Norddeutsche Aktionsberatung zum NATO-Manöver “Defender 2020”
18. Januar 2020 ab 13:00 Uhr
im Curio-Haus, Rothenbaumchaussee 13, Hamburg
Veranstaltet vom: Hamburger Forum, Bremer Friedensforum
Norddeutsche Aktionsberatung zum NATO-Manöver “Defender 2020”
18. Januar 2020 ab 13:00 Uhr
im Curio-Haus, Rothenbaumchaussee 13, Hamburg
Veranstaltet vom: Hamburger Forum, Bremer Friedensforum
Am 24.11 fand in Leipzig die erste Aktionskonferenz gegen das geplante NATO Kriegsmanöver Defender 2020 statt. Mit 100 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern, vorwiegend aus dem Osten der Republik, war der Saal in der Saal in der St. Trinitatis Kirche überfüllt, Mitwirkende mussten auf dem Flur und auf dem Fußboden sitzen. Eingeladen hatten Personen aus der DFG-VK Ost, attac Leipzig und Halle, Aufstehen Leipzig, der Naturwissenschaftler Friedensinitiative und der BI Offene Heide. Anwesend waren Friedensaktivistinnen und Friedensaktivisten aus fast allen Regionen, Städten … Continue reading →
Press Release: NATO is the main Threat of War 3/12/2019 As the 29 members of the NATO military alliance meet in London this week, we are informed of growing tensions between US president Donald Trump, French president Emmanuel Macron and German chancellor Angela Merkel on the best strategy for defending Europe, against those aggressors who threaten us. However, a more important NATO Counter Summit was held last weekend in London organised by a broad range of anti-war and human … Continue reading →
BERLIN/BRÜSSEL (Eigener Bericht) – Ungeachtet heftiger innerer Auseinandersetzungen erhöht die NATO ihre Einsatzbereitschaft, steht vor ihrer nächsten Erweiterung und nimmt China als neue “Herausforderung” ins Visier. Das sind zentrale Ergebnisse des gestern zu Ende gegangenen Jubiläumstreffens des Kriegsbündnisses, zu dem dessen Staats- und Regierungschefs in London zusammengekommen waren.
Talk Nation Radio: David Gibbs: Get Rid of NATO, interview by David Swanson David Gibbs is a Professor of History at the University of Arizona and has published widely on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and NATO. His publications have appeared in both academic and popular venues, such as the London Guardian, Los Angeles Times, and Le Monde Diplomatique. He also recently debated the topic of humanitarian intervention at the Oxford Union Society … Continue reading →
Pubblicato il 3 dic 2019 di Gregorio Piccin
70° della Nato. A Londra va in scena anche il controvertice. Tariq Alì: con Corbyn vince la pace.
Lo scorso sabato si è tenuto il contro-vertice “New world (dis)Order” presso la chiesa battista di Bloomsbury solidale con i contenuti pacifisti della giornata. L’evento organizzato dal coordinamento europeo “No to War-No to Nato” col sostegno della Sinistra europea è stato la prima risposta della Londra antimilitarista al vertice Nato ospitato dal governo di Boris Johnson.
The article in is behind a pay-wall, at least a registration-wall.
Nato now provides the US with a captive market for its weaponry, writes Anthony Matthew, while Rae Street* highlights its nuclear ambitions
*Rae Street is part of the no to NATO network and attended the international Counter summit the New World Disorder held in London last Saturday.
Here is her letter published in the UK Guardian on Thursday, 5th December (see link above).
Das US-Militär verschmutzt die Umwelt stärker als 140 Länder Amerikanische Kampfjets, Transporter und Kriegsschiffe brauchen Unmengen Treibstoff – und verursachen damit gleich viel CO2 wie die ganze Schweiz. Mittwoch 26. Juni 2019 20:32 von Yannick Wiget, Dino Caracciolo
Continue reading →There are lessons in the article below that address a loss of human dignity and honor at the hands of an oppressive, ruthless American empire that is poisoning people around the world. The similarities between Germany and Japan are striking 74 years after 1945. People will rise up when they learn they’re being poisoned. The US Military is Poisoning Okinawa Pat Elder Addendum Devil’s Been Busy Travelling Wilburys Tom Petty: While you’re strolling down the fairway Showing … Continue reading →
Another piece from me.. And more lessons for my European comrades in this revolutionary struggle. This one does the work the New York Times and the Washington Post weren’t interested in covering. It documents how the Democrats are a war and poison party and shows that the Dems are every bit as despicable as the Republicans.
