2022/04/13 online zoom 8am CDT 9am Eastern
Der Ukraine-Krieg und seine geopolitischen Hintergründe Online-Veranstaltung vom 7. April 2022 (Video)
Online-Diskussionsveranstaltung mit Peter Wahl vom Donnerstag, dem 7. April 2022, um 19 Uhr.
2022/04/30 Air Base Ramstein, Germany
Up on the bike – down with the arms action as part of the: “Global Days of Action on Military Spending”. Continue reading →
2022/06/29-30 Madrid, Spain
Official NATO summit
Information about the new NATO strategy: and here you find the No to NATO network positions against the NATO strategy:
Information about NATO partners:
2022/04/12 online 20:00 CEST
The Danish Referendum: Can Denmark Resist EU Militarization?
Register here:
2022/06/20 Vienna, Austria (TPNW 2)
International Governmental Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons
The week in Vienna will encompass three significant and essential steps for global nuclear disarmament:
- 20 June: International Governmental Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons – hosted by Austria to ensure that Continue reading →
2022/06/18-19 Vienna, Austria (TPNW 1)
ICAN Conference for civil society
The week in Vienna will encompass three significant and essential steps for global nuclear disarmament:
- 18-19 June: ICAN Conference for civil society – to prepare and inform everyone in advance of the negotiations
Voices for Peace
In reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, transform! europe has issued a Peace Manifesto. A variety of other organisations advocate for peace as well: left parties and movements, NGOs, human rights organisations, peace movements, trade unions, religious groups, and many more.
Continue reading → 2022/03/14 video is online
AUKUS – nuclear submarine deal – NATO and the international peace movement
I’m sorry for the bad quality of the video. Continue reading →
2022/04/09 video is online
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #10
streaming at:
Call for Suspending US-ROK Military Execises & Decreasing Military Tensions on the Korean Peninsula
The No to NATO network joined the statement.
Full statement_opposing US ROK war drills.pdf
#NoWarDrills #KoreaPeaceNow #KoreaPeaceAppeal.
2022/04/09 online rally
Saturday, April 9, 9AM PT/12PM ET/4PM UTC/5PM UK register: information:
Dear peace friends all over the world
Please find as attached pdf, the letter that your organisation – No to NATO network – has signed to the foreign minister of Finland, Pekka Haavisto, in regard to TPNW, killer robots and weaponized drones.
Solidarity with the Peace Opposition in Denmark
Solidarity with the Peace Opposition in Denmark
On June 1, 2022, a national referendum will be held in Denmark, shamelessly exploiting Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, which violates international law, with the aim of enabling Denmark’s participation in EU militarization and achieving support for further rearmament to 2% GDP (gross domestic product). Continue reading →
2022/04/26 zoom webinar 18 h UTC
The role of nuclear weapons and the NATO engagement in the Ukraine and Russia war
The role of nuclear weapons and the NATO engagement in the Ukraine and Russia war
with Ludo De Brabander, Tom Unterrainer, Kristine Karch
26 April 2022 at 8am Hawaii | 11am PDT | 2pm EDT | 7pm London | 8pm CEST
2022/04/02-03 virtual Chicago Area
Peace Action’s Third Annual Student-Led Peace Summit.
¿Quieren parar la guerra?, parece que no
Por Pablo Ruiz* Vemos que la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania sigue adelante. Se ha cumplido un mes, y el secretario general OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, al terminar la reunión de la OTAN, con el presidente de EEUU Joe Biden presente, ha señalado que van a seguir suministrando armamento y apoyo militar a Ucrania y que han reforzado las sanciones contra Rusia.
