program of the annual meeting of the No to War – No to NATO network in Dublin April 2011
Please find here the program of the annual meeting of the No to War – No to NATO network in Dublin
Continue reading →Please find here the program of the annual meeting of the No to War – No to NATO network in Dublin
Continue reading →Dear colleagues, An eventful peace-weekend lies behind us: a particularly successful action conference of our network “No to NATO – no to War” paired with a contextual conference opened the last stage of preparations of our protests against the new NATO strategy. Again and again the conference contributions pointed out focal points of the new NATO strategy that are enumerated below: 1. NATO insists on nuclear weapons as absolute necessity for the politics of deterrence. Nuclear weapons are to … Continue reading →
During the Anti-NATO Summit we will constantly inform you about whats happening. You can watch the whole conference in our livestream
Continue reading →Website with informations about how military bases in different countries are supporting the war ↗ International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Base Website for the international peacemovement, focussing on Afghan/Central Asian war ↗ alternative Anti-war-conference opposing the Sarkozy/Merkel-Afghanistan-conference international days of Action from 8th to 10th October → Call for Action
Continue reading →Platform paper of the international coalition “No to war – No to NATO” agreed in Istanbul, 1 July 2010 NATO is a child of the Cold War and the East-West confrontation. After more than 60 years of existence, NATO is an increasing obstacle to achieving world peace. Since the end of the Cold War, NATO has reinvented itself as a tool for military action by the “international community”, including the promotion of the so-called “war on terror”. In reality, it … Continue reading →
Summary of the Outcome of the War and Peace Assembly at the European Social Forum 2010 and its final declaration
Continue reading →»» 1. /2.7.2010 in Istanbul
Continue reading →Links and Impressions from the International Days of Action, Portugal, October 7th-10th
Continue reading →All events organized by the “No to War – No to NATO” network during the ESF 2010
Continue reading →Meeting open to all interested to discuss possible ways to ban nuclear weapons from European soil
Continue reading →Description of the Platform “No to Nato – No to war” (Draft)
Continue reading →Here is the speach text for the UFPJ press conference on the demonstration in New York which took place at the same time as the anti-NATO protests in Strasbourg on April 4th 2009. No-to-War! No-to-NATO! New York City – April 4, 2009 In Europe we understand the ravage of war. It has been part of our distant and recent history. We understand that conflicts cannot be resolved with military means. Peace cannot be made with the tools of war. Today, … Continue reading →
Minutes ICC Meeting No to War – No to NATO Quaker House, New York, May 9th 2010
Continue reading →Declaration International Afghanistan Network October 16, 2009 Facilitated by the dedicated organizing of our German hosts, fifty-five leading peace movement figures representing networks, coalitions and research institutes from fifteen European, North American, and Middle Eastern nations gathered in Berlin to discuss developments in the catastrophic war being waged in Afghanistan, the Obama Administration’s calculations and strategies as it wages the war, to share information about what their movements are doing to secure the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces, and to … Continue reading →
60 years are more than enough: “No to NATO – No to war” Our actions against aggressive NATO military policy during its 60th birthday from April 1st to 5th 2009, and at the end of the worldwide week of action of the World Social Forum in Belem, have been a great success despite massive obstructions. Our goal is to dissolve and dismantle NATO. Along the lines of “No to NATO – No to war” thousands of people protested and participated … Continue reading →
THE INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE: NO TO NATO; NO TO WAR! 60 years are more than enough: “No to NATO – No to war” Our actions against aggressive NATO military policy during its 60th birthday from April 1st to 5th 2009, and at the end of the worldwide week of action of the World Social Forum in Belem, have been a great success despite massive obstructions. Our goal is to dissolve and dismantle NATO. Along the lines of “No to NATO … Continue reading →
With more than 500 participants from 20 European countries and the US and Canada, the International Congress of the peace movement focused on political critique and alternatives to NATO. Speakers from NATO countries of Europe and the USA, from Russia, Georgia, Afghanistan, and further countries criticized the policy of NATO which steers towards global militarization and demanded an end of NATO’s war in Afghanistan and the dismantlement of NATO and its global military bases. One of the most prominent voices … Continue reading →
No To Nato twittert live from Strasbourg: No_To_Nato follow by Twitter. … or look at the Twitter-search on …: #nato #otan #Strasbourg
Continue reading →Saturday, April 4th – start of the local action „No to War” balloons 1 p.m. – at the same time as the start of the demonstration in Strasbourg This form of action is meant for those who are not able to participate to the protests against NATO celebrations in Baden-Baden/Strasbourg/ Kehl. You can take part as an individual, in a group an even include youth groups with children. It is easy to organize: Buy ballons in bright colors – organize … Continue reading →
Below an abstract of the minutes of the German Bundestag of the question time on March 4th, inter alia with the topic NATO-summit and right to demonstrate in Strasbourg. Here is the abstract of the minutes as a PDF-file (convenience translation)
Continue reading →Please sign the petition of “Americans Against the War” (AAW-FRANCE) against the French government’s attempt to hold the international demonstration „No to NATO – No to War”, on April 4th 2009, off Strasbourg city. Click here to sign the petition
Continue reading →No to war – No to NATO Defense of Democracy and the demonstration celebrations Five hundred people coming from 19 countries met for the activist conference at Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg, on February 14 and 15 2009, invited by the International Coordinating Committee *« No to war-No to NATO» and hosted by the “Collectif de Strasbourg anti-OTAN” against NATO, to prepare the activities of the counter- summit on NATO’s 60th anniversary which will be held in Strasbourg in April … Continue reading →
“No to war – no to NATO” needs your support. So please help us fill our new bank account with donations. We appreciate every contribution that helps us go on with our work. You can find the account information here. Thank you!
Continue reading →On the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the NATO military organization, we appeal to all people to come to Strasbourg and Baden-Baden 2009, to protest against NATO’s aggressive military and nuclear policies, and assert our vision of a just world free of war.
NATO is an increasing obstacle to achieving world peace. Since the end of the Cold War, NATO has reinvented itself as a tool for military action by the “international community”, including the promotion of the so-called “war on terror”. In reality it is a vehicle for US-led use of force with military bases on all continents, bypassing the United Nations and the system of international law, accelerating militarization and escalating arms expenditure – NATO countries account for 75% of global military expenditure. Continue reading →
The international network No to NATO was found under this motto in Stuttgart in October 2009. More than 650 organizations from over 30 countries signed the establishing call, the “Stuttgart Appeal”. They formed the network, which prepared and executed the international congress, the great demonstration, the camp village and other actions of civil disobedience in Strasbourg and Baden-Baden in April 2010. The celebrations of NATO should not go along without protest. Because NATO stands for war and armament, for nuclear … Continue reading →