Amerikanischer Militärzug kollidiert mit Brücke
Ein Zug mit Panzern hat am Samstagnachmittag eine Brücke in Weißwasser beschädigt.
Laut Passanten hat es einen lauten Knall gegeben, als der Zug die Brücke unter B156 passierte. Eine Metallplatte, die von einem militärische Bergefahrzeug heraus ragte, kollidierte mit Betonpfeilern und riss dann ab.
The US-Military Has Contaminated the Aloha State
On March 3, 2020 Pat Elder gave a two-hour presentation to members of Veterans for Peace and other groups at the Church of the Crossroads in Honolulu, Hawaii. Pat spoke on the extent and the danger caused by the military’s contamination of the Aloha’s State’s water, soil, and air. Below, you’ll see an excellent video produced by Patricia Beekman, accompanied by links to Pat’s Powerpoint presentation and notes from the underground on Hawaii. Source: See here Pat’s Powerpoint … Continue reading →
How dare you?
by Ingeborg Breines, Norway Faced with the pure madness of the Defender 2020, this enormous U.S.-led multinational military exercise in Europe with NATO participation, it is the words of the climate activist Gretha Tunberg that comes to mind most easily: How dare you? This wargame contributes in a very dangerous way to the existing tension between the West and Russia, which is one of the drivers behind the present militarization and arms’ race, involving both conventional and nuclear weapons. The … Continue reading →
US-Army: Pressetermin in Bremerhaven / press event in Bremerhafen the arrival of the US vessel.
Video in German language, but also English part from he US soldiers.
Europeans protest, the U.S. does not care
by Alvis Petus, Latvia Since the start of U.S.-led Defender Europe 2020 military exercise in February, peace movement activists have criticized the maneuvers and called them a provocation. The exercises are expected to last about five months, taking place mostly in Germany, Poland and the Baltic states. US European Command said in October that the mission aims to “to build readiness within the [NATO] alliance and deter potential adversaries.” Defender Europe 2020 has sparked major protests in Germany. Local population … Continue reading →
Information about (anti-) Defender actions in Belgium
Concerning actions, INTAL was planning actions in the port of Antwerp. However, the ship was delayed, so I do not know if something happened. Contact: Concerning the military activity: Today arrived the Integrity in the port of Antwerp ( – 2 days later than scheduled). This was the first ship with US military material for Defender 2020. Earlier this month a UK vessel has unloaded material. I noticed, after the Endurance which arrived Saturday, at least 2 ships under … Continue reading →
NATO and ‘Defender Europe 2020’
an article by Rae Street, published in Defender 2020 is described by the U.S.Army Europe as ‘the deployment of a division-size combat-credible force from the United States in Europe, the drawing of equipment and the movement of personnel and equipment across the theater to various training areas.’ Actually this will be the largest US military deployment in 25 years. There will some 36,000 personnel –including 25,000 from the U.S. and units from Britain – across Germany,Poland and the Baltic … Continue reading →
Pere Ortega published the book “The War Economy”
The book The War Economy has just been published in English and in case it is of your interest I send you the link:
As it is published in Creative Commons you can make editions without any cost.
The true cost of the military-industrial complex.
Dear peace friends all over the Baltic and elsewhere. This is a film you simply must see!
We have to do our best to stop this madness! Ulla Klötzer, Women for Peace – Finland
DGB (Federation of German Trade Unions) resolution against the NATO “DEFENDER 2020″ exercise in Europe
DGB resolution against the NATO “DEFENDER 2020″ exercise in Europe We say “No” to the NATO exercise and “Yes” to peace, détente and disarmament Branded “DEFENDER 2020”, NATO is planning one of the largest land forces exercises seen in Europe since the end of the Cold War. Scheduled for April and May, the exercise aims to demonstrate a) NATO’s strategic readiness, testing its ability to rapidly deploy armoured US brigades to the Russian border in an emergency; and b) NATO’s … Continue reading →
Coronavirus is in Italy, Latvia is next
Hello! Here is my new article about U.S. Army presence in Europe and the threat which Defender Europe 2020 presents to Europe. Alvis Petus *Coronavirus is in Italy, Latvia is next* Coronavirus can be /transferred/to Latvia by the /U.S. Army paratroopers from 173rd Airborne Brigade, stationed in Vicenza, northern Italy./ /It is known that Italy is trying to contain an outbreak of COVID-19 after the country saw a major uptick in cases of the coronavirus disease in northern Italy. Italy … Continue reading →
NATO’s Arctic War Exercise Unites Climate Change And WWIII
Defender 2020 Information about activities in Belgium
Concerning the military activity: Today (24.02.2020) arrived the Integrity in the port of Antwerp ( – 2 days later than scheduled). This was the first ship with US military material for Defender 2020. Earlier this month a UK vessel has unloaded material. I noticed, after the Endurance which arrived Saturday, at least 2 ships under way for Bremerhaven from Savannah: the Green Bay (just arrived) en the Green Lake (ETA 2 March, but these times can change a lot): … Continue reading →
Newspaper on Defender 2020 is ready
The international netwaork “No to war – no to NATO” launched a newspaper on Defender 2020 with the financial support of the European Left.
