Category Archives: English
2023/11/16 online (zoom)
Climate crossfire
How NATO’s 2% military spending targets contribute to climate breakdown
A new tni report by Ho-Chih Lin, Nick Buxton, Mark Akkerman, Deborah Burton, Wendela de Vries.
2023/10/08 video is online
A Sanctioned World: A Crime Normalized: Voices from Sanctioned Nations
Video in English – Vídeo en español abajo!
2023/10/22 online
Celebration of Daniel Ellsberg’s Life
We are delighted to invite you to the Celebration of Daniel Ellsberg’s Life. It will take place online on Sunday October 22nd, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 to 6:00 pm Eastern time.
2023/12/02 online
A Global Monroe Doctrine Needs a Global Armistice
Armistice-Remembrance Day, North America
On December 2nd the Monroe Doctrine will turn 200. That is, it will be 200 years from the day President James Monroe made a speech from which years later …
2023/10/14 online forum
Abolishing Nuclear Weapons and Fossil Fuels: What Will It Take?
Register at
2023/09/30 zoom
First peace action zoom conference of the Network No to NATO
Invitation to the first peace action zoom conference of the Network No to War – No to NATO
on September 30th at 19:00 CEST (UTC+2) till 21:00 the preparation of the peace actions against the NATO-summit in Washington.
Please register in advance:
Australians Oppose Massive War Maneuvers, Talisman Sabre, AUKUS, and NATO Involvement in the Pacific
By Ann Wright and Liz Ridley, World BEYOND War, August 3, 2023
With over 30,000 U.S. and Australian military forces and representatives from 11 other countries conducting in the Talisman Sabre war drills in many parts of Australia during July and August, Continue reading →
Is Hollywood Still Afraid of the Truth About the Atomic Bomb?: Greg Mitchell on “Oppenheimer”
The movie Oppenheimer about J. Robert Oppenheimer — the “father of the atomic bomb” — focuses on Oppenheimer’s conflicted feelings about the weapons of mass destruction he helped unleash on the world, and how officials ignored those concerns after World War II as the Cold War started an arms race. Continue reading →
Spoiler alert: My review of Oppenheimer
by Marcy Winograd
Coordinator, CODEPINK Congress (
Co-Chair, Peace in Ukraine Coalition (
@MarcyWinograd on twitter
Oppenheimer: the Movie and the Moment to Prevent the Next Nuclear War
Unless this Hollywood film sparks a second nuclear-freeze movement, Congress and the White House will raid the treasury to expand our nuclear arsenal.
2024/02/13-16 MUMBAI INDIA
11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PEACE AND NONVIOLENT ACTION (11 th ICPNA)Theme : Only Nonviolence Can Guarantee World Peace And Environmental Sustainability Anuvrat Global Organization (ANUVIBHA)a transnational centre for peace and sustainability associated with UN-DGCAnuvibha Jaipur Kendra, B01-B02, Opp Gaurav Tower, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur – 302017 (Raj) INDIA
: Article from Dagbladet Arbejderen 25. juli 2023 PEOPLE OF PEACE FROM THE NORTH GO TOGETHER Over 30 peace organizations founded a new Nordic peace alliance in Helsingør Peacemakers from more than 30 peace organizations in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland recently met in Helsingør to found the Nordic Peace Alliance. Peacemakers from more than 30 peace organizations in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland met on 14 and 15 July at the International College in Helsingør to found the Nordic … Continue reading →
2023/09/20 online 6-8pm
Showcase of Youth-Led Initiatives
Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 6 – 8 pm ET
Continue reading →
2023/07/27 online 7pm CEST
Global Women for Peace United Against NATO zoom call
You are invited to a Zoom meeting of Global Women for Peace United Against NATO
When: Jul 27, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
Olympics of war games
‘Olympics of war games’: This year’s Talisman Sabre is most ambitious ever, official says
2024/07/09-11 Washington DC, USA
Official NATO summit 75 anniversary
2023/08/24 zoom
Next ICC No-to-NATO network meeting: Preparation of 75 year summit of NATO 2024 in Washington DC
A very important moment for our future work:
NATO becomes 2024: 75 years old and will celebrate this event in Washington from July 9th to 11th.
