What: Free Webinar: AFRICOM & Human Rights in Africa
When: Friday, December 4 at 11:00AM PT / 2:00PM ET / 7:00PM Nigeria Time
How to join: Register here for the Zoom info (https://actionnetwork.org/events/free-webinar-africom-human-rights-in-africa)
Invite your friends and share it on Facebook! (https://www.facebook.com/events/3569356163123820)
2020/12/04 Free zoom Webinar 11:00AM (PT) | 2:00PM (ET) | 07:00PM (Nigeria Time) | 08:00PM (CET)
The Uncertain Election: Defending Constitutional Democracy and Human Surviva
Joseph Gerson* November 4, 2020 In the run up to the U.S. election, Daniel Ellsberg, the courageous whistleblower who risked 115 years in prison in the early 1970s for revealing the Pentagon’s secret in his effort to stop the killing, wrote that the country was “facing an authoritarian threat to our democratic system of a kind we’ve never seen before.” Despite differing with Biden on many issues, he urged people to vote for Biden “to free the nation from Trump’s … Continue reading →
Declaración del 4to Congreso Internacional contra Bases Militares y Guerra
Declaración del 4to Congreso Internacional contra Bases Militares y Guerra organizado por la campaña “Stop Base aérea Ramstein” (Stop Air Base Ramstein), con el apoyo de la red internacional “No a la guerra – no a la OTAN” (No to War – no to NATO), la Oficina Internacional de Paz (International Peace Bureau) y el Partido de la Izquierda Europea, el 25.09.2020, celebrado tanto de manera presencial (Berlín), como de manera virtual (a nivel mundial), en un evento híbrido debido … Continue reading →
Open letter to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
Dear NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, We want to voice our opposition to the fact that you will host the NATO 2030 Youth Summit on November 9th. As young people concerned about our future and the future of our planet, we are very concerned that the focus of the event is ‘keeping NATO strong militarily, making it stronger politically and more global’. We do not believe that strengthening NATO is the best way to secure our future. Instead we would … Continue reading →
2020/10/27 zoom event 17:00-1900 CET
Holocaust and the rewriting of History
UN Nuclear Treaty achieves 50th ratification for Entry into Force on 75th anniversary of UN’s founding
UN Nuclear Treaty achieves 50th ratification for Entry into Force on 75th anniversary of UN’s founding London, 24 October 2020: The United Nations has confirmed that the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) has been ratified by its 50th state party, Honduras, and will therefore enter into international legal force 90 days later, on 22 January. “This Treaty bans nuclear weapons production, testing, possession and use, along with other activities that could enable and assist anyone … Continue reading →
50. Staat ratifiziert UN-Atomwaffenverbot
ICAN veröffentlicht am 25. Oktober 2020 Atomwaffen international geächtet Heute Nacht, am 24. Oktober New Yorker Zeit, hat Honduras als 50. Staat den UN-Vertrag zum Verbot von Atomwaffen ratifiziert. Kurz zuvor sind Jamaica und die Republik Nauru beigetreten. Damit wird das Inkrafttreten des UN-Atomwaffenverbots binnen 90 Tagen augelöst. Für die Mitwirkung an dem Vertrag wurde ICAN 2017 mit dem Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnet. “Ab dem 21. Januar 2021 sind Atomwaffen völkerrechtlich geächtet. Ein historischer Moment für einen Jahrzehnte alten Kampf. Während … Continue reading →
NATO is a threat to the climate
Rapidly reducing carbon emissions impossible with rising militarism and military spending
TAMARA LORINCZ (Dec 06, 2019)
2021/01/25 worldwide
Global Day of Action over Yemen
Stop the War has been working with a number of organisations on a call for global protests against the war on Yemen on January 25. www.stopwar.org.uk/ Over 200 organizations from over 15 countries have signed the statement, which is in 5 languages.

Militär – katastrophal auch für die Umwelt
Lesen oder Download Tarantel#89.pdf
Zeitschrift der Ökologischen Plattform bei der Partei DIE LINKE.
Militär – auch katastrophal für die Umwelt
France made its first cruise missile launch since a submarine
France launched a cruise missile from a submarine, the French Armed Forces Department announced on Tuesday, October 20. The Suffren, a new generation of nuclear attack submarines, has “successfully carried out” this Naval Cruise Missile test fire off Biscarrosse (Landes), he said in a statement. “This success gives a new strategic capability to our Navy, it is among the best in the world”, welcomed the Minister of Armies, Florence Parly. “Until now, French submarine forces could hit submarines and surface … Continue reading →
Bombs can’t kill viruses
‘Bombs can’t kill viruses’: Hawaii faces backlash as international war games approach
As coronavirus case numbers soar, the state prepares to host Rimpac, the world’s largest international maritime military exercise
Interview with Jon Mitchell about his new book “Poisoning the Pacific”
Jon Letman has been writing a lot, thank goodness! Here is his interview with Jon Mitchell about his new excellent book “Poisoning the Pacific” (Ann Wright)
An Interview with journalist Jon Mitchell.
