See also:
Read: List-of-WSF-Peace-Events-final.pdf
See the links for the sessions:
See also:
Read: List-of-WSF-Peace-Events-final.pdf
See the links for the sessions:
Sign the petition to John Kerry and the U.S. Congress here:
Also the IPB Youth Network ( has its own mobilization for the International Peace Congress in Barcelona 2021
With more than 100 events and several thousand participants, the day of action and protest organized by the Abrüsten statt Aufrüsten campaign (Disarm instead of Rearm) was a great success, despite the difficult conditions created by Covid-19.
Peace initiatives all over the country were joined by trade unions and – in a new showing of solidarity— environmental organizations who made this day theirs and, full of ideas and imagination, took to the streets for peace and disarmament while keeping with the nation-wide Corona-related restrictions. Human chains, rallies, vigils, public events, signature campaigns, and information stands characterised the more than 100 actions.
by Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.
29 December 2020
One of the pre-conditions for Soviet support for the reunification of East & West Germany was the promise from the US that NATO would not expand ‘one centimeter’ toward the Russian borders. The Soviet Union’s Warsaw Pact alliance folded after its collapse thus making no need for NATO. Instead since those days NATO has been on steroids and is now working to become a global alliance.
More information about events around the globe on January 22nd, 2021
are here:
You also can register your event there.
NATO report makes recommendations to reduce internal conflicts and strengthen the alliance against Russia and China.
BERLIN/BRUSSELS (Own report) – NATO must strengthen its cohesion and take new steps to position itself against Russia and China, according to the report “NATO 2030” officially presented by the military alliance at its meeting of foreign ministers that ended yesterday. Vetoing inconvenient decisions by the Alliance will be made more difficult. Cooperation with countries at Russia’s borders and in China’s vicinity should be intensified. The report was commissioned last December to settle openly escalating dissension within the Alliance, which French President Emmanuel Macron previously denounced in blunt terms (“brain death of NATO”). The report was drawn up under the aegis of former German Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière and US diplomat Wess Mitchell. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has highly praised the report, intended to provide the basis for a “Strategic Concept,” whereas experts dismissed it as a “security policy hawker’s assortment.”
The Doomsday Clock is historically for the first time 100 seconds to midnight. The Nobel prize winners “The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists” justify this aggravation with the dangers of the atomic war and the consequences of the climatic changes. The dangers of a great – all-destroying – war have increased in view of the rivalries of the great powers, as have the quantity and quality of regional conflicts and wars over resources and as consequences of climate change. Wars are inseparable components of the “new normal.” Continue reading →
Dear friends and comrades,
The Doomsday Clock is historically for the first time 100 seconds to midnight. The Nobel prize winners “The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists” justify this aggravation with the dangers of the atomic war and the consequences of the climatic changes. The dangers of a great – all-destroying – war have increased in view of the rivalries of the great powers, as have the quantity and quality of regional conflicts and wars over resources and as consequences of climate change. Wars are inseparable components of the “new normal.” Continue reading →
US-STRATCOM stands for United States Strategic Command. It’s one of the eleven combatant commands in the Pentagon, headquartered at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. Traditionally, STRATCOM’s mission was to direct a nuclear war, if it were ever to occur. If that wasn’t dangerous enough, STRATCOM experienced a tsunami of changes after 2001.
Week of January 25-30, 2021 | (Virtual – and face-to-face when possible)
Organizations and social movements from all over the world are invited to build together the next edition of the World Social Forum and to participate in its activities that will take place in the week of January 25-29, 2021, basically virtually, but also in places where it is possible to carry them out with sanitary security. Continue reading →
Following up with our previous discussions, we would like to invite you to the next International Action Meeting for a nuclear weapon free Europe.
We will focus on the impact of next the entry into force of the TPNW on January 22nd, especially in European nuclear weapon hosting states and nuclear weapon owning states.
The key note speaker will be Susi Snyder from PAX (Nederland), member of ICAN International Steering Group, and Director of Don’t Bank on the Bomb Campaign.