Read the newspaper: Web_Newspaper_Defender_2020.pdf
Downlaod the newspaper: Web_Newspaper_Defender_2020.pdf (500 k)
Printed copies of the newspaper can be ordered in packages of 400 pieces for donation. (orientation 30 €). Please send an mail to .
Short notice about anti Defender activities in the Netherlands
As far as I can see there is at the moment no action planning for Defender in the Netherlands.
I have asked Jan Schaake (Enschede) and Guido van Leemput (SP). Jan says that he gives priority to the action in Dülmen. He estimates that transports (by train) will cross the border at Venlo (so not Bentheim or Emmerich).
Guido says that they are monitoring developments intensively and that Ludo is involved.
I have further asked someone in Zeeland to be alert on developments in Vlissingen. Zeeland is by the way a bit of a vacuum for the peace movement here.
Under the circumstances, I think it is not useful to send someone to Duisburg as there is no action planned in the Netherlands. Rather sad, but that is the situation here at the moment.
I keep you posted on developments.
Friendly greetings, Kees
USA goes for broke. Poles will be hostages in war
by Adam Kamiński, Poland The United States continues to emphasize that the relationship between the US and Poland is close. “Polish-American relations are better than ever” – said the United States Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher. According to her, it is because of “the honest and personal relations between Poland’s President Andrzej Duda and US leader Donald Trump“. It’s worth mentioning that although American politicians, who are singing the praises of love and friendship between Poland and United States, in … Continue reading →
Defender Europe 2020: the Trial War
Washington prepares Europe for war
By Lukas Ramonas, Author of the Baltic Word. As you know, large-scale NATO maneuvers Defender-Europe 20 will soon begin. Nearly 40 thousand troops will take part in the exercise. The exercise will be held in 10 European countries, including Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Germany. These maneuvers will be the largest transfer of troops directly from the United States to the European continent in more than 25 years. For the first time, an American division will be transported to Eastern … Continue reading →
Petition: We are against hosting of DEFENDER-Europe 20 military exercise
Hello! I am an active supporter of your anty NATO position. I am strongly against military exercise Defender Europe 20 in Latvia and in any other country.
I also started petitions in English and Russian languages:ža-matskevichi-military-training-ground-in-latvia Continue reading →
Cooperation request from Latvia (and video)
I am a blogger-beginner from Latvia. I want to suggest you kind of cooperation, namely, i would like to propose you some videos for your web-site and social networks. I like your policy and approach regarding the upcoming military exercise Defender Europe 20. I also act against Defender Europe 20. I am an independent blogger and act for anti-war and anti-NATO movements in Latvia and Europe in general. To my mind, the main goal of this maneuver is not to … Continue reading →
Nuclear base Volkel (NL)
message from December 12, 2019 – link to an article in Dutch, maybe it has a connection with Defender Europe 2020 (kk) In the past week there have been some important developments around the Dutch nuclear base near Volkel. The local newspaper Brabants Nieuwsblad reported last Monday that two times in the week before a big military transport plane C-17 Globemaster III has landed there. Yesterday a C-17A belonging to US Air Mobility Command came directly from the US without … Continue reading →
Women: SAY NO TO NATO Anti Siko Demo 15.02.2020
Pictures from the women action on the demonstration against the so called Munich NATO SECURITY CONFERENCE at February 15th, 2020. pics ©kristine karch
Continue reading →STOCKHOLMSAPPELLEN 65 years ago
Here is an article with the text in the STOCKHOLMSAPPELLEN 65 years ago!
