2020/10/03 webinar 2pm-3pm UK-Time
Global war-fighting starts here – Oxfordshire Peace Campaign webinar
Join the Oxfordshire Peace Campaign to discuss the role of USAF Croughton in drone warfare, as well as wider strategic issues.
This event is held as part of Keep Space for Peace week.
Link to Webinar — Why there should be a “Pivot to Peace not war with China” (Video)
Hi all, Here is the link to the webinar on “Why there should be a Pivot to Peace not war with China.” that was broadcast on July 11. It has a lot of good information. I hope you will watch it and circulate it. https://www.facebook.com/peacepivot/videos/923494844819562 I spoke about the provocative RIMPAC naval exercises, the largest naval war practice in the world that will be in August in the waters off Hawaii with 20 countries, 200 ships, submarines and aircraft–for practice with a … Continue reading →
Konversion: US Army raus und zivile Nutzung rein
Deutschland braucht einen Masterplan für die Zeit nach Corona, wozu auch bisher militärisch genutzte Flächen gehören. Ein Kommentar zu den Konsequenzen einer US-Truppenreduzierung in Deutschland. Karl-Heinz Peil https://weltnetz.tv/story/2367-konversion-us-army-raus-und-zivile-nutzung-rein
Continue reading →Michael Klare on U.S. & China, A New Tonkin Gulf Incident in the Making?
recommended by Joseph Gerson Friends, It’s no surprise that Trump is working hard to distract our attention from his monumental failures by scapegoating China. He is desperate not to lose November’s election. And, Beijing’s leadership has certainly created its openings for Trump. BUT, missing from the barrage of daily news reports is what Col. Lawrence Willkerson, formerly Secretary of Defense Colin Powell’s chief of staff, has described as Trump dangerously sticking his finger in China’s eye with aircraft carrier deployments … Continue reading →
The Trident nuclear armed submarines
by Rae Street As many of you know the UK’s fleet of 4 Trident nuclear armed submarines are ‘integrated’ into NATO. Just to remind you of the horrors of Trident. Each submarine can carry up to 8 missiles; each missile can carry up to 5 warheads, with each warhead having 8 times the killing power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. One submarine patrols the seas at all times and, as they have a huge range, could be under the … Continue reading →
2020/07/11 INTERNET
online Aktionskonferenz und Konzert 11.07.2020
ab 18Uhr
Online-Konzert Stopp Air Base Ramstein
weltnetz präsentiert das Konzert der Stopp Air Base Ramstein Kampagne
u.a. mit: Allmann | Äon | Courtier | Diether Dehm | Glücksgriff | Kilez More | Morgaine | Seom + Annika Dietm
Niederländische Armee wegen Sozialaufstand auf Antilleninsel Curaçao mobilisiert
Willemstad. Nach mehreren übereinstimmenden Berichten hat die Regierung der Niederlande Soldaten auf der Antilleninsel Curaçao mobilisiert. Infolge der Corona-Pandemie ist es zu massiven sozialen Verwerfungen auf der Insel gekommen. Vergangene Woche war es zwei Tage in Folge zu sozialen Protesten gekommen, die sich zu einem Aufstand entwickelten. Vor allem Jugendliche und Müllwerker wandten sich gegen angekündigte Sozialkürzungen. Protestierende hatten Barrikaden errichtet, Feuer gelegt und den Regierungspalast gestürmt. Dies berichtet heute das Lateinamerika-Portal amerika21. Curaçao leidet heftig unter den Auswirkungen der … Continue reading →
2020/07/16 zoom webinar
9am EDT | 2pm BST | 3pm CEST | 10pm JST
Nuclear weapons in the NATO Strategy
We invite you to our second webinar: Nuclear weapons in the NATO Strategy The webinar is held in remembering to the 16 July 1945 – ‘Trinity’: world’s first nuclear test (https://www.ctbto.org/specials/testing-times/16-july-1945-trinity-worlds-first-nuclear-test/) We will discuss the topics, bomb sharing France/Germany, nuclear tests by the USA, modernization of nuclear weapons by EU and NATO with our ICC (international coordinating committee) members: Luda De Brabander, Belgium, Spokesman Vrede vzw Claudia Haydt, Germany, Regional Director of DIE LINKE. Baden-Württemberg, Member of the Executive Board … Continue reading →
Weg mit den Atomwaffen!
Die deutsche Bevölkerung ist für den Abzug aller Atomwaffen aus Deutschland. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Kantar im Auftrag von Greenpeace.
2020/07/16 zoom webinar 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific, 8pm CEST
“Strengthening Solidarity between Social Movements in Venezuela and the United States”
The Embassy Protection Collective invites you to an important virtual meeting:
“Strengthening Solidarity between Social Movements in Venezuela and the United States”
Thursday, July 16 at 2:00 pm Eastern/11 am Pacific
Find it on Facebook here.
Continue reading →
Short report of the no to NATO network meeting on June 30th, 2020 (via zoom)
Dear activists and members of the no to war – no to NATO network Minutes of the zoom network meeting June 30th, 2020 minutes taker kristine about 15 persons attend the meeting we discussed four points 1. Social media work 2. Questions to the EU parliamentarians regarding EU militarization and NATO 3. Short report from a zoom call for the next WSF 4. Next steps 1. Social media work we are using twitter (223 tweets, 83 following, 108 followers) and … Continue reading →
Virtuelles Friedenscamp Programm Mittwoch 08.07.2020 | 18-22h CEST
Hier gehts zum Friedenscamp (zoom link) Die Zoom-Räume sind vom 08. – 10. Juli ab 18Uhr offen. |
2020/07/09 INTERNET
Virtuelles Friedenscamp Programm Donnerstag 09.07.2020 | 18-22h CEST
Hier gehts zum Friedenscamp (zoom link) Die Zoom-Räume sind vom 08. – 10. Juli ab 18Uhr offen. |
Kampagne Stopp Air Base Ramstein
2020/07/08-11 INTERNET
Camp and concert now in the internet
Online Protest Camp und Konzert vom 8.-11. Juli 2020 im Internet
The video of the concert is here: weltnetz.tv/video/2368-online-konzert-stopp-air-base-ramstein
Virtual action days July 8th – 11th 2020 Lectures + Action Conference + Benefit Concert
Ramstein Airbase Online days of action
Even in the Corona crisis, the military-industrial complex wants to inform the world that it is armed to the teeth. Germany has reported to NATO its 2020 defense spending of more than 50 billion euros (2015 figure: 35.5billion euros). This is money that is urgently needed for health care, education, social issues and nature conservation. Continue reading →
The art of war Facebook surrounds Africa
by Manlio Dinucci Many industries and service companies are failing or downsizing due to the lockdown and subsequent crisis. Instead, there are those who gained from all this. Facebook, Google (YouTube owner), Microsoft, Apple and Amazon – The New York Times writes – ” since the coronavirus pandemic has made them almost essential services, they are aggressively making new bets “. All these “Tech Giants” are from the United States. Facebook – is no longer defined as social network but … Continue reading →
Damned depleted uranium.
by Marco Consolo and Gregorio Piccin Damned depleted uranium. On the use of depleted uranium ammunition by NATO, General Roberto Vannacci, former commander of the Italian contingent in Baghdad, refused to be part of that acquiescence chain that for decades has involved high military leaders and Defence Ministers Vannacci filed a regular complaint with the Public Prosecutor of Rome and the Military Public Prosecutor reporting “serious and repeated omissions in the protection of Italian military contingent health and … Continue reading →
2020/07/10 zoom webinar 1pm US Eastern, 6pm UK, 7pm South Africa, 8pm Palestine
And Still We Rise!
Minneapolis, Soweto, London, occupied Jerusalem & beyond: United against Racism & Colonialism!
2020/07/26 webinar 7 am EDT
Fund Healthcare Not Nuclear Warfare
July 26, 7:00-8:00 pm
Fund Healthcare Not Nuclear Warfare
During the pandemic, the lack of investment in public health infrastructure, including health care for all, has had deadly consequences for tens of thousands of people. The $22.42 billion the U.S. will be spending this year to upgrade its first-strike nuclear arsenal could pay for 624 million corona virus tests, 747, 633 covid-19 hospital stays, or 6.6 BILLION N95 masks. This has to change. Our lives and security depend on it. Continue reading →
2020/07/13 INTERNET zoom
7pm EDT; 6pm CDT; 5pm MDT; 4pm MST; 4pm PDT
75th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings – Deconstructing the Myths and Promoting a Nuclear Weapons-Free & Just World
Join three extraordinary speakers as we build 75th anniversary commemorations of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bombs to build a nuclear-free and just world. Continue reading →
Video Webinar: Authoritarianism or Democracy?
