Invest in peace – not war!
Appeal: Support the protests at the NATO Summit in Den Haag, June 2025 – please join us!
If you would like to sign up to support this Appeal, please click here.
Trump’s foreign policy agenda – the isolation and defeat of China – is nothing new, but his determination to end NATO’s proxy war with Ukraine, to detach Russia from alliance with China, has thrown most European leaders into turmoil. Continue reading →
2025/06/25-26 Den Haag Official NATO Summit
Let’s protest against the summit.
Appeal Invest in peace – not war!
Read the appeal in the different languages
Investir dans la paix – pas dans la guerre !
Déclaration et invitation à des actions de protestation contre le sommet de l’OTAN à La Haye, juin 2025
Si vous souhaitez vous inscrire pour soutenir cet appel (English), veuillez cliquer ici.
Le prochain sommet de l’OTAN se tiendra dans le contexte de la plus grande crise de l’OTAN depuis sa création en 1949. Lorsque les dirigeants se réuniront à La Haye les 24 et 25 juin 2025, ils seront confrontés au fait que le principal acteur de l’OTAN, les États-Unis d’Amérique, bouleverse l’« ordre mondial » établi et redéfinit les identités des « ennemis » et des « alliés », afin de poursuivre son propre programme stratégique mondial.
Appell: Unterstützen Sie bitte die Proteste beim NATO-Gipfel in Den Haag, Juni 2025 – schließen Sie sich uns an!
Wenn Sie den Appell unterstützen möchten, klicken Sie bitte hier – click here. Der nächste NATO-Gipfel findet im Kontext der größten Krise der NATO seit ihrer Gründung 1949 statt. Wenn die Staats- und Regierungschefs am 24. und 25. Juni 2025 in Den Haag zusammenkommen, werden sie sich mit der Tatsache auseinandersetzen müssen, dass der wichtigste Akteur der NATO, die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, die etablierte „Weltordnung“ auf den Kopf stellt und die Identität von „Feinden“ und „Verbündeten“ neu definiert, um … Continue reading →
Appell: Stöd protesterna vid NATO-toppmötet i Haag, juni 2025 – Sprid vårt budskap!
Om du önskar underteckna appellen klicka här – click here. Nästa Nato-toppmöte kommer att äga rum samtidigt som NATO upplever sin största kris sedan grundandet 1949. När stats- och regeringscheferna möts i Haag den 24 – 25 juni 2025, kommer de att konfrontera det faktum att NATOs största aktör, USA, har för avsikt att upphäva den etablerade “världsordningen” och omdefiniera “fiendernas” och “de allierades” identiteter för att kunna fullfölja sin egen globala strategiska agenda. Trumps utrikespolitiska agenda – att … Continue reading →
Llamamiento contra la Cumbre de la OTAN que se celebrará en La Haya, en junio de 2025. ¡Únete a nosotros!
Si deseas inscribirte para apoyar este llamamiento, haz clic aquí. La agenda de la política exterior de Trump —el aislamiento y la derrota de China— no es nueva, pero su determinación de poner fin a la guerra indirecta de la OTAN con Ucrania y de separar a Rusia de su alianza con China ha sumido a la mayoría de los líderes europeos en un estado de tensión e incertidumbre. En los últimos años, un enorme gasto occidental ha sido canalizado … Continue reading →
Oproep: Investeer in vrede – niet in oorlog! Verklaring en uitnodiging voor protestacties tegen de NAVO-top in Den Haag, juni 2025
Als u zich wilt aanmelden om deze oproep te steunen, klik dan hier De volgende NAVO-top vindt plaats in het kader van de grootste crisis in de NAVO sinds de oprichting in 1949. Wanneer de regeringsleiders op 24 en 25 juni 2025 in Den Haag bijeenkomen, zullen ze geconfronteerd worden met het feit dat de belangrijkste speler in de NAVO, de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, de gevestigde ‘wereldorde’ omverwerpt en de begrippen ‘vijand’ en ‘bondgenoot’ opnieuw definieert om zijn eigen … Continue reading →
Sosteniamo insieme le proteste contro il vertice della Nato all’Aia, giugno 2025. Unitevi a noi!
