We filmed videos and posted them on Youtube.
We livestreamed the panels on Facebook.
Still photos by Ellen Davidson.
We filmed videos and posted them on Youtube.
We livestreamed the panels on Facebook.
Still photos by Ellen Davidson.
Cynthia Cockburn was a British academic, feminist, and peace activist. She was a researcher, writer, and photographer who has contributed to the study of masculinity, labor processes, and trade unionism, and more recently of gender, war and peace-making. She was an active anti-militarist and has long been involved in a number of peace and anti-war organizations. Cynthia was involved in the European Forum of Socialist Feminists and Women Against Fundamentalism and has long been active in the international network and London local group of Women in Black against War. From the beginning she supported the women against NATO network and produced the pink T-Shirts “Say no to NATO” which was handed over to the No to war – no to NATO network. In remembering of here we will use them in our fight against NATO.
April 25, 2020 9 a.m. New York/Boston/Washington, D.C.
9 a.m. EDT, 3 p.m. Central Europe, 10 p.m. April 26 Tokyo
Register at: bit.ly/abolishnuclear Continue reading →
Internationale Conference on Super Power Domination in Outer Space and Global Sustainable Development
Global Network Co-Sponsors Space Law Conference in India
Hello, after the letter of invitation from the Municipality in Italian and Slovenian, here’s a press release for the cross border event on the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence, that will take place Friday, August 30 afternoon. Alessandro Capuzzo The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Slovenija, for an international Gulf of Peace and free from nuclear weapons – The 2nd edition of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence will start on October 2 this … Continue reading →
Organized by Abolition 2000-Europe Nuclear Weapons Working Group www.abolition2000.org | Bertrand Russel Peace Foundation www.russfound.org/ | INES www.inesglobal.net | International Peace Bureau www.ipb.org | IPPWN Europa www.ippnw.eu | ITUC www.ituc-csi.org | With the support of TRANSFORM www.transform-network.net & Belgian Coalition Against Nuclear Weapons www.nonukes.be
July 19th 2019
Manifestation for the US Consulate 12:45h
Museumplein 19, 1071 DJ Amsterdam
Continue reading →
International Peace Bureau (IPB) and Asian-European Peoples Forum (aepf)
With the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Stifung, AsienHaus, International Eurasia Press Fund and the European Union
Pat Elder on https://worldbeyondwar.org/the-u-s-military-and-climate-change/
Continue reading →Finally, NATO-General secretary Stoltenberg announced the exact days for one of the important NATO-summit. It will be December 3rd and 4th 2019 in London.
Save the date:
Invitation to the IPB Youth Network Conference 2019 – Transform! Towards a Culture of Peace Organizers IPB Youth Network, IPB in partnership with ITUC and ITUC Youth With the support of DFG-VK, International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES), Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (tbc) Date 20-22 September 2019 Location Technical University Berlin, Building of Mathematics, Strasse des 17. Juni 136, Berlin, Germany IPB Youth Network Conference Transform! Towards a Culture of Peace (as of 26 July 2019) … Continue reading →
by Pat Elder Reporting from the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington. See our media messages attached here. I’ll be speaking tonight on military recruiting – and contamination – at 7:00 pm Washington time.
More information also on https://www.codepink.org/dc_protect_the_venezuelan_embassyhttps://www.codepink.org/dc_protect_the_venezuelan_embassy
Used in the article: Donald Trump Says ‘We All Have to Get Rid of’ Nuclear Weapons; Russia Responds: Let’s Make A Plan | By Tom O’Connor On 4/26/19 at 12:04 PM EDT
Hi all, Here is an invitation to join the 2019 East Asia Peace Walk from June 10- August 6 which goes from Okinawa, to Taiwan, to 3 Japanese islands that have missile bases , Jeju Island, South Korea and finally to Hiroshima. Rev Yuichi Kamshita has led walks in the Pacific North West and on the East Coast. Could we add this peace march to all our organizational calendars? VFP, World Beyond War, No to NATO, Nuclear Resister, Codepink and … Continue reading →
Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA) https://www.peacejusticestudies.org/ and
Canadian Association of Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS-CAN) https://pacscan.ca/
Website https://bikeforpeace.net/ (most in German language).
Weiterlesen / Read more in German: Friedensradfahrt-Paris-Hiroshima-Verschiebung_auf_2021.pdf
EUROPE AND PEACE: HARD OR SOFT POWER, ARMED OR JUST PEACE? Kees Nieuwerth Paper presented to the Seminar on European Militarism – organized by the International Network No to War – No to NATO, Amsterdam, 14 April 2019. INTRO. On the third of May, in two weeks time, something unimaginable is going to take place in the United Kingdom, and no, it has nothing to do with Brexit….” The Royal Navy has seduced – there is no other word for … Continue reading →
[Presentation at the seminar on Euromilitarism, Oorlog is geen Oplossing / VD AMOK / Network No to War – No to NATO, Amsterdam, 14 April 2019 by Mark Akkermann]
Last Wednesday the action group ‘Stop the War on Migrants’ held an unnannounced noise demonstration at the headquarters of European arms giant Airbus in the Dutch city of Leiden. The action, at the day of the annual shareholders meeting of Airbus here in Amsterdam, was in protest of both the arms exports of Airbus to countries in conflict and dictatorships, such as Saudi-Arabia and Egypt, and the role of the company in the militarisation and externalisation of the European borders.
