Register: Continue reading →
2022/09/11 webinar 2pm Pacific | 4pm Central | 5-7 pm Eastern
2022/08/28 zoom webinar the video is online
The war in Ukraine
The video is on facebook Continue reading →
2022/08/20 Mönchengladbach, Germany 14-16 h CEST
The war in Ukraine – background and alternatives on the way to peace
European Summer University of Social Movements
2022/08/17-21 Mönchengladbach, Germany
European Summer University of Social Movements
2022/08/08-09 Nagasaki, Japan
World Conference – Nagasaki and Rally, Hiroshima
World Conference – Nagasaki (August 8)
Venue: Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium
August 9 (Tue) 10:30-13:00 Nagasaki Day Rally
2022/08/08 zoom webinar 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EDT
Speakers: Reiner Braun, Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau (Berlin), Phillis Bennis, Director, New Internationalism Project, Institute for Policy Studies
Register: Continue reading →
2022/08/04-6 Hiroshima, Japan
International Meeting and the World Conference – Hiroshima
Draft schedule of 2022 World Conference
International Meeting and the World Conference – Hiroshima (August 4 – 6)
Venue: Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center (Green Arena)
2022/07/30 New York, USA & online
International Peace & Planet Conference: THE FIERCE URGENCY OF NOW
Sharing Analysis & Strategies, Developing Actions to Address the World’s Increasingly Dangerous Disorder
Speakers from the U.S., Europe, Japan & the Global South –> to register click here (google.doc)
2022/07/21 zoom webinar
Nonviolence Cafe #18: Perspectives from Ukraine
Jul 21, 2022 10:00 AM in Central Time (US and Canada) Register:
2022/07/10 youtube 4 pm CEST
A powerful Speech against War by Germany’s most prominent peace activist, Dr. Eugen Drewermann
This Sunday, July 10, 4 pm CEST,
a powerful Speech against War by Germany’s most prominent peace activist, Dr. Eugen Drewermann, will be broadcast on YouTube with English subtitles.
2022/07/08-10 online conference
#NoWar2022: Resistance & Regeneration
2022/07/03 Berlin, Germany
Online Aktionskonferenz gegen Krieg und Hochrüstung
Einladung zu einer weiteren Aktionskonferenz gegen Krieg und Hochrüstung
am Sonntag, 3. Juli 2022 10:30 Uhr bis 14:00 Uhr
2022/06/29-30 Madrid, Spain
Official NATO summit
Information about the new NATO strategy: and here you find the No to NATO network positions against the NATO strategy:
Information about NATO partners:
2022/06/29 Tarragona, España 20:00 CEST
Concentración contra la Cumbre de la OTAN
2022/06/27 München, Germany
Der Ukraine-Krieg und Wege zum Frieden
Im Rahmen der Stop-G7-Proteste bietet die Friedensbewegung Informationsveranstaltungen an.
Montag: 27.06.2022 um 19.30 Uhr hybrid und im EineWeltHaus, Schwanthaler Str. 80, Großer Saal statt.
Vortrag und Diskussion
Der Ukraine-Krieg und Wege zum Frieden
mit Peter Wahl
2022/06/27 Madrid, Spain + zoom
Open Hybrid Annual Meeting of the international “No to NATO” network
Monday, 27.06.2022 from 11 to 15 h or from 13 to 17 (depends on the registrations)
Annual Network Meeting “No to war – no to NATO”
Location: Central Committee of the Comunist Party of Peoples of Spain.
33 B, Mendivil Street. 28038 Madrid
Please register asap for online and offline participation and for selection of the time slot.
2022/06/26 Madrid, Spain and worldwide
U.S. Peace Council Statement Call for Anti-NATO Actions
WPC Call for Anti-NATO Actions Around the NATO Summit of 29-30 June 2022 Worldwide
2022/06/26 Madrid, Spain 11:30 am CEST
Demonstration against the NATO summit
The Coordination of NATO No, Bases Out Platforms, signatories of the CALL FOR MOBILIZATION AGAINST THE NATO SUMMIT IN MADRID NATO NO, Bases Out, FOR PEACE Continue reading →
2022/06/26 Madrid, España 12 h
Next June 26th will take place a demonstration to show the social rejection to NATO.
The demonstration will start at Plaza de Atocha, Madrid, Spain on Sunday June 26th at 12:00.
This call brings together all organizations, platforms and movements that oppose NATO, wars and defend peace, both at State and International level.
2022/06/26 Madrid, España 11:30 am CEST
MANIFESTACIÓN contra la cumbre de la OTAN
La Coordinación de Plataformas OTAN No, Bases fuera, firmantes del LLAMAMIENTO A LA MOVILIZACIÓN CONTRA LA CUMBRE DE LA OTAN EN MADRID OTAN NO, BASES FUERA, POR LA PAZ Continue reading →
2022/06/25 the video is online
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #21
streaming at:
2022/06/25 Madrid, Spain 12-13:30 CEST
organized by:

Saturday 12h-13.30h Peace Summit Panel 6
Speakers are Reiner Braun, Germany | Asya Maruket, Russia | Cosmas Musumali, Zambia | Ulla Klötzer, Finland | Yuri Sheliazhenko, Ukraine | Ann Wright, Hawaii | Moderation: Isabelle Vanbabrant, Belgium
CCOO. Auditorio Marcelino Camacho (Madrid)
and live on youtube:
2022/06/25 international online + offline
International Day of Action for Peace in Ukraine
2022/06/25 from 2 p.m. in Iceland (UTC) till next day 4 pm Ukraine (UTC+3) online 24h wave
No to Militarization Yes to Cooperation
More information on