For ten years war has been waging in Afghanistan – ten years too long.
ICC statement on the demonstration of Nov 20th 2010
Click here for the ICC statement on the demonstration of Nov 20th
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Continue reading →For ten years war has been waging in Afghanistan – ten years too long.
»» 1. /2.7.2010 in Istanbul
Continue reading →Description of the Platform “No to Nato – No to war” (Draft)
Continue reading →Minutes ICC Meeting No to War – No to NATO Quaker House, New York, May 9th 2010
Continue reading →60 years are more than enough: “No to NATO – No to war” Our actions against aggressive NATO military policy during its 60th birthday from April 1st to 5th 2009, and at the end of the worldwide week of action of the World Social Forum in Belem, have been a great success despite massive obstructions. Our goal is to dissolve and dismantle NATO. Along the lines of “No to NATO – No to war” thousands of people protested and participated … Continue reading →
THE INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE: NO TO NATO; NO TO WAR! 60 years are more than enough: “No to NATO – No to war” Our actions against aggressive NATO military policy during its 60th birthday from April 1st to 5th 2009, and at the end of the worldwide week of action of the World Social Forum in Belem, have been a great success despite massive obstructions. Our goal is to dissolve and dismantle NATO. Along the lines of “No to NATO … Continue reading →
With more than 500 participants from 20 European countries and the US and Canada, the International Congress of the peace movement focused on political critique and alternatives to NATO. Speakers from NATO countries of Europe and the USA, from Russia, Georgia, Afghanistan, and further countries criticized the policy of NATO which steers towards global militarization and demanded an end of NATO’s war in Afghanistan and the dismantlement of NATO and its global military bases. One of the most prominent voices … Continue reading →
Am vergangenen Samstag, den 28.03.2009 ist im Neuen Deutschland eine 16-seitige Sonder-Beilage “Nein zur NATO” erschienen. Sie wurde herausgegeben in Zusammenarbeit vom Neuen Deutschland und dem ICC (International Coordination Committee). Diese Beilage wird inhaltsgleich auch in der jungen Welt und der taz erscheinen. Einzelexemplare sind beim Materialversand anzufordern. Hier können Sie vier Seiten der Beilage mit detailierten Informationen zur Demonstration und zum Kongress als .pdf downloaden: Nein zur NATO BeilageND
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