New US Command for NATO Naval Battle in Europe
by Manlio Dinucci (the manifesto, October 20, 2020) The art of war: New US Command for NATO Naval Battle in Europe A new NATO command was born in Norfolk (Virginia, USA): the Norfolk Joint Force Command, called “Atlantic Command,” is a clone of Naples Joint Force Command with headquarters in Lago Patria (Naples). Its constitution was approved by the North Atlantic Council at the Defense Ministers level (for Italy the first Conte Government’s Minister Elisabetta Trenta ), in June 2018. Just as the NATO command in Naples … Continue reading →
DEFENCE INDUSTRY INFLUENCE IN GERMANYAnalysing Defence Industry Influence on the German Policy Agenda
The study by Transparency International can be downloaded here: https://www.transparency.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Publikationen/TIDS-DefenceIndustryInfluenceGermany-DIGITAL.pdf
Einfluss der Rüstungsindustrie auf die Politik in Deutschland
Hier der Link zur deutschen Zusammenfassung der neuen Studie von Transparency International zum Einfluss der Rüstungsindustrie auf die Politik in Deutschland, im Internet unter
Die vollständige Studie in englischer Sprache kann unter
https://www.transparency.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Publikationen/TIDS-DefenceIndustryInfluenceGermany-DIGITAL.pdf heruntergeladen werden.
Bremer Friedensforum: Pandemie wird für Militarisierung missbraucht
PRESSEMITTEILUNG 23.10. 2020 Warnung vor Weltraumrüstung Bremer Friedensforum: Pandemie wird für Militarisierung missbraucht Bremen. Das Bremer Friedensforum warnt vor einer neuen Runde im Rüstungswettlauf. Während viele administrative und medizinische Einrichtungen der Staaten damit befasst sind, die Corona-Pandemie zu bekämpfen und dafür riesige Steuermittel eingesetzt werden müssen, beschließt die NATO, ein eigenes Weltraumzentrum einzurichten. Dieses militärische Weltraumzentrum soll beim Luftwaffenkommando in Ramstein, nämlich auf der dort befindlichen Air Base der USA angesiedelt werden. Mit diesem Schritt der NATO soll die Rüstung … Continue reading →
2020/12/01 zoom webinar 12noon-1:30pm EDT | 18-19:30 CET
Missile and Nuclear Insecurity in East Asia
Global Peace and Insecurity: A Seminar Series
Fall 2020: Tuesdays: 12noon-1:30pm US EDT (12-13.30) | 18-19:30 CET
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1: Missile and Nuclear Insecurity in East Asia
REGISTER HERE https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6Um61UbXTKOoGsI9NWOwNQ.
2020/11/24 zoom webinar 12noon-1:30pm EDT | 18-19:30 CET
What’s next for the US-India strategic partnership?
Global Peace and Insecurity: A Seminar Series
Fall 2020: Tuesdays: 12noon-1:30pm US EDT (12-13.30) | 18-19:30 CET
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24: What’s next for the US-India strategic partnership?
Register here: https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ro-gCaJiRe-eQILnq2Sfzg
2020/11/17 zoom webinar 12noon-1:30pm EDT | 18-19:30 CET
Ten years after Fukushima: The Future of Nuclear Power in Japan
Global Peace and Insecurity: A Seminar Series
Fall 2020: Tuesdays: 12noon-1:30pm US EDT (12-13.30) | 18-19:30 CET
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 6:00PM-7:30PM EST (Please note differnt time): Ten years After Fukushima: The Future of Nuclear Power in Japan Continue reading →
2020/11/10 zoom webinar 12noon-1:30pm EDT | 18-19:30 CET
The Non-Proliferation Treaty at 50: A Mid-Life Crisis?
Global Peace and Insecurity: A Seminar Series
Fall 2020: Tuesdays: 12noon-1:30pm US EDT (12-13.30) | 18-19:30 CET
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10: The Non-Proliferation Treaty at 50: A Mid-Life Crisis?
