A Webinar July 18, 1:30-3:00 PM EDT |
Category Archives: NATO Summit 2024 Washington DC
2024/07/18 webinar
2024/07/0/ NYC, USA
Disarmament, Welfare and Climate – Cooperation West, East and South

– Oleg Bodrov, Ryssland, Soumya Dutta Indien, Marianne Laxén, Finland
2024/07/15 webinar
Join Medea Benjamin, Oleg V. Bodrov, Shirine Jurdi, Jeffrey Sachs, Yurii Sheliazhenko, and Tamara Lorincz on Saturday, tomorrow, June 15th.
If NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization then why are official members, their allies and their devastating military invasions and occupations all over the globe?
A webinar of the Resist NATO Coalition
Sunday June 9th
9am Pacific Time / 11am Central Time / 12pm Eastern Time
If NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization then why are official members, their allies and their devastating military invasions and occupations all over the globe? Continue reading →
2024/06/16 webinar 6pm CEST
military tensions, resources, environment, climate, equity, cooperation, peace keeping
Supporters: IPB, GWUAN, space4peace, WBW, No-to-NATO, WILPF-Canada, VOW, Public Council of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland – Russia, Women for Peace – Finland Continue reading →
Third Annual 24-Hour PEACE WAVE 13h UTC – 13h UTC
This Peace Wave will happen during the RIMPAC war rehearsals in the Pacific and just prior to protests of NATO’s meeting in Washington in July.
2024/07/06+07 Washington DC, USA
Actions against NATO’s 75th birthday party in Washington
The international No to war – no to NATO network organize together with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, CODEPINK, DSA International Committee, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Global Women for Peace United Against NATO, International Peace Bureau, NC Peace Action, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, RootsAction.org, United National Antiwar Coalition, Veterans For Peace, Vrede, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US, World BEYOND War a protest weekend (5-7 July) against the NATO war summit which take place in Washington DC July 9 till 11. All information are available on the new website NoNATOYesPeace.org
Kristine Karch: “La OTAN es una máquina de guerra y pertenece al basurero de la historia”
– Washington, Estados Unidos –

Pablo Ruiz Espinoza
En julio próximo se realizará en Washington DC, Estados Unidos, una nueva Cumbre de la OTAN que recientemente cumplió 75 años desde su fundación. Continue reading →
What Does NATO Have to Do with the Genocide in GAZA?
By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 11, 2023
NATO will be celebrating 75 years of itself — and plotting future wars and weapons sales — in Washington D.C. in July, and a lot of people are busy planning a counter-summit and rally to oppose NATO’s agenda.
Read more : https://worldbeyondwar.org/what-does-nato-have-to-do-with-the-genocide-in-gaza/
2024/05/07 webinar update
Stopping the Israeli war machine: Solidarity with the people of Gaza!
Register in advance bit.ly/3UirDa4
2024/04/27-07/07 Washington DC, USA
Starting April 27 Walking from Augusta, Maine, to Washington, DC, for Peace
updates 2024/04/21

Starts April 27 in Augusta, Maine, ends in Washington, DC before the events “No To NATO/Yes to Peace” for July 5-7. The NATO 75th Anniversary is July 9-11 in Washington, DC or nearby.
2024/07/09-11 Washington DC, USA
Official NATO summit 75 anniversary
2023/08/24 zoom
Next ICC No-to-NATO network meeting: Preparation of 75 year summit of NATO 2024 in Washington DC
A very important moment for our future work:
NATO becomes 2024: 75 years old and will celebrate this event in Washington from July 9th to 11th.
We will be there and protest the biggest military alliance of the world.
We want to invite you to a first meeting discussing about the preparation of our protest actions. We need thoughts, ideas and power.