What’s in your water? by Pat Elder
Democrats Back Down From Battle With Defense Department Over PFAS
Stopp NATO Norway plans on
2nd of December there will be a manifestation outside Parlament against NATO adressing the NATO-meeting in London.
Kristine Mollø-Christensen (for Stopp NATO) Norway
Call for International Days of Action Against | Sanctions& Economic War: March 13 – 15, 2020 | Sanctions Kill! Sanctions are War! End Sanctions Now!
Sanctions are imposed by the United States and its junior partners against countries that resist their agendas. They are a weapon of Economic War, resulting in chronic shortages of basic necessities, economic dislocation, chaotic hyperinflation, artificial famines, disease, and poverty. In every country, the poorest and the weakest – infants, children, the chronically ill and the elderly – suffer the worst impact of sanctions.
UNAC’s national conference 2020 will be held in New York City at the People’s Forum February 21, 22, 23
“Rise Against Militarism, Racism and the Climate Crisis – Building Power Together” Continue reading →
Kongra Star Statistics and Research Committee &
QamishloKongra Star Diplomacy’s Women Defend Rojava campaign
Effects of the Turkish invasion of North and East Syria on women and children
Droht ein weiterer Krieg im Nahen Osten? Die Gefahr eines Irankrieges und die Folgen der Sanktionen Donnerstag, 28. 11. 2019, 19.00 Uhr Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Hörsaal 2094, 10117 Berlin Podiumsdiskussion mit Dr. Azadeh Zamirirad (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik): Die Gefahr einer militärischen Eskalation am Persischen Golf Gerhard Baisch (IALANA): Atomdeal mit dem Iran: Völkerrecht und Sanktionen Omid Rezaee (iranischer Journalist): Humanitäre Folgen von Sanktionen Sharon Dolev (Israeli Disarmament Movement): Atomwaffenfreie Zone im Nahen und Mittleren Osten Moderation: … Continue reading →
2019 December 1st in London 10am – 1pm community centre in Bloomsbury Chadswell Centre, Harrison St, London WC1H 8JF As agenda we propose: Opening by Kristine Karch and Lucas Wirl, co-chairs of No to war – no to NATO Greetings and information about the UK election by Chris Nineham, Stop the war coalition, UK Last years activity report of the last year, including counter actions in Washington and London Activities of the network in 2020/2021 Elections of the ICC (international … Continue reading →
Dentro de su campaña “70 años de guerra. OTAN no, bases fuera”, el Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista convoca charla-debate sobre la actualidad de la OTAN, el martes 3 de diciembre, a las 19 horas, en el Teatro del Barrio de Madrid (c/ Zurita 20, <M> Lavapiés).
Convocatoria, en archivo anexo. Pueden encontrar más información en nuestro sitio web:
Agradeceremos difusión. Cordiales saludos,
– Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista –
Sigue nuestras actividades en nuestro sitio Web:
BREAKING: Extinction Rebellion targets arms industry:
Disarm to Decarbonise
Vredesactie has today launched the report “War in Yemen, Made inEurope”.
The report tries to document as many companies as possible involved in
arming the Saudi-led coalition. You can find the report here:
Don’t hesitate to share us on twitter:
Please contact me if you have any questions or remarks.
