2022/06/21 Live Meeting Vienna, Austria
2022/06/20 Vienna, Austria (TPNW 2)
International Governmental Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons
The week in Vienna will encompass three significant and essential steps for global nuclear disarmament:
- 20 June: International Governmental Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons – hosted by Austria to ensure that Continue reading →
2022/06/18-19 Vienna, Austria (TPNW 1)
ICAN Conference for civil society
The week in Vienna will encompass three significant and essential steps for global nuclear disarmament:
- 18-19 June: ICAN Conference for civil society – to prepare and inform everyone in advance of the negotiations
- https://vienna.icanw.org/registration?&utm_source=ican
2022/06/18 the video is online
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #20
streaming at: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeoplesDispatch
Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington
Dear Peace Activist, I hope this email finds you happy and healthy. As CODEPINK’s Cut the Pentagon National Organizer, I understand how difficult the current situation is for peace activists. It is disheartening to see the devastating impacts of war and feel that there isn’t much we can do about it. However, we mustn’t give into these feelings of hopelessness, it is imperative that we strengthen the peace movement and organize. This is why we are inviting you to join us for … Continue reading →
2022/06/17 Tarragona, España 19:30 CEST
OTAN: Institucionalitzaciò del crim organitzat
El Bloc Anti-OTAN de Tarragona anuncia
1.- Charla sobre la historia y la actualidad de la OTAN, el viernes 17 de junio, a las 19:30h, en el CSA El Cargol – C/ Menorca 3, La Granja, Tarragona
2022/06/11 live-stream 11h CEST the video is online
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #19
streaming at: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeoplesDispatch
2022/06/10-12 Tijuna, Mexico
Workers Summit of the Americas
The United States is organizing a Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. They have excluded Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. As a result many countries have refused to attend. Continue reading →
2022/06/08 internet 7:00 pm EDT, USA
Workers Summit of the Americas How the Peace Movement Can End the War in Ukraine
2022/06/04 live-stream 11h CEST the video is online
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #18
streaming at: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeoplesDispatch
2022/05/28 the video is online
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #17
streaming at: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeoplesDispatch
2022/05/28 el vídeo está en línea
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #17
streaming at: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeoplesDispatch
2022/05/22 das Video ist online
Aktionskonferenz gegen Krieg und Hochrüstung
Weltkrieg verhindern – Abrüstung jetzt
2022/05/21 the video is online
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #16
streaming at: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeoplesDispatch
EAT NATO FOR BREAKFAST #16 with Vincenzo Riccio & Gregorio Piccin about depleted Uranium
2022/05/21 Online + Berlin, Germany
Ohne NATO leben – Ideen zum Frieden
Anmelde- und Zugangsinformationen gibt es demnächst auf frieden-links.de
Continue reading →
2022/05/21 Lakenheath, UK
Stop US nukes coming to Lakenheath
Stop the return of US nukes to Britain!
2022/05/15 the video is online
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #15
streaming at: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeoplesDispatch
2022/05/07 zoom and facebook
Secure Finland without Nato and nuclear weapons
Rauhanliitto – Fredsförbundet und Suomen Rauhanpuolustajat ry. (Finland) are organizing an event with the title Secure Finland without Nato and nuclear weapons at 9 am UTC. as part of the Nordic action day for peace. First part is in Finnish,
the second part starting at 11.30 UTC in English.
You are hereby invited to join online through the youtube chanel of Finnish Peace committee
The speakers in the English part include: Reiner Braun, Risto Isomäki, Yurii Sheliazhenko, Ingeborg Breines (tbc) ,Tord Björk and Boris Kagarlitsky.
The English session is available also in zoom:
Continue reading →
2022/05/07 the video is online
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #14
streaming at: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeoplesDispatch
2022/05/07 Madrid, Spain 12:00am CEST
Rally in front of the Embassy of the USA
Below the call in English and Spanish.
Abajo la convocatoria en inglés y español.
2022/05/07 Hybrid zoom & Brussels, Belgium
Nuke Free Europe network hybrid meeting
Dear all,
We would like on invite you to the next hybrid meeting of our European network – Nuke Free Europe, which will take place in-person and online on Saturday May 7th from 2pm to 6pm CEST.
The in-person location of the event is as follows:
First floor, International Trade Union House, Blvd du Roi Albert II, no. 5, Bruxelles 1210
2022/05/04 Mexico City + online 17h UTC / 11am mex-time
(4. May 2022, 17h UTC = 12am mex-time)
Online and Palacio de Minería, Ciudad Mexico
Register in advance for this meeting: (zoom link)
https://wsf2022.org/ | https://join.wsforum.net/activities/10378
2022/05/04 Mexico City + online 15h UTC / 10am mex-time
(panel discussion and Assembly, May 4th, 15h UTC = 10am mextime) (new time)
Online and Palacio de Minería, Ciudad Mexico (NEW LOCATION)
Register in advance for this meeting: (zoom link)
https://wsf2022.org/ | https://join.wsforum.net/activities/10383
2022/05/03 zoom webinar 8 pm Eastern
Stand with Alice Walker – No to Censorship!
Stand with Alice Walker: Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism!
Important Webinar with Alice Walker, Chris Hedge and Susan Abulhawa
Tuesday, May 3 at 8 PM Eastern
2022/05/02 Mexico City + online 15h UTC / 10am mex-time
World Social Forum 2022 plenary NO TO WAR – YES TO LIFE!

(02. May 2022, 15h UTC = 10am mex-time)
Online and Escuela de Medicina Ciudad
Register in advance for this meeting: https://www.bitlylinks.com/imV0-xRlo (zoom link)
https://wsf2022.org/ | https://join.wsforum.net/activities/10374
This would be the main event in the thematic PEACE AREA which, because of its importance should be organized by the WSF-Facilitation-Committee.
2022/05/01-06 Mexico City + online
World Social Forum 2022
It will be hybrid www.wsf2022.org and www.foranewwsf.org
2022/04/30 video is online
Eat NATO for Breakfast SHOW #13
streaming at: https://www.youtube.com/c/PeoplesDispatch
2022/04/30 Air Base Ramstein, Germany
Up on the bike – down with the arms
https://www.ramstein-kampagne.eu/event/fahrradaktion-air-base-ramstein-30-04-22/Bicycle action as part of the: “Global Days of Action on Military Spending”. Continue reading →
2022/04/26 zoom webinar 18 h UTC
The role of nuclear weapons and the NATO engagement in the Ukraine and Russia war
The role of nuclear weapons and the NATO engagement in the Ukraine and Russia war
with Ludo De Brabander, Tom Unterrainer, Kristine Karch
26 April 2022 at 8am Hawaii | 11am PDT | 2pm EDT | 7pm London | 8pm CEST