New Petition to the Participants in COP27
UN Climate Change Conference, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Nov. 6-18, 2022 calling for
UN Climate Change Conference, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Nov. 6-18, 2022 calling for
Register: (zoom link)
WEBINAR: “A Climate of Insecurity for COP 27: How the West has Militarised and Impoverished the African Continent” Continue reading →
The blow-up of the Nord-Streams had been announced at least 4 times by USA/Poland (NATO) – see links below.
Thanks Ulla Klötzer, Women for Peace – Finland for the links.
By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, September 7, 2022
Friendly advice to my brothers and sisters in Finland and Sweden.
By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, August 18, 2022 For years now, the people of Montenegro have sought to protect the Sinjajevina mountain plateau from the destruction to be brought by creating a military training ground vastly larger than the entire military of Montenegro could ever use. The NATO nations for whom the project actually exists
Continue reading →Executive summary read and download here:
Register: Continue reading →
The video is on facebook Continue reading →
By Tamara Lorincz*, The Toronto Star (July 17, 2022)
Presentation shown at the annual meeting of the No to NATO network in Madrid, June 27, 2022
Issued by NATO Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Madrid 29 June 2022 29 Jun. 2022 – Press Release (2022) 095 Issued on 29 Jun. 2022
Continue reading →Madrid 26.06.2022: 30.000 Join and Committed and Colorful Against the NATO Summit Encouraging and impressive was the demonstration of almost 30,000 peace activists from Madrid and Spain and supported by smaller delegations from many NATO countries.
Continue reading →The Coordination of No to NATO, Bases Out Platforms, constituted by the signatory organisations of the Call for Mobilisation Against the NATO Summit in Madrid, called on citizens to hold the No to NATO, Bases Out Counter-Summit, Madrid 2022 as a response to the NATO Summit of Heads of State and Government.
Declaration of the counter summit OTAN NO – BASES FUERA (NATO No – Bases OUT.pdf
Save Sinjajevina receives more than 20.000 signatures asking to stop the military ground while the EU regrets that ‘the issue is still not solved’
Campaign Progresses to Save Sinjajevina from Becoming a Military Base
Speakers: Reiner Braun, Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau (Berlin), Phillis Bennis, Director, New Internationalism Project, Institute for Policy Studies
Register: Continue reading →
The Democratic Party is unquestioningly supporting an endless proxy war and has been reluctant to press President Biden to prioritize a negotiated settlement to the war. Joseph Gerson July 12, 2022 It is no secret that the United States and NATO are engaged in a proxy war with Russia, perhaps to be fought to the last Ukrainian. In June, as heads of state gathered in Madrid for the Alliance’s annual summit, I joined more than 10,000 … Continue reading →
By Sara Flounders posted on July 8, 2022
Three very different international meetings were held during the week of June 23-30. The three “summits” confirm a growing global divide. It is worth examining these meetings; who attended, and especially what they projected. Two focused on confrontation and military escalation — in sharp contrast to the first – BRICS – which focused on cooperation, sustainable development and trade.
Ann Wright reports on anti-NATO protests and declarations on the sidelines of the military alliance’s recent summit in Madrid.
By Ann Wright
Popular Resistance
I was one of hundreds who attended the “NO to NATO” peace summit June 26-27 and one of tens of thousands who marched for “NO to NATO” in Madrid a few days before the leaders of the 30 NATO countries arrived in the city to map out NATO’s future military actions.
Two conferences, the Peace Summit and the Counter-Summit, provided opportunities for Spaniards and international delegations to hear the impact of ever-increasing military budgets on NATO countries that give weaponry and personnel to the war mongering capabilities of NATO at the expense of health, education, housing and other true human security needs. Continue reading →
a powerful Speech against War by Germany’s most prominent peace activist, Dr. Eugen Drewermann, will be broadcast on YouTube with English subtitles.
Jul 21, 2022 10:00 AM in Central Time (US and Canada) Register:
Statement on NATO summit in Madrid 29 – 30 June 2022
The international network ‘No-to-War No-to-Nato’ is outraged by the decision of NATO’s heads of government to further increase confrontation, militarization and globalization instead of opting for dialogue, disarmament and peaceful co-existence.
In Madrid, NATO approved a new strategic concept. NATO claims to be an alliance based on shared democratic values, working towards just and inclusive peace and is a bulwark for a rules-based international order. In reality, in NATO-countries like Poland, Hungary and Turkey, Continue reading →
The alternative summit, for Peace, against NATO and against wars, underlines the obligation as a human species, to build and defend peace 360º, from north to south, from east to west. Jun. 26 2022. | Photo: AFP
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