2022/11/12 online 17 CET
Live from COP27
Registration: bit.ly/COP27LIVE2
2022/11/07 online 12 CET
Live from COP27
Registration: bit.ly/COP27LIVE
“Wir brauchen einen Wechsel in der US-Außenpolitik”
2022/10/10 zoom webinar 19:00 CET
Die Zukunft der Weltordnung: Ist nach dem Krieg vor dem Krieg?
2022/11/10 zoom webinar 3:00 pm UTC
Hans M. Kristensen – New nuclear weapons in Europe and U.S.’s NPR
Registration: https://bit.ly/NFEHanstalk
2022/11/16 zoom webinar 19:00 CET
Debattenkultur und politische Abgrenzungen in der Friedensbewegung
von der Initiative Frieden-Links (https://frieden-links.de/)
Aufgrund der sich neu formierenden Protestbewegungen gegen die dramatischen wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Auswirkungen des Wirtschaftskrieges gegen Russland werden friedenspolitische Forderungen in neuen Konstellationen vorgetragen. Damit werden auch Abgrenzungsdebatten reaktiviert,
2022/11/11 international
Armistice / Remembrance Day
What the Day Means and Where It Came From
Peace Activism on November 11th
Cease Fire and Negotiate
Sign This Petition Target: Nations’ Governments
2022/10/28 zoom webinar 12 Noon Central | 8 P.M. Kyiv time
Approaches to Building a Culture of Peace
2022/10/26 zoom webinar
U.S.-China Competition and the Korean Peninsula: From Confrontation to Peacebuilding.
Click here to register. (zoom-link)
2022/10/25 London, UK and online
When the Wind Blows’ – CND film screening
Join CND and Sands Films Cinema Club for a screening of
When the Wind Blows – available to watch in person or online.
The film will be introduced by CND and followed by a panel discussion with film-maker Vicki Lesley (“The Atom: A Love Affair”) to discuss the role of films in campaigns.
Hosted by CND General Secretary Kate Hudson. Continue reading →
Provocative nuclear exercises – a big mistake
CND has condemned NATO’s ongoing round of nuclear weapons exercises, warning they will further escalate tension and military conflict in Ukraine. The nuclear drills – titled Steadfast Noon – commenced on Monday and will run for two weeks. They are training air crews to use US tactical nuclear bombs in the event of a nuclear war. At a time when there is regular reference to the use of tactical nukes in the context of the Ukraine war, this is indeed … Continue reading →
2022/10/26 zoom webinar 8pm ET
The Think Tank-Military-Industrial Complex
Greetings, fellow war-industry resisters!
A friendly reminder: Our next WIRN webinar is coming up next week – Oct 26, 8 pm ET.
with the presenters: Ben Freeman and Brett Heinz
Register here: https://masspeaceaction.org/event/the-think-tank-military-industrial-complex/
2022/10/27 Budapest, Hungary 5 pm CEST
CANCELLED ! Invitation to Conference on Iran
Mr. Hamid Reza Nafez Arefi, Iran’s ambassador to Hungary, regretfully informed the Hungarian Community for Peace on Tuesday that he will not be able to hold his lecture scheduled for October 27, 2022, and will not be in Budapest due to urgent obligations. He plans to hold his lecture at a later date.
Therefore, the event of the Hungarian Community for Peace announced for October 27, 2022 will be cancelled
Hungarian Community for Peace
2022/11/17 zoom webinar 6:00 PM New York
Rethinking Warfare Economies
Join in the conversation with Miriam Pemberton as she discusses her new book Six Stops on the National Security Tour: Rethinking Warfare Economies.
wMs. Pemberton will be introduced by William Hartung, Senior Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.
Register: https://secure.everyaction.com/9xfJ0YSZqEajHszeXSveRQ2
2022/11/09 zoom webinar
Wars are raging and the climate is collapsing. Is there something that can be done to address both problems at once? Join this webinar with Dr. Elizabeth G. Boulton, Kate Booth PhD. and Tristan Sykes (Just Collapse), and David Swanson, with Liz Remmerswaal Hughes moderating, to hear some new ideas and ask questions.
NATO practices deployment of nuclear weapons in Belgium
NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg will chair a meeting of the ‘Nuclear Planning Group’ to discuss Russian nuclear threats and NATO’s nuclear role. He announced that ‘Steadfast Noon’ manoeuvres will take place next week. What Stoltenberg did not disclose is that these “routine exercises” will occur at the military air base in Kleine-Brogel, Belgium.
‘Steadfast Noon’ is the code name for annual joint multinational exercises carried out by NATO countries with a central role for Belgian, German, Italian and Dutch fighter aircrafts responsible for the use of nuclear arms in war times as part of NATO’s nuclear sharing policy.
More on: https://vrede.be/en/news/nato-practices-deployment-nuclear-weapons-belgium
Ludo De Brabander, Spokesperson Vrede vzw, 14.10.2022
2022/10/17 zoom webinar
The US, NATO, and the New Manifest Destiny
This webinar will be in English and Spanish, with zoom interpretation.
Monday, October 17, 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 6pm MT, and 5pm PT
This webinar is being presented by the Alliance for Global Justice and the People’s Human Rights Observatory Continue reading →
2022/10/17 zoom webinar
The US, NATO, and the New Manifest Destiny
Lunes, 17 de octubre, 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 6pm MT, y 5pm PT
Este seminario web es presentado por la Alianza por la Justicia Global Continue reading →
2022/10/08 webinar VIDEO is ONLINE
No to NATO – Keep Space for Peace
Saturday, October 8 the video is now online
21 de Septiembre 2022: Pedimos por la Paz y la Desmilitarización
21 de Septiembre: Pedimos por la Paz y la Desmilitarización Este 21 de septiembre nos sumamos al Día Internacional de la Paz que fue establecido por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en 1981. En este día, con tanta importancia para la humanidad, llamamos a los Estados Unidos, el país con más alto gasto militar a nivel mundial, y el que tiene una muy fuerte influencia y presencia militar en América Latina y en todo el mundo, a lo siguiente: … Continue reading →
International Peace Day 2022: We called for Peace and Demilitarization
September 21: We called for Peace and Demilitarization This week, on September 21 we commemorated International Peace Day, which was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981. We join the call to demand that the United States, the country with the highest military spending worldwide, the one with a strong military influence and presence in Latin America and around the world, to the following: 1 – To put an end to military and police training at the School … Continue reading →
2022/10/10 zoom webinar 7-8:30 p.m.(EDT)
South Korean Perspectives on Peace & Demilitarizing U.S.- Korean Tensions
2022/11/11-14 Korea
Week of Action for Peace in Korea!
2022/10/04 webinar 7PM CEST/ 5PM CAT/1PM EDT
Comment l’Occident a militarisé et appauvri le continent Africain
Insrivez-vous: https://bit.ly/3eVqB1h (zoom link)
WEBINAR: “Un climat d’insécurité pour la COP 27 : comment l’Occident a militarisé et appauvri le continent Africain” Continue reading →
2022/11/06-18 Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
COP27 UN Climate Change Conference
New Petition to the Participants in COP27
UN Climate Change Conference, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Nov. 6-18, 2022 calling for
COP27: Stop Excluding Military Pollution from Climate Agreements
The international ‘No to war – No to NATO’ network encourages its member organizations to support this petition too. (Kristine Karch, Co-Chair of No to NATO)
2022/10/04 webinar 7PM CEST/ 5PM CAT/1PM EDT
How the West has Militarised and Impoverished the African Continent
Register: https://bit.ly/3eVqB1h (zoom link)
WEBINAR: “A Climate of Insecurity for COP 27: How the West has Militarised and Impoverished the African Continent” Continue reading →
Nord-Stream pipeline blow-up
The blow-up of the Nord-Streams had been announced at least 4 times by USA/Poland (NATO) – see links below.
Thanks Ulla Klötzer, Women for Peace – Finland for the links.
2022/10/11 zoom webinar 8-9:30 P.M.(EDT)
Ukraine War – Russia, China & the United States
ARTE documentation 05.05.2015 – Deception – The Reagan Method | Täuschung – Die Methode Reagan
Rede Reiner Braun am 1. Oktober 2022 in Hamburg
Rede Reiner Braum am 1. Oktober 2022 – dezentraler Aktionstag der Friedensbewegung “Keinen Euro für Krieg und Zerstörung!“(Video Friedenskanal Hamburg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ0XS6cK98Y)
Top 10 Reasons Sweden and Finland Will Regret Joining NATO
By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, September 7, 2022
Friendly advice to my brothers and sisters in Finland and Sweden.
UK Pushes Mountain Destruction on Montenegro as Green Policy
By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, August 18, 2022 For years now, the people of Montenegro have sought to protect the Sinjajevina mountain plateau from the destruction to be brought by creating a military training ground vastly larger than the entire military of Montenegro could ever use. The NATO nations for whom the project actually exists https://worldbeyondwar.org/uk-pushes-mountain-destruction-on-montenegro-as-green-policy/
Continue reading →Stopp Ramstein Killing
Weiterlesen FRB-Newsletter_2022-09.pdf
New Report: “NATO, building global insecurity”
Executive summary read and download here: https://demilitarize.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/informe53_eng_RE_2507.pdf
Informe 53: «La OTAN, construyendo inseguridad global»
El resumen ejecutivo en castellano.pdf
A pocos días de la celebración de la cumbre de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) en Madrid y coincidiendo con el inicio de la Cumbre por la Paz organizada por la sociedad civil en respuesta a la cumbre de la Alianza Atlántica, el Centre Delàs d´Estudis per la Pau lanza un nuevo informe que presenta una radiografía actualizada de la OTAN, teniendo en cuenta el contexto global de crisis simultáneas y el aumento de las tensiones provocado por la invasión de Ucrania. Continue reading →