Peace Week:
18-25 June 2023
the time has come
Social security instead of war!
Lateinamerika hat im internationalen System ein eigenes Gewicht als Frieden bringender und stabilisierender Akteur gewonnen von Raina Zimmering amerika21 Auf der 77. Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen in New York trat am 22. September 2022 der mexikanische Außenminister Marcelo Ebrard mit einem Friedensvorschlag zur Beendigung des Ukraine-Krieges auf, der von weiteren lateinamerikanischen Ländern unterstützt wurde. Es geht um die Beendigung des Krieges durch Verhandlungen. https://amerika21.de/analyse/261444/lateinamerika-krieg-der-ukraine
Continue reading →Peace Week:
18-25 June 2023
the time has come
Social security instead of war!
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_w2CR0SRRTwKiIV2wtifwUg
Start: Saturday, February 25, 2023 • 12:00 PM
Central London• Exact Location TBC, London, W1 GB
Declaration of the International Network
No to war – No to NATO
17 January 2023
On 10 January 2023, the leaders of NATO and the European Union signed a new joint declaration on EU-NATO cooperation.
It follows earlier declarations in 2016 (in Warsaw) and 2018 (in Brussels) aimed at strengthening the EU-NATO strategic partnership. Continue reading →
Let us call for a ceasefire in Ukraine for Christmas 2022/2023, from the 25 December to the 7 January, as a sign of our shared humanity, reconciliation, and peace.
See the latest development with the handover of the appeal on www.christmasappeal.ipb.org
Please register in advance: bit.ly/ipbsachsdecember08 (zoom link)
Posted on November 9, 2022 As part of a groundbreaking Blue Zone Side Event at COP27 on dealing with military and conflict related emissions under the UNFCCC, TPNS was invited to speak on the civil society perspective. It was organised by Ukraine and supported by CAFOD. TPNS joined their colleagues at Perspectives Climate Group, who presented our joint publication Military and Conflict-Related Emissions: Kyoto to Glasgow and Beyond. 150 attended the event, including national media from Germany, Switzerland Bloomberg and … Continue reading →
The international “No to war – no to NATO” network supports the statement below, which was issued on 15 November 2022 from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament is deeply concerned by reports of a missile explosion in Poland and is appalled that lives have been lost. These most recent developments demand clarity and restraint. This latest tragic episode in the ongoing catastrophic war in Ukraine should not, and must not, result in an escalated military response. This is especially important given the heightened nuclear threat. We call on the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to clarify the facts of what took place, and we reiterate our calls for an urgent and peaceful resolution to this conflict.
Where is Europe going? | Dove va l’Europa?
Twenty years after the first European Social Forum, 2022-Florence wants to be a further opportunity, along with others taking place in Europe, to foster the convergence of European social actors, organisations and social movements, after a long period of geographical and thematic fragmentation and at a tragic time.
Registration: bit.ly/COP27LIVE2
Registration: bit.ly/COP27LIVE
Registration: https://bit.ly/NFEHanstalk
What the Day Means and Where It Came From
Peace Activism on November 11th
Click here to register. (zoom-link)
Join CND and Sands Films Cinema Club for a screening of
When the Wind Blows – available to watch in person or online.
The film will be introduced by CND and followed by a panel discussion with film-maker Vicki Lesley (“The Atom: A Love Affair”) to discuss the role of films in campaigns.
Hosted by CND General Secretary Kate Hudson. Continue reading →
CND has condemned NATO’s ongoing round of nuclear weapons exercises, warning they will further escalate tension and military conflict in Ukraine. The nuclear drills – titled Steadfast Noon – commenced on Monday and will run for two weeks. They are training air crews to use US tactical nuclear bombs in the event of a nuclear war. At a time when there is regular reference to the use of tactical nukes in the context of the Ukraine war, this is indeed … Continue reading →
Greetings, fellow war-industry resisters!
A friendly reminder: Our next WIRN webinar is coming up next week – Oct 26, 8 pm ET.
with the presenters: Ben Freeman and Brett Heinz
Register here: https://masspeaceaction.org/event/the-think-tank-military-industrial-complex/
Mr. Hamid Reza Nafez Arefi, Iran’s ambassador to Hungary, regretfully informed the Hungarian Community for Peace on Tuesday that he will not be able to hold his lecture scheduled for October 27, 2022, and will not be in Budapest due to urgent obligations. He plans to hold his lecture at a later date.
Therefore, the event of the Hungarian Community for Peace announced for October 27, 2022 will be cancelled
Hungarian Community for Peace
Join in the conversation with Miriam Pemberton as she discusses her new book Six Stops on the National Security Tour: Rethinking Warfare Economies.
wMs. Pemberton will be introduced by William Hartung, Senior Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.
Register: https://secure.everyaction.com/9xfJ0YSZqEajHszeXSveRQ2
Wars are raging and the climate is collapsing. Is there something that can be done to address both problems at once? Join this webinar with Dr. Elizabeth G. Boulton, Kate Booth PhD. and Tristan Sykes (Just Collapse), and David Swanson, with Liz Remmerswaal Hughes moderating, to hear some new ideas and ask questions.
NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg will chair a meeting of the ‘Nuclear Planning Group’ to discuss Russian nuclear threats and NATO’s nuclear role. He announced that ‘Steadfast Noon’ manoeuvres will take place next week. What Stoltenberg did not disclose is that these “routine exercises” will occur at the military air base in Kleine-Brogel, Belgium.
‘Steadfast Noon’ is the code name for annual joint multinational exercises carried out by NATO countries with a central role for Belgian, German, Italian and Dutch fighter aircrafts responsible for the use of nuclear arms in war times as part of NATO’s nuclear sharing policy.
More on: https://vrede.be/en/news/nato-practices-deployment-nuclear-weapons-belgium
Ludo De Brabander, Spokesperson Vrede vzw, 14.10.2022
This webinar will be in English and Spanish, with zoom interpretation.
Monday, October 17, 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 6pm MT, and 5pm PT
This webinar is being presented by the Alliance for Global Justice and the People’s Human Rights Observatory Continue reading →
Saturday, October 8 the video is now online
September 21: We called for Peace and Demilitarization This week, on September 21 we commemorated International Peace Day, which was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981. We join the call to demand that the United States, the country with the highest military spending worldwide, the one with a strong military influence and presence in Latin America and around the world, to the following: 1 – To put an end to military and police training at the School … Continue reading →