How Europeans Are Opposing Drone and Robot Warfare: An Overview of the Anti-Drone Movement in Europe
Elsa Rassbach wrote: How Europeans Are Opposing Drone and Robot Warfare: An Overview of the Anti-Drone Movement in Europe
Continue reading →Elsa Rassbach wrote: How Europeans Are Opposing Drone and Robot Warfare: An Overview of the Anti-Drone Movement in Europe
Continue reading →The Role of Science in Trauma Treatment and the Transformation of Societies Brussels, 4 November 2013 more information on the webpage: On Monday, November 4th, 2013, the Government of Flanders organizes an international peace symposium in Brussels. The symposium will bring together Nobel Peace Prize winners with decision makers, scientists and practitioners.
Continue reading →Peace and Neutrality Alliance PRESS RELEASE PANA-RED C OPINION POLL ON IRISH NEUTRALITY AND INTERNATIONAL SITUATION SEPTEMBER 2013: Irish people support a policy of neutrality and not sending military supplies to anti-government groups in Syria:
Continue reading →Nordic Defence Cooperation Arctic Challenge exercise will see dozens of fighters in the northern sky
Continue reading →Just announced: Britain to host 2014 NATO summit The Associated Press Posted: 09/27/2013 07:49:41 AM EDT LONDON—The British government says it will host the 2014 NATO summit, the first time the meeting has been held in the country in more than 20 years. Prime Minister David Cameron announced the news Friday, saying the 2014 summit will be an important moment in the history of the alliance as the NATO mission in Afghanistan draws to a close. The date and … Continue reading →
13.10.2013 Efforts to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction undoubtedly fall within the scope of the will of Alfred Nobel, whose commitment to disarmament is well established. Nobel was himself a chemist and before embracing the peace cause, held the view that his dynamite would become so powerful that states would no longer resort to war. He was of course quite wrong in that regard, and for that reason alone we have no doubt that the later Nobel … Continue reading →
11 October, 2013 – ImiPono Projects At present, there are two little words left dangling off the title of a free-trade agreement that the U.S. has been involved with negotiating since 2009. The Trans-Pacific “Strategic Economic” Partnership Agreement, or what we generally call the TPP, has been mostly framed as a secret free-trade agreement that is being advised by 600 of the largest corporations undermining government regulations on the environment, labor, finance and other regulatory industries; a 21st-century neoliberal assault … Continue reading →
Thursday, December 12, 2013, from 11:30 to 17:30 (CET) Offices of IALANA and INES Marienstr. 19/20, 10117 Berlin (near Friedrichstraße S- and U-Bahn Station) (map see below)
Continue reading →Les comparto mi columna Memorando, en Excélsior: ¿Por qué, entonces, la salvaje ferocidad de la guerra en la década de 1990? Familias, personas, que el día anterior eran vecinas y amigas, se persiguieron, denunciaron, asesinaron con saña y enorme crueldad. Me tocó presenciar en Sarajevo, el 28 de agosto de 1995, la segunda masacre de Markale —el mercado central—;
Continue reading →Statement from the Triennial Conference of the International Peace Bureau September 13-15 Stockholm , Sweden “The World is Over-armed and Peace is Under-funded” – Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General
Continue reading →Video: Interview with Mairead Maguire (Nobel Peace Prize Winner) and Ian Chamberlain (Stop The War Coalition UK)
Continue reading →Here are the links to videos of our Anti-War meeting in Dublin last Saturday. Please circulate to your lists.
Continue reading →The network “No to War – No to NATO” launched a newsletter “1914 – 2014 We stand firm to archieve Peace without Weapons” Newsletter_1914-2014_eng_web.pdf
Continue reading →Les comparto mi columna Memorando, en Excélsior: Washington prepara el ataque. Ya el gobierno de Barack Obama ha declarado que la disposición de Siria a facilitar la inspección de las Naciones Unidas en el más reciente caso de las denuncias acerca del empleo de armas químicas, es tardía. Todo parece indicar que se llevará a cabo una agresión criminal por el aire, como la desatada contra la extinta Yugoslavia en 1999, de la que fui testigo, como corresponsal de guerra. … Continue reading →
Russian Information Agency Novosti August 30, 2013 Obama Should Lose Nobel Prize If US Strikes Syria – Pushkov thanks Agneta for that post
Continue reading →Maybe you’ll find this interesting for reading. It’s a long interview with Luc Barbé on the history of the nuclear bomb and the specific and very significant role Belgium has played in it. Luc Barbé wrote a very interesting book about itë-en-de-bom , unfortunately only available in French and Dutch. Feel free to distribute this article to other interested people. Kind regards Pieter Teirlinck
Continue reading →Report from the GN’s 2013 Space Conference: The High North and International Security June 27-29, 2013, Kiruna, Sweden See also the conference website: Thanks to Ursula Gelis for photographs Here are some observations taken from Bruce Gagnon’s conference notes and notes and elsewhere that are particularly interesting and important, as he said “they are not in any particular order but all equally valuable”.
