAN, Europa necesita cooperación y desarme
Compartimos la siguiente declaración de International Network No to War – No to Nato: No a la guerra en Ucrania – No a la expansión de la OTAN, Europa necesita cooperación y desarme Las tensiones entre la OTAN y Rusia -dos potencias con armas nucleares- están alcanzando proporciones alarmantes. Pedimos que se ponga fin a este enfrentamiento: si no se acaba, todos perderemos. Ucrania ya está pagando un alto precio económico y humano como resultado de estas hostilidades, agitadas innecesariamente … Continue reading →
Non à la guerre en Ukraine – Non à l’expansion de l’OTAN L’Europe a besoin de coopération et de désarmement
Déclaration de la Comité International de Coordination du réseau international Non à la guerre – Non à l’OTAN Les tensions entre l’OTAN et la Russie – deux puissances dotées de l’arme nucléaire – prennent des proportions alarmantes. Nous appelons à la fin de cette confrontation : si elle ne prend pas fin, tout le monde sera perdant. L’Ukraine paie déjà un lourd tribut économique et humain à ces hostilités, inutilement attisées au niveau international et national. Poursuivre cette politique … Continue reading →
2022/02/26 online Aktionskonferenz
Friedenspolitik statt Kriegshysterie!
Einige Aktive in der Friedensbewegung haben einen kurzen Aufruf unter dem Titel „Ukraine-Krise: Friedenspolitik statt Kriegshysterie!“ (siehe entwickelt, mit dem Erstunterzeichner:innen für weitere Unterstützung werben und zur Aktionskonferenz einladen. Continue reading →
2022/02/03 Webinar 2pm – 3pm EST
Understanding the Ukraine Crises & Paths Toward a Just Peace
Organized by CPDCS with Massachusetts and Chicago Peace Action, International Peace Bureau.
Speakers: Richard Sakwa and Nina Khrushcheva
Register at:(zoom link) Continue reading →
Report by FAI on the NATO 2022 Summit in Madrid
On the occasion of the start of the campaign for the NATO Madrid 2022 Counter-Summit, the Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista (FAI) offers to the public opinion the attached report.
Informe del FAI sobre la Cumbre de la OTAN 2022 en Madrid
Con ocasión del arranque de la campaña para la Contracumbre OTAN Madrid 2022, el Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista ofrece a la opinión pública el informe adjunto.
2022/03/19 online 15-17 h CET
Third open work meeting towards NATO Counter Summit
Join us on March 19 for our next online meeting. (postponed from 26.02.2022)
No to NATO – Peace Summit Madrid 2022, June 25 + 26
Register zoom link
2022/02/06 Webinar 12 noon Eastern (US/Canada)
US/NATO Aggression at the Russian Border A conversation between US, Russian and Ukrainian Peace activists
A conversation between US, Russian and Ukrainian Peace activists
Webinar, Sunday, February 6,
12 noon Eastern (US/Canada)
No to war in Ukraine – No to NATO expansion
Europe needs cooperation and disarmament
Statement of the ICC of the international No to war – no to NATO network
No to war in UkraineNo to NATO expansion |
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Europe needs cooperation and disarmament
Tensions between NATO and Russia – two nuclear-armed powers – are reaching alarming proportions. We call for an end to this confrontation: if it doesn’t end, everyone will lose. Ukraine is already paying a heavy economic and human price as a result of these hostilities, unnecessarily stirred up internationally and nationally. Following this politics of confrontation to its logical conclusion means that many people will die. Continue reading →
2022/02/08 Madrid, Spain
Acto de presentación: CONTRACUMBRE OTAN NO
En este enlace ofrecemos acceso a la grabación íntegra del acto de presentación de la Campaña contra la Cumbre de la OTAN de Madrid:
2022/02/08 online 19 UTC
Ukraine – the next NATO war?
Register here: (zoom registration link)
Ukraine – the next NATO war?
What’s going on in Ukraine? Why are Russian troops at the border? What’s it got to do with NATO? Continue reading →
2022/02/08 online 19-21 h UTC
Ukraine – the next NATO war?
Ukraine – the next NATO war?
What’s going on in Ukraine? Why are Russian troops at the border? What’s it got to do with NATO?
Peace movements across Europe are addressing these questions, engaging with peace activists in Ukraine and beyond to work for a sustainable peace.
Let’s get to the facts and do what we can to help avoid this flashpoint leading to war.
- Opening Kristine Karch, Germany, Co-Chair No to NATO, campaign Stopp Air Base Ramstein
- Reiner Braun, Germany, Executive Director International Peace Bureau (IPB)
- Nina Potarska, Ukraine National Coordinator Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
- Yuri Sheliazhenko, Chair of Ukraine chapter of War Resisters International, peace journalist
Join us to discuss these key issues on
Tuesday 8th February at 7pm UTC
(8am HT | 2pm ET | 7pm UTC | 8pm CET)
Organised by No to war – No to NATO network
This webinar is part of the mobilization of counter actions towards the NATO summit in Madrid 29+30 June 2022.
2022/01/09 BREST, France
2022/01/29 en línea 15- 17h CET
Segunda reunión de trabajo abierta hacia la contracumbre de la OTAN
Únase a nosotros el 29 de enero para nuestra próxima reunión en línea.
No a la OTAN – Cumbre de la Paz Madrid 2022, 25 y 26 de junio
Registrarse aquí (zoom de registro)
2022/01/29 online 15-17 h CET
Second open work meeting towards NATO Counter Summit
Join us on January 29 for our next online meeting.
No to NATO – Peace Summit Madrid 2022, June 25 + 26
Register here (zoom registration)