2020/04/25 Firence, Italy
Let’s Break Free From War UPDATE -> Moved to INTERNET
The International Conference on the 75th Anniversary of Italian Liberation and End of Second World War
Let’s Break Free From War moved to the internet
Wiesbaden Contamination & Defender 2020
Defender 2020 means Germany and other NATO states defend the right of American forces to poison drinking water, groundwater, rivers, soil, and air. There’s a new story from Wiesbaden today that reports the US has contaminated groundwater with 104,000 parts per trillion (ppt) of PFAS substances. Wiesbaden is contaminated forever. For comparison, Ramstein reported contamination of the carcinogenic substances at 264,000 ppt of PFAS while Spangdahlem Air Base found PFAS at concentrations of 1,935 ppt. In Bitburg, the groundwater was … Continue reading →
Kate Hudons latest blog on the Defender 20 theme
Kate Hudson latest blog on the Defender 20 theme for info
The Pentagon’s Hidden Contribution to Climate Change
The Pentagon’s Hidden Contribution to Climate Change
The world’s single greatest institutional consumer of fossil fuels remains exempt from reporting its pollution
2020/02/14-16 Athenes, Greece
Hallo Comorade, we are orgonizing a symposium in Athenes. we are sending you our matterial by attachment . sorry that we let you know so late about the symposium. Nevertheless we would like to invite you to our symposium. Can you participate directly and if you cannot come we can video call eachother so that the other participants may also hear your voice so that it can serve our common struggle against imperialism. it starts at Feb 14. till 16. … Continue reading →
Demilitarization for Deep Decarbonization
by Tamara Lorincz, Senior IPB Researcher, September 2014, 80pp To help countries chart a path to low-carbon energy systems and economies, the UN launched the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP). However most of the military sector’s fuel consumption and emissions are excluded from national greenhouse gas inventories. In Demilitarization for Deep Decarbonization: Reducing Militarism and Military Expenditures to Invest in the UN Green Climate Fund and to Create Low-Carbon Economies and Resilient Communities, IPB argues that war must stop for global warming to … Continue reading →
An update on Bahri, ports, and war…
Bahri ships transport armaments and military vehicles from the United States, Canada, and Europe towards the Middle East, mainly for Saudi Arabia and UAE armies. It’s a well-known story that has been featured by newspapers and TV channels as well. Between May and June, Bahri’s shipments were blocked and/or protested against in Le Havre, Genoa, and Marseille, while on other occasions port workers blocked military vehicles from being loaded on board. As far as we know, since then, Bahri ships … Continue reading →
2020/04/10 – 05/09 around the globe
GDAMS 2020
GDAMS 2020: From the 10th of April to the 9th of May around the globe
GDAMS 2020 will mark some extraordinary events and anniversaries, including: Continue reading →
Why We Need Decolonization in 2020
Continue reading →Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List
By William Blum
Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)
Military tracks and contains local resistance to contamination
The U.S. military is poisoning most of Europe. Your crops and fish – and your bodies are full of American carcinogens – and it’s getting worse. The article here shows how the U.S. military propaganda machine works. First they’re silent, then they lie to you, and then they’re silent and the issue goes away. If the issue doesn’t go away right quickly, they’ll gather several of you, make it seem official, lie to you, and then the issue goes away. … Continue reading →
Eastward Mobilization Test (III)
Major US Defender Europe 20 Maneuver: First Troop Transfers begin today through Germany
ERLIN/WASHINGTON (Own report) – Contrary to all previous announcements, the major US Defender Europe 20 maneuver – aimed at Russia – begins already today, Thursday, with US Army troop transfers crossing straight through Germany.
Testmobilmachung gen Osten (III)
US-Großmanöver Defender Europe 20: Erste Truppenverlegungen durch Deutschland beginnen heute
IMI-Analyse: Marineeinsatz an der Straße von Hormus beschlossen
IMI-Analyse: Marineeinsatz an der Straße von Hormus beschlossen
IMI-Analyse 2020/03 – in: Telepolis, 21.1.2020
Neue Ufer Europäische Marinemission am Persischen Golf beschlossen
Im Windschatten der Libyen-Konferenz und der Debatte um einen möglichen dortigen Militäreinsatz ging die am Montag erfolgte Ankündigung einer europäischen Marinemission diverser europäischer Staaten am Persischen Golf ein wenig unter. Nach monatelangen Zuspitzungen gipfelten die westlichen Konflikte mit dem Iran im Sommer 2019 vorläufig mit der unter reichlich zweifelhaften Umständen erfolgten Festsetzung des iranischen Tankers „Grace 1“ durch Gibraltar (im britischen, also US-amerikanischen Auftrag).
