Protest as the nuclear submaring enters Tromsø 10’th of May
Geir, Norway
Join us online as we celebrate MAW’s 20th birthday! BRUCE KENT and MAW Chairperson TIM DEVEREUX will be joined by expert guests, looking back briefly on our achievements and, more importantly, thinking about the future. PAUL INGRAM in conversation with MERERID HOPWOOD will consider: The challenges of war and peace in the 21st century Alternatives to war – including the UN, conflict transformation and international law The role of the armed forces and their carbon bootprint Come and join the … Continue reading →
Protest as the nuclear submaring enters Tromsø 10’th of May
Geir, Norway
Dear participants and registrants, with this email, we would like to give you a short overview of our German webinar “SIPRI Figures on Military Expenditure – Developments in Germany and Worldwide”, which we held via Zoom on April 28. This event was one in a series leading up to the Second World Peace Congress in Barcelona being held from October 15-17, 2021, for which we have just published our second programme draft. Find more information about it here: We … Continue reading →
170 Civil Society Organizations from 33 different countries demand that governments around the world drastically reduce their military expenditures, which reached almost 2 trillion $ in 2020, a 2.6% increase over the previous year. World military expenditure amounted to $1981 billion in 2020, a 2.6% increase over the previous year. In 2020, the biggest spenders were the US, China, India, Russia, the UK and Saudi Arabia. Except for Saudi Arabia, they all increased their expenditure over 2019. Military expenditure … Continue reading →
by Manlio Dinucci The Afghanistan US and Allied Forces commander General Scott Miller announced on April 25 the beginning of foreign troops withdrawal that should be completed by September 11, according to President Biden’s decision. Is the US ending a war waged for almost twenty years? In order to understand this communication, it is first of all necessary to consider the results of the war. The toll in human lives is largely unquantifiable: the “direct deaths” among the US military would … Continue reading →
International days of action – 11th-13th June, 2021
Mass Day of Action – 12th June (
Alternative conference – tbc
Katharine AM Wright, Department of Politics, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK. (International Political Science Review 2016, 37(3), 350–361)
International security institutions play a pivotal role in the realisation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda through their adoption and implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. This article examines NATO’s adoption of UNSCR 1325, drawing upon Cynthia Enloe’s conception of NATO as a ‘teaching machine’ disseminating lessons on gender. In doing so, it finds UNSCR 1325 has been understood to be of ‘added-value’ to the Alliance in two respects: first, to support NATO’s long-established agenda to increase the representation of women in NATO forces; second, as a tool to increase operational effectiveness. I find that NATO’s adoption of UNSCR 1325 emerged as part of a counter discourse. The fact that this counter discourse was put forward by partner states challenges dominant understandings of the direction of policy dissemination within NATO. This case provides salient lessons on the opportunities for – and hindrances to – change through the pursuit of a feminist agenda within an international security institution.
GNspace4peace :
The government of Indonesia is planning to build a military base (KODIM 1810) in the rural area of Tambrauw West Papua without consultation or permission from the Indigenous landowners who call this land their home. To stop its development, local activists are launching a comprehensive advocacy campaign and they need our help. Continue reading →
by Yurii Sheliazhenko Transcript of a presentation delivered at the International Peace Bureau’s webinar on the dangerous US/NATO/Russia/Ukraine maneuvers 5 May 2021. (Video from the webinar: webinar-discussion-about-the-dangerous-us-nato-russia-ukraine-maneuvers-2021-05-05-video/) My main point is to urge you against seeing whole problem only in the Ukraine crisis. Let’s see the big picture. War in Ukraine started in the interests of superpowers. It is a war for status quo, for a cold-war-like world. United States and Russia treat Ukraine and European Union like a chessboard … Continue reading →
World BEYOND War is pleased to cosponsor this event with Women Against War.
NO to New Warheads and Missiles!
YES to Current and Future Pandemic Prevention!
A Virtual Info Session on WHY the ICBM ACT — INVESTING IN CURES BEFORE MISSILES — is imperative Continue reading →
On this show we are speaking with Angelo Cardona about the First Youth Summit Against NATO.
GNspace4peace :
Commemorate end of WWII! To commemorate the end of World War II in Europe we invite to the webinar on the 8th of May 2021 at 10:00 am CEST with the title: Never again! We need a new detente! We all know that World War II brought about one of the biggest disasters of human mankind to the world. The present escalation of military activities around Russia and the information war between West and East reminds us of the … Continue reading →
What is going on?? And how dangerous is the situation?
Speakers are Bruce Gagnon, Elizabeth Murray, Yuri Sheliazhenkol, Reiner Braun
Women Against NATO Network Meeting
with Kristine Karch, Rae Street and Tamara Lorincz
For your information: Despite the pandemic, France continues to test its nuclear weapons. Alain ROUY, Le Mouvement de la Paix A missile fired this Wednesday morning from Biscarrosse ( Source : Local Newspaper 28/04/2021 SUDOUEST.FR) A missile was fired from the Landes missile test centre at 10am this Wednesday morning. A big bang was heard this Wednesday morning at 10 am in the region of Biscarrosse and Mimizan. The origin of this detonation comes from a firing of M51 missile organized … Continue reading →
Let’s discuss what to do to get rid of NATO and militarism!
What can women distribute to the planned actions online and offline in Brussels or at home, see
As part of the 1st International Day of Action against Foreign Military Bases*.
