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September 26 is United Nations International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (Nuclear Abolition Day).
The day occurs on the anniversary of the 1983 incident in which a nuclear war was almost initiated by accident (See The Man who Saved the World). Read more
Following on from last year’s peace conference in Cloughjordan Eco-village, World BEYOND War and Shannonwatch are pleased to announce and invite you to this year’s conference on the 8th of September, which will again be held in Cloughjordan.
Follow the link for all the details.
Symposium call:
Symposium program:
Symposium call:
Symposium program:
Call to revolutionary lawyers’ trial:
This year’s International Day of Peace may be conducted in one of the most challenging times of the 21st century. We see the powers striving for the rise of old conflicts and rivalries, nationalisms as well as massive armament paired with growing injustices in the world. At the same time we see the further developing of peacebuilding, civil conflict resolution and a strengthening of the United Nations and other peaceful and democratic structures. The IPB Youth Network and IPB are … Continue reading →
Aktions and aktivities in Germany you will find on the websites
and on
U.S.A.F. Croughton (US communication base) Keep Space for Peace No ‘Space Force’ Saturday 6th October 2018 12.00 – 4.00pm Download the leaflet: Croughton 2018 leaflet FINAL.pdf
Continue reading →Marches nationales pour la paix le Samedi 22 Septembre Lettre à toutes les organisations signataires de l’appel du collectif National «En marche pour la paix: stop la guerre – stop la violence – stop la misère».Copie à tous les comités du Mouvement de la Paix et aux organisations qui pourraient signer l’appel et/ou participer à l’organisation de ces marches Votre organisation, votre association, votre comité est partenaire des marches pour la paix qui sont organisées partout en France le samedi 22 … Continue reading →
Ingeborg Breines: A p p e l l FEM PÅ TOLV MARKERING MOT MILITARISERING – 11. juli kl 1155 – 1300 foran Stortinget Velkommen til denne punktmarkeringa mot militarisering som vi symbolsk har kalt Fem på Tolv! Takk for at dere vil være med! Vi er ekstra glade for at dere kom siden det ikke er så lett å mobilisere folk i 30 graders varme midt i fellesferien. Vi har valgt dette tidspunktet siden NATOs toppmøte i Bryssel starter i … Continue reading →
Aufruf zur Kalkar-Demo 2018 Call for the demonstration in Kalkar (actual only in German) Beschlossen bei der Friedensversammlung Rhein/Ruhr am 29.6.18: Krieg beginnt hier! Setzen wir Zeichen für den Frieden! Am 3.10. auf nach Kalkar! Am 3. Oktober feiert Deutschland die Vereinigung seiner Teilstaaten auf der Grundlage eines Friedens-vertrages zur Einheit Deutschlands, des 2+4-Vertrages. Dieser Vertrag wird durch die Militäreinrichtungen von Bundeswehr und NATO in Kalkar ständig gebrochen. Eine im Vertrag vereinbarte europäische Friedensordnung ist nicht in Sicht. Die zunehmenden … Continue reading →
More information and call for the demonstration (only in German) | Mehr Informationen und der Aufruf zur Demonstration: Information about the conference and the organisator (Joint Air Power Competence Center): The japcc is located in Kalkar, and on October 3rd (bank holiday in Germany) there will be a peace demonstration in Kalkar.
Continue reading →2018 July 11, public press conference on the NATO summit
Berlin, Dorothea-Schlegel-Platz
On the confrontational policy against Russia, the planned maneuvers on the Russian border and the planned construction of a new ready pool of around 30,000 soldiers with Heike Hänsel, Alexander Neu, MP Germany DIE LINKE.
To modernize nuclear weapons, new nuclear weapons strategy with Alex Rosen, IPPNW
For 2% -Request, conversion Bundeswehr, drones, refugee policy with Rainer Braun, IPB
Zur Konfrontationspolitik gegenüber Russland, zu den geplanten Manövern an der russischen Grenze und zum geplanten Aufbau eines neuen Bereitschafts-Pools von rund 30.000 Soldaten mit Heike Hänsel, Alexander Neu, MdP DIE LINKE.