Read more: http://www.stopwapenhandel.org/node/2271
For more information on this subject see an overview of our reports and articles at: http://www.stopwapenhandel.org/bordersecurity
Statement of the international network “No to war – no to NATO” We demand the immediate release of Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange In April 2010, Julian Assange’s whistleblower platform Wikileaks published hundreds of thousands of US documents classified as secret. This uncovered serious violations of international law and criminal law by the USA, including the video “Collateral Murder”. To this day, both Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning are persecuted politically for whistleblowing. Over the next few years, Julian Assange … Continue reading →
In the summer of 2012, three members of the bin Ali Jaber family were killed in a drone attack in Yemen; many of the survivors were left traumatized. The US military base Ramstein in Germany played an important role in the attack. The German government’s response has been to deny any knowledge of or responsibility for the drone strikes. https://www.ecchr.eu/en/case/important-judgment-germany-obliged-to-scrutinize-us-drone-strikes-via-ramstein/
Continue reading →Real Russia in the real world Myths, conflicts and provocations Anna Ochkina Western perception of Russia is distorted by propaganda, traditional myths and stereotypes. The same can be said about Russian perception of the West. The difference, however, is that in Russia considerable section of society doesn’t take official propaganda seriously and stereotypes are very much undermined by practical experience given the fact that millions of Russians travel abroad, many lived abroad and many people have relatives living abroad. Moreover … Continue reading →
EU militarization & NATO Ludo De Brabander (Vrede vzw) Washington, 2 april In June 2016, Federica Mogherini, the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, presented the Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy. It came thirteen years after the first European Security Strategy (2003) and is supposed to give direction to the EU foreign and security policy in the coming years. Absence of European responsibility Mogherini’s Global Strategy offers little room for self-criticism. The … Continue reading →
Our campaign: “Büchel is everywhere – nuclear-free now!” Worldwide Solidarity.
Twenty weeks for twenty bombs – starting again on March 26*, 201 until August 9th, groups and individuals will hold vigils and other kinds of nonviolent direct action (blockades, trespassing, etc.) at the Büchel base to pressure the government, sending back the nucleat bombs. In July and August a peace camp take place.
Read the leaflet for 2019 (only in German language): 201811_buechel_flyer.pdf
A friend called an article in the Nation about the counter-NATO events to my attention. It’s based on a press release that David Swanson put out, and included a good quote from me that caught my friend’s attention. You’ll find it at: https://www.thenation.com/article/nato-turns-70/
FYI, The Nation is probably the most important and widely read left magazine in the country, with its hard copy probably reaching 100,000 subscribers or more. (It has 60,000 people who send donations to it, over and above their paid subscriptions.)
Pictures and materials from the 2019/04/07 Florence, Italy 70 YEARS OF NATO – international, about 600 people attended. NATO-Exit: Dismantle NATO, Close Down 800 US Military Bases, Prosecute the War Criminals by Prof Michel Chossudovsky April 04, 2019 DECLARATION OF FLORENCE FOR AN INTERNATIONAL FRONT NATO EXIT The book: BOOK 70 YEARS OF NATO.pdf ji
Continue reading →The risk of a vast war which, with the use of nuclear weapons, could mean the end of Humanity, is real and growing, even though it is not noticed by the general public, which is maintained in the ignorance of this imminent danger. A strong engagement to find a way out of the war system is of vital importance. This raises the question of the affiliation of Italy and other European countries with NATO. NATO is not an Alliance. It … Continue reading →
The report about the Anti-NATO Actions in Washington startet at ~ 4:10 min
The meeting will be dedicated to Julian Assange. An Evolving EU/NATO Military Alliance From Yugoslavia via Syria to Venezuela – the road of the aggressors Public Meeting Ireland Institute 27 Pearse Street Dublin, Ireland Tuesday 16th April 2019 at 7.30pm All welcome – Admission Free Programme:- * Robert Navan has a great understanding of Latin America, will chair this debate on evolving imperialist strategy today – *Presentation by Eva and Markus Heizmann – Their long experience supporting Syrians devastated by … Continue reading →
At 9:30, we’ll walk 15 minutes to the MLK Memorial for a rally there at 10 a.m. with speakers and musicians including: Graylan Hagler, Luci Murphy, Art Laffin, Jaribu Hill, Omali Yeshitela, Karlene Griffiths Sekou, Kevin Zeese, Ben Grosscup. (Full list of speakers and musicians)
Here a selection of some short video clips.
Ben Grosscup “We Say NATO’s Got to Go”
Luci Murphy & Ben Grosscup “We shall not be moved”
Protesting the NATO’s 70th anniversary: The peace movement’s counter-actions in Washington & the NATO’s Ministerial Summit by Reiner Braun & Kristine Karch, “No to war – no to NATO” International Network On the 30th of March 2019, with wonderful spring weather, about 1000 people demonstrated near the White House, in Washington DC, for the overcoming and dissolution of NATO. This was the prelude to several protest actions that would take place throughout the week, on the occasion of the NATO’s … Continue reading →
We’re now in the post-post Cold War era, an interregnum marked my major geopolitical changes, uncertainty, and an unrestrained nuclear arms race. With partner organizations across the U.S., Europe and East Asia, we have assembled a remarkable group of analysts and movement leaders to deepen our understanding of the changing world and how we can best respond. On May 4, 20198 (8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.), at Judson Memorial Church in New York City, we invite you to join an international conference, “Growing … Continue reading →