Starting from Hiroshima at 8:15 am on Aug. 6, the time the bomb was dropped, waves of many creative forms of actions will encircle the globe westward along with its rotation until 11:02 am on Aug. 9, the time the A-bomb was dropped over Nagasaki.
2020/08/06-09 international on- & off-line
2020/07/26 webinar 7 am EDT
Fund Healthcare Not Nuclear Warfare
July 26, 7:00-8:00 pm
Fund Healthcare Not Nuclear Warfare
During the pandemic, the lack of investment in public health infrastructure, including health care for all, has had deadly consequences for tens of thousands of people. The $22.42 billion the U.S. will be spending this year to upgrade its first-strike nuclear arsenal could pay for 624 million corona virus tests, 747, 633 covid-19 hospital stays, or 6.6 BILLION N95 masks. This has to change. Our lives and security depend on it. Continue reading →
2020/07/16 zoom webinar
9am EDT | 2pm BST | 3pm CEST | 10pm JST
Nuclear weapons in the NATO Strategy
We invite you to our second webinar: Nuclear weapons in the NATO Strategy The webinar is held in remembering to the 16 July 1945 – ‘Trinity’: world’s first nuclear test ( We will discuss the topics, bomb sharing France/Germany, nuclear tests by the USA, modernization of nuclear weapons by EU and NATO with our ICC (international coordinating committee) members: Luda De Brabander, Belgium, Spokesman Vrede vzw Claudia Haydt, Germany, Regional Director of DIE LINKE. Baden-Württemberg, Member of the Executive Board … Continue reading →
2020/07/16 zoom webinar 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific, 8pm CEST
“Strengthening Solidarity between Social Movements in Venezuela and the United States”
The Embassy Protection Collective invites you to an important virtual meeting:
“Strengthening Solidarity between Social Movements in Venezuela and the United States”
Thursday, July 16 at 2:00 pm Eastern/11 am Pacific
Find it on Facebook here.
Continue reading →
2020/07/13 INTERNET zoom
7pm EDT; 6pm CDT; 5pm MDT; 4pm MST; 4pm PDT
75th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings – Deconstructing the Myths and Promoting a Nuclear Weapons-Free & Just World
Join three extraordinary speakers as we build 75th anniversary commemorations of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bombs to build a nuclear-free and just world. Continue reading →
2020/07/11 INTERNET
online Aktionskonferenz und Konzert 11.07.2020
ab 18Uhr
Online-Konzert Stopp Air Base Ramstein
weltnetz präsentiert das Konzert der Stopp Air Base Ramstein Kampagne
u.a. mit: Allmann | Äon | Courtier | Diether Dehm | Glücksgriff | Kilez More | Morgaine | Seom + Annika Dietm
2020/07/10 zoom webinar 1pm US Eastern, 6pm UK, 7pm South Africa, 8pm Palestine
And Still We Rise!
Minneapolis, Soweto, London, occupied Jerusalem & beyond: United against Racism & Colonialism!
2020/07/10 INTERNET
Virtuelles Friedenscamp Programm Freitag 10.07.2020 | 19:30-22h CEST
Hier gehts zum Friedenscamp (zoom link) Die Zoom-Räume sind vom 08. – 10. Juli ab 18Uhr offen. |
2020/07/10 INTERNET
Virtuelles Friedenscamp Programm Freitag 10.07.2020 | 18-19:30h CEST
Hier gehts zum Friedenscamp (zoom link) Die Zoom-Räume sind vom 08. – 10. Juli ab 18Uhr offen. |
2020/07/09 INTERNET
Virtuelles Friedenscamp Programm Donnerstag 09.07.2020 | 18-22h CEST
Hier gehts zum Friedenscamp (zoom link) Die Zoom-Räume sind vom 08. – 10. Juli ab 18Uhr offen. |
Virtuelles Friedenscamp Programm Mittwoch 08.07.2020 | 18-22h CEST
Hier gehts zum Friedenscamp (zoom link) Die Zoom-Räume sind vom 08. – 10. Juli ab 18Uhr offen. |
2020/07/08-11 INTERNET
Camp and concert now in the internet
Online Protest Camp und Konzert vom 8.-11. Juli 2020 im Internet
The video of the concert is here:
Virtual action days July 8th – 11th 2020 Lectures + Action Conference + Benefit Concert
Ramstein Airbase Online days of action
Even in the Corona crisis, the military-industrial complex wants to inform the world that it is armed to the teeth. Germany has reported to NATO its 2020 defense spending of more than 50 billion euros (2015 figure: 35.5billion euros). This is money that is urgently needed for health care, education, social issues and nature conservation. Continue reading →
2020/07/05 Bad Fallingbostel, Germany
Friedensdemo 5.7.20 TrÜbPlatz-Bergen
Ami-Krieger gehen – aber Ami-Krieger kommen auch
Corona hin oder her: USA verlegen über 600 Soldaten für “Defender plus” – Großmanöver nach Deutschland TrÜbPlatz Bergen – Bad Fallingbostel
2020/07/01 webinar
10am EDT | 4pm CEST | 7:30pm IST
People Power &emp; the Pandemic
more on
- Thenjiwe McHarris, Movement for Black Lives (USA)
- Hakima Abbas, Assocation for Women’s Rights in Development (Senegal)
- Rafeef Ziadah, Palestinian performance poet/Professor at SOAS
- Josua Mata, Secretary General, SENTRO trade union, Philippines
- Vrinda Grover, Human rights lawyer, India
Moderator: Hilary Wainwright, author of A New Politics from the Left (2018)
2020/06/30 Webinar
10am HST | 2pm EDT | 8pm CEST
Follow up meeting of the webinar “NATO in deepest crisis?”
No-to-NATO network meeting
Online network meeting of “No to war – no to NATO” to discuss consequences of the webinar and our further activities as well as our media presence.
- social media work of the network
- questions provided to European parliamentarians to the EU authorities about US troops / NATO troops in Europe and EU militarization
- short report from the international zoom call for preparing the next WSF in January 2021 in Mexico city (20 years anniversary) * AOB
For registration please send an email to Keyword “Network Meeting”
Join Zoom Meeting
2020/06/29 INTERNET zoom 7:00 pm EDT
Authoritarianism or Democracy?
Authoritarianism or Democracy? Monday, June 29, 7:00 pm EDT |
2020/06/27 Vienna, Austria
Friedenskundgebung JA zu Frieden und Neutralität!
JA zu Frieden und Neutralität!
NEIN zu EU-Battlegroups und EU-SSZ/PESCO!
Klimaschutz und soziale Sicherheit statt Aufrüstung!
Samstag, 27. Juni 2020
ab 14h, ACHTUNG! Geänderter Ort: Herbert von Karajan-Platz, Wien (vor der Staatsoper)
Solidarwerkstatt-Dossier zum Thema EU-SSZ/Pesco Weiterlesen (
Bitte Petition unterstützen: “Ja zur Neutralität – Nein zur EU-SSZ!”
2020/06/25 Webinar 2h
10am HST | 2pm EDT | 8pm CEST
Is NATO in its deepest crisis in history?
Do we have the historical chance to overcome NATO? What does this mean for war and peace in the world?
Live stream:
Together with peace friends from different countries we will try to find answers to these questions. We expect an input of max. 7 minutes from
- Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace,US
- Reiner Braun, IPB, ICC no to war – no to NATO, Germany
- Jun Chisaka, Japan Peace Committee, Japan (per video)
- Kate Hudson, CND, ICC no to war – no to NATO, UK
Moderation: Kristine Karch, co-chair no to war – no to NATO, Germany and Ingela Martensson, Women for Peace, ICC no to war – no to NATO, Sweden Continue reading →
2020/06/25 WEBINAIRE 2h
10 HST | 14 EDT | 20 CEST
L’OTAN connaît-elle la crise la plus profonde de son histoire?
L’OTAN connaît-elle la crise la plus profonde de son histoire?
Avons-nous la chance historique de voir la fin de l’OTAN?
Que cela signifie-t-il pour la guerre et la paix dans le monde ?
Nous voulons essayer de trouver ensemble avec des pacifistes de différents pays des réponses à ces questions.