Zur Modernisierung der Atom-Waffen, neue Atom-Waffen-Strategie mit Alex Rosen, IPPNW
Zur 2%-Forderung, Umbau Bundeswehr, Drohnen, Flüchtlingspolitik mit Rainer Braun, IPB
Enviamos la Convocatoria a las III Sesiones del Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos Contra la Guerra Imperialista y la OTAN que se celebrarán en Cádiz los días 12 y 13 de octubre de 2018. El Tribunal, promovido en sus sesiones previas por el Foro Contra la Guerra Imperialista y la OTAN, lo es ahora por el FAI. Invitamos a la participación a todas las personas que comparten con nosotros las convicciones antiimperialistas e internacionalistas y deseen colaborar en la construcción … Continue reading →
Le mercredi 11 juillet dès 18h rassemblement « L’OTAN n’aura pas la paix » devant l’entrée du parc du cinquantenaire (petite rue de la loi/rond-point Schuman), où se réuniront les chefs d’État pour une « soirée de gala ». Plus d’informations sur ce rassemblement à l’initiative d’Agir pour la paix et de la CNAPD sur l’événement facebook ou sur le site internet. Quand ? Mercredi 11 juillet 2018 de 18h à 21h30 Où ? Rue de la Loi, 1000 Bruxelles (entre le parc du cinquantenaire … Continue reading →
INTERNATIONAL INVITATION First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases November 16-18, 2018, Dublin, Ireland Add Your Support and Join Us Dear Friends of Peace Around the World, We are deeply concerned, and frightened, by the threat of war that permeates the present Global atmosphere. The increasingly aggressive and expansionist actions of US/NATO forces in violation of international law and the sovereign rights of all nations, the raging wars in the Middle East, the burgeoning arms race devastating the national treasuries, … Continue reading →
Baltic Glory – a peace exercise shaming war will this year be held in Lovisa in the South of Finland 9-12/8 2018. The exercise gathers people from Finland and Russia and Sweden critical of militarisation and war. In total there will be 75 participants. To have the chance to be one of them all you have to do is to send a short presentation of yourself and your motivation to . The last day for applications is 15/6. The exercise … Continue reading →
There is a common trip planned from Cologne to Brussels to the demonstration “Make Peace Great Again!. Weitere Anmeldungen zur bisherigen Busanfahrt sind nicht mehr möglich !! Statt dessen empfehlen wir für weitere Demo-Teilnehmer aus Köln nach Recherche unter (jetzt 2019: ) die folgende Hin- und Rückfahrt nach Brüssel: Hin über Flixbus -Buchung Ab 10:15 Köln Süd, Airport direkt an in Bruxelles (Brüssel) Nord um 13:45 für 9,99 Euro … Continue reading →
Invitation to the peace movements from the European nuclear (host) nations to a meeting in Brussels on Saturday 7th July 2018 (from 10 am to 1 pm), the meeting will take place in: De Kriekelaar Rue Gallait 86 B-1030 Schaerbeek It’s about 1 km or a 12 minute walk to the Brussels North Station For more details how to get there, see: We propose the following agenda: 10:00 – 10:15 Greetings by Ludo de Brabander 10:15 – 10:30 Round … Continue reading →
IPB and Partners to host International Conference on Nuclear Dangers and the Ban Treaty Hopes I am excited to announce an extraordinary peace and nuclear disarmament conference May 12 in New York city. It will feature, among other Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, Tjara Cronberg, Sergio Duarte, Zia Mian, Christie Hong, Hiroshi Taka and others. Mark your calendars: May 12, 10 – 4 the Judson Memorial Church at 55 Washington Square South and Thompson Street. No fees involved. At this time … Continue reading →
Counter Summit “No to war – No to NATO” (last update 05/07/2018) Program Counter Summit: “No to war – no to NATO” Introduction As the world becomes more dangerous, the need for discussions and actions for peace has never been more vital. With militarism on the rise, the need for a global people’s alternative – of justice, sustainability and peace – has never been more urgent. NATO is pressing its members to spend 2% of GDP on military budgets to … Continue reading →
Protest March 2018 Make Peace Great Again 7 july 3 PM – Brussels North Station Trump will probably visit our country on 11 and 12 July for a NATO summit. On the agenda: more defence expenditure by all NATO countries, including Belgium. The Trump Not Welcome Platform calls on everyone to reclaim the streets on Saturday 7 July. We refuse to participate in this arms race at the expense of poverty reduction, social protection, the fight against climate change, humane … Continue reading →
In response to the call-out from peace movements, and within the Nonviolent direct action framework, we invite everyone to take action against the next NATO summit which already has the taste for blood, by organising non violent direct actions to blockade or disrupt the summit. The list of targets we have suggested all have a direct link with NATO and its functioning, and the very holding of the summit. Let us be creative, radical, numerous and in solidarity with all … Continue reading →
2018 WOMEN’S MARCH ON THE PENTAGON Give a Sh!t October 20 & 21, 2018 In response to the continuing march of military aggression by the USA and to put an antiwar agenda back on the table of activists, we are calling for an Women’s (and allies) March on the Pentagon tentatively sent for the 51st anniversary of the 1967 big antiwar event in DC and subsequent march on the Pentagon that had 50,000 people! Our demands are simple: The complete … Continue reading →
The conference will focus on how to design and build an alternative system of global governance – one in which peace is pursued by peaceful means. We will explore how the rule of law has been used both to restrain war and to legitimize it — and how we can re-design systems to abolish the institution of war and uphold human and ecological justice. Organizations are invited to sponsor, table at, and participate in the conference. Sponsorship includes perks like … Continue reading →
Conference in New York Two Minutes to Midnight How Do We Move from Geopolitical Conflict to Nuclear Abolition? Saturday, May 12 10am – 4pm Judson Memorial Church, Assembly Hall, 229 Thompson St. (South of washingtonn Square Park) New York City. As a lead-up to the United Nations High Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament (May 14-16), this conference is convened to analyse and warn about the current nuclear dangers, to raise the Ban Treaty and other disarmament initiatives, and to build … Continue reading →
IPB together with ICAN will held a campaigners meeting April 21 and 22 Geneva Press Club,Route de Ferney 106, Geneva
Continue reading →Side Event of the 2nd Preparatory Committee to the NPT Review Conference
Monday 30 April at 13:15 CET
For the second side event in cooperation with the Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, IPB wants to shed a light on “Nuclear weapon free zone(s) or zone(s) free from weapons of mass destruction”. The focus will be on West Asia and North Africa.