Jürgen Wagner (22. Januar 2020)
The Survey Monkey and the Dog and Pony Show
by Pat Elder
The U.S. military uses Restoration Advisory Boards to track and contain community resistance to deadly contamination while the Trump Administration claims “sovereign immunity” from prosecution in federal courts. This article provides further evidence of the Pentagon’s sophisticated psychological operations.
Information, lists, video and 3D visualization about US Military Bases worldwide
World Beyond War’s No Bases Campaign including: List of U.S. Bases Abroad, Mapping Where the Foreign Bases Are
Click on the planet for a 3D Visualization of US Military Bases: you will directed to and It is also here availiable: Continue reading →
Trump: NATO should be expanded and we should include the Middle East NATO-ME
By JOHN VANDIVER | STARS AND STRIPES Published: January 10, 2020
President Donald Trump now wants to rebrand NATO and possibly expand its purview to the Middle East. And he knows just what to call it. “’NATO’ right? And then you have ‘M.E.’ — Middle East. You’ll call it ‘NATO-ME,’” Trump said Thursday, adding: “What a beautiful name.” Continue reading →
Women say no to NATO – 2 T-Shirts are missing!
I ask all women reading these lines, please try to find the 2 missing T-Shirts.
Please send them back!!!
We need them for counter actions
against the “NATO security conference“
Please send them back to CND (Kate Hudson), 162 Holloway Road, London N7 8DQ
‘No to War – No to Nato’ support the call for a ‘Global Day of Action’ against a war with Iran on Saturday, January 25th, 2020
The Middle East is on the verge of a new disastrous conflict. 17 years after the invasion of Iraq, the US seems to be heading for a war with Iran. The extrajudicial execution of Qasem Soleimani with drone rockets, whatever his crimes have been, is a provocative act of war and a violation of international law. US President Trump is undermining the international legal framework on a regular basis. We can not tolerate that laws of the jungle and the logic of war will rule the world.
War will further destabilize the Middle East and threaten stability in the world. Ordinary citizens will be the victims. War is only benefiting the war industry and militarism.
We say stop! We don’t want a war with Iran. Not in our name!
The international network ‘No to War – No to Nato’ encourages peace organizations and other social movements to take the streets in a worldwide movement with a strong anti-war message. It supports the call issued by our friends of the US peace movement for a “Global Day of Action” against a war with Iran on Saturday, January 25th.
CODEPINK asks: please list the upcoming events here so we can keep track.
With an information on it will be published here:
2020/03/26-08/09 Büchel Germany
20 Weeks against 20 Nuclear Bombs
Because of “Corona” our actions are currently very limited!
Twenty weeks for twenty bombs – starting again on March 26*, 2020 until August 9th.
Wegen “Corona” sind unsere Aktionen momentan stark eingeschränkt!
Army’s 2nd Cavalry gearing up for deployment to Poland
By IMMANUEL JOHNSON | STARS AND STRIPES Published: January 8, 2020
GRAFENWOEHR, Germany — The 2nd Cavalry Regiment will take over NATO’s mission in northeastern Poland this month, in support of the alliance’s effort aimed at deterring Russian aggression.
The Vilseck, Germany-based unit will send one infantry squadron with elements from regimental engineering and support squadrons, 2nd Cavalry spokeswoman Capt. Ellen Brabo said.
2020/01/11 London, UK
No War on Iran – Demonstration
No War on Iran – Demonstration | Sat 11 Jan | Assemble 12pm – Outside the BBC, Portland Place | March to Trafalgar Square Facebook Event »
Organised by: Stop the War Coalition & CND
2020/01/09 over 100 cities in the USA
people will be taking to the streets to say PEACE
Even though Trump is not striking back militarily, we are still on the brink and we must MOBILIZE QUICKLY to stop this war.
Tomorrow, on January 9, in over 100 cities across the U.S., people will be taking to the streets to say PEACE WITH IRAN!