Visit to register and for all the latest details on the 2nd IPB World Peace Congress.
Congress Teaser (Feat. Noam Chomsky) Subtitles available in English, Spanish, and Catalan.
„The European Spring is Necessary“
Prague & online, the 5th + 6th of December 2020
Organized by: Prague Spring 2 – European network against right-wing extremism and populism – together with UNITED for Intercultural Action, transform! europe, Activist for Peace, Continue reading →
Attend the next webinar of the Youth Against Empire
Join us on December 16 at 3:00pm ET (GMT-5) for an interesting webinar on “Divest from War through Farming, Permaculture, & Simple Living”!
The IPB organized the event and invited four US peace and social activists to share their insights with us:
Joseph Gerson, president of the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security | Emily Rubino, Director of Policy and Outreach at Peace Action New York State | Paul Martin, Senior Director for Policy and Political Affairs at Peace Action | Daunasia Yancey, founder and organizer of the Boston chapter of the Black Lives Matter Global Network | The event will be chaired by Lisa Clark, IPB Co-President. (
The citizen movement NO MOUS is composed of a network of local committees, which are responsible for regional coordination, and other organized groups. In the founding declaration, adopted on November 18, 2012, MUOS is described as “a non-partisan and non-denominational movement that can be joined individually; it is composed of different people and cultures and diverse political beliefs, but all of them have committed themselves to the indispensable values of freedom, equality, solidarity, anti-fascism, anti-militarism, anti-racism and the fight against … Continue reading →
by Medea Benjamin – Nicolas J. S. Davies November 11, 2020 COUNTERPUNCH Congratulations to Joe Biden on his election as America’s next president! People all over this pandemic-infested, war-torn and poverty-stricken world were shocked by the brutality and racism of the Trump administration, and are anxiously wondering whether Biden’s presidency will open the door to the kind of international cooperation that we need to confront the serious problems facing humanity in this century.
Continue reading →On December 3 (14 hours Central European Time) we willl be hosting together with the Asia-Europe People’s Forum a webinar on Military Spending & Global (In)Security to discuss how current levels of military spending condition our global emergencies. Speakers include: Michael T. Klare, Binalakshmi Nepram, Tarja Cronberg and Walden Bello, and moderators will be Jordi Calvo and Corazon Valdez Fabros. More details will come soon. Please save the date. Continue reading →
I Lost 39 Members of My Family in the Holocaust, Jeremy Corbyn is No Antisemite | Andrew Feinstein (
On 24 October, No Cold War hosted a very successful and interesting dialogue between Zhang Weiwei (professor of international relations at Fudan University, former interpreter to Deng Xiaoping, and author of several books including the best-selling The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational State) and Jeffrey Sachs (a leading expert in sustainable development, former director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, and author of several books including the influential The End of Poverty). The online event was attended by … Continue reading →
Uniting Against Racism and the New Cold War Saturday 14 November 9am (US Eastern), 2pm (UK), 10pm (China). A webinar on forging unity between the anti-racist and anti-war movements, building together towards a future of peaceful cooperation. Neoliberal capitalism in crisis is simultaneously leading to a rise in racism and driving towards a potentially disastrous New Cold War on China. No Cold War is pleased to host a webinar on forging unity between the anti-racist and anti-war movements, building together … Continue reading →
Will the US Presidential Election Change the New Cold War? (Saturday 7 November) Saturday 7 November 7am (US Eastern), 12pm (UK), 8pm (China). US, Chinese and other experts opposing a New Cold War will analyse the consequences of the outcome of the US presidential election. President Trump launched a New Cold War against China which has led to a dangerous rise in global tensions. It is a decisive part of an aggressive ‘America First’ foreign policy which has also involved … Continue reading →
