No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Reiner Braun, Susanne Grabenhorst, Inge Höger, Willi Hofmeister, Andre Hunko, Philipp Ingenleuf, Peter Jüriens, Kristine Karch, Alexander Neu, Franz Josef Surges, Bernhard Trautvetter, Lucas Wirl laden ein zu einem Vorbereitungstreffen für Aktionen gegen den NATO-Gipfel in Brüssel für Sonntag, 23.4.2017 von 12 bis 17 Uhr nach Köln ins Friedensbildungswerk Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, Am 24. und 25. Mai 2017 wird die NATO für die Einweihung des neuen Headquarters und zu ihrem Gipfel in Brüssel zusammen kommen. Donald Trump erklärte, dass …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, aus Verantwortung „Nein“ gesagt zu haben zum deutschen Griff zur Atombombe, das ist die historische Leistung der Wissenschaftler, die 1957 den Aufruf der Göttinger 18 unterzeichneten und eine Mitarbeit an der Bombe verweigerten. Weiterhin „Nein“ zur Atombombe zu sagen ist 60 Jahre danach von bleibender, dramatischer Aktualität – nicht nur wegen der milliardenschweren “Modernisierungsprogrammen” in allen Atomwaffenstaaten. Die Weigerung der Bundesregierung, sich an den UN-Verhandlungen zu einem Verbot von Atomwaffen zu beteiligen, ist ein politscher …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Nuclear abolition more important than ever before! Abolition 2000 Update: Annual Campaign and Networking Meeting. Dear friends and colleagues, Thank you for your interest in the global abolition of nuclear weapons, and in Abolition 2000. Since its establishment in 1995, Abolition 2000 has served as a broad international network, open to any organization or individual that supports the Abolition 2000 call to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons. Abolition 2000 provides a space to share information and initiatives, discuss strategies, and build collaboration. The …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Folks, We are excited to share a short video that has just been made by our friend Will Griffin (Veterans For Peace) from Georgia about Huntsville and our upcoming Global Network annual space organizing conference. Will is an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran and I’ve had the great pleasure of traveling with him to South Korea, Okinawa, India and Nepal. Last month Will made a trip to Huntsville to do some advance work for the conference and produced this video. You …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
March 20 it is 14 years ago Denmark without FN-mandate declared war with Irak, under large protests from the population. Denmark has without interruptionsparticipated in warmissions since then. NATO is in full swing building up to war, also in the nordic countries. Saturday march 18th, at Folkets Hus, Stengade 50, 2200 Copenhagen N 4 pm Peoples kitchen 5 pm Presentations Tue Magnussen & Pernille Grumme 6 pm music In danish: Den 20. marts er det 14 år siden Danmark uden …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
A series of direct actions, starting on Sunday, May 21st. If you want to join in, let us know via:
Participation in the big “TRUMPism Not Welcome” march on Wednesday, May 24th at 5PM. This protest march will be held in coordination with the woman, student, climate, social and refugees movements (among others). We’ll try to have the messages of the peace movement as visible as possible. Suggestions or co-operation?
A Conference & workshops with international guests on Thursday, May 25th. See the draft program here based on the proposals made during the preparatory meetings. You’re invited to suggest adjustments, names and co-operation:
A peace camp will take place from May 21st till 26th 2016. For more information contact:
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Dear friends, According to the Belgian Press, the planned NATO summit in Brussels will take place on May 24 en 25 2017!! If this information is correct, we’ll have 4 months left to prepare succesful counter actions. Last year, December 17, we had a very fruitful preparatory international meeting with interesting discussions and proposals. In annex you’ll find the report of the last meeting. If you have comments, you can always send them to As agreed, the next meeting …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Jan 20th, 2017 | 9AM All Day | McPherson Square Join us for a bold mobilization against the inauguration of Donald Trump We’re bringing widespread civil resistance to the streets of Washington, DC through protests, direct actions, and even parties and we want you there with us. Read our call to action or find out how you can get involved and how we can support you right here! Sign up below if you’d like to get updates. Week of …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
After the Inauguration: Rest Your Feet, Feed Your Head, Stoke Your Fire! A free conference at American University’s Kay Spiritual Life Center SUNDAY – JANUARY 22: 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Please join featured speakers Phyllis Bennis, Michael McPhearson, Judith LeBlanc, John Feffer, Alli McCracken, maTT DeVlieger, Jackie Cabasso, john Feffer, Raed Jarrar, Joseph Gerson, George Martin, Cole Harrison, Kevin Martin and others in a dialogue on building the peace and social justice movement as we build the resistance needed to …Continue reading →
Protest am 20. Januar 2017, Tag des Amtsantritts Trumps in den USA Donald Trump steht gerne im Rampenlicht. Aber: sobald er sein Amt antritt, werden sich die Kameras den Demonstranten zuwenden, die ihn und andere Machthaber daran erinnern, dass Rassismus, Frauenfeindlichkeit, Homophobie, Antisemitismus, Islamfeindlichkeit und Angstmacherei nicht toleriert werden. Trumpismus ist keine isolierte nationale Bewegung. Gemeinsam treten wir den Rechtsopportunisten entgegen – darunter Frauke Petry, Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders und Nigel Farage –, die aus Machthunger Zuwandernden sowie religiöse …Continue reading →
Protest on 2017 January 20, U.S. Inauguration Day Donald Trump likes the spotlight. But as he takes the stage as the new U.S. president, cameras will be turned toward protesters worldwide reminding him and all leaders that racism, misogyny, homophobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and fear-mongering will not be tolerated. “Trumpism” is not an isolated national movement. We stand united against opportunists including Frauke Petry and the AfD, Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders, and Nigel Farage who scapegoat and demonize immigrants and …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Peace Ball, Inauguration, and Women’s March
January 19 – 21, 2017 Washington, D.C.