Due to Corona restrictions, the marathon will be divided into 2 stages: Continue reading →
by Ray McGovern Posted on April 15, 2021 President Joe Biden has now taken a waiver on the “unwavering”, full-throated support that he, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had been giving to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The recurring “unwavering” meme was played right up until late Tuesday after Biden’s telephone talk with Putin Tuesday.
Continue reading →By Reiner Braun Nothing is harder and nothing requires more character, than to be in open opposition to its time and to say to say loudly: No. I put this quote from Kurt Tucholski at the beginning of my remarks because it is also about countering the narrative of mainstream politics and media reporting with clarification and facts.
Continue reading →“The 500 additional troops being sent to Germany are not just ordinary GIs, meant to bolster frontline formations, but rather highly trained specialists intended for “multi-domain operations” involving cyber and space combat as well as “long-range fires” employing hypersonic missiles” By Michael T. Klare April 20, 2021 From the Forever Wars to the Hypersonic Wars The United States bolsters high-tech forces in Europe
Continue reading →By Angelo Cardona –April 16, 2021 Washington has long helped fuel the devastating conflict in Colombia that goes back to the era of La Violencia in World War II
Continue reading →What is going on?? And how dangerous is the situation? Speakers are Bruce Gagnon, Elizabeth Murray, Yuri Sheliazhenkol, Reiner Braun Events in the U.S./NATO/Ukraine challenge to Russia have been moving at a frenetic pace. Ukraine increased deployment of military troops to the eastern provinces on the border of Donbass. Russia predictably responded by mobilizing a large part of its military to meet the Ukraine threat. In another incident, the US publicized two U.S. warships heading into the Black Sea; Russia … Continue reading →
+++ SAVE THE DATE +++ SAVE THE DATE +++ Topic: NATO is weaponizing the UN resolution 1325* women, peace, and security (WPS) The women against NATO network meeting will take place on 25. April 2021 (Sunday 11am PDT (UTC-7) / 2pm EDT (UTC-4) / 8pm CEST (UTC+2). Join Zoom Meeting The following speakers will give us a short input and afterwards will have a discussion, with the aim to strengthen our activities against the war machine NATO.
Continue reading →ICC No to NATO, 7 April 2021 Participants: Kristine, Lucas, Reiner, Ludo, Kate, Tamara, Joseph, Ann, Alain, Yves-Jean Next NATO summit: Ludo gives first information: Date not confirmed: June/ July (14 July?) 2021 NATO Summit Brussels First Belgium zoom call about what can be done Ideas: Online counter summit similar to world social forum Small actions: bike tour, city guide tours Demonstration will not be possible due to corona restrictions Discussion: Hybrid events, decentralized protests connected via internet Series of … Continue reading →
by Manlio Dinucci The Aviano base US F-16 fighters are engaged in “air operations” in Greece, where the Iniochos 21 exercise began yesterday. They belong to the 510th Fighter Squadron stationed in Aviano, whose role is indicated in its emblem: the atom symbol with three lightning strikes the earth, flanked by the imperial eagle. Nuclear attack aircraft are therefore those engaged by the US Air Force in Greece. Greece granted the United States the use of all its military bases … Continue reading →
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and People’s Campaigns
Date and Time: April 16 (Fri) 17:00-19:00 JST
16:00-18:00 Philippines | 15:00-17:00 Vietnam/Southeast Asia |
10:00-12:00 Europe
English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation provided.
To register please send an email with your name and subject line “Youth Summit Against NATO” to . Continue reading →
Tuesday, April 13, 5 pm PT/8 pm ET
Featuring Continue reading →
Organizing Notes Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He offers his own reflections on organizing and the state of America’s declining empire….
Continue reading →As much as any place around the world the current situation in Ukraine could be a trigger for nuclear war. With the recent construction of US Aegis-Ashore ‘missile defense’ (MD) bases in Romania and Poland (that could also fire nuclear-capable Tomahawk cruise missiles that could reach Moscow in 10 minutes) as well as current deployment in the Black Sea of Navy Aegis destroyers with MD systems on board, it seems crucial that world citizens should have a greater understanding of … Continue reading →
NATO press release from 23 March 2021 PR (2021) 043 Issued by the NATO Foreign Ministers Brussels, 23rd-24th March 2021 We are meeting in Brussels to reaffirm the enduring transatlantic bond between Europe and North America, with NATO at its heart. We are bound together by our shared democratic values, and by our adherence to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. NATO is the foundation of our collective defence: together we reaffirm our solemn commitment to the … Continue reading →
The Annual Report for 2020 covers NATO’s work and achievements throughout the year, including NATO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, its efforts to ensure the health crisis did not become a security crisis, and the NATO 2030 initiative to future-proof the Alliance. …
The Annual Report includes the results of new polls on the public perception of the Alliance. These show that, in a year of upheaval, overall support for the NATO Alliance, the transatlantic bond and collective defence remains strong.
The Report also includes the details of estimated 2020 national defence expenditures for all 30 NATO Allies.
The full Report is now available online. (
16 March 2021 PR (2021) 030 NATO collects defence expenditure data from Allies on a regular basis and presents aggregates and subsets of this information. Each Ally’s Ministry of Defence reports current and estimated future defence expenditure according to an agreed definition of defence expenditure. The amounts represent payments by a national government actually made, or to be made, during the course of the fiscal year to meet the needs of its armed forces, those of Allies or of the … Continue reading →