Nous attendons des contributions de 7 mn maximum de
- Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace,US
- Reiner Braun, IPB, ICC no to war – no to NATO, Germany
- Jun Chisaka, Japan Peace Committee, Japan (per video)
- Kate Hudson, CND, ICC no to war – no to NATO, UK
2020/06/24 Webinar
11:00-13:15 EDT (17:00-18:15 CEST)
75th Anniversary of UN Charter: Special webinar on peace, disarmament and role of women
Dear friends, On June 26, 1945, the United Nations Charter was adopted in San Francisco with the principle aim to ‘save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.’ We invite you to join a very special webinar on Wednesday June 24 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the UN Charter, and to discuss concrete and effective ways to achieve UN objectives to prevent war and advance disarmament for public health and sustainable development. The webinar will also commemorate 20 years … Continue reading →
2020/06/23 Webinar 2h
5am HST | 9am EDT | 3pm CEST | 6:30 IST
Nuclear Weapons and Peace Activism in Germany and Worldwide Copy
Peaceworkshop Mutlangen (Friedenswerkstatt Mutlangen e.V.) invites you to our first internationalen webinar
„Nuclear Weapons and Peace Activism in Germany and Worldwide”
23. June 15:00-17:00 h CEST
23rd June 2020 at 5am HST | 9am EDT | 3pm CEST | 6:30 IST
Continue reading →
2020/06/23 Webinar 2h
5am HST | 9am EDT | 3pm CEST | 6:30 IST
Nuclear Weapons and Peace Activism in Germany and Worldwide
Friedenswerkstatt Mutlangen e.V. lädt ein: zum ersten internationalen Webinar
„Nuclear Weapons and Peace Activism in Germany and Worldwide”
am 23. Juni 15:00-17:00 Uhr (MEZ | CEST)
23rd June 2020 at 5am HST | 9am EDT | 3pm CEST | 6:30 IST
Continue reading →
2020/06/19+20 Webinar 2h (across Int’l Date Line)
CANCEL RIMPAC online Seminar
Friday, June 19, 3pm to 5pm • Hawaiʻi | 9pm-11pm EDT | Saturday, June 20, 3am to 5am CEST | 1pm to 3pm • Auckland, Wellington
The webinar will be recorded for those in early morning time zones.
Join us for a free online webinar. Speakers will include:
Dr Margie Beavis (Australia), Ann Wright (USA), Maria Hernandez (Guam), Virginia Lacsa Suarez (Philippines), Kawena Phillips (Hawaii), Valerie Morse (NZ). Continue reading →
2020/06/17 Webinar
10am EDT | 4pm CEST | 7:30pm IST
WALLS MUST FALL: Ending the Deadly Politics of Border Militarisation
2020/06/05 Webinar
11am EST, 5pm CEST
Anti-Racism Protest in the United States: No Justice, No Peace
Friday, June 5, 2020 | 11am EST, 5pm CEST
George Floyd’s atrocious murder at the hand of the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25 represents only the most recent incident of racism and police brutality in the United States. The resulting protests have spread not only across major US cities, but have gone global.
Continue reading →
2020/05/28-30 INTERNET
#NOWAR 2020 virtuell 3 day conference
2020/05/09 Bad Fallingbostel, Germany
Protest am TrÜbPlatz Bergen gegen Def20 | Protest against Defender 2020 at the military training area Bergen
Friedenskundgebung und Demo an Europas größtem TrÜbPlatz Sa. 9.5.20 Unterm Titel “Nie wieder Faschismus – Nie wieder Krieg!” lädt die Friedensaktion Lüneburger Heide zu Kundgebung in Bergen, Demo und Führung an Gedenkstätte Rampe-Bergen. Beginn 12.00 h, Bergen, Friedensplatz, Demo ca. 1,5 km zur Rampe-Bergen. Die Aktion soll bis max. 16.00 h gehen. Wir haben dem O-Amt des Landkreis Celle heute auch angezeigt, dass wir dafür sorgen dass alle 1,5 m A B S T A N D … Continue reading →
2020/05/08 – 08/06
Bike Tour for Peace: Paris to Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Postponed to 2021–> Cancelled in 2021 due to ongoing Corona situation
Website (most in German language).
Weiterlesen / Read more in German: Friedensradfahrt-Paris-Hiroshima-Verschiebung_auf_2021.pdf
2020/05/08 – 08/06
Bike Tour for Peace from Paris to Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Postponed to | verschoben nach 8.5.2021 – 9.8.2021
Website (most in German language).
Weiterlesen / Read more in German: Friedensradfahrt-Paris-Hiroshima-Verschiebung_auf_2021.pdf
2020/04/26 Büchel, Germany
Menschen-Kettenreaktion: Atombomben weg – Verbotsvertrag her!