The event will be held at the UNO Palais des Nations in Geneva.
More information see:
Monday – Apr 23, 2018 – Friday – May 4, 2018
United Nations Office at Geneva
Side Event of the 2nd Preparatory Committee to the NPT Review Conference Nuclear weapons in Europe Friday 27 April 10:00 CET The event “Nuclear weapons in Europe” will depict the status quo of nuclear weapons either held by European countries or stationed in Europe by foreign powers. In a time where nuclear weapons are modernised and renewed we need to take a closer look at their impact on the regions. Facing the rising tensions in the world we need to … Continue reading →
The 5th Peace of the Sea Camp will be July 25-29, 2018 on Jeju Island, South Korea. This is the 5th annual camp; it has been held in Jeju, Okinawa, Taiwan, and Ishigaki, and activists in Jeju are hosting the camp again. Here is the link to the Peace of the Sea camp on Jeju Island, South Korea July 25-29, 2018. Camp Overview 1) Where: Gangjeong Village, Seongsan, Alddreu Airfield, etc. on Jeju Island 2) When: July 25-29, 2018 (4 … Continue reading →
Friday June 29th start at 12.00 noon – 6.00 pm Church of Reconciliation, Leipziger Straße 5, 67663 Kaiserslautern Program of the international meeting against foreign military bases 11.00 am Opening and welcome (Kristine Karch) 11.15 am – 11.30 am Round of introduction Moderation: Ann Wright / Karl-Hein Peil 11.30 am -11.45 am What are the goals of our meeting? Aims and perspectives (Reiner Braun) 11.45 am – 1.00 pm No to military basis – experiences from actions (reports and discussion): … Continue reading →
To get there: from station Brussels-midi take metro to Madou (line 2) – from there it’s a 10 minutes walk. Other option: It’s a twenty minute walk from Central Station. Continue reading →
AGM Session 2: New York. May 11 The UN General Assembly is holding its first ever High-Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament from May 14-16 in New York. Abolition 2000 members have been encouraging governments to attend at the highest level, and to advance concrete nuclear-risk reduction and disarmament measures at the conference. Abolition 2000 members are also organizing some parallel events including Count the Nuclear Weapons Money from May 10-16 and an international conference on nuclear disarmament on May 12. … Continue reading →
AGM Session 1: Geneva. April 28 States Parties to the NPT will be meeting in Geneva from April 23 – May 4 for the 2nd Preparatory Conference for the 2020 NPT Review. The Abolition 2000 AGM will be held in the weekend in-between the two weeks of NPT deliberations. Abolition 2000 was established at the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference, with a focus on the full implementation of Article VI of the NPT, the obligation to achieve complete nuclear … Continue reading →
English below Aufruf/Info zum GLOBAL ACTION DAY Berlin in Berlin am Samstag, 24. Februar 2018 um 14 Uhr vor der US-Botschaft beim Brandenburger Tor in SOLIDARITÄT MIT CUBA & GEGEN DIE US-Militärbasis GUANTÁNAMO/Cuba Seit genau 115 Jahren halten die USA Guantánamo Bay als Marinestützpunkt besetzt. Seit dem Sieg der cubanischen Revolution 1959 verlangt Cuba, verlangt das cubanische Volk die Rückgabe seines eigenen Territoriums, wie es dem völkerrechtlichen Prinzip der Selbstbestimmung entspricht. Guantánamo wurde vom US-Militär 1903 unter kolonialen Machtverhältnissen eingenommen … Continue reading →
list of actions at July 11th, 2018 In the name of peace, and the future of humanity, we call for coordinated world-wide actions to take place on the eve of the Summit – on Wednesday 11 July at 5pm – in support of the demonstration, counter-summit and all peaceful protest during the Summit.(excerpt from the Call for actions) Participants from 10 NATO member countries attending a preparatory meeting on January 27, 2018 in Brussels commited to organize actions in the … Continue reading →
The conference attendees* decided on some next steps. A national day of action against foreign military bases is being planned for February 23, the anniversary of the US seizing Guantanamo Bay, Cuba through a “perpetual lease” that began in 1903. Activists are encouraged to plan local actions. If you plan an event, contact and we’ll post it on the events page. The demands will include closing the base and prison in Guantanamo, returning the land to Cuba and ending the US blockade.
*The Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, held its inaugural event January 12-14, 2018 at the University of Baltimore in Maryland.