Continue reading →the German Section of IALANA and the Federation of German Scientists (FGS, the German Pugwash Group) biannually award the Whistleblower Award. This year the prize is also awarded by Transparency International, Germany. The award goes to … Edward Snowden. The reasoning for awarding Edward Snowden with the Whistleblower Award will soon be available in English on and on
Continue reading →Also, deeply disturbing, but I think true, former President Carter was quoted in Germany’s leading newspaper as saying that the U.S. is no longer a functioning democracy. A report from an international business journal that you’ll find below and attached carries that story. For peace and justice, Joseph Gerson Jimmy Carter: US “Has No Functioning Democracy” By Alberto Riva, International Business Times 19 July 13
Continue reading →Friends, Years ago, Sergey Rogov of the U.S.A and Canada Institute in Moscow spoke at a conference we organized. I found him to be very thoughtful, realistic, and seeking a way toward disarmament and greater peace. Over the weekend I came across a reprint of a brief and very thoughtful analysis published back in April and thought I should share it with you.
Continue reading →by Luis Gutierrez-Esparza On May 22, the Latin American Circle of International Studies (LACIS) announced that experts from the OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) confirmed the existence of chemical weapons in Panama, left behind by the U. S. armed forces.
Continue reading →After the opening, greetings form a representative of the city of Gent, and a round of introductions Reiner presents the work since the last annual meeting in a ppt-presentation (see
Past and future work of the network Continue reading →
Dear friendes and colleagues please find an interesting article on killer robots by United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Angela Kane, here Greetings, Lucas
Continue reading →Appeal agreed in Stuttgart 5th October 2008 (English) Appel de Stuttgart du 5 octobre 2008 (Francais) Stuttgarter Appell vom 5.10.2008 (German) Appel vedtaget i Stuttgart 5. oktober 2008 (Danish) Llamamiento acordado en Stuttgart 5 de octubre 2008 (Spanish) Declaration no war no nato in greek Appello Sottoscritto a Stoccarda Il 5 Ottobre 2008 (Italian) Internationale oproep zoals besloten in Stuttgart, 5 oktober 2008 (Netherlands) Çağrı NATO’ya Hayir – Savaşa Hayir (Turkish) Ei soota – Ei Natoa (Finish)
Continue reading →This week’s posting begins with an appeal to act in solidarity with Japanese who are working to preserve their Peace Constitution. As you will read below, Prime Minister Abe and his political allies are making revision of the Japanese constitution – especially Article 9 – a priority. This is not the first time conservative and militarist forces have threatened the Peace Constitution, but It is now in its greatest jeopardy. You can learn more and sign at Save Article 9 … Continue reading →
Signatures (as of March 9th 2020).
All organizations, initiatives and groups are members of the ‘No to war – no to NATO’ network :
International: All-African People’s Revolutionary PARTY (GC) /// Anti-imperialist Camp /// European Feminist Initiative /// Europäisches Friedensforum (epf) / European Peace Forum /// European Left (EL) /// Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space /// International Association of Democratic Lawyers /// International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, Europe (IALANA) /// International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES) /// International Peace Bureau (IPB) /// No Bases Network /// Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) /// World March of Women Against Violence and Poverty /// War Resisters’ International /// WORLD BEYOND WAR (WBW) /// World Peace Council (WPC) ///
Read more … Supporters ordered by countries
Click here to sign the petition.
Continue reading →This is the Statement approved by the High North International and Security Conference, last June 29th at Kiruna, Sweden. Several members of the ICC attended this reunion. THE KIRUNA STATEMENT PROTECTING THE HIGH NORTH, DEMILITARISING OUTER SPACE AND REMOVING THE THREAT OF NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION The International Conference on the High North and International Security was held in the city of Kiruna, Sweden, on 28-30th June 2013. Representatives from a wide spectrum of civil societies and public movements from a number … Continue reading →
President Obama’s speech last week in Berlin has understandably been overshadowed by Edward Snowden’s continuing NSA revelations (about which I’ll be sending you an article from today’s Times separately.) BUT, with much of the world anxious to learn how President Obama plans follow up his 2009 nuclear-free world speech in Prague, the his speech in Berlin was very important for what he did and did not say. Following is a critique of that speech and a listing of policy alternatives … Continue reading →
Please also note that following on a sign on letter delivered to President Obama last month, next week AFSC, along with our Peace Action and Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy partners, will be launching a petition campaign designed to encourage President Obama to engage in multilateral nuclear disarmament forums. For peace and justice, Joseph Gerson
Continue reading →from Joe Gerson Shortly after the Marathon bombings lockdown of the Boston metropolitan area and siege of Watertown, I did an interview with Jessie Jackson and Professor Charles Ogletree of Harvard Law School.
Continue reading →I am writing this from the Frankfurt, Germany airport where I have a three-hour layover on the way back to Boston. I flew early this morning from Kiruna to Stockholm and then Frankfurt.