Die Menschenkette in Büchel wird VERSCHOBEN auf 2021
(verschoben) Menschen-Kettenreaktion: Atombomben weg – Verbotsvertrag her!
Wir planen [für 26. April 2020] eine kleinere Kundgebung, sowie Videoübertragung voraussichtlich in Büchel und Aachen und hoffen auf eure weitere Beteiligung. Wir werden Euch über unsere weiteren Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden halten. Continue reading →
2020/04/25-26 Prague, Czech Republic
Prague/ European Spring 2020 transform! Webinar
The recent situation calls for a constructive dialogue. Therefore we would like to invite you to participate in two online webinars that will take place on 25 and 26 April 2020. Continue reading →
2020/04/25 zoom webinar
World Conference
World Conference for Disarmament, Peace, Climate & Justice –> MOVED to the internet! Registration online now !
April 25, 2020 9 a.m. New York/Boston/Washington, D.C.
9 a.m. EDT, 3 p.m. Central Europe, 10 p.m. April 26 Tokyo
Register at: Continue reading →
2020/04/25 Torgau, Germany
Statt Demo Kranzniederlegung zum ELBE TAG
Torgau: Demo “STOPP DEFENDER 2020” zum ELBE TAG verschoben auf 03. Oktober 2020
Gedenkstätte „Der Geist der Elbe“, Torgau Sachsen Continue reading →
2020/04/25 Firence, Italy
Let’s Break Free From War UPDATE -> Moved to INTERNET
The International Conference on the 75th Anniversary of Italian Liberation and End of Second World War
Let’s Break Free From War moved to the internet
2020/04/24-26 New York, USA
Conferencia Mundial para el Desarme, la Paz, el Clima y la Justicia
cancelado y movido a la internet
más información está disponible aquí, desafortunadamente sólo en inglés.
2020/04/24 around the globe
24 to 48 hour worldwide Web marathon with FridaysforFuture and others!
Welcome to FFF trainings!
Hi everyone
April 24–24 hrs or more, WORLD WIDE WEB MARATHON
This will be a 24-hour plus international live stream featuring Youth Climate activists from FridaysForFuture, indigenous groups and many other Youth Groups from around the world. Feautured also will be first-hand reports of ongoing activism, interviews with scientists and experts…all mixed music, spoken word or poetry, videos and live call-ins. Continue reading →
2020/04/10 – 05/09 around the globe
GDAMS 2020
GDAMS 2020: From the 10th of April to the 9th of May around the globe
GDAMS 2020 will mark some extraordinary events and anniversaries, including: Continue reading →
2020/04/07 around the globe
“Our Health is not for sale!”, International action day
April 7, “Our Health is not for sale!”, International action day
2020/03/28-29 Larnaca, Cyprus
The World Peace Council and the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases are jointly organizing a 2-day international conference titled “Confronting Imperialism’s War Machine — The Global Struggle for Peace, Social Justice, National Sovereignty and the Environment,” on March 28-29, 2020, in Larnaca, Cyprus. The Conference is hosted by Cyprus Peace Council.
2020/03/26-08/09 Büchel Germany
20 Weeks against 20 Nuclear Bombs
Because of “Corona” our actions are currently very limited!
Twenty weeks for twenty bombs – starting again on March 26*, 2020 until August 9th.
Wegen “Corona” sind unsere Aktionen momentan stark eingeschränkt!
2020/03/22 zoom Konferenz Germany
update (17.03.2020) zoom Konferenz für 3. Aktionsberatung des Bündnisses Stopp Defender 2020
[defender2020] Defender abgesagt- Aktionskonferenz in Leipzig auch “Die von den Vereinigten Staaten geführte Militärübung „Defender Europe 20“ wird wegen der Corona-Epidemie eingestellt. „Nach meiner Kenntnis ist die Entscheidung seitens der Amerikaner gefallen, jetzt geordnet diese Übung zu beenden“, sagte ein Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums am Montag in Berlin.” Danke an die rund 5.500 Menschen, die sich in den vergangenen Tagen an unserer Unterschriftenaktion beteiligt haben! Netzwerk Friedenskooperative Da unsere Aktionskonferenz am Sonntag in einer Schule stattfinden sollte und alle Schulen in … Continue reading →