Abrüsten statt Aufrüsten (disarming instead of investing in arms) – a new policy of détente now! The ghost of the Cold War has returned. The world is on the verge of peace, for it becomes a fragile entity. The cancer of nationalism is spreading. Social inequalities are becoming more acute. The global climate crisis is threatening humanity. Wars and destruction of nature are crucial reasons for flight and expulsion. The Corona pandemic is proof that the social and environmental layers … Continue reading →
What: Free Webinar: AFRICOM & Human Rights in Africa
When: Friday, December 4 at 11:00AM PT / 2:00PM ET / 7:00PM Nigeria Time
How to join: Register here for the Zoom info (
Invite your friends and share it on Facebook! (
Joseph Gerson* November 4, 2020 In the run up to the U.S. election, Daniel Ellsberg, the courageous whistleblower who risked 115 years in prison in the early 1970s for revealing the Pentagon’s secret in his effort to stop the killing, wrote that the country was “facing an authoritarian threat to our democratic system of a kind we’ve never seen before.” Despite differing with Biden on many issues, he urged people to vote for Biden “to free the nation from Trump’s … Continue reading →
Declaración del 4to Congreso Internacional contra Bases Militares y Guerra organizado por la campaña “Stop Base aérea Ramstein” (Stop Air Base Ramstein), con el apoyo de la red internacional “No a la guerra – no a la OTAN” (No to War – no to NATO), la Oficina Internacional de Paz (International Peace Bureau) y el Partido de la Izquierda Europea, el 25.09.2020, celebrado tanto de manera presencial (Berlín), como de manera virtual (a nivel mundial), en un evento híbrido debido … Continue reading →
Dear NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, We want to voice our opposition to the fact that you will host the NATO 2030 Youth Summit on November 9th. As young people concerned about our future and the future of our planet, we are very concerned that the focus of the event is ‘keeping NATO strong militarily, making it stronger politically and more global’. We do not believe that strengthening NATO is the best way to secure our future. Instead we would … Continue reading →
UN Nuclear Treaty achieves 50th ratification for Entry into Force on 75th anniversary of UN’s founding London, 24 October 2020: The United Nations has confirmed that the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) has been ratified by its 50th state party, Honduras, and will therefore enter into international legal force 90 days later, on 22 January. “This Treaty bans nuclear weapons production, testing, possession and use, along with other activities that could enable and assist anyone … Continue reading →
TAMARA LORINCZ (Dec 06, 2019)
Stop the War has been working with a number of organisations on a call for global protests against the war on Yemen on January 25. Over 200 organizations from over 15 countries have signed the statement, which is in 5 languages.
France launched a cruise missile from a submarine, the French Armed Forces Department announced on Tuesday, October 20. The Suffren, a new generation of nuclear attack submarines, has “successfully carried out” this Naval Cruise Missile test fire off Biscarrosse (Landes), he said in a statement. “This success gives a new strategic capability to our Navy, it is among the best in the world”, welcomed the Minister of Armies, Florence Parly. “Until now, French submarine forces could hit submarines and surface … Continue reading →
As coronavirus case numbers soar, the state prepares to host Rimpac, the world’s largest international maritime military exercise
Jon Letman has been writing a lot, thank goodness! Here is his interview with Jon Mitchell about his new excellent book “Poisoning the Pacific” (Ann Wright)
An Interview with journalist Jon Mitchell.
by Manlio Dinucci (the manifesto, October 20, 2020) The art of war: New US Command for NATO Naval Battle in Europe A new NATO command was born in Norfolk (Virginia, USA): the Norfolk Joint Force Command, called “Atlantic Command,” is a clone of Naples Joint Force Command with headquarters in Lago Patria (Naples). Its constitution was approved by the North Atlantic Council at the Defense Ministers level (for Italy the first Conte Government’s Minister Elisabetta Trenta ), in June 2018. Just as the NATO command in Naples … Continue reading →
DEFENCE INDUSTRY INFLUENCE IN GERMANYAnalysing Defence Industry Influence on the German Policy Agenda
The study by Transparency International can be downloaded here: