Some pictures/articles from print medias in Wales Continue reading →
October 4-11, 2014 Keep Space for Peace Week
October 4-11, 2014 Keep Space for Peace Week International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space
Continue reading →October 4-11, 2014 Keep Space for Peace Week International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space
Continue reading →October 4, 2014, will be the first Global Action Day Against the Use of Drones for Surveillance and Killing. Please take a look at the new Global Action Day website. Some actions are already listed, and we are posting more every day. Attached is the call for Global Action Day in the languages we have so far: English, French and German.
Continue reading →March from the city of Newport to the NATO Summit at Celtic Manor pix © Lucas Wirl
Continue reading →Some pictures/articles from print medias in Wales Continue reading →
distributed at the march to Celtic Menor in Newport at Thursday, September, 4th, 2014. T-Shirt-Leaflet2014.pdf
Continue reading →Finland and Sweden are about to sign a new cooperation agreement with NATO this week. It is called a “Host NATO Support” and allows the NATO Response Force to enter Sweden and Finland at their request. This pushes Sweden and Finland even closer to full NATO membership. Even during the height of the Cold War, Finland and Sweden remained neutral. Now, without public discussion and debate, they are moving further from neutrality into a much closer relationship with the NATO … Continue reading →
Joseph Gerson found the attached article, which reports that the Japanese military officer is sending its first officer to NATO HQ. Looks like they are starting at a level that can be marketed as warm hearted public relations.
Continue reading →Women say no to NATO! Position paper originating at the women’s workshop at the Counter Summit “No new Wars – No to NATO” Newport, September 1st, 2014 As women of the No to War, No to NATO international action network we join in wholehearted condemnation of NATO as an aggressive, expansionist, nuclear armed military alliance. Its creation fostered decades of Cold War, its continued existence has perpetuated armed conflicts and wars, and its intention is clearly to assure long-term … Continue reading →
This clip includes interviews with Joseph Gerson and our friend Ludo de Brabander from Ghent who will be our host there. 1 September 2014 Last updated at 11:11 BST There have been protests over the weekend by those opposed to the Nato summit in Newport. On Saturday, hundreds gathered in Newport city centre for an anti-Nato march. And on Sunday in Cardiff, around 150 people came together at Cardiff’s county hall for what was described as a counter-summit. Stephen Fairclough … Continue reading →
News Updates from CLG 29 August 2014 All links are here: Lockdown in Cardiff: City turned into high security ‘prison’ with 10 mile ‘ring of steel’ ahead of Nato conference 27 Aug 2014 Cardiff city centre has been turned into a high security ‘prison’ with 10 miles of fencing – which is being dubbed the ‘ring of steel’ – ahead of the Nato conference next week. Police have erected the nine feet high security fencing around Celtic Manor resort in Newport where … Continue reading →
Link to the Stop the War Coalition UK Link to the Campaign for Nuclear disarmament UK Link to Newport anti-NATO camp Link to Stop NATO Cymru Newport peace 29th August till 7th September 2014
Continue reading →NATO talks about women rights but it destroys life’s! A Workshop during the counter summit (programm counter summit.pdf) in Wales, Sunday, August 31st, 2014, 12:30-13:30 h, Cardiff County Hall, Atlantic Wharf Cardiff CF10 4UW We should discuss, why with NATO no gender justice can be achieved, even if it implements UN Res 1325 and talks about women rights. NATO is a military organization, which need for its survive hierarchical structures, with commandingandobedience, creates and need concept of the enemy (Feindbilder). … Continue reading →
Sign the appeal No to NATO Heads of State and Foreign and Defense Ministers of the NATO member states will meet in early September at the 2014 NATO Summit. There, they want to decide to increase the military spending of member states to at least 2% of each country’s GDP. For Germany, this would mean a military budget of more than 56.5 billion Euros. NATO forces should be stationed directly at the Russian border in Poland and the Baltic states. … Continue reading →
The “Invisible Casualty of War”: The Environmental Destruction of U.S. Militarism Editors’ note: Climate change heightens the imperative for thoughtful and strategic environmental activism. In this context, it is important to acknowledge the oversized responsibility of the U.S. military for greenhouse gas emissions and environmental destruction more generally. In this DifferenTakes, H. Patricia Hynes exposes the toxic legacy of U.S. militarism, including the environmental impacts of waging war and the waste generated by building and maintaining military bases, weapons, and maneuvers. Tackling … Continue reading →
a report by telesur:
Continue reading →Activities around NATO Summit 2014 in Wales Link to the Stop the War Coalition UK: activities around NATO Summit 2014 in Wales Link to the Campaign for Nuclear disarmament UK: No to NATO: Protest at the Summit / Na i NATO: Protest yn yr Uwchgynhadledd Link to Newport anti-NATO camp Link to Stop NATO Cymru
Continue reading →Newport peace camp for the upcoming NATO summit 29th August till 7th September 2014 24.08.2014 A peace camp will be located in Tredegar Park, Newport, from Friday 29th August. Basic facilities will be provided and the camp is recognised by the local council and police. Bring your own tents and register with Eddie Clarke on or 07939053174. The camp is asking for a donation of £2 per night per person.
Continue reading →an article in the block of telesur from 31 July 2014 by Horace Campbell Most western embassies evacuated their personnel from Tripoli over the past few weeks as the fighting between rival armed militias create a nightmare of violence, insecurity and death for millions of Libyans.
Continue reading →No to war – no to NATO network: annual meeting Wales invitation to the annual meeting September 2nd 2014 – new time and location! Draft by August 20th, 2014 No to War – No to NATO Annual Meeting, September 2nd 2014, Wales New Location: Dolman Theatre, Emlyn Square, Newport from 13 – 17 h *All names are suggestions* Opening of the Annual Meeting Report of the activities of the network by Lucas Wirl Commentaries and discussion: Joseph Gerson (on … Continue reading →
No new wars – No to NATO: Counter Summit Program Sunday 31st August Cardiff / Monday 1st September Newport Programme NATO summit.pdf
Continue reading →Declaration to the Ukrainian and international press from the fact finding mission on behalf of the European Left, the Prague Spring II Network against Right Wing Extremism and Populism, and various networks of the world wide Peace Movement which has gathered recently at the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014
Continue reading →Invitation to a preparatory meeting for the NPT conference 2015 in New York, August 31st Cardiff 7 pm – 9pm. Duchess of Delhi, 6 Bute Crescent, Cardiff, CF10 5AN
Continue reading →INVITATION: AUG 30 Intl. Drone Meeting in Wales
Continue reading →How to get to Cardiff and Newport By train Trains from London to Cardiff and Newport leave from Paddington Station. There is a tube station at this station and the Bakerloo line, Circle line, District line and the Hammersmith and City line all stop here. Train ticket prices vary greatly depending on what time of the day you travel (ranging from £67 to £203 for a return ticket to Newport and £72 to £213 to Cardiff). You can buy the … Continue reading →
No to Nato protests – latest plans – information from No to Nato protests – latest plansAs Nato member countries, including the UK, prepare for military exercises in the Ukraine next month as part of NATO’s Rapid Trident manoeuvres, the momentum for organised resistance to this year’s Nato summit in Newport has grown. The increasing sectarian violence in Iraq over the last few weeks has shown the invasion of Iraq has failed by every measure.
Continue reading →Appeal from Sarajevo by the international network “No to War – No to NATO” Protest against NATO, join us in Wales 2014 A conference on “NATO 2014: It talks of peace but wages war” held last week at the Peace Event in Sarajevo, drew attention to the dangers presented by the continuing expansion of NATO and the possibility of further military intervention and aggression around the world. As a consequence of this discussion it was agreed that a call should … Continue reading →
an aricle from the European Social Forum Mailing Liste from Simon Endre <> The Hungarian Social Forum – Social Roundtable has asked on Wednesday the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán to give clear response whether he would authorize the entry into Hungary of NATO troops.
Continue reading →The new reader 100 years World War I INTERNATIONAL PEACE SEMINAR Learning from French-German history Peace is the categorical imperative published by Reiner Braun and Pascal Luig is online now: verdune_broschure.pdf.
Continue reading →With President Obama about to leave for his four-nation Asia-Pacific tour, at the close of our Pivoting for Peace in Asia/Pacific conference this past Saturday it was decided to develop a statement that reflected the priorities and which summarized the content of the conference. Joseph Gerson
Continue reading →Peace Event 2014 Sarajevo, June 6 – 9, 2014 The biggest international peace event 2014 2014: 100 years after World War I Our new newspaper for the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014
Continue reading →Spirit of optimism and enthusiasm marked the international preparatory meeting of the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014, held in the City of Sarajevo on March 22/23. More than 70 people from international, regional and local organizations and initiatives participated in the last preparatory meeting prior to the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014 from June 6-9. Among them were representatives of almost all former republics of Yugoslavia.
Continue reading →a newspaper published in autom 2013 by the No to war – no to NATO netwrok with the support of IALANA, IPB, INES, GUEN/NGL,ROSA LUXEMBURG FOUNDATION and transform!
Obama will visit the European institutions on wednesday 26/03. We organise a protestmeeting (see appeal below) asking for ‘desarmement for development’ at ‘place Luxembourg’, Brussels (at noon, 12.30) Attached you’ll find banners and posters. Can you distribute it widely to your network (especially those who are living/working in Brussels) and on the websites? There is also a facebook page You can also sign the appeal
Continue reading →Wednesday March 26, Barack Obama will visit the European institutions. Let us remind them of their responsibilities for peace and democracy that accompany their prize. The peace movement invites you for a protest action at Place de Luxembourg, Brussels, Wednesday March 26 at noon, 12.30. President Obama and The European Union received the Nobel Peace Prize but… – The United States (685 billion dollar) and Europe (407 billion dollar) sign for 62 % of the global military expenditures – Both … Continue reading →
please find here a English version of the statement the speakers of the Cooperation for Peace (a German umbrella organization consisting of more than 50 peace organizations) released on Monday (March, 3rd, 2014) on the Ucraine. Feel free to spread the document and to send your comments and thoughts.
Continue reading →During the International peace seminar Verdun 25.-26.01.2013 an ICC (International Coordinating Committee – Meeting of our network “No to war – no to NATO” took place in Verdun. Continue reading →
Dear Comrades, the following statement has been released by Margaretta D’Arcy the Irish Peace Activist still imprisoned at Limerick Prison, Limerick, Ireland:
Continue reading →Action Alert – Please Sign and Share
Continue reading →Events in Ireland have received widespread publicity following the imprisonment of Galway Peace Activist, Margaretta D’Arcy, well known Artist and Playwright for daring to trespass on the runway at Shannon Airport in October 2013 in protest against the criminal misuse of the Airport for transport of personnel and materiel for US wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East (as I reported to the Gent meeting last year). More details and video links
Continue reading →Statement of the ICC : Margaretta D’Arcy a 79 year old Irish peace activist on Wednesday 5th of Febuary will have served three weeks of a three month sentence in Limerick Prison, Co Clare, Ireland, for protesting against the use of Shannon Airport by US troops who use it to fly to and from their perpetual wars.
Continue reading →International peace seminar Verdun 25.-26.01.2013 Learning from French-German history – Peace is the categorical imperative 25.-26.01.2013, Hotel Le Privilège, Carrefour de l’Europe, Haudainville 55100 Verdun More information and the program in the flyer Verdun.pdf
Continue reading →Joseph Gerson:Friends, This week’s budget deal (think of the 1.3 million unemployed who are about to lose their benefits as the holidays approach) and the disturbing news from North Korea (for those who think more broadly about the world) have been the focus of our attention. But, for those of you who want to delve deeper, you may be interested in the following article which I published in Truthout last week. For peace, Joseph
Continue reading →We call for protest actions against the NATO War Conference in Munich at Februar 1st, 2014! 50 years SIKO – 50 years to much! (
Continue reading →Summer 2014 will be the commemoration of 100 years since the beginning of World War I.
In Sarajevo from June 6 to 9, 2014 a huge Peace Event will take place.
The network No to war – no to NATO is also involved in the preparation and has lauched with others this newspaper:
Please have also al look to webpage for the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014
Hello, Article on NATO summit: 4th and 5th September in South Wales. Main Issue: Afghanistan. All the best Tobias
Continue reading →LONDON | SATURDAY 30 NOVEMBER | 10AM – 5PM | Map »
Continue reading →We have learned yesterday that the 2014 NATO summit will take place in autumn 2014, near Newport in South Wales. Our assessment so far is that this is a positive development in terms of location and timing. You have all already been invited to the Stop the War international conference in London on Saturday 30th November
Continue reading →Elsa Rassbach wrote: How Europeans Are Opposing Drone and Robot Warfare: An Overview of the Anti-Drone Movement in Europe
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