Per firmare a sostegno dell’appello, cliccare qui. Il prossimo vertice della Nato (Organizzazione del trattato dell’Atlantico del Nord) si svolgerà nel contesto della più grande crisi dalla sua fondazione, nel 1949. I leaders che si riuniranno all’Aia il 24 e 25 giugno 2025 si troveranno di fronte al fatto che l’attore principale dell’Alleanza atlantica, gli Stati Uniti d’America, sta rovesciando l’ordine mondiale stabilito e ridefinendo le identità di ‘nemici’ e ‘alleati’, per perseguire la propria agenda strategica globale. L’agenda della … Continue reading →
Vetoomus: Tue mielenosoituksia NATO-huippukokouksessa Den Haagissa kesäkuussa 2025 – liity meihin!
Jos haluat allekirjoittaa vetoomuksen – napsauta tästä Seuraava Naton huippukokous pidetään samaan aikaan, kun Nato kokee suurinta kriisiään sitten perustamisensa vuonna 1949. Kun valtion- ja hallitusten päämiehet tapaavat Haagissa 24.–25. kesäkuuta 2025, he kohtaavat sen tosiasian, että Naton suurin toimija, Yhdysvallat, aikoo kaataa vakiintuneen “maailmanjärjestyksen” ja määritellä uudelleen “vihollisten” ja “liittolaisten” identiteetit toteuttaakseen omaa globaalia strategista agendaansa. Trumpin ulkopoliittinen agenda – eristää ja voittaa Kiina – ei ole mitään uutta, mutta hänen päättäväisyytensä lopettaa Naton välityssota Ukrainaa vastaan ja irrottaa … Continue reading →
Trump’s Second Term: NATO, war, and the economy *Watch Now*
Watch back our recent timely and interesting webinar, featuring in-depth analysis and up-to-the-minute assessments, with expert contributions from:
Continue reading → 2025/02/18 webinar
The True Face of NATO: Trump’s Second Term: NATO, war, and the economy
international webinar Tuesday February 18th at 6pm UK time; 7pm CET; 1pm EST Register here Donald Trump has returned to the presidency demanding that NATO nations increase their military spending to 5% of GDP, and threatening massive tariffs. His commitments to NATO remain uncertain, and his administration is changing the previous US approach to the Ukraine War,
Continue reading →The True Face of NATO: international webinar *Watch Now*
Watch back our recent fascinating and popular webinar, featuring great analysis and action planning, with the following contributions: Continue reading →
The True Face of NATO: international webinar
Thursday 21st November at 6pm (CET) REGISTER HERE NATO claims that its existence is based on its member countries’ common values of individual liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
Continue reading →Stop the Israeli genocide. No wider war. Act now!
One year on from the deadly Hamas attacks of October 7th, 42,000 people have been killed in Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza, Israel has invaded Lebanon, and the possibility of a wider war with Iran is increasing. Never has it been clearer that justice for Palestine is the key to peace in the Middle East, and millions across the world will not cease their protests until a lasting ceasefire is achieved and Palestine is sovereign and free. But these global … Continue reading →
Statement of the No to NATO network on
NATO 2030: United for a New Era.
The No to war – No to NATO Network condemns the proposals for a new NATO agenda, outlined in NATO 2030: United for a New Era. The report presents a dangerous expansion plan that will increase tension and the risk of war.
In 2020 NATO-Secretary-General Stoltenberg commissioned a group of 10 ‘experts’ to reflect on the future of NATO. In their report NATO 2030: United for a new Era they come up with 138 proposals that are supposed to help the military alliance meet key challenges in the next decade. The report was adopted by the NATO summit in Madrid 2022 and inspires all further NATO activities. Continue reading →
Le mariage UE-OTAN reflète une mentalité de guerre froide
Le mariage UE-OTAN reflète une mentalité de guerre froide
Le 10 janvier 2023, les dirigeants de l’OTAN et de l’Union européenne ont signé une nouvelle « déclaration conjointe sur la coopération UE-OTAN » *.
Elle fait suite aux déclarations précédentes de 2016 (à Varsovie) et 2018 (à Bruxelles) visant à renforcer le partenariat stratégique UE-OTAN.
En réalité, ces déclarations renforcent la militarisation de l’UE, confirment le rôle prépondérant des États-Unis à travers leur position de leader au sein de l’OTAN, font obstacle aux architectures de sécurité alternatives sur le continent européen et sapent les politiques de sécurité autonomes et/ou neutres de certains pays de l’UE qui ne sont pas membres de l’OTAN. Continue reading →
Erklärung zum NATO-Gipfel in Madrid am 29. und 30. Juni 2022
Das internationale Netzwerk “No-to-War No-to-Nato” ist empört über die Entscheidung der NATO-Regierungschefs, Konfrontation, Militarisierung und Globalisierung weiter zu verstärken, statt auf Dialog, Abrüstung und friedliche Koexistenz zu setzen. In Madrid hat die NATO ein neues strategisches Konzept verabschiedet. Die NATO behauptet, ein auf gemeinsamen demokratischen Werten basierendes Bündnis zu sein, das sich für einen gerechten und umfassenden Frieden einsetzt und ein Bollwerk für eine auf Regeln basierende internationale Ordnung ist. In Wirklichkeit werden in NATO-Ländern wie Polen, Ungarn und der … Continue reading →
Declaración sobre la cumbre de la OTAN en Madrid del 29 al 30 de junio de 2022
La Red Internacional ‘No-to-War No-to-Nato’ está indignada por la decisión de los jefes de gobierno de la OTAN de incrementar aún más el enfrentamiento, la militarización y la globalización en lugar de optar por el diálogo, el desarme y la convivencia pacífica. En Madrid, la OTAN aprobó un nuevo concepto estratégico. La OTAN afirma ser una alianza basada en valores democráticos compartidos, que trabaja por una paz justa e inclusiva y es un baluarte para un orden internacional basado en … Continue reading →
Statement on NATO summit in Madrid 29 – 30 June 2022
Statement on NATO summit in Madrid 29 – 30 June 2022
The international network ‘No-to-War No-to-Nato’ is outraged by the decision of NATO’s heads of government to further increase confrontation, militarization and globalization instead of opting for dialogue, disarmament and peaceful co-existence.
In Madrid, NATO approved a new strategic concept. NATO claims to be an alliance based on shared democratic values, working towards just and inclusive peace and is a bulwark for a rules-based international order. In reality, in NATO-countries like Poland, Hungary and Turkey, Continue reading →
Desescalada en lugar de echar gasolina al fuego
Comunicado de Prensa 21.03.2022
Cumbre extraordinaria de la OTAN el 24.03.2020 en Bruselas
Desescalada en lugar de echar gasolina al fuego
En vista de los dramáticos peligros para la paz mundial, la Red Internacional «No a la guerra – No a la OTAN» hace un llamamiento a los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de todos los países de la OTAN para la desescalada, el diálogo a la vista y la cooperación.
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Agir pour la désescalade au lieu de verser de l’huile sur le feu
Communiqué de presse 21.03.2022
Sommet extraordinaire de l’OTAN le 24.03.2022 à Bruxelles
Agir pour la désescalade au lieu de verser de l’huile sur le feu
Au vu des dangers dramatiques pour la paix mondiale, le réseau international “Non à la guerre – Non à l’OTAN” appelle les chefs d’État et de gouvernement de tous les pays de l’OTAN à la désescalade, au dialogue direct et à la coopération.
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Press statement of the No to NATO network (short version)
The International Network “No to war – No to NATO” calls on the heads of state and governments of all NATO countries to de-escalate this conflict. Continue reading →
Déclaration du comité international de coordination du réseau international No to war – No to NATO (24.02.2022)
Déclaration du comité international de coordination du réseau international No to war – No to NATO (24.02.2022) No-to-War No-to-Nato condamne l’agression militaire russe contre l’Ukraine. Rien ne justifie la guerre. Les bombardements doivent cesser immédiatement. Ce qui est nécessaire, c’est un cessez-le-feu complet, le retrait de toutes les troupes et un retour à la table des négociations. Les actions politiques occidentales doivent être axées sur la désescalade, la reprise des pourparlers et l’évitement de toute nouvelle haine et confrontation. Nous … Continue reading →
No-to-War No-to-Nato condemns the Russian military aggression against Ukraine. There is no justification for war.
Statement of the ICC of the international No to war – no to NATO network (24.02.2022)
No-to-War No-to-Nato condemns the Russian military aggression against Ukraine. There is no justification for war.
The bombing must stop immediately. What is needed, is a comprehensive ceasefire, the withdrawal of all troops and a return to the negotiating table.
Western political actions should focus on de-escalation, resuming talks, and avoiding further hatred and confrontation. We reject sanctions that affect the civilian population. Continue reading →
No to war in Ukraine – No to NATO expansion
Europe needs cooperation and disarmament
Statement of the ICC of the international No to war – no to NATO network
No to war in UkraineNo to NATO expansion |
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Europe needs cooperation and disarmament
Tensions between NATO and Russia – two nuclear-armed powers – are reaching alarming proportions. We call for an end to this confrontation: if it doesn’t end, everyone will lose. Ukraine is already paying a heavy economic and human price as a result of these hostilities, unnecessarily stirred up internationally and nationally. Following this politics of confrontation to its logical conclusion means that many people will die. Continue reading →
Déclaration du réseau « Non à la guerre – Non à l’OTAN » sur le nouvel agenda OTAN 2030
Le réseau Non à la guerre – Non à l’OTAN condamne les propositions pour un nouvel agenda de l’OTAN, exposées dans OTAN 2030: Unis pour une nouvelle ère . Ce rapport présente un dangereux plan d’expansion qui augmentera les tensions et les risques de guerre. Introduction En 2020, le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, Stoltenberg, a chargé un groupe de 10 « experts » de réfléchir à l’avenir de l’OTAN. Dans leur rapport OTAN 2030:Unis pour une nouvelle ère, ils présentent 138 propositions censées aider l’alliance militaire à relever les … Continue reading →
Statement of the No to war – no to NATO network on NATO2030
The No to war – No to NATO Network condemns the proposals for a new NATO agenda, outlined in NATO 2030: United for a New Era. The report presents a dangerous expansion plan that will increase tension and the risk of war. Continue reading →
2021/01/22 international TPNW enters in force
Statement of the international network No to War – No to NATO
The No to War – No to NATO Network denounces the North Atlantic Treaty Association’s (NATO) continuing efforts to obstruct the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) that comes into force on January 22, 2021.
On December 15, NATO issued a statement that once again voiced its groundless opposition to the TPNW. NATO reiterated its commitment to remain a nuclear alliance “as long as nuclear weapons exist”. Continue reading →
solidarity statement to the protesters in the US demanding justice and peace and overturning a racist system that murders and criminalizes Black people
Dear Friends of justice and peace,
As an international network fighting against the biggest most destructive war machine in the world, we stand in solidarity with the protests taking place across your country demanding justice and peace and overturning a racist system that murders and criminalizes Black people. Continue reading →
‘No to War – No to Nato’ support the call for a ‘Global Day of Action’ against a war with Iran on Saturday, January 25th, 2020
The Middle East is on the verge of a new disastrous conflict. 17 years after the invasion of Iraq, the US seems to be heading for a war with Iran. The extrajudicial execution of Qasem Soleimani with drone rockets, whatever his crimes have been, is a provocative act of war and a violation of international law. US President Trump is undermining the international legal framework on a regular basis. We can not tolerate that laws of the jungle and the logic of war will rule the world.
War will further destabilize the Middle East and threaten stability in the world. Ordinary citizens will be the victims. War is only benefiting the war industry and militarism.
We say stop! We don’t want a war with Iran. Not in our name!
The international network ‘No to War – No to Nato’ encourages peace organizations and other social movements to take the streets in a worldwide movement with a strong anti-war message. It supports the call issued by our friends of the US peace movement for a “Global Day of Action” against a war with Iran on Saturday, January 25th.
CODEPINK asks: please list the upcoming events here so we can keep track.
With an information on it will be published here:
Wir fordern die sofortige Freilassung von Chelsea Manning und Julian Assange
Erklärung des internationalen Netzwerkes “No to wr – no to NATO” Wir fordern die sofortige Freilassung von Chelsea Manning und Julian Assange Im April 2010 veröffentlichte die Whistleblower-Plattform Wikileaks von Julian Assange hunderttausende als geheim klassifizierte US-Dokumente. Dadurch wurden schlimme völkerrechtliche und kriminelle Verstöße der USA aufgedeckt, darunter das Video „Collateral Murder“. Bis heute wird sowohl Julian Assange als auch Chelsea Manning wegen Whistleblowing politisch verfolgt. In den nächsten Jahren wurden besonders von Julian Assange und Wikileaks weiterhin eine Vielzahl … Continue reading →
We demand the immediate release of Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange
Statement of the international network “No to war – no to NATO” We demand the immediate release of Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange In April 2010, Julian Assange’s whistleblower platform Wikileaks published hundreds of thousands of US documents classified as secret. This uncovered serious violations of international law and criminal law by the USA, including the video “Collateral Murder”. To this day, both Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning are persecuted politically for whistleblowing. Over the next few years, Julian Assange … Continue reading →
Stop NATO wars and interventions! On March 24th, 1999 the illegal war on Yugoslavia began
Statement of the international network “No to war – no to NATO” on the illegal war on Yugoslavia.
Stop NATO wars and interventions!
On March 24th, 1999 the illegal war on Yugoslavia began Continue reading →
The U.S. and European States must Stop Meddling in Venezuela
Statement on Venezuela The U.S. and European States must Stop Meddling in Venezuela We join Noam Chomsky and 70 Latin American scholars who recently issued an open letter in opposition to the ongoing intervention by a number of states in Venezuela. In addition to this remarkable document, we are acutely aware of the military power behind international finance, military threats and conflict. The US government must stop trying to overthrow the government of Venezuela’s elected president, Nicolas Maduro. The actions … Continue reading →
Solidarity Statement for Okinawa
Dear peace friends in Okinawa (20.09.2018) As a network of organizations and activists opposed to war and militarism, including the presence and violations of foreign military bases, we send solidarity greetings to Okinawans opposed to the construction of a new military base at Henoka, for the closure of the Futenma base, and who insist that “life is a treasure” that must be protected with peace and respect for human rights of all. We understand that this is a critical moment … Continue reading →
Krieg droht – mit ungeahnter weiterer kriegerischer Dynamik – Wir treffen uns auf den Plätzen und Straßen
Erklärung des International Coordinating Committee No to War – No to NATO Krieg droht – mit ungeahnter weiterer kriegerischer Dynamik – Wir treffen uns auf den Plätzen und Straßen Die faktische Aufkündigung des Iran Abkommens durch US-Präsident Trump hat nicht nur die internationale Politik weiter verschärft, sie wird zu weiterer Aufrüstung und Konfrontation führen. Eine mögliche Verbreiterung von Atomwaffen droht, auch wenn dieses erst einmal vom Iran dementiert wird. Saudi Arabien und weitere Länder des Nahen Ostens sind prinzipiell atomwaffenfähig. … Continue reading →
Danger of war – with unforeseeable military consequences – we will come together on the streets
Declaration of the International Coordinating Committee No to War – No to NATO Danger of war – with unforeseeable military consequences – we will come together on the streets The withdrawal from the Iran deal by US president Trump has not only exacerbated international politics, it will lead to further armament and confrontation. First attacks between Iran and Israel underline the dangers of the actual situation. Israel is a nuclear weapons country. A possible nuclear proliferation is impending, even though … Continue reading →
ICC* statement on Nuclear Disarmament
Tomorrow, December 10th, ICAN will receive the Peace Nobel Prize for their activities for a nuclear weapons prohibition treaty and tomorrow is the international day of Human Rights, a good possibility for us to congratulate ICAN and all its supporters. ICC* statement on Nuclear Disarmament We celebrate the adoption of the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty in the United Nations Conference by representatives of 122 governments, the majority of the world’s nations. The treaty further stigmatizes nuclear weapons and commits to … Continue reading →
Solidarity Peace Delegation to South Korea — Endorse the official statement! (updated 11.07.2017)
Dear Supporters of the Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea, The Stop THAAD in Korea and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific (STIK) and the Channing and Popai Liem Education Foundation are sponsoring a solidarity peace delegation to South Korea, July 23-28. The delegation is a follow up to a STIK national tour this past April that brought Rev. Sounghey Kim to eight U.S. cities to speak about the South Korean people’s protest against the U.S. deployment of … Continue reading →
Protest against NATO at its next summit in Brussels on 24/25 May 2017
Press release of the International Coordinating Committee of the international network No to war – no to NATO January 2017/01/30 Protest against NATO at its next summit in Brussels on 24/25 May 2017 The duty of the peace movement is to formulate fundamental, peaceful alternatives to the militarists and proponents of war who come either from backgrounds of neoliberal globalization or national populism. In each case, war is the continuation of politics, and militarism is an essential element of their … Continue reading →
NEXT ICC meeting on October 2nd in Berlin
The icc meeting in Berlin on the weekend of the IPB world congress “Disarm! For a Climate of Peace”. The meeting will take place on Sunday, October 2 at 8 am. We will meet in the main building of the TU Berlin at the registration desk. As an agenda we suggest: – short exchange – next NATO Summit 2017 in Brussels – latest news from Ludo on Belgian meeting and the official summit – next steps and decisions We are … Continue reading →
Press Release Conference on „NATO and Russia in the Baltic Sea Area“ Hotel Arthur, Helsinki, 4-6- September 2015
Press Release: Conference on „NATO and Russia in the Baltic Sea Area“ Hotel Arthur, Helsinki, 4-6- September 2015 A new confrontation is arising: an increase of military spending, failure of progress in the abolition of nuclear weapons, saber-rattling via military exercises are its expressions. NATO’s expansions to the East, Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and the war in East Ukraine have led to a much tenser situation in the Baltic Sea where Russia and NATO states border. Military activities in the … Continue reading →
Solidarity with the Government of Greece is Commitment to Peace!