Speaker: Paul Meyer, Adjunct Professor, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Former Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament Continue reading →
2020/11/03 zoom webinar 12noon-1:30pm EDT | 18-19:30 CET
Climate Change and International Security
Global Peace and Insecurity: A Seminar Series
Fall 2020: Tuesdays: 12noon-1:30pm US EDT (12-13.30) | 18-19:30 CET
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3: Climate Change and International Security
Jurgen Scheffran, Head of the Research Group Climate Change and Security, University of Hamburg, Germany Continue reading →
Global war-fighting starts here: RAF Croughton & Keep Space for Peace (video)
As part of Keep Space for Peace Week, the Oxfordshire Peace Campaign and CND discussed the role of USAF Croughton in drone warfare, as well as wider strategic issues. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXb7rEvOm5E)
From the EU Covid Recovery Fund 30 billion goes to the military
by Manlio Dinucci While the “Coronavirus crisis” continues to cause devastating socio-economic consequences also in Italy, a large part of the “Recovery Fund” is destined not to the most affected economic and social sectors, but to the most advanced sectors of the war industry. According to the EU Recovery Fund, Italy should receive € 209 billion over the next six years, of which about 81 is for grants and 128 for loans to be repaid with interest. In the meantime, … Continue reading →
FACTSHEET US-Operations at Shannon Airport
Shannonwatch campaigns to end the US military use of Shannon Airport and to demand accountability for the
airport’s complicity in human rights abuse and war. It opposes the participation of Ireland in all regional military
alliances and structures, including those of the EU and NATO. It holds peace demonstrations at Shannon Airport
on the second Sunday of every month from 2 to 3pm.
The Peace & Neutrality Alliance campaigns for the right of the Irish people to have their own independent foreign
policy, with positive neutrality as a key component, pursued primarily through a reformed Unite Nations.
FACTSHEET The Road to the EU Army
2020/10/17 First public zoom event 4PM (Eastern) 10PM (CEST)
Youth Against Empire speak out against the Wars at Home and Abroad
The newly formed Youth Against Empire will be holding its first public event.
Join us for an online rally: “Youth Speak Out Against the Wars at Home and Abroad”
Saturday, October 17 at 4 PM Eastern
Register for the Zoom event here (https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZAe_FB0yRs2RGqlq6TPh6A)
Join the Facebook Event here (https://www.facebook.com/events/1283578698689833)
Jeju: Island of Resistance (video)
Global Network http://www.space4peace.org/ and Save Jeju now http://savejejunow.org/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yoUlXphDdk
Video der Preisverleihung des Roland-Vogt-Friedenspreises an Konni Schmidt ist online:
Auf Initiative der Kampagne „Stopp Air Base Ramstein“ wird ab 2020 jährlich der Roland-Vogt- Friedenspreis an eine Aktivistin oder einen Aktivisten der Friedensbewegung vergeben, die oder der sich in der Tradition von Roland Vogt dauerhaft für Frieden, Abrüstung und zivile Konfliktlösungen in außerordentlicher Weise engagiert.https://youtu.be/s1GkpbR04yU.
2020/10/27 zoom webinar 12noon-1:30pm EDT
Biden or Trump: What’s at Stake on November 3?
Global Peace and Insecurity: A Seminar Series
Fall 2020: Tuesdays: 12noon-1:30pm US EDT (12-13.30)
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27: Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor, MIT and Professor of Linguistics, University of Arizona Continue reading →
2020/10/20 zoom webinar 12noon-1:30pm EDT
The Bang and the Bucks: Post-9/11 Military Spending and the Shortchanging of Other
Global Peace and Insecurity:
A Seminar Series
Fall 2020: Tuesdays: 12noon-1:30pm US EDT (12-13.30)
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20: Heidi Peltier, Ph. D, Director, 20 Years of War Project, Boston University
The Bang and the Bucks: Post-9/11 Military Spending and the Shortchanging of Other Urgent Needs Continue reading →
2020/10/13 zoom webinar 12noon-1:30pm EDT
Accidents, mistakes and COVID-19: Risks and Necessity of High-Level Biosafety Labs
Global Peace and Insecurity:
A Seminar Series
Fall 2020: Tuesdays: 12noon-1:30pm US EDT (12-13.30)
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13: Monica Zoppe, Ph. D., Institute of Biophysics, Italian National Research Council (CNR), Milan, Italy
Accidents, mistakes and COVID-19: Risks and Necessity of High-Level Biosafety Labs; MODERATOR: Professor Jonathan King
REGISTER HERE: Once you register, a link will be automatically emailed. Thank you! Please email weinmann@mit.edu with any questions.