Continue reading → 2022/06/17-19
Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington
Dear Peace Activist, I hope this email finds you happy and healthy. As CODEPINK’s Cut the Pentagon National Organizer, I understand how difficult the current situation is for peace activists. It is disheartening to see the devastating impacts of war and feel that there isn’t much we can do about it. However, we mustn’t give into these feelings of hopelessness, it is imperative that we strengthen the peace movement and organize. This is why we are inviting you to join us for … Continue reading →
2022/08/08-09 Nagasaki, Japan
World Conference – Nagasaki and Rally, Hiroshima
World Conference – Nagasaki (August 8)
Venue: Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium
August 9 (Tue) 10:30-13:00 Nagasaki Day Rally
2022/08/04-6 Hiroshima, Japan
International Meeting and the World Conference – Hiroshima
Draft schedule of 2022 World Conference
International Meeting and the World Conference – Hiroshima (August 4 – 6)
Venue: Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center (Green Arena)
Globale Gerechtigkeit statt G7 – Klima schützen statt aufrüsten
Globale Gerechtigkeit statt G7 – Klima schützen statt aufrüsten Vom 26.-28. Juni 2022 tagt der G7-Gipfel im bayerischen Elmau. Die Repräsentanten der reichsten und mächtigsten Staaten der Welt erheben den Anspruch, über die Geschicke der gesamten Welt zu entscheiden. Als selbsternannte Gruppe haben dafür aber keinerlei Legitimation. Im Gegenteil: Sie schwächen legitime internationale Organisationen. Sie wollen laut Scholz „Vorreiter für klimaneutrales Wirtschaften und eine gerechte Welt“ sein. Dabei treiben sie selbst globale soziale Verheerungen, Ungleichheit, Klimakrise, Umweltzerstörung und Militarisierung voran. … Continue reading →
Menschliche Sicherheit für die afghanische Bevölkerung
Bündnis-Pressemitteilung vom 31. März 2022 Menschliche Sicherheit für die afghanische Bevölkerung Friedensorganisationen fordern umfassende Hilfen Anlässlich der heute unter führender Mitwirkung der deutschen Bundesregierung stattfindenden Online-Geberkonferenz zur Nothilfe für Afghanistan fordert ein Bündnis aus deutschen Friedensorganisationen heute umfassende Hilfe und eine langfristige Unterstützung der notleidenden Menschen in Afghanistan. Darüber hinaus dürfe die Aufarbeitung des desaströsen 20-jährigen Krieges nicht weiter hinausgeschoben werden. „Die große Mehrheit der afghanischen Bevölkerung befindet sich in einer existenziellen Notlage. Laut der Welthungerhilfe sind 95% der Bevölkerung … Continue reading →
2022/04/02 video is online
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #9
streaming at:
2022/04/03 Rome, Italy 10 am CEST
“Le guerre sono fatte da persone
che si uccidono senza conoscersi
per gli interessi
di persone che si conoscono,
ma che non si uccidono.”
Pablo Neruda Continue reading →
2022/04/03 Rome, Italy 10 am CEST
“Wars are made by people
who kill each other without knowing each other
for the interests
of people who know each other
but who do not kill each other.”
Pablo Neruda Continue reading →
En primer lugar, gracias a todas y todos por participar en la reunión del sábado, fue estupendo contar con todas y todos vosotros avanzando hacia una coordinación internacional de la Cumbre Por la Paz – No a la OTAN – Madrid 2022. Os adjuntamos el acta de nuestra última reunión, de la que queremos destacar: – Hasta el viernes 1 de abril esperamos recibir las aportaciones por escrito (a ) de todos aquellos países que no tuvieron la oportunidad de … Continue reading →
First of all, thank you all for participating in the Saturday meeting, it was great to have all of you with us advancing towards an international coordination of the Summit For Peace – No to NATO – Madrid 2022. Please, find attached the minutes of our last meeting. We also want to highlight: – Until Friday, April 1st we expect to receive written contributions (to ) from all those countries that did not have the opportunity to intervene, in order … Continue reading →
We have to reconcile! – Statement of the Hungarian Commnunity for Peace
We have to reconcile! – Statement of the Hungarian Commnunity for Peace It is a sad sight of how Western civilization confronts its own values and denies others what it demands for itself. Military conflict could have been avoided if the West had guaranteed Russia’s security and not wanted to enforce its own. Moscow has made it clear what to expect if its security is not guaranteed. Ukraine is not the cause but the consequence of aggressive Western behavior, … Continue reading →