Statement of the “No to War – No to NATO” Network The EU wants to force the democratically elected Greek government into giving up their election pledges and their renunciation of neoliberal policies which have impoverished the Greek people to an extent unparalleled in Europe. The EU is doing so with brutal political and economic force, with the entire machinery of government and media propaganda and lies, employing deep-rooted prejudices against a destitute population. Nonetheless, the Greek government pursues a … Continue reading →
Solidarität mit der Regierung in Griechenland ist Friedensengagement
Erklärung des internationalen Netzwerkes „No to war – No to NATO“ Die EU will mit brutaler politischer und ökonomischer Gewalt, unter Nutzung der gesamten Propaganda- und Lügenmaschine der Medien und der Regierungsapparate sowie tiefsitzender Vorurteile gegen eine leidende Bevölkerung, die gewählte griechische Regierung zur Aufgabe ihrer Wahlzusagen, ihre Absage an eine neoliberale Politik, zwingen. Dies würde die griechische Bevölkerung in einem für Europa einmaligen Ausmaß sozial verarmen lassen. Die griechische Regierung betreibt Friedenspolitik: Durch die Kürzung des Rüstungshaushaltes, die sie … Continue reading →
Statement of the annual meeting of the international network No to War – No to NATO
The annual meeting of the international network „No to War – No to NATO” releases the following statement on the NATO Summit in Newport / Cardiff in Wales on September 4./5. 2014:
Continue reading →No to War – No to NATO* Statement on NATO troops in Finland and Sweden
Finland and Sweden are about to sign a new cooperation agreement with NATO this week. It is called a “Host NATO Support” and allows the NATO Response Force to enter Sweden and Finland at their request. This pushes Sweden and Finland even closer to full NATO membership. Even during the height of the Cold War, Finland and Sweden remained neutral. Now, without public discussion and debate, they are moving further from neutrality into a much closer relationship with the NATO … Continue reading →
ICC strongly condemns the imprisonment of our colleague, Margaretta D’Arcy
Statement of the ICC : Margaretta D’Arcy a 79 year old Irish peace activist on Wednesday 5th of Febuary will have served three weeks of a three month sentence in Limerick Prison, Co Clare, Ireland, for protesting against the use of Shannon Airport by US troops who use it to fly to and from their perpetual wars.
Continue reading →Statement on the situation in the Korean Peninsula April 8th 2013
We note with concern the current escalation of tension in the Korean Peninsula and are categorically opposed to any state threatening to use aggressive action against another, especially if that threat involves the possible use of nuclear weapons. We denounce the implication that nuclear weapons can be used as a way of conducting international relations. We recognise that if such a situation were to escalate to involve violence then it would be the innocent citizens of those states who would … Continue reading →
Déclaration du réseau international Non à la guerre-Non à l’OTAN sur la situation de la péninsule coréenne – 8 avril 2013
Nous constatons avec inquiétude l’escalade actuelle des tensions dans la péninsule coréenne et sommes catégoriquement opposés à toute menace d’agression, proférée par quelque Etat que ce soit, en particulier si elle implique un usage potentiel de l’arme nucléaire.
Continue reading →Activities and time schedule for 2013 / 2014
Here the presentation discussed in Gent on Sunday with the topics: Activities 2013 / 2014, Network developments, Awareness rising, Campaigns. Activities and time schedule 2013 and 2014 of the international network No to war – No to NATO as pdf
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