Join CODEPINK for three days of Presidential Counter Inauguration activities in Washington, D.C. January 19-21. We will be participating in the Peace Ball, Occupy Inauguration, Disrupt J20, Women’s March on Washington, and more.
On 20 January, Donald Trump will be inaugurated as President of the USA.
The election of Donald Trump as US president means the most powerful office on Earth belongs to someone who promised to build a giant wall along the Mexican border, the expulsion of 11 million “illegal” immigrants and “extreme vetting” for Muslims entering the country.
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Sign up to the protest on Facebook and invite your friends Join us to say Stop Trump’s Nuclear Arms Race on the day of the US President-elect’s inauguration. We’ll be outside the US Embassy in London on 20 January from 5pm. Protest: US Embassy London • from 5pm • 20 January 2017 The last few weeks have seen international tensions grow as US President-elect Donald Trump has made an alarming series of statements, the consequences of which could spell nuclear annihilation. Breaking with decades of …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Aufruf aus Berlin zur Protestkundgebung in Berlin am 20. Januar um 17 Uhr am Brandenburger Tor Am 20. Januar 2017 soll Donald Trump in sein Amt als 44. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika eingeführt werden. In vielen Orten und Städten der USA werden Menschen gegen Trump demonstrieren. Wir auch! In Berlin und in vielen anderen Orten Deutschlands – wo immer möglich wollen wir gegen Rassismus und Chauvinismus demonstrieren! Wir demonstrieren gegen Donald Trump – der wie dessen soziales Umfeld …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Massive US-Truppen über Deutschland nach Osteuropa *Nein zum Säbelrasseln – Truppenverlegung stoppen! * *Demonstration am 7. Januar 2017* 12 Uhr an der Großen Kirche in Bremerhaven, Bürgermeister-Smidt-Straße 45
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Samstag, den 26.11.16 von 11-17 Uhr im Gewerkschaftshaus (Willy Richter Saal) Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 69-77 | 60329 Frankfurt am Main Wir bitten um Anmeldung unter: „Wie geht es weiter? Was machen wir nächstes Jahr? Wie können wir noch mehr werden? Wie können die Aktionen noch bunter, kreativen und vielfältiger werden?“ – Immer wieder wurden diese und ähnliche Gedanken und Fragen in E-Mails, Gesprächen und Telefonaten nach den großen und erfolgreichen Aktionen in Ramstein im Juni 2016 geäußert. Jetzt wollen wir gemeinsam …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Im Rahmen des diesjährigen Friedensratschlages in Kassel am 3./4. Dezember 2016 gibt es am Sonntag, 04. Dezember 2016, 10:00 – 11:45 Uhr einen Workshop “Worum geht es bei dem NATO-Gipfel 2017 in Brüssel?” mit Klaus Hartmann, Die Freidenker und Kristine Karch, Intern. Netzwerk No to war – no to NATO Moderation: Lucas Wirl, Intern. Netzwerk No to war – no to NATO Interessierrte sind herzlich eingeladen. Mehr Infos zur Aktionsvorbereitung des NATO-Gipfels Mitte 2017 in Brüssels gibt es unter: …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Location: Rue de la Linière 11 – 1060 Brussels At the last NATO summit it was announced that there will be a next NATO summit at the new NATO Headquarters in Brussels in 2017. As far as sources say, the summit may happen in the first half of next year, rather giving us a short period of time for planning and mobilizing for actions against the NATO summit. Therefore we would like to invite you to an international preparatory meeting …Continue reading →
No to war - no to NATO NetworkPosted on by kristine
Dear friends and colleagues, please find enclosed a invitation for TRIBUNAL ETICO “about on the implementation by the US government acts of aggression and threats that undermine the sovereignty of peoples and national states and violate the right internacional” this new event is a result of the work about peace and free determinations of the people; We are organizing for Monday September 28, 2015, in the City of Buenos Aires Argentina. For assembly of this event we have the support …Continue reading →