12 Russian and 12 US-American Women have signed our Open Letter Calling for Peace!
The letter came about through the work of US-American and Russian women participating in a dialogue and peacebuilding initiative found in 2021 by Women Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy and the American Committee for US-Russia Accord. Please see the final versions of our letter in both English and Russian, here is the link: https://www.nuclearwakeupcall.earth/independentamericanandrussianwomencallforpeace Continue reading →
Further escalation in Ukraine ceasefire violations on Friday (18.02.2022)
On Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 4:50 PM ‘Nicolas Davies’ wrote: Dear all, Here is the OSCE Monitoring Mission’s latest daily report, detailing yesterday’s ceasefire violations and explosions: https://www.osce.org/files/2022-02-19%20Daily%20Report.pdf There were 1,566 violations, including 1,413 explosions, compared with 870 violations on Thursday. The map now shows a large concentration of explosions inside the northwest border of the Luhansk People’s Republic, consistent with an escalating artillery bombardment of that area by government forces. Peace! Nicolas Davies Sat, 19 Feb 2022 23:47:04 … Continue reading →
Madrid 2022 NATO Counter-Summit Campaign Presentation Event
10 February 2022
On Tuesday, February 8, a public act was held at the “Teatro del Barrio” in Madrid to present the campaign organized by the “NOT TO NATO” Assembly of Madrid, aimed at expressing the strong popular opposition to the holding of the Summit of NATO´s Heads of State and Government, summoned in Madrid on 29 , 30 June of this year.
(Image: https://frenteantiimperialista.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Sala.jpeg)
No a la guerra en Ucrania – No a la expansión de la OTAN, Europa necesita cooperación y desarme
Compartimos la siguiente declaración de International Network No to War – No to Nato: No a la guerra en Ucrania – No a la expansión de la OTAN, Europa necesita cooperación y desarme Las tensiones entre la OTAN y Rusia -dos potencias con armas nucleares- están alcanzando proporciones alarmantes. Pedimos que se ponga fin a este enfrentamiento: si no se acaba, todos perderemos. Ucrania ya está pagando un alto precio económico y humano como resultado de estas hostilidades, agitadas innecesariamente … Continue reading →
Stopp Air Base Ramstein :: #2 Newsletter 2022 | Friedenscamp
Appell zur De-Eskalation des Konflikts in der Ukraine
Appell zur De-Eskalation des Konflikts in der Ukraine Europa muss in den Dialog durch OSZE-Mechanismen investieren und Frauenorganisationen und Netzwerke von Friedensstiftern und Menschenrechtsverteidigern in der Region unterstützen Januar 2022
Continue reading →Non à la guerre en Ukraine – Non à l’expansion de l’OTAN L’Europe a besoin de coopération et de désarmement
Déclaration de la Comité International de Coordination du réseau international Non à la guerre – Non à l’OTAN https://www.no-to-nato.org/2022/01/no-to-war-in-ukraine-no-to-nato-expansioneurope-needs-cooperation-and-disarmament/ Les tensions entre l’OTAN et la Russie – deux puissances dotées de l’arme nucléaire – prennent des proportions alarmantes. Nous appelons à la fin de cette confrontation : si elle ne prend pas fin, tout le monde sera perdant. L’Ukraine paie déjà un lourd tribut économique et humain à ces hostilités, inutilement attisées au niveau international et national. Poursuivre cette politique … Continue reading →
Labour CND statement on Nato/Ukraine
Military posturing fans the flames of war in Europe Labour Campaign for Nuclear Diarmament statement on Nato/Ukraine Keir Starmer has chosen the moment of mounting tensions over Ukraine to announce that ‘Labour’s commitment to Nato is unshakable’, attempting to justify his stance with selective and inaccurate statements about the defensive and democratic character of the North Atlantic Alliance and accusing those who disagree of showing solidarity with Putin. Nato is not ‘a defensive alliance that has never provoked conflict’ … Continue reading →
War Resisters’ International statement on preparations for war in Ukraine
War Resisters’ International condemns the preparations for war by NATO and Russia, who are currently considering military responses to the current political crisis in Ukraine. