Déclaration des animateurs de la campagne STOP RAMSTEIN en Allemagne, 6 juin 2020 GOOD BYE LES TROUPES US ! MOINS DE MILITAIRES, C’EST PLUS DE PAIX ! Nous savons ce qu’il en est des déclarations de Donald Trump, au moins depuis qu’il a annoncé vouloir retirer des troupes d’Afghanistan et de Syrie. Il ment à chaque fois qu’il ouvre la bouche. Mais si, en raison de son irritation personnelle concernant les dépenses militaires de l’Allemagne, pour des raisons de vengeance ou pour … Continue reading →
2020/09/12 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Verleihung des Roland-Vogt-Friedenspreises der Kampagne Stopp Air Base Ramstein an Konni Schmidt
Einladung zur Verleihung des
Roland-Vogt-Friedenspreises der Kampagne Stopp Air Base Ramstein
an Konni Schmidt
am 12. September ab 19.00 Uhr
in der Apostelkirche, Pariser Str. 22, 67659 Kaiserslautern
Auf Initiative der Kampagne „Stopp Air Base Ramstein“ wird ab 2020 jährlich der Roland-Vogt- Friedenspreis an eine Aktivistin oder einen Aktivisten der Friedensbewegung vergeben, die oder der sich in der Tradition von Roland Vogt dauerhaft für Frieden, Abrüstung und zivile Konfliktlösungen in außerordentlicher Weise engagiert.
2020/06/24 Webinar
11:00-13:15 EDT (17:00-18:15 CEST)
75th Anniversary of UN Charter: Special webinar on peace, disarmament and role of women
Dear friends, On June 26, 1945, the United Nations Charter was adopted in San Francisco with the principle aim to ‘save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.’ We invite you to join a very special webinar on Wednesday June 24 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the UN Charter, and to discuss concrete and effective ways to achieve UN objectives to prevent war and advance disarmament for public health and sustainable development. The webinar will also commemorate 20 years … Continue reading →
2020/06/25 WEBINAIRE 2h
10 HST | 14 EDT | 20 CEST
L’OTAN connaît-elle la crise la plus profonde de son histoire?
L’OTAN connaît-elle la crise la plus profonde de son histoire?
Avons-nous la chance historique de voir la fin de l’OTAN?
Que cela signifie-t-il pour la guerre et la paix dans le monde ?
Nous voulons essayer de trouver ensemble avec des pacifistes de différents pays des réponses à ces questions.
Nous attendons des contributions de 7 mn maximum de
- Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace,US
- Reiner Braun, IPB, ICC no to war – no to NATO, Germany
- Jun Chisaka, Japan Peace Committee, Japan (per video)
- Kate Hudson, CND, ICC no to war – no to NATO, UK
2020/06/23 Webinar 2h
5am HST | 9am EDT | 3pm CEST | 6:30 IST
Nuclear Weapons and Peace Activism in Germany and Worldwide Copy
Peaceworkshop Mutlangen (Friedenswerkstatt Mutlangen e.V.) invites you to our first internationalen webinar
„Nuclear Weapons and Peace Activism in Germany and Worldwide”
23. June 15:00-17:00 h CEST
23rd June 2020 at 5am HST | 9am EDT | 3pm CEST | 6:30 IST
Continue reading →
2020/06/23 Webinar 2h
5am HST | 9am EDT | 3pm CEST | 6:30 IST
Nuclear Weapons and Peace Activism in Germany and Worldwide
Friedenswerkstatt Mutlangen e.V. lädt ein: zum ersten internationalen Webinar
„Nuclear Weapons and Peace Activism in Germany and Worldwide”
am 23. Juni 15:00-17:00 Uhr (MEZ | CEST)
23rd June 2020 at 5am HST | 9am EDT | 3pm CEST | 6:30 IST
Continue reading →
2020/06/19+20 Webinar 2h (across Int’l Date Line)
CANCEL RIMPAC online Seminar
Friday, June 19, 3pm to 5pm • Hawaiʻi | 9pm-11pm EDT | Saturday, June 20, 3am to 5am CEST | 1pm to 3pm • Auckland, Wellington
The webinar will be recorded for those in early morning time zones.
Join us for a free online webinar. Speakers will include:
Dr Margie Beavis (Australia), Ann Wright (USA), Maria Hernandez (Guam), Virginia Lacsa Suarez (Philippines), Kawena Phillips (Hawaii), Valerie Morse (NZ). Continue reading →
The military is poisoning the Chesapeake Bay
Front page article in the Baltimore Sun today. Maryland to begin testing drinking water, Chesapeake Bay oysters for harmful ‘forever chemicals’ known as PFAS Wisconsin limits fish consumption when waters reach 12 parts per trillion (ppt) of PFAS. My creek, directly across from a Navy base in Maryland, has 1,894.3 ppt of PFAS and people can eat all the oysters, crabs, and fish they want. 1 ppt may threaten human health, especially the developing fetus. There is tremendous concern that … Continue reading →
STARS and STRIPES: How the Pentagon could cut forces in Germany, and which bases might be affected
Wolfgang Jung, Luftpost Kaiserslautern (Friedenspolitische Mitteilungen aus derUS-Militärregion [Peace policy messages from the US military region] Kaiserslautern/Ramstein | LP 044/20 – 12.06.20), has translated the article from STARS AND STRIPES “How the Pentagon could cut forces in Germany, and which bases might be affected” into German and provided it with his own notes, explanations and links.
Here the original:
Below are the links from the Luftpost article, which are in English language. Continue reading →
STARS and STRIPES: möglicher US-Truppenabzug aus Deutschland und betroffene Installationen
Wolfgang Jung, Luftpost Kaiserslautern hat den Artikel aus STARS AND STRIPES “How the Pentagon could cut forces in Germany, and which bases might be affected” ins deutsche übersetzte und mit eigenen Anmerkungen, Erläuterungen und Links versehen.
@danke Wolfgang
Human security for public health, peace and sustainable development
A global women’s appeal to commemorate International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament (May 24) and the 75th anniversary year of the United Nations
Human security for public health, peace and sustainable developmentA global women’s appeal to commemorate International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament (May 24) and the 75th anniversary year of the United NationsInitiated by: ParliamentariansforNuclearNon-proliferationandDisarmament,WomenLegislators’Lobbyand WorldFutureCouncil
Maurizio Acerbo, Gregorio Piccin Pubblicato 9.6.2020 In piena crisi economica e sanitaria Macron ha annunciato la costruzione di una seconda portaerei a propulsione nucleare (classe De Gaulle) da 5 miliardi di euro. Nella spesa prevista non sono compresi i costi per la realizzazione della flotta di supporto ed il costo operativo annuale minimo che ammonta ad altri 220 milioni di euro. IL GOVERNO FRANCESE ha inoltre fatto sapere che il prossimo 10 giugno – la stampa bretone parla di … Continue reading →
Il nostro vicino Atomico
Gregorio Piccin Pubblicato 8.6.2020, 23:59 In piena crisi economica e sanitaria Macron ha annunciato la costruzione di una seconda portaerei a propulsione nucleare (classe De Gaulle) da 5 miliardi di euro. Nella spesa prevista non sono compresi i costi per la realizzazione della flotta di supporto ed il costo operativo annuale minimo che ammonta ad altri 220 milioni di euro. IL GOVERNO FRANCESE ha inoltre fatto sapere che il prossimo 10 giugno – la stampa bretone parla di «finestra … Continue reading →
Together we reject the new tests of M 51 nuclear missile in Brittany
DECLARATION Together we reject the new tests of M 51 nuclear missile in Brittany (machine translation) In the midst of a health crisis, the government insists on developing its new nuclear weapons programs to the detriment of health, social and environmental priorities. This obstinacy is expressed through a new campaign of tests of the Nuclear Missile M51 (1) organized, from 9 June and over several weeks, from the point of Penmarc’h in Brittany. These weapons of mass destruction, dangerous for … Continue reading →
Ensemble refusons la nouvelle campagne de tirs du missile nucléaire M 51 depuis la pointe de la Bretagne
DECLARATION Ensemble refusons la nouvelle campagne de tirs du missile nucléaire M 51 depuis la pointe de la Bretagne En pleine crise sanitaire, le gouvernement s’obstine à développer ses nouveaux programmes en faveur des armes nucléaires au détriment des priorités sanitaires, sociales et environnementales. Cette obstination s’exprime à travers une nouvelle campagne de tirs d’essais du Missile Nucléaire M51 (1) organisée, à partir du 9 juin et sur plusieurs semaines, depuis la pointe de Penmarc’h en Bretagne. Ces armes de … Continue reading →
M51 missile tests between June 9 and July 8
The Ministry of the Armed Forces announced on 9 June the M51 missile launches: «The window of fire for these tests is scheduled between early June and mid-July», the ministry said. “There will be no detailed communication on these activities as operational activities and weapons systems testing related to nuclear deterrence are covered by defence secrecy,” the Ministry of the Armed Forces added. The Maritime Prefecture of the Atlantic has issued an order, “on the occasion of a test launch organized … Continue reading →
Tirs de missiles M51 entre le 9 juin et le 8 juillet
Le Ministère des Armées a annoncé le 9 juin les tirs de missiles M51 : « Le créneau de tirs pour ces essais est prévu entre début juin et mi-juillet », a indiqué le ministère. « Il n’y aura pas de communication détaillée sur ces activités puisque les activités opérationnelles et les essais de systèmes d’armes liés à la dissuasion nucléaire sont couverts par le secret défense », a ajouté le ministère des Armées. La préfecture maritime de l’Atlantique a pris un arrêté, à « l’occasion d’un … Continue reading →
2020/06/17 Webinar
10am EDT | 4pm CEST | 7:30pm IST
WALLS MUST FALL: Ending the Deadly Politics of Border Militarisation
US-Soldaten in Bad Fallingbostel (TrÜbPl Bergen) und in Munster
Das ist übrigens nur aufgefallen, weil (Shuttle-)-Busse mit Amis zu Kneipen-Touren in der Stadt Bad Fallingbostel gesichtet wurden. Toll wie Amis der lokalen Wirtschaft aus der Krise trinken.
Dangerous US Military Presence In Poland And Eastern Europe
2020/06/25 Webinar 2h
10am HST | 2pm EDT | 8pm CEST
Is NATO in its deepest crisis in history?
Do we have the historical chance to overcome NATO? What does this mean for war and peace in the world?
Live stream:
Together with peace friends from different countries we will try to find answers to these questions. We expect an input of max. 7 minutes from
- Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace,US
- Reiner Braun, IPB, ICC no to war – no to NATO, Germany
- Jun Chisaka, Japan Peace Committee, Japan (per video)
- Kate Hudson, CND, ICC no to war – no to NATO, UK
Moderation: Kristine Karch, co-chair no to war – no to NATO, Germany and Ingela Martensson, Women for Peace, ICC no to war – no to NATO, Sweden Continue reading →
CANCEL RIMPAC: Stop War Games in the Pacific!
Ann Wright, Hisae Ogawa from CODEPINK Japan and guests discuss the naval attacks on Hawaiin waters – RIMPAC, how it endangers Hawaiian citizens, and the actions that will be taken against it. (
Goodbye US troops – Less military means more peace
Newsletter of the campaigne “Stopp Air Base Ramstein”, Germany What we must think of Donald Trump’s announcements, we have known at least since his statements about withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and Syria. He’s lying through his teeth. But if he should ever take a right political step out of personal disgruntlement about Germany’s military spending, for reasons of revenge or for strategic orientation towards China, we welcome the withdrawal and celebrate it with a big party at Ramstein Air Base … Continue reading →
Goodbye US-Truppen – Weniger Militär bedeutet mehr Frieden Was wir von Donald Trumps Ankündigungen halten müssen, wissen wir spätestens seit seinen Aussagen, Truppen aus Afghanistan und Syrien abzuziehen. Er lügt, wenn er den Mund aufmacht. Sollte er aber aus persönlicher Verstimmung über Deutschlands Militärausgaben, aus Rachegründen oder aber auch aus strategischer Orientierung Richtung China einmal einen richtigen politischen Schritt machen, dann begrüßen wir den Abzug und feiern ihn mit einer großen Party an der Air Base Ramstein ( US-Truppen in Europa gefährden den Frieden, sie erhöhen die … Continue reading →
IALANA fordert eigene Initiativen der Bundesregierung zur Erhaltung des “Open-Skies-Abkommens”
IALANA Presseerklärung Die USA kündigen derzeit wichtige völkerrechtliche Verträge in Serie. Erst das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran, dann den INF-Vertrag. Jetzt – wieder ohne jede Absprache mit den europäischen NATO-Partnern – den Vertrag über den offenen Himmel von 1992. Schließlich müsste der bilaterale New START-Vertrag zwischen Russland und den USA, der im Februar nächsten Jahres ausläuft, dringend für weitere 5 Jahre verlängert werden. Russland ist dazu bereit; aber die USA wollen offenbar auch diese letzte noch bestehende Begrenzung für die … Continue reading →
solidarity statement to the protesters in the US demanding justice and peace and overturning a racist system that murders and criminalizes Black people
Dear Friends of justice and peace,
As an international network fighting against the biggest most destructive war machine in the world, we stand in solidarity with the protests taking place across your country demanding justice and peace and overturning a racist system that murders and criminalizes Black people. Continue reading →
2020/06/05 Webinar
11am EST, 5pm CEST
Anti-Racism Protest in the United States: No Justice, No Peace
Friday, June 5, 2020 | 11am EST, 5pm CEST
George Floyd’s atrocious murder at the hand of the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25 represents only the most recent incident of racism and police brutality in the United States. The resulting protests have spread not only across major US cities, but have gone global.
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France will test missiles for its nuclear submarines in June 2020
According to the regional newspaper Ouest-France, the French army has planned missile testing between 9 and 11 June off the coast of Penmarc’h (Finistère/Brittany), like in 2016 or 2018. In spite of the global pandemic, France continues imperturbably to test weapons and swallow huge sums of money that will fail to meet the necessary budgets for health, education and the satisfaction of social needs. 1 missile “M 51” = 120 million euros, the gross salary of 7500 nurses. A French … Continue reading →
Cyber Valley, MPI und US-Geheimdienste
IMI-Studie 2020/03 Cyber Valley, MPI und US-Geheimdienste Ein militärisch-forschungsindustrieller Komplex? von: Christoph Marischka | Veröffentlicht am: 15. Mai 2020 Cyber Valley, MPI und US-Geheimdienste
Continue reading →Stopp Air Base Ramstein #5 Newsletter 2020
Malgré la menace de la pandémie, l’armée US poursuit ses pratiques de guerre en Europe et dans le Pacifique, et prévoit d’en faire encore plus en 2021 Par Ann Wright Au cours de la pandémie de COVID 19, non seulement l’armée US organisera les plus grandes manœuvres militaires maritimes au monde, avec ‘Rim of the Pacific’ (RIMPAC) qui aura lieu au large d’Hawaï du 17 au 31 août 2020, réunissant 26 nations, 25 000 militaires, jusqu’à 50 navires et sous-marins et des centaines d’avions au milieu d’une pandémie mondiale de COVID 19, mais elle organisera aussi un ‘wargame’ de 6000 participants en juin 2020 en Pologne. … Continue reading →
Despite the danger of COVID 19, the US Military Continues War Practice in Europe and Pacific and plans for more in 2021
By Ann Wright
During the COVID-19 pandemic, not only will the U.S. military have the largest maritime military maneuvers in the world, with Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) coming to the waters off Hawaii August 17-31, 2020 bringing 26 nations, 25,000 military personnel, up to 50 ships and submarines and hundreds of aircraft in midst of a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, but the U.S. Army is having a 6,000 person war game in June 2020 in Poland. The State of Hawaii has the most stringent measures to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus, with a mandatory 14-day quarantine for all persons arriving in Hawaii — returning residents as well as visitors. This quarantine is required until at least June 30, 2020. Continue reading →
Stop! DEFENDER-Europe 20 Plus!
My name is Alvis Petus.
Obviously, you were disappointed with the news about the resumption of the DEFENDER-Europe 20 exercise, which will be held at the Dravsko-Pomorsk training area in Poland from June 5 to 19 in a new “+” format, so was I.
2020/07/08-11 INTERNET
Virtuelles Friedenscamp – Frieden geht immer!
Impulsvorträge + Aktionskonferenz + Benefiz-Konzert
Das Friedenscamp kann dieses Jahr nicht so stattfinden wie die Jahre zuvor. Continue reading →
2020/05/28-30 INTERNET
#NOWAR 2020 virtuell 3 day conference
2020/05/08 – 08/06
Bike Tour for Peace: Paris to Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Postponed to 2021–> Cancelled in 2021 due to ongoing Corona situation
Website (most in German language).
Weiterlesen / Read more in German: Friedensradfahrt-Paris-Hiroshima-Verschiebung_auf_2021.pdf
Toronto to Berlin: Growing Global Resistance to NATO
by Tamara Lorincz
To counter NATO’s 70th anniversary celebration, I launched a monthly protest outside the NATO Asso-ciation of Canada (NAOC) in Toronto in January 2019. I made a commitment to stand with my signs “No to NATO” and “Canada Out of NATO” for one hour once a month for twelve months to oppose this aggressive, nuclear-armed alliance.
Read more Space Alert 39.pdf
Collectif français NON à l’OTAN Flyer mai 2020
Anbei die neueste Fassung (Mai 2020) des Flyers des französischen Kollektivs “no to NATO” .
Attached the newest flyer version (May 2020) of the french collective “no to NATO”
Yves-Jean Gallas / Alain Rouy
Stopp Air Base Ramstein #4 Newsletter 2020
Ostsee Militarisierung – RAND Studie Rüstungskontrolle
Nachfolgend eine äußerst informative und wichtige Mitteilung von Dr. Horst Leps Zur gegenwärtigen militär- und sicherheitspolitischen Lage in der Ostsee gehört nicht nur, dass die gegnerischen Lager kaum noch miteinander sprechen. Es gibt obendrein auch keine Initiativen in diese Richtung. Das deutsche Auswärtige Amt in Berlin hat die amerikanische RAND-Corporation bei einer Studie zur Erneuerung der Rüstungskontrolle im Bereich der “konventionellen” Waffen unterstützt, die nun vorgelegt wurde. (Als Anhang eine Übersetzung von Kapitel 5, Beschreibung möglicher … Continue reading →
Baltic Sea militarisation – RAND study arms control
Below extremely useful and important information from Dr. Horst Leps Hamburg Characteristic of the current military and security situation in the Baltic Sea, is not only the fact that the opposing parties (east and west) hardly speak with each other anymore, but that there are also no initiatives in this direction. The German Foreign Office in Berlin has supported the American RAND Corporation in a study “A New Approach to Conventional Arms Control in Europe” which has now been … Continue reading →
carcinogenic foam release by US Marines in Okinawa today
Unbelievable video of US military poisoning in Okinawa today.
Massive carcinogenic PFAS Foam release from the Marine Corps Air Station Futenma.. There’s nothing the Okinawans can do to stop it. One teaspoon of this foam can poison a city’s drinking water reservoir. It genetically mutates living organisms and it never breaks down. It weakens immune systems during pandemics. For more:
Pat Elder