In recent years, the US and NATO have been militarizing the Arctic through Norway as a means to confront Russia. This militarization is increasing tensions between nuclear-armed nations. As the Arctic melts away, these powerful nations are competing for dominance in the region as new routes are established, building new military bases, constructing new radars, and less efforts are placed in diplomacy.
Watch the Global Network’s latest video on this topic on Facebook or YouTube:
Save Sinjajevina: how a movement took on the military, and won a first crucial battle
In late 2020, a coalition of national environmental and rights’ activists, pastoralists, and international NGOs resisted a military training exercise taking place in the unique Sinjajevina highlands. Following the first phase of the campaign, WRI staff met Pablo Dominguez, an eco-anthropologist who collaborated with the Save Sinjajevina Association, and shared with us the significance of this precious place, the movement that led its defence, and their plans for the future. The campaign website is available here: You can sign … Continue reading →
[PM] Befremden über Auftritt von NATO-Generalsekretär und Minister a.D. de Maizière beim Kirchentag Press release May 14, 2021 Astonishment at appearance of NATO Secretary General and former Minister de Maizière at Church Congress in Germany (3rd Ecumenical Kirchentag) Frankfurt/Bremen. As part of the third Ecumenical Church Congress, some 80 digital events will be broadcast from May 13 to 16, 2021. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will be represented at an Ecumenical Church Congress (Kirchentag) for the first time. We – activists from the peace movement – see with great disconcertment that the … Continue reading →
2021/05/29 Brussels, Belgium
NATO – USA: Hands off Kurdistan – Hands off the Middle East!
The No to war – no to NATO network supports the action, please participate!!!
We call all organizations against militarism, war and aggression to
support our protest gathering on May 29, 2021,
at 13.00-14.30 in front of the US Embassy
in Boulevard du Régent 27, 1000 Brussels.
NATO – USA: Hands off Kurdistan – Hands off the Middle East! Continue reading →
Friedensdemo im September warnt vor Kriegsrat in der Messe
Friedensdemo im September warnt vor Kriegsrat in der Messe Essen, in der Nazi-Zeit “Waffenschmiede des Reiches”, vor kurzem Kultur- und dann Umwelthauptstadt Europas, ist seit sechs Jahren Austragungsort von Konferenzen zur konkreten Beratung über ein Kriegsgeschehen im 21. Jahrhundert. Die Nato-Strategieschmiede JAPCC (“Joint Air Power Competence Centre“) plant für die Tage von 7. bis zum 9. September 2021 in der Messe Essen eine Militär-Konferenz über die effektive Nutzung der Weltraum- und -Luftwaffe im Ernstfall. Circa dreihundert hochrangige Nato-Militärs, Strategen, Politiker*innen … Continue reading →
2021/09/01-31 online und offline Europa
Aktionsaufruf: Für ein Nuklearwaffen-freies Europa September 2021 in ganz Europa
Aktionsaufruf: Für ein Nuklearwaffen-freies Europa September 2021 in ganz Europa Die Welt steht an einem Scheideweg. Für Europa ist es an der Zeit, angesichts existenzieller Bedrohungen strategische Entscheidungen zu treffen. Zwei Jahre in Folge hat das Bulletin for Atomic Scientist die Doomsday Clock auf 100 Sekunden vor zwölf gestellt. Nie war diese symbolische Uhr näher an einem möglichen nuklearen und klimatischen Albtraum. Die Atomwaffenstaaten investieren massiv in neue Atomwaffen. Die USA wollen neue B61-12 Atomwaffen in Belgien, Deutschland, Italien, den … Continue reading →
The macho state: coercion, patriarchy and resistance
Diana Quiroz
When police officers themselves are responsible for so many cases of gender-based violence and when so many cases are never addressed by the judicial system, what does that say about both the institution of the police, the state and their coercive apparatus?
Blurring the monopoly on violence: Private Military and Security Companies and coercive state power
Blurring the monopoly on violence: Private Military and Security Companies and coercive state power
Carlos Díaz, Ekaterina Zepnova, Felip Daza, Giulia Campisi and Nora Miralles. Observatorio de Derechos Humanos y Empresas del Mediterráneo (ODHE)
The state’s role in security has been progressively privatised, from the military to the prison system. The result is a shadowy corporate world in which violence is facilitated, accountability is diminished and human rights violations and impunity abounds.
No business without enemies: War and the arms trade
Jordi Calvo Rufanges, Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau
STATE OF POWER 2021 May 2021
The arms trade is one of the world’s most successful corporate enterprises. Not only has it created an economic system that grows regardless, it has normalised war and security responses to every social crisis.
