This appeal was agreed by the 2nd international preparatory meeting for actions against the NATO summit 24/25 May 2017 in Brussels.
Call for international actions against the NATO Summit, Brussels May 2017
Put people first, no to war!
This year’s NATO summit will be US President Donald Trump’s first. It will be held in May at NATO’s brand new headquarters in Brussels, a city that hosts both NATO and the European Union – two institutions that co-operate closely on their military policies.
NATO and its member states participate in illegal wars and military interventions, from Yugoslavia to Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. They contribute massively to international instability, fuelling the arms race and militarization. NATO remains committed to humanity’s biggest threat: nuclear weapons.
From summit to summit, NATO perpetuates, enforces and extends its policy of war and domination. Continue reading →