2023/10/28 Roma, Italy
2023/10/22 online
Celebration of Daniel Ellsberg’s Life
We are delighted to invite you to the Celebration of Daniel Ellsberg’s Life. It will take place online on Sunday October 22nd, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 to 6:00 pm Eastern time.
2023/10/14 online forum
Abolishing Nuclear Weapons and Fossil Fuels: What Will It Take?
Register at MassPeaceAction.org: https://masspeaceaction.org/event/abolishing-nuclear-weapons-and-fossil-fuels-what-will-it-take/
2023/10/08 video is online
A Sanctioned World: A Crime Normalized: Voices from Sanctioned Nations
Video in English – Vídeo en español abajo!
2023/10/03 Germany
bundesweiter Aktionstag am 3. Oktober (Tag der Deutschen Einheit)
Aufruf dezentraler Aktionstag am 3. Oktober 2023 Es ist höchste Zeit für Friedenspolitik! Widerstand gegen Militarismus und Krieg organisieren! Seit 1991 wird am 3. Oktober die Vereinigung der beiden deutschen Staaten als „Tag der Deutschen Einheit“ gefeiert. Den Weg dafür machte der Zwei-plus-vier-Vertrag frei. Er formulierte als fundamentales Grundprinzip, dass die Sicherheitsinteressen eines jeden Staates berücksichtigt werden müssen.
Continue reading → 2023/09/30-10/08 worldwide
Global Mobilization for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations to stop the killing
2023/09/30 zoom
First peace action zoom conference of the Network No to NATO
Invitation to the first peace action zoom conference of the Network No to War – No to NATO
on September 30th at 19:00 CEST (UTC+2) till 21:00 the preparation of the peace actions against the NATO-summit in Washington.
Please register in advance:
2023/09/20 online 6-8pm
Showcase of Youth-Led Initiatives
Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 6 – 8 pm ET
Continue reading →
2023/08/24 zoom
Next ICC No-to-NATO network meeting: Preparation of 75 year summit of NATO 2024 in Washington DC
A very important moment for our future work:
NATO becomes 2024: 75 years old and will celebrate this event in Washington from July 9th to 11th.
We will be there and protest the biggest military alliance of the world.
We want to invite you to a first meeting discussing about the preparation of our protest actions. We need thoughts, ideas and power.
2023/07/27+28 Washington DC
National Mobilization to End the Korean War
We’re just days away from our Korea Peace Action: National Mobilization to End the Korean War in Washington, DC.
If you can’t come to DC, you can still be part of this historic action. Here are five ways to participate: Continue reading →
2023/07/27 online 7pm CEST
Global Women for Peace United Against NATO zoom call
You are invited to a Zoom meeting of Global Women for Peace United Against NATO
When: Jul 27, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
2023/06/18-25 Ramstein/Steinwenden – Germany
Peace Week: Social security instead of war!
Peace Week:
18-25 June 2023
the time has come
Social security instead of war!
2023/03/20-24 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Acerca del III Foro Mundial de Derechos Humanos 2023
En el Foro se realizarán:
- Actividades llevadas adelante enteramente por los movimientos sociales, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, internacionales, de gobierno, académicas, de investigación y afines, entre otros.
- Plenarios, debates y conferencias magistrales con especialistas de todo el mundo, y
- Actividades culturales, ferias de economía solidaria y espacios de radio y TV.
2023/03/20-24 Buenos Aires, Argentina
III World Forum on Human Rights Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Forum will include:
- Activities carried out in full by social movements; civil society; international, government, academic, and research organizations, among others.
- Plenaries, debates and keynote speeches with specialists from around the world, and
- Cultural activities; cooperative economy fairs; and radio and TV programs.
2023/02/25 London, UK
Stop the War In Ukraine – National Demonstration
Start: Saturday, February 25, 2023 • 12:00 PM
Central London• Exact Location TBC, London, W1 GB
2023/02/23-26 worldwide
Protest against the Ukraine war!

Protest between the 23. and 26.02.2023 everywhere against the war in Ukraine and urgently demand negotiations and ceasefire immediately.
The killing and destruction must stop.
2023/02/23 zoom webinar 17:00 CET*
The role of NATO in the Ukrainian war (Final program update 2022/02/15)
*new time Thursday, 23rd February 2023 at 17:00 CET (to avoid collisions with other events)
We will address the role of NATO and NATO’s responsibility in this war. No war falls from heaven, they have always a prehistory including provocations by NATO and the Ukrainian governments and elites.
Organized by the No to NATO network. A contribution to the action weekend against the Ukrainian war. Register in advance: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpdu2srjkpH9Ltevuz00q-H3UDd3or7QX8
2023/02/15+16 zoom webinar
Iraq War Protests +20
Webinaire en anglais, avec la participation pour les pacifistes français de Arielle Denis, responsable à l’époque du Mouvement de la Paix.
2023/02/10 zoom webinar 16:00 CET
Open Meeting to prepare Counter Actions against next NATO summit
The No to NATO network invites all peace friends and colleagues to support us in the preparation of actions against the next NATO summit in Vilnius (11+12 July 2023)
Action-Meeting via zoom on
Friday, 10th February at 16:00 CET (Berlin/Amsterdam)
Register in advance:
as agenda we propose:
2023/02/02 zoom webinar
Myths, Realities, and Implications of China’s Nuclear Buildup:
A Webinar with Michael Klare, Hans Kristensen, and Tong Zhao
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_w2CR0SRRTwKiIV2wtifwUg