We will be there and protest the biggest military alliance of the world.
We want to invite you to a first meeting discussing about the preparation of our protest actions. We need thoughts, ideas and power.
2023/07/27+28 Washington DC
National Mobilization to End the Korean War
We’re just days away from our Korea Peace Action: National Mobilization to End the Korean War in Washington, DC.
If you can’t come to DC, you can still be part of this historic action. Here are five ways to participate: Continue reading →
Appeal: For an Agreement of Peace and Friendship among Peoples
We, the undersigned individuals and organizations, on the occasion of the NATO Summit to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, on July 11 and 12, wish to express the following: 1 – We are concerned about the rise in migration that millions of people are experiencing across the globe as a result of poverty, climate change, or war. 2 – The increased possibility of a Third World War.
Continue reading → 2023/09/30-10/08 worldwide
Global Mobilization for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations to stop the killing
Sorry for the long absence of the website
Unfortunately our webmaster has to fight cancer.
But the preparation of counter actions against the next NATO summit in Vilnius are on the way, organized mainly by woman_united_against NATO.
All information are available on the new webpage
Statement of the No to NATO network on
NATO 2030: United for a New Era.
The No to war – No to NATO Network condemns the proposals for a new NATO agenda, outlined in NATO 2030: United for a New Era. The report presents a dangerous expansion plan that will increase tension and the risk of war.
In 2020 NATO-Secretary-General Stoltenberg commissioned a group of 10 ‘experts’ to reflect on the future of NATO. In their report NATO 2030: United for a new Era they come up with 138 proposals that are supposed to help the military alliance meet key challenges in the next decade. The report was adopted by the NATO summit in Madrid 2022 and inspires all further NATO activities. Continue reading →
2023/03/20-24 Buenos Aires, Argentina
III World Forum on Human Rights Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Forum will include:
- Activities carried out in full by social movements; civil society; international, government, academic, and research organizations, among others.
- Plenaries, debates and keynote speeches with specialists from around the world, and
- Cultural activities; cooperative economy fairs; and radio and TV programs.
2023/02/15+16 zoom webinar
Iraq War Protests +20
Webinaire en anglais, avec la participation pour les pacifistes français de Arielle Denis, responsable à l’époque du Mouvement de la Paix.
International Advisory Board Stop Air Base Ramstein
The International Advisory Board advises the Stop Ramstein Air Base campaign. (
The members of the international advisory board are:
Julieta Daza, Venezuela | Pat Elder, USA | Leo Gabriel, Austria | Joseph Gerson, USA | Ross Gwyther, Australia | Piotr Ikonowicz, Poland | John Lannon, Ireland | Alain Rouy, France | Ikuko Ueno, Japan | Dave Webb, England | Ann Wright, USA | Michael Youlton, Ireland.
Video and Text: The Monroe Doctrine and World Balance
By David Swanson, prepared for the
Fifth International Conference for World Balance
Drawing on the recently published book, The Monroe Doctrine at 200 and What to Replace it With
Video here (
2023/02/10 zoom webinar 16:00 CET
Open Meeting to prepare Counter Actions against next NATO summit
The No to NATO network invites all peace friends and colleagues to support us in the preparation of actions against the next NATO summit in Vilnius (11+12 July 2023)
Action-Meeting via zoom on
Friday, 10th February at 16:00 CET (Berlin/Amsterdam)
Register in advance:–sqD0rG9QjilmwjfezlL5embr9PmCT
as agenda we propose:
US Installs New Nukes in Europe: As Destructive as 83 Hiroshima Bombs
US Installs New Nukes in Europe: As Destructive as 83 Hiroshima Bombs
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