2021/09/24-25-26 Friedensradfahrt 2021
Aachen – Volkel – kleine Brogel
Friedensradfahrt 2021 – Aachen – Volkel – Kleine Brogel: 24. – 26. September 2021
Es wird eine Delegation von 10 Menschen aus Deutschland zu den Aktionen in Volkel und Kleine Brogel fahren.
Peace Bike Ride 2021 – Aachen – Volkel – Kleine Brogel: September 24 – 26, 2021.
There will be a delegation of 10 people from Germany to the actions in Volkel and Kleine Brogel
Video: Treiben Biden und NATO zum großen Krieg? mit Reiner Braun und Ludo De Brabander
Aufzeichnung der Online-veranstaltung der Kampagne Stopp Air Base Ramstein am 10.05.2021
Ukrainian-US Sea Breeze 2021 exercise with 27 countries including 16 NATO members
Livorno, Italy May 2021by Jeannie Toschi Marazzani Visconti In recent days at the port of Livorno (Tuscany) the Liberty Pride ship of the US Army’s Maritime Security program has docked. The ship must load weapons and equipment from Camp Darby. Camp Darby is located between Pisa and Livorno and is the fourth largest US arsenal outside the United States. Liberty Pride will deliver its cargo to the port of the Romanian city of Constanta on the Black Sea on the … Continue reading →
2021/05/26 zoom webinar 9am CEST (UTC+2)
Feminist critiques of militarisation
Interpretation will be available in English, German, Italian, and Japanese.
May 26, 2021 09:00 AM in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna (
US Military Bases, Training and “New Threats”
by Pablo Ruiz* (Abr 15, 2021)
In Latin America and the Caribbean, the Army, the DEA, the CIA, and other U.S. agencies have innumerable bases of operations, facilities, offices, as military agreements that allow them to operate at any time in our territories.
*Pablo Ruiz is a Journalist and part of the Observatory for the Closing of The School of the Americas (SOA Watch).
Déclaration sur le nouvel agenda OTAN 2030
Bonjour, Nous avons publié votre déclaration sur le nouvel agenda OTAN 2030 :
Vous pouvez consulter ici tous nos articles consacrés à la question de la guerre :
Amicalement, La rédaction 31.03.2021
2021/06/14 zoom webinar 15 – 17 UTC
Global NATO: a Threat to Peace
Voices for Peace – you !!! can protest against NATO
5pm to 7pm CEST | 5-7am PST | 11-1pm EDT | 4-6pm UK
Calling for 2 minutes “protest greetings against NATO”
2021/06/14 zoom webinar 11 am-12:30 pm UTC
Global NATO: a Threat to Peace
2. Dissolution of NATO – for solidarity, sustainability and disarmament Monday June 14th: 1pm to 2.30pm CEST | 1am-2:30am PST | 7am-8:30am EDT | 12pm-1:30pm UK Interpretation: English, French and Spanish By diverting attention and resources to militarism, NATO will also make it difficult to achieve the urgent Paris Agreement climate targets and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Global solidarity and international cooperation is needed to solve common challenges: the pandemic, the climate emergency, and inequality. With … Continue reading →
2021/06/13 zoom webinar 6am PDT | 9am EDT | 3-6:30pm CEST
Global NATO: a Threat to Peace
1. Global NATO – the threat of war Sunday June 13: 3pm to 6:30pm CEST Interpretation: English, French and Spanish Introduction Heinz Bierbaum, Germany, President – European Left Part I NATO2030 – NATO’s new global vision: Ludo De Brabander, Belgium, vrede vzw Nuclear weapons – abolition or new arms race?: Kate Hudson, UK, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) Military spending on the rise: Cloe Meulenwaeter, Barcelona, Centre Delàs d´Estudis per la Pau War on terror – 20 years on: Lindsey … Continue reading →
Europe is a war-games ground for the US / NATO strategy
by Manlio Dinucci In 2020, people’ land mobility in the European Union was paralyzed by lockdowns, mainly following the tourism blockade. The same happened in air mobility: according to a study by the European Parliament (March 2021), it suffered a net loss of 56 billion Euros and 191,000 direct jobs, plus over a million in related industries. In 2021, the recovery is promising to be very problematic. Only one sector has greatly increased its mobility against the ongoing trend: … Continue reading →
2021/05/22 online 10am Colombia | 11am Venezuela (UTC-4)
A Webinar on Haiti, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela
African Liberation in the Americas: A Webinar on Haiti, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela
Berliner Zeitung: Aggression oder Reaktion? Konflikt zwischen der Ukraine und Russland eskaliert
Die Bestandsaufnahme einer NGO-Friedensreferentin – verbunden mit der Frage, was die Bundesregierung in dieser Situation tun könnte. Angelika Wilmen, 19.5.2021 – 09:15 Uhr
Continue reading →Video der Vorbereitung für Anti Defender 2021 Proteste mit Alexander Neu, MdB
Aufzeichnung der Online-veranstaltung am 10.05.2021
2021/05/19 online
‘Global Britain’ and the Integrated Review
On 19th May at 6pm, Greater Manchester CND is hosting a briefing event on ‘Global Britain’ and the Integrated Review (here).