Videos from 4th International Congress against Military Bases and Wars
The playlist of all the 14 videos will be foun here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHs21F2izXdAYWdyXxSJPKEipudNNeiI_
2020/10/12 INES zoom webinar 16:00 -17:30 CEST
Weapons in Space – Challenges to Peace and Security
INES Webinar on Weapons in Space – Challenges to Peace and Security 12 October, 16:00 – 17:30 CEST With: Prof. Jürgen Scheffran (University of Hamburg, Germany), Prof. em. Dave Webb (Leeds Beckett University, U.K.), Subrata Ghoshroy (MIT, USA) Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__s5nreJXQQKp0p9q-bbTXw Introduction: When President Trump established the U.S. Space Force December, 2019, he said that it marked “a big moment” and that there was “going to be a lot of things happening in space. Because space is the world’s newest warfighting … Continue reading →
2020/10/12 zoom webinar 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) / 16:00 CEST Paris/Amsterdam
Confronting the Climate Crisis: the central role of Indigenous Peoples as frontline defenders against climate change
2020/10/06 zoom webinar 12noon-1:30pm EDT
Whither US-Russia Nuclear Arms Control?
2020/10/15 Second Zoom event 12:50 – 2:00pm EDT (5:50 – 7:00pm BST)
As part of the “Space Education and Strategic Applications Conference”
This 2-day conference is organised by the Policies Studies Organization and will be entirely virtual around the time of “Keep Space for Peace Week” (October 3-10) More details and program here: http://www.ipsonet.org/conferences/space-education-and-strategic-applications/sesa20program On October 15th from 12:50-2:00pm EDT (5:50-7:00pm BST) the Global Network will be holding a panel on “Campaigning to Keep Space for Peace”, introduced and chaired by Professor Dave Webb (UK) with Professor Karl Grossman (US), Tamara Lorincz (Canada), Dr Aruna Kammila (India) and Bruce Gagnon (US). The … Continue reading →
2020/10/08 First zoom event 10am (EST), 3pm (BST), 6pm (KST), 12midnight (AEST)
Global Network leaders discuss ‘Space domination’ during Keep Space for Peace Week
Global Network leaders discuss ‘Space domination’ during Keep Space for Peace Week October 8, 2020 on Zoom 10am (EST), 3pm (BST), 6pm (KST), 12midnight (AEST) How can we confront the rapidly increasing militarisation and possible weaponization of space? When the US Space Force was established last year President Trump said that it marked “a big moment” and that there was “going to be a lot of things happening in space. Because space is the world’s newest warfighting domain.” A new … Continue reading →
Déclaration du 4e Congrès international contre les bases militaires et les guerres
Déclaration du 4e Congrès international contre les bases militaires et les guerres organisé par la campagne Stop Air Base Ramstein, avec le soutien du réseau international « Non à la guerre – non à l’OTAN », du Bureau international de la paix et de la Gauche européenne le 25.09.2020, en tant qu’événement hybride en raison de la pandémie Corona à la fois en présentiel à Berlin et en ligne pour le monde entier. Résister est l’impératif et le défi ! Nous … Continue reading →
Der BigBrotherAward 2020 in der Kategorie Politik geht an die Bundesregierung wegen Ramstein
*Die deutschen “BigBrotherAwards”* prangern seit 20 Jahren jährlich die größten Schweinereien an, die man mit Rechnern oder Datennetzen anstellen kann, in typisch bis zu 8 Kategorien. Einer davon, der “Preis” in der Kategorie Politik. ging 2020 an die deutsche Bundesregierung, und zwar . genau! – *wg. ihrer Kumpanei mit dem US-Amerikanischen Drohnenmordprogramm via Ramstein* Die öffentliche Präsentation dieser “Schandpreise” fand vor 1 Woche statt, mit Corona-reduziertem Publikum, aber einem kompletten Video aller Sparten. Hier der Link zum Videoscreening, direkter Sprung … Continue reading →
Declaration of the 4th International Congress against Military Bases and War
Declaration of the 4th International Congress against Military Bases and War organized by the campaign Stop Air Base Ramstein, with the support of the international “No to War – no to NATO” network and the International Peace Bureau on 25.09.2020, held both in-person (Berlin) and online (worldwide) as a hybrid event due to Corona. Resistance is the imperative and the challenge! We call on the resistance against the approximately 1,000 military bases in the world to come together and fortify. … Continue reading →
Stopp Air Base Ramstein 2020 – Abendveranstaltung
weltnetz präsentiert die Abendveranstaltung der Stopp Air Base Ramstein Kampagne mit Gabriele Krone-Schmalz, Ekkehard Sieker, Dirk Pohlmann und Andrej Hunko. (https://weltnetz.tv/video/2405-stopp-air-base-ramstein-2020)
2020/10/01 international
The International Day of Action on AFRICOM
Learn about the International Day of Action on AFRICOM.
Find out how organizations can sign on to endorse (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdShQo6vjGx1tN0cTgI1abUXDkUIplZ11iAhiG6mXswSpyX6Q/viewform) the day.
Download (https://blackallianceforpeace.com/dayofactiononafricom) social media graphics to spread the word.
RSVP + share the Facebook event page(https://www.facebook.com/events/336199541155612).