Dear Friends of “NO TO WAR, NO TO NATO”, three documents of the French collective NO TO NATO (in french!) for your information: – activity report below – updated flyer of the french collective on NATO (attached file) – a very intesting 60 pages booklet about France and NATO, by Hervé Hannoun and Peter Dittus , former economists in the Bank for International Settlements. Title: Stop-OTAN Brief summary: (Amazon.10 février 2019): NATO has developed from a defensive organisation to a … Continue reading →
Einladung zur Aktionsberatung gegen das NATO-Manöver „Defender 2020“ Liebe Friedensfreundinnen und -freunde, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, im April/ Mai 2020 veranstalten neunzehn NATO-Mitgliedsländer die Militärübung “Defender 2020”, abgekürzt: DEF 20. Die Führung dieses Manövers übernehmen die USA, die dazu insgesamt 37.000 SoldatInnen abstellen wollen. Davon sind 17.000 bereits in Europa stationiert. Der Rest wird zusammen mit Panzern und Gerät aus Nordamerika eingeflogen und -geschifft. Mit 20.000 zusätzlichen SoldatInnen werden für eine einzelne Militärübung mehr US-amerikanische Truppen über den Atlantik gebracht … Continue reading →
Organised by: Stop the war coalition Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
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Why do weapon systems threaten people and the environment at the same time? by Reiner Braun A 2012 report from the US Congress found that the US Military is the largest single consumer of petroleum products in the USA and thus worldwide. According to recent report by researcher Neta C. Crawford, the Pentagon requires 350,000 barrels of oil per day. For better context of the extremity of this, the Pentagon’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2017 were 69 million more than … Continue reading →
A statement by: SAY NO TO THE WAR AND INVASION OF ROJAVA! Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT) calls for an immediate end to the invasion of Northern Syria (Rojava) by the Turkish government. Turkey and all other foreign forces in the region must immediately withdraw from the region. After a phone call between Donald Trump and Turkey’s President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday, the American president announced that the US military would withdraw from the region. Turkey has … Continue reading →
The war started by Turkey is an aggression against the Kurdish people and an attack against the Syrian territorial sovereignty. Tenth of civilians have already been killed by the Turkish bombing and many of them are escaping from the region.
Read more:
2019/06/23-30 Ramstein Germany Action week in Ramstein and Kaiserslautern against the Air Base 2019/06/28 Kaiserslautern Germany 3rd international conference “No Military Bases and Wars” No to War and Military Bases – first thoughts afterwards by Reiner Braun For many it was the threat of a war with Iran and the stationing of new nuclear weapons that led thousands of people to the streets to protest against the US Air Base in Ramstein on June 29th2019. The more than 5,000 participants … Continue reading →
Blockierer vor der Air Base Ramstein soll verurteilt werden – Protestiert für Demokratie und Meinungsfreiheit Einladung zur Abendveranstaltung und Mahnwache vor dem Gericht
We filmed videos and posted them on Youtube.
We livestreamed the panels on Facebook.
Still photos by Ellen Davidson.
Cynthia Cockburn was a British academic, feminist, and peace activist. She was a researcher, writer, and photographer who has contributed to the study of masculinity, labor processes, and trade unionism, and more recently of gender, war and peace-making. She was an active anti-militarist and has long been involved in a number of peace and anti-war organizations. Cynthia was involved in the European Forum of Socialist Feminists and Women Against Fundamentalism and has long been active in the international network and London local group of Women in Black against War. From the beginning she supported the women against NATO network and produced the pink T-Shirts “Say no to NATO” which was handed over to the No to war – no to NATO network. In remembering of here we will use them in our fight against NATO.
April 25, 2020 9 a.m. New York/Boston/Washington, D.C.
9 a.m. EDT, 3 p.m. Central Europe, 10 p.m. April 26 Tokyo
Register at: Continue reading →
Aktionskonferenz am 15. Dezember 2019 in Frankfurt am Main weitere Infos folgen demnächst auf Ramstein Aktionswoche 2020 5. bis 12. Juli 2020 Abendveranstaltung am 10. Juli | Demonstration am 11. Juli 2020 Einladung zur Aktionskonferenz der Kampagne Stopp Air Base Ramstein Wir wollen uns noch einmal an die erfolgreichen und großen Ramstein Proteste von 2019 erinnern und sie Revue passieren lassen, nicht um uns im Erfolg zu sonnen, sondern um Lehren für die kommenden Protestaktionen vom 5. bis … Continue reading →