2018/02/25 – 03/04 Cuba
Report from Anti-Bases Conference Held in Baltimore
by Joseph Gerson* The Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases was held in Baltimore (2018/01/12-14), convened by the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases. The conference, organized under the leadership of the U.S. Peace Council and UNAC (United Anti-War Coalition,) with the participation of Veterans for Peace, World Beyond War and other traditional peace movement organizations. It served to place foreign military bases back on the U.S. anti-war movement’s agenda. Roughly half of the panel presentations provided specific background about … Continue reading →
2018/02/17 Munich, Germany
Protests against the NATO “Security” Conference
Take to the streets in Munich on
Saturday, 17 February 2018
Sign the Call and come. http://sicherheitskonferenz.de/en/Aufruf-SiKo-Proteste-2018
Aufruf unterschreiebn und zur Demo kommen: http://sicherheitskonferenz.de/de/Aufruf-SiKo-Proteste-2018
Die Aktionen 2018 der Kampagne Stopp Air Base Ramstein einmütig vereinbart: Die Proteste gehen weiter!
Pressemitteilung der Kampagne Stopp Air Base Ramstein Die Aktionen 2018 der Kampagne Stopp Air Base Ramstein einmütig vereinbart: Die Proteste gehen weiter! Am 9. Dezember fand die wieder mit mehr als 80 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern gut besuchte Aktions- und Planungskonferenz der „Stopp Air Base Ramstein“ Kampagne in Frankfurt a.M. statt. Gemeinsam wurden die großen Aktionen der Kampagne im Herbst dieses Jahres, besonders die Menschenkette mit 5.000 TeilnehmerInnen und die immer breiter und vielfältiger werdende Unterstützung, als gute Basis für … Continue reading →
Neue Broschüre: Widerstand gegen Militärbasen
Diese Broschüre Widerstand gegen Militärbasen ist ein Ergebnis des Anti-Basen Kongresses in Ramstein 2017. Sie kann bei für 2 € bestellt werden.
Continue reading →ICC* statement on Nuclear Disarmament
Tomorrow, December 10th, ICAN will receive the Peace Nobel Prize for their activities for a nuclear weapons prohibition treaty and tomorrow is the international day of Human Rights, a good possibility for us to congratulate ICAN and all its supporters. ICC* statement on Nuclear Disarmament We celebrate the adoption of the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty in the United Nations Conference by representatives of 122 governments, the majority of the world’s nations. The treaty further stigmatizes nuclear weapons and commits to … Continue reading →
2018/01/27 Brussels
intern. preparatory meeting against NATO
The draft Agenda is online now (07.01.2018)
The next NATO summit is scheduled for 11 and 12 July 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. Main topics will be the evaluation of the 2% rule in the member-countries and the confrontation with Russia, the militarization of the EU and the nuclear weapons modernization. The international network No to war – no to NATO is working against NATO and NATO summits since 2009 (NATO’s 60 year anniversary summit) and will be active also in 2018. The ICC (international coordinating committee) of … Continue reading →
Infos & video about the US Air Base Croughton in UK
The USAF Croughton ‘Joint Intelligence Analysis Centre’ development US military doctrine is changing. Today the political imperative behind military action is to minimize the risks to military personnel, while maximizing the ability to “project force” around the globe in support of the USA’s political objectives. http://www.fraw.org.uk/mei/archive/infographics/croughton_posters-2016.pdf Video launched by Croughtonwatch http://www.fraw.org.uk/croughtonwatch/ksfp-2017.shtml
Continue reading →CND infos and links on NATO, drones, nuclear weapons and weapons in space
CND website info – NATO. No to NATO CND campaigns for Britain to leave NATO and for the alliance to be disbanded. NATO has become an ever-expanding interventionist bloc, operating on a global scale. The war on Afghanistan was just one example of the destabilising and destructive impact of its policies. Around 180 nuclear weapons remain at bases across Eirope as part of NATO defence policy, in violation of international law and in spite of massive opposition. Britain’s Trident nuclear … Continue reading →
2017/11/27-29 Prague
International youth conference: Reaching High for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World
Young academics, professionals and activists working in the field of nuclear disarmament, are invited to Prague for the international youth conference Reaching HIGH for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World. The conference, which will take place from Nov 27-29, 2017 (apologies for incorrect date in an earlier notice) at the historic Charles University, established in 1348 by King Charles of Bohemia. It will include workshop sessions, networking, action planning, an exciting social media action and a visit to the ATOM Muzeum, a former … Continue reading →
2018/05/14-16 postponed
UN High-Level conference on nuclear disarmament
26.04.2018 The United Nations today adopted a decision to postpone the UN High Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament which was scheduled to take place in New York from May 14-16, 2018. New dates for the conference have not been set. Indeed there are still some political and organizational hurdles to be overcome in order to ensure that the High-Level Conference proceeds. High-Level conferences are high-stakes events. They can accomplish a lot if successful, but they are also very difficult to … Continue reading →
2018/09/19-21 Havana, Cuba
Seminar Realities and Challenges of the Proclaim of Latin America and the Caribbean as Zone of Peace
SECOND INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR REALITIES AND CHALLENGES OF THE PROCLAIM OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN AS ZONE OF PEACE September 19-21, 2018 Venue: “Raúl Roa García” Higher Institute of International Relation, (ISRI, Spanish acronym) Calle Calzada No.308 esquina a H, El Vedado, Plaza, Havana The closing date for the registration and reception of abstracts for the Seminar will be Friday, June 29, 2018. SEGUNDO SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL “REALIDADES Y DESAFÍOS DE LA PROCLAMA DE AMÉRICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE COMO ZONA … Continue reading →
Stopp Air Base Ramstein :: Newsletter 14_2017 | Einladung zur Aktions- und Planungskonferenz
2017/11/01 webinar series 7-8:15 pm UTC-4
Economic War with North Korea: Impact of Sanctions on North Korean People
Webinar series next 3 Wednesdays at 7pm starting October 18, 2017 (Tuesday) October 18, 2017 (7 PM- 8:15 PM) Economic War with North Korea: Impact of Sanctions on North Korean People Webinar series: next 3 Wednesdays at 7pm. The United States and North Korea are on a dangerous path towards a military confrontation that could kill millions and engulf the world in a nuclear holocaust. It’s time for the U.S. anti-war and peace movements to mobilize mass opposition to … Continue reading →
2017/10/25 webinar series 7-8:15 pm UTC-4
Economic War with North Korea: Impact of Sanctions on North Korean People
Webinar series next 3 Wednesdays at 7pm starting October 18, 2017 (Tuesday) October 18, 2017 (7 PM- 8:15 PM) Economic War with North Korea: Impact of Sanctions on North Korean People Webinar series: next 3 Wednesdays at 7pm. The United States and North Korea are on a dangerous path towards a military confrontation that could kill millions and engulf the world in a nuclear holocaust. It’s time for the U.S. anti-war and peace movements to mobilize mass opposition to … Continue reading →
2017/10/18 webinar series 7-8:15 pm UTC-4
Economic War with North Korea: Impact of Sanctions on North Korean People
Webinar series (Tuesday) October 18, 2017 (7 PM- 8:15 PM) Economic War with North Korea: Impact of Sanctions on North Korean People Webinar series: next 3 Wednesdays at 7pm. The United States and North Korea are on a dangerous path towards a military confrontation that could kill millions and engulf the world in a nuclear holocaust. It’s time for the U.S. anti-war and peace movements to mobilize mass opposition to Trump’s saber rattling and demand a diplomatic solution to … Continue reading →
Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will: Building on the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty
Wednesday, 20 September 2017 06:14 Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will: Building on the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty JOSEPH GERSON FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT On September 20, in a formal UN ceremony, the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty will be opened for signatures. The treaty further stigmatizes nuclear weapons and seeks to outlaw their use, threatened the use, development, testing, production, manufacture, acquisition, possession or stockpiling nuclear weapons, transfer and deployment. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could unconditionally … Continue reading →
Report from Germany – Stopp Ramstein! and Anti-Bases Meeting
2018/01/12-14 Baltimore, Maryland
Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases
Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases January 12-14, 2018 University of Baltimore Baltimore, Maryland Hosted By: Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases Thirteen prominent peace and justice organizations in the United States are collectively organizing a 3-day national conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases on January 12-14, 2018, at the University of Baltimore, Maryland: Alliance for Global Justice Black Alliance for Peace CODEPINK Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space International Action Center MLK Justice Coalition Nuclear Age … Continue reading →
“Appell an die Vernunft: Nukleare Eskalation in Nordkorea durch Dialog beenden. Atomwaffen ächten”
Gemeinsamer Aufruf der Kooperation für den Frieden, des Bundesausschusses Friedensratschlag und der Kampagne „Büchel ist überall! atomwaffenfrei.jetzt“ zur Gefahr eines Krieges auf der koreanischen Halbinsel (4. Oktober 2017) Mit großer Sorge blickt die Welt Richtung Washington und Pjöngjang. Trump und Kim Jong-un überbieten sich mit völkerrechtswidrigen Drohungen, den Gegner auszulöschen. Nordkorea erwägt den Test einer Wasserstoffbombe im Pazifik. Die Welt rückt einem möglichen Atomkrieg immer näher. Wir als Zivilgesellschaft wollen und können diese Eskalation nicht hinnehmen. Auch ein ausschließlich konventionell … Continue reading →
2017/10/06 Call to Action
16th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan – the longest foreign war in U.S. history
No to War Call to Action October 6, 2017, marks the 16th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan – the longest foreign war in U.S. history. The Afghan war, which has been a thoroughly bipartisan effort, was originally railed against by Donald Trump when he was running for president. He claimed to be against U.S. troop involvement in Afghanistan. Now he is moving forward with a “secret” plan of escalation that will also include Pakistan. He says the secrecy … Continue reading →
*Argentinien plant wieder Militärmanöver mit USA*
Buenos Aires. In einem Interview mit mehreren argentinischen Medien hat der Geschäftsbeauftragte der US-amerikanischen Botschaft, Thomas Cooney, wieder gemeinsame Militärmanöver mit Argentinien in Aussicht gestellt. Er lobte zudem das freundschaftliche Verhältnis der beiden Länder. Das derzeitige… 27.09.2017 https://amerika21.de/2017/09/185795/militaermanoever-usa-argentinien?pk_campaign=newsletter%26pk_kwd=daily
Continue reading →Heikle Fracht aus Ramstein
Süddeutsche Zeitung 12. September 2017, 19:01 Uhr US-Waffenlieferungen Die US-Regierung hat offenbar Waffen über den Militärstützpunkt Ramstein an syrische Rebellen liefern lassen. Eine Genehmigung hatte sie dafür nach Angaben der Bundesregierung nicht. Demnach haben die USA seit 2010 keine Lieferungen nach Syrien oder in dessen Nachbarländer beantragt. Eine serbische Tageszeitung berichtete jedoch bereits Ende 2015 über entsprechende Transporte. Von Frederik Obermaier und Paul-Anton Krüger, München/Kairo http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/us-waffenlieferungen-heikle-fracht-aus-ramstein-1.3663289
Continue reading → 2017/10/07-14 update 02.10.2017 List Grows
Keep Space for Peace Week
Action List Forming: Keep Space for Peace Week
Keep Space for Peace Week
International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space
No Missile Defense
Close U.S. Bases Worldwide
No to NATO
Stop Drones Surveillance & Killing
End Privatization of Foreign/Military Policy
Convert the Military Industrial Complex
Deal with climate change and global povert Continue reading →
Gedenkrede zum Hiroshimatag in Berlin – von Lucas Wirl
Sehr geehrte Frau Bürgermeisterin, Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, wir haben uns – 72 Jahre nach den Atombombenabwürfen auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki – an der Weltfriedensglocke im Volkspark Friedrichshain versammelt, um den ersten Opfern des nuklearen Zeitalters zu gedenken. Heute vor 72 Jahren, am 6. August 1945 um 8:15 wurde die drei Meter lange und vier Tonnen schwere Uranbombe „Little Boy“ aus einem Flugzeug der US Air Force fallen gelassen. Um 8:16 explodierte die Atombombe in … Continue reading →
Build the Peace Wave & GENSUIKYO’S CALL
Help Build the Peace Wave – September 20-26 Dear Friends, As many of you will have seen, growing out of the World Conference against A- & H- Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Gensuikyo has initiated a call for a global “Peace Wave” beginning at noon on September 20, the day that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons will be open for signatures at the United Nations. A number of our European partner organizations have already signed on. Gensuikyo’s call, which follows … Continue reading →
Afghanistan: 6 Myths and How to Respond
After almost 16 years in Afghanistan, what will it take for our Elected Officials to represent our interests, and ask: is there a military solution for peace in Afghanistan? And, what will it take to try a different approach? Please, take a quick moment now and tell your members of Congress that you expect them to stand up and fulfill their responsibilities by repealing the 2001 AUMF, and debating whether to authorize continued, endless war in Afghanistan. Here are six … Continue reading →
Demokratiets sorte hull
Invester i fred, ikke krig
An artikel by
2017/08/23 Boston
No Fire. No Fury. No to Trump War on North Korea
No Fire. No Fury. No to Trump War on North Korea Emergency Rally Wednesday, August 23 5pm to 6:30pm Park Street Station downtown Boston On August 21 the U.S. will begin joint military maneuvers with the South Korean military on North Korea’s doorstep. These highly provocative exercises only heighten the tensions and the danger of war in the whole area. In response organizers from the Korean peace movement, Mass. Peace Action, American Friends Service Committee, United for Justice with … Continue reading →
WEBINAR: “Stop U.S. THAAD and War Threats in Korea”
WEBINAR: “Stop U.S. THAAD and War Threats in Korea” A Report-back by the U.S. Solidarity Peace Delegation to South Korea Pre-register today! Featured Speakers: Jill Stein, Green Party Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK Reece Chenault, U.S. Labor Against the War Will Griffin, Veterans for Peace Juyeon Rhee, Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific Wednesday, August 30 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. EST *** Pre-Register for the Webinar *** https://www.anymeeting.com/AccountManager/RegEv.aspx?PIID=ED51D789864E38 … Continue reading →
2017/08/21 New York
update the time now 4-5PM (18.08.2017) EMERGENCY RALLY & CALL TO ACTION NO WAR WITH NORTH KOREA Anti-War Rally Outside of Senator Schumer & Gillibrand’s Office 3rd Ave. Between 48th & 49th Sts Monday, August 21 from 4 – 5PM Facebook Event Linked Here We must stand against war and together defend diplomacy to save the United States and North Korea from a nuclear war started by improvised “fire and fury” comments. We cannot go to war for this Administration’s … Continue reading →
CND protest at the US Embassy in London
Kate wrote us: below is our letter to The Guardian, following our protest at the US Embassy.
Britain must pressure Donald Trump over Korean peninsula crisis
Pressemitteilung: Keinen Drohnenkrieg – keine Aufrüstung | Frieden ist die Ultima Ratio
Stopp Air Base Ramstein :: Newsletter 07_2017 | Endspurt bis zur Aktionswoche
The US Air Force Base at Ramstein, Germany, is a central pivot for preparing and executing wars of aggression violating international law. Most of the lethal missions of US combat drones, e.g. in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, and Africa, are conducted via Ramstein’s satellite relay station. US drone pilotes from a multitude of military bases use Ramstein for operating killer drones in illegal war missions around the world. In Ramstein itself, about 650 personnel continuously analyze, update and pass … Continue reading →
2017/09/12 Brussels
Strategy Meeting on GCOMS 2018
COMS 2018 Date/Time Date(s) – 12/09/2017 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Location Pax Christi International Dear colleagues, dear friends The Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) is an international campaign founded in December 2014 and promoted by the International Peace Bureau. The main aim is to reduce the global military spending thanks to the cooperative works made by the organisations of civil society. Nowadays, more the 100 organizations from 35 different nations have joined the campaign. The GCOMS is run … Continue reading →
Considering the recent events such as Macron’s recent election and from a French perspective, what is your opinion of the G 20? In Hamburg, the newly-elected French president, so far presented as “young and modern”, only perpetuated the habitual, neoliberal politics of his predecessors, Sarkozy and Hollande. No new ideas or initiatives were mentioned by President Macron in reaction to the dramatic failures of past unfair commercial practices, notably in Africa or concerning his support for the Paris Accord on … Continue reading →
Atomkriegsgefahr verhindern – Atomwaffenverbot unterstützen
Die verstärkte nukleare Aufrüstung und die aggressiven verbalen Atomkriegsdrohungen durch die USA, das Schweigen ihrer Verbündeten in der Nato und das Streben nach nuklearer Bewaffnung durch das nordkoreanische Regime haben die Menschheit an den Rand eines atomaren Krieges geführt. Damit erleben wir angesichts der Zuspitzung des Konflikts zwischen den USA und Nordkorea eine atomare Bedrohung, wie sie seit dem Ende des Kalten Krieges beispiellos ist. Gleichzeitig fördern die aktuellen wirtschaftlichen und politischen Verhältnisse eine militärische Konflikteskalation in Ostasien, die neben den USA und Nordkorea auch China, Japan, Südkorea und Russland in ein Wettrüsten mit Atomwaffen, Raketen und Raketenabwehrsystemen einzubeziehen droht.
Gedenkrede zum Hiroshimatag in Berlin – von Lucas Wirl
Continue reading →http://www.ramstein-kampagne.eu/2017/08/newsletter-06_2017-crowdfunding-fuer-das-friedensfestival/
Mehr als nur Drohnen
Die U.S.-Air Base Ramstein ist noch gefährlicher als man gemeinhin denkt.
von Andrea Drescher (veröffentlicht am 21.7.2017)
Hört oder liest man von Ramstein stehen immer die Drohnen – genauer, die dort ansässige SATCOM-Relaisstation – im Mittelpunkt des Interesses, ohne die der Drohnenkrieg der USA im arabischen Raum nicht möglich wäre. So schwerwiegend dieser Aspekt, der von deutschen Politikern heruntergespielt und von der deutschen Bevölkerung weitestgehend ignoriert wird, für den Weltfrieden ist: Die US-Militäranlagen in der Region Ramstein (Kaiserslautern) haben sehr viel weitreichendere Bedeutung.