Following the publication of the UK’s Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy 2021, this event will introduce some of its implications. Continue reading →
2021/06/19 online
Abolition 2000 Annual General Meeting
You’re invited you to the AGM of Abolition 2000 Register here The COVID-19 pandemic continues to devastate countries and populations showing the complete uselessness of nuclear weapons when it comes to dealing with global security threats. On January 27, 2021, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists kept their Doomsday Clock at 100 seconds to midnight, the closest we’ve ever been to global oblivion.
Continue reading → 2021/09/04 Essen, Germany
Friedensdemo gegen die NATO-Konferenz
Gegen die Vorbereitung eines großen Krieges in Europa gemeinsam vorgehen!
Friedensdemonstration in Essen am 4.September 2021, 100 Sekunden vor 1200 Uhr Mittag Stadtgarten: Auftaktkundgeb. // Anschließend: Demonstration über: Brunnenstr., Paulinenstr., Franziskastr. > zur Phillipp Müller-Brücke, Rüttenscheider Str. dort ca. 14 Uhr Abschlusskundgebung.
2021/05/23-27 online 3.00pm – 6..30pm CEST
Can we co-create a new collective decision making processes for a better world?
I’d like to invite you to be part of Reworlding, an online gathering starting soon (23th – 29th of May!)
2021/05/27 online 7.00pm – 8.30pm BST
Saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war
Join us online as we celebrate MAW’s 20th birthday! BRUCE KENT and MAW Chairperson TIM DEVEREUX will be joined by expert guests, looking back briefly on our achievements and, more importantly, thinking about the future. PAUL INGRAM in conversation with MERERID HOPWOOD will consider: The challenges of war and peace in the 21st century Alternatives to war – including the UN, conflict transformation and international law The role of the armed forces and their carbon bootprint Come and join the … Continue reading →
Protest as the nuclear submaring enters Tromsø 10’th of May, 2021
Protest as the nuclear submaring enters Tromsø 10’th of May
Geir, Norway
Follow-Up – Webinar “SIPRI Figures on Military Expenditure – Developments in Germany and Worldwide
Dear participants and registrants, with this email, we would like to give you a short overview of our German webinar “SIPRI Figures on Military Expenditure – Developments in Germany and Worldwide”, which we held via Zoom on April 28. This event was one in a series leading up to the Second World Peace Congress in Barcelona being held from October 15-17, 2021, for which we have just published our second programme draft. Find more information about it here: We … Continue reading →
„Verteidigungsfonds“: Heute knallen Sektkorken bei der Rüstungslobby, morgen Waffen in aller Welt
aus: Özlem Alev Demirel MdEP * Newsletter * 7. Mai 2021 Zur finalen Abstimmung des EU-Parlaments zur Einrichtung eines Europäischen Verteidigungsfonds (EVF) habe ich zusammen mit Andrej Hunko, dem europapolitischen Sprecher und stellvertretendem Vorsitzenden der Fraktion DIE LINKE im Deutschen Bundestag, die hier ( nachzulesende Erklärung abgegeben. zudem habe ich eine Rede im EU-Parlament gehalten, die hier angesehen werden kann. (
Continue reading →Aktionsaufruf: Für ein Nuklearwaffen-freies Europa September 2021 in ganz Europa
Die Welt steht an einem Scheideweg. Für Europa ist es an der Zeit, angesichts existenzieller Bedrohungen strategische Entscheidungen zu treffen. Zwei Jahre in Folge hat das Bulletin for Atomic Scientist die Doomsday Clock auf 100 Sekunden vor zwölf gestellt. Nie war diese symbolische Uhr näher an einem möglichen nuklearen und klimatischen Albtraum. Die Atomwaffenstaaten investieren massiv in neue Atomwaffen. Die USA wollen neue B61-12 Atomwaffen in Belgien, Deutschland, Italien, den Niederlanden und der Türkei stationieren. Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat uns gelehrt, … Continue reading →
GCOMS press release April 26th, 2021
170 Civil Society Organizations from 33 different countries demand that governments around the world drastically reduce their military expenditures, which reached almost 2 trillion $ in 2020, a 2.6% increase over the previous year. World military expenditure amounted to $1981 billion in 2020, a 2.6% increase over the previous year. In 2020, the biggest spenders were the US, China, India, Russia, the UK and Saudi Arabia. Except for Saudi Arabia, they all increased their expenditure over 2019. Military expenditure … Continue reading →
Afghanistan, the US plan for a new catastrophe
by Manlio Dinucci The Afghanistan US and Allied Forces commander General Scott Miller announced on April 25 the beginning of foreign troops withdrawal that should be completed by September 11, according to President Biden’s decision. Is the US ending a war waged for almost twenty years? In order to understand this communication, it is first of all necessary to consider the results of the war. The toll in human lives is largely unquantifiable: the “direct deaths” among the US military would … Continue reading →
Partnerschaft mit US-Militär: Microsoft und die Pentagon-Milliarden Partnerschaft mit US-Militär: Microsoft und die Pentagon-Milliarden Stand: 27.04.2021 14:20 Uhr Microsoft wird am Dienstagabend voraussichtlich wieder gewinnträchtige Quartalsergebnisse vorlegen. Der Software-Gigant profitiert dabei auch zunehmend von Erlösen aus einer Partnerschaft mit dem US-Militär.
Continue reading → 2021/06/11-13 online and offline Cornwall, UK
The G7 is coming to Cornwall . . .
. . . and so is resistance!
International days of action – 11th-13th June, 2021
Mass Day of Action – 12th June (
Alternative conference – tbc
Die Produktion von biologischen Waffen ist nur den USA erlaubt
von Dr. Wolfgang Schacht Veröffentlicht von LZ ⋅(Linke Zeitung) 27. April 2021 Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (USA), wohl wissend, dass sie in der Welt die Stärksten, die Klügsten, die Gewissenlosesten und Skrupellosesten sind, produzieren tödlich wirkende Viren, Bakterien und Toxine für biologische Waffen. Sie können das, sie dürfen das und tun das, weil derartig gefährliche Tätigkeiten auf dem Territorium der USA nicht erlaubt sind, weil sie das Genfer Protokoll vom 17. Juni 1925 („Protokoll über das Verbot der Verwendung … Continue reading →
NATO’S adoption of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security: Making the agenda a reality
Katharine AM Wright, Department of Politics, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK. (International Political Science Review 2016, 37(3), 350–361)
International security institutions play a pivotal role in the realisation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda through their adoption and implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. This article examines NATO’s adoption of UNSCR 1325, drawing upon Cynthia Enloe’s conception of NATO as a ‘teaching machine’ disseminating lessons on gender. In doing so, it finds UNSCR 1325 has been understood to be of ‘added-value’ to the Alliance in two respects: first, to support NATO’s long-established agenda to increase the representation of women in NATO forces; second, as a tool to increase operational effectiveness. I find that NATO’s adoption of UNSCR 1325 emerged as part of a counter discourse. The fact that this counter discourse was put forward by partner states challenges dominant understandings of the direction of policy dissemination within NATO. This case provides salient lessons on the opportunities for – and hindrances to – change through the pursuit of a feminist agenda within an international security institution.
[PM] Befremden über Auftritt von NATO-Generalsekretär und Minister a.D. de Maizière beim Kirchentag Pressemitteilung 14. Mai 2021 Befremden über Auftritt von NATO-Generalsekretär und Minister a.D. de Maizière beim Kirchentag Frankfurt/Bremen. Im Rahmen des dritten Ökumenischen Kirchentages werden vom 13. bis 16. Mai 2021 rund 80 digitale Veranstaltungen gesendet. Erstmals auf einem Ökumenischen Kirchentag vertreten ist NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg. Wir – Aktive aus der Friedensbewegung – sehen mit großem Befremden, dass der oberste NATO-Repräsentant sein Propagandagift auf einem Kirchentag verstreuen darf und von einem ehemaligen deutschen „Verteidigungsminister“, der für Kriegseinsätze Verantwortung trägt, unterstützt … Continue reading →