with Noam Chomsky, Van Gosse, Ty dePass
You can hear a recording of the webinar at: https://youtu.be/UH0v9pjo-I0
Schädlich für die gemeinsame Sicherheit in Europa und für die Zukunft der Ukraine
Die USA liefern Militärausrüstung und Waffen für 60 Mio. US-Dollar an die Ukraine. Die NATO hat das Land gerade hochgestuft zum “Partner mit erweiterten Möglichkeiten”: Kiew wird eingebunden in den Informationsaustausch und die Militärübungen der NATO. Kathrin Vogler kommentiert die Folgen der weiterhin militarisierten Ukraine-Politik des Westens.
2020/07/01 webinar
10am EDT | 4pm CEST | 7:30pm IST
People Power &emp; the Pandemic
more on
- Thenjiwe McHarris, Movement for Black Lives (USA)
- Hakima Abbas, Assocation for Women’s Rights in Development (Senegal)
- Rafeef Ziadah, Palestinian performance poet/Professor at SOAS
- Josua Mata, Secretary General, SENTRO trade union, Philippines
- Vrinda Grover, Human rights lawyer, India
Moderator: Hilary Wainwright, author of A New Politics from the Left (2018)
Angela Davis in anti-racist video
Angela Davis together with sixteen leading racial justice activists, environmentalists, trade unionists, feminists, artists and academics from around the world call for solidarity in order to build a more just and dignified world, and defeat the racism and other injustices exposed by COVID-19 (https://youtu.be/RVaVeBLOkuI)
2020/08/06-09 international on- & off-line
Be part of the Peace Wave 2020
Webinar on The Extreme Right and Militarization in Latin America
Documents and video on www.ipb.org/news/webinar-on-the-extreme-right-and-militarization-in-latin-america/
Continue reading →Webinar on Anti-Racism Protest in the United States: No Justice, No Peace
Documents and video on:
2020/06/29 INTERNET zoom 7:00 pm EDT
Authoritarianism or Democracy?
Authoritarianism or Democracy? Monday, June 29, 7:00 pm EDT |
Cancel RIMPAC Webinar
The full video recording is here (https://youtu.be/Z2fPTaM6g7w)
2020/06/30 Webinar
10am HST | 2pm EDT | 8pm CEST
Follow up meeting of the webinar “NATO in deepest crisis?”
No-to-NATO network meeting
Online network meeting of “No to war – no to NATO” to discuss consequences of the webinar and our further activities as well as our media presence.
- social media work of the network
- questions provided to European parliamentarians to the EU authorities about US troops / NATO troops in Europe and EU militarization
- short report from the international zoom call for preparing the next WSF in January 2021 in Mexico city (20 years anniversary) * AOB
For registration please send an email to Keyword “Network Meeting”
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92163400682?pwd=MGN2am1PQnVKUlJBQ1UwaWhlWXBzQT09
2020/06/27 Vienna, Austria
Friedenskundgebung JA zu Frieden und Neutralität!
JA zu Frieden und Neutralität!
NEIN zu EU-Battlegroups und EU-SSZ/PESCO!
Klimaschutz und soziale Sicherheit statt Aufrüstung!
Samstag, 27. Juni 2020
ab 14h, ACHTUNG! Geänderter Ort: Herbert von Karajan-Platz, Wien (vor der Staatsoper)
HINWEIS: (https://www.solidarwerkstatt.at/termine/Eventdetail/819/-/friedenskundgebung-ja-zu-frieden-und-neutralitaet-nein-zu-eu-battlegroups-und-eu-ssz-wien-neuer-ort)
Solidarwerkstatt-Dossier zum Thema EU-SSZ/Pesco Weiterlesen (https://www.solidarwerkstatt.at/?view=article&id=1934:ja-zur-neutralitaet-nein-zur-eu-ssz)
Bitte Petition unterstützen: “Ja zur Neutralität – Nein zur EU-SSZ!”
Gegen NATO-Manöver Baltops 2020
*Gegen NATO-Manöver Baltops 2020: ** **Kriegsspiele vor Russlands Haustür/im Ostseeraum* Benno Stahn/Kieler Friedensforum, Uwe Stahl/AG GlobKrieg Attac-Kiel Ziemlich kräftiger Wind blies den rund dreißig Friedensaktivist*innen ins Gesicht und in die Transparente. Gegenüber der Tirpitzmole im Kieler Militärhafen hatten sich die Friedensbesorgten zu einer vom Kieler Friedensforum organisierten Mahn- und Protestwache eingefunden, um gegen das 49. maritime Osteemanöver Baltops 2020 zu demonstrieren. An der Aktion am 6.6.2020 beteiligten sich Attac-Kiel, IPPNW, DFG/VK, SDAJ und andere. Corona hatte zwar dafür gesorgt, dass … Continue reading →
News about the NATO Nuclear Planning Group and U.S.-Russia arms control talks
by Alicia Sanders-Zakre Hope you are hanging in there. I wanted to send an update about some recent nuclear policy news that provide opportunities for campaigners to be speaking up and taking action on eliminating nukes. Here you will find the Media Backgrounder_ 22 June 2020 U.S.-Russia arms control meeting in Vienna.pdf NATO Nuclear Planning Group First, as you may have already seen, NATO held a nuclear planning group meeting this Wednesday. You can read more about it in … Continue reading →
2020/07/05 Bad Fallingbostel, Germany
Friedensdemo 5.7.20 TrÜbPlatz-Bergen
Ami-Krieger gehen – aber Ami-Krieger kommen auch
Corona hin oder her: USA verlegen über 600 Soldaten für “Defender plus” – Großmanöver nach Deutschland TrÜbPlatz Bergen – Bad Fallingbostel
german-foreign-policy: NATO Setting Sights on East Asia
The western alliance is assuming a stronger posture in relationship to China. US experts call for NATO operations in the Pacific.
BERLIN/WASHINGTON (Own report) – NATO should systematically expand its military exercises and operations into the Asia-Pacific region, an expert of Washington’s Atlantic Council think tank proposes in the intensifying debate on the posture the western war alliance should assume in relationship to the People’s Republic of China. China’s “presence in the Arctic, in Africa and in the Mediterranean” calls for a response, according to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Think tanks suggest that NATO should more closely monitor Chinese investments in the European infrastructure, because “civilian roads, ports and rails” under construction with Chinese participation “are an integral part of NATO’s plans for military mobilization.” NATO is also strengthening its relations with “global partners” such as Japan, South Korea and Australia. For the first time, Australia’s defense minister participated at the meeting of the NATO Ministers of Defense that ended yesterday. The Atlantic Council is also suggesting the establishment of a NATO military headquarters in the Asia-Pacific region.
german-foreign-policy: Der Blick der NATO nach Ostasien
Das westliche Bündnis bringt sich stärker gegen China in Stellung. US-Experten fordern NATO-Operationen im Pazifik.
BERLIN/WASHINGTON (Eigener Bericht) – Die NATO soll ihre Militärübungen und Operationen systematisch in die Asien-Pazifik-Region ausweiten: Dies fordert ein Experte des Washingtoner Think-Tanks Atlantic Council. Hintergrund ist die zunehmende Debatte darum, wie sich das westliche Kriegsbündnis gegen China in Position bringen soll. Die Volksrepublik sei “präsent in der Arktis, in Afrika und im Mittelmeer”, urteilt NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg; darauf müsse man reagieren. In Think-Tanks heißt es, man solle chinesische Investitionen in die europäische Infrastruktur schärfer kontrollieren; “zivile Straßen, Häfen und Bahnstrecken”, an deren Ausbau die Volksrepublik sich beteilige, seien schließlich “ein wesentlicher Teil der NATO-Pläne für die militärische Mobilisierung”. Zudem stärkt die NATO ihre Beziehungen zu “Globalen Partnern” wie Japan, Südkorea und Australien. Am gestern beendeten Treffen der NATO-Verteidigungsminister nahm erstmals deren Amtskollege aus Australien vollumfänglich teil. Der Atlantic Council verlangt auch den Aufbau eines militärischen NATO-Hauptquartiers in der Asien-Pazifik-Region.
Stopp Air Base Ramstein Online Aktionstage Newsletter #6
Die Ramstein Air Base bedroht nicht nur den Frieden, sondern auch die Umwelt.
Die Dreckschleuder
Die Ramstein Air Base bedroht nicht nur den Frieden, sondern auch die Umwelt.