Continue reading →by Elsa Rasbach For the official visit of President Barack Obama to Berlin on June 18th & 19th, ca. 800 people protested against US policies in a lively demonstration through central Berlin. The main banner reads: “Against War, Repression and Racism!” The call for the demonstration was by a broad coalition of peace, civil rights, and solidarity movements and takes as its theme the red penalty card, used in many sports, indicating that a player has committed an offense so serious … Continue reading →
Next meeting July 7th from 11:00 to about 17:00. The location is 19, Bd de Nancy 67000 Strasbourg At the end of the court take the door to the left and go to the top floor. (Next to the paint shop “workshop of Noah”) October, 11th – 13th, 2013 Strasbourg an international Afghanistan conference Dear friends and colleagues, we had to cancel our last preparatory meeting for the Afganistan Conference due to sickness of Karim and Claire. Now we would … Continue reading →
We must be alert, looking at Latin America. The Mexico-U.S. border, that is, the Latin America-NATO border, could be the next battlefield for the criminal alliance… Best, Luis Gutierrez-Esparza
Continue reading →by QYOZOU ENOLM <> Abstract 1 – A decadent Europe shows its decaying teeth 2 – A quick glance on the Pentagon/NATO’s last brave interventions 2.1 – Libya 2.2 – Iraq 2.3 – Afghanistan 2.4 – Syria 3 – What is left from tragedies and comedies of the recent past? 4 – Iran, the rich target of the Westerners 4.1 – Recent history of Western’s interventions in Iran 4.2 – The Iranian foreign relationships matrix 4.3 – The Iranian nuclear … Continue reading →
This email is to request that your organization consider sending short statements of solidarity to the High North and International Security Space Conference being held in Kiruna, Sweden on June 27-29. The three days of events are being sponsored by Women for Peace, the Folke Bernadotte Academy, and the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. You can learn more about the event at Your statements will be shared with those at the event. Please send your statements not … Continue reading →
Last week, in my weekly column in Mexico City’s daily newspaper Excelsior, I (Luis Gutierrez-Esparza) wrote about a theme that should be of concern to every Latin American and to the peace and disarmament movement worldwide: the presence of active chemical weapons, abandoned by the U.S. in Panama, and the reluctance of Washington to recognize its responsibility and destroy and remove those weapons from Panama.
Continue reading →Report and Appeal to the International community to support a process of dialogue and reconciliation in Syria between its people and Syrian government and reject outside intervention and war. BY Mairead Maguire, Nobel peace laureate. Spokesperson for Mussalaha International Peace delegation to Lebanon/Syria l-llth May, 2013,
Continue reading →Interesting and India moves to reinforce its influence in Afghanistan jg Afghan leader Hamid Karzai to push for Indian military aid Submitted by kerry.nelson on May 21st 2013, 3:54pm Afghan President Hamid Karzai will try to secure more military aid in talks with Indian leaders on Tuesday as he looks to beef up his security forces after international troops pull out next year. Karzai is to hold talks with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Indian counterpart Pranab Mukherjee after … Continue reading →
Hope you find this article useful. The U.S. internet newspaper Truthout has a fairly wide reach in progressive circles there. Elsa Sunday, 05 May 2013 00:00 By Elsa Rassbach, Truthout | Op-Ed
Continue reading →Calling for Peace Impressions from our journey. Despite many warnings, we found the courage to visit Kabul, from May 16 to 23, 2013.
Continue reading →I’m moved to write to share a significant article – most significant because of the corporatist magazine in which it appears – urging the retirement of NATO. thought you’d want to see it: Joe
Continue reading →This is the latest version of the programme. Greetings and welcome! Agneta
Continue reading →April 26, 2013 NEWS RELEASE Three women and one man from the Berlin Peace Coordination intervened yesterday during the parliamentary debate in Berlin regarding possible German acquisition of weaponized drones.
Continue reading →introduction on “militarization and crisis”, which was pronounced at the Ghent meeting of No-to-Nato-network on March, 9th 2013 by Georges Spriet Impoverishment of millions of people, mass unemployment, the collapse of public social regulations and programmes, people driven out of their houses : the crisis is taken deep roots in many regions of the world. It is slowing the rise of emerging economies.
Continue reading →Friends, Two more Korea crisis posts to follow on the article’s sent out earlier today. The Guardian in London reported this morning that North Korea is willing to join talks with the U.S. when it halts “brandishing a nuclear stick.”’ While neither the U.S. nor North Korea are in any rush to get to the negotiating table, if provocative actions and miscalculations can be avoided the crisis may have passed a peace. And then to point you to an important … Continue reading →
Friends, We convened a meeting here at the AFSC yesterday to talk about how best to respond to Monday’s terrorist attack. I was asked to write up our thoughts and initial prescriptions and thought I’d send them on to you. As indicated in the article, with the dead and severely wounded here, it’s too early to be pressing the point that this is what the U.S. does on a day to day basis, though I’ve pointed in that direction. … Continue reading →
Friends, The U.S.-Korean crisis continues. While we can be relieved by the dog that didn’t bite – Pyongyang didn’t launch a missile test on the anniversary of Kim Il Sung’s birthday as anticipated by the U.S. media. But the crisis could grow more intense as the U.S. and South Korean navies move into the third military “exercise” near or in West Sea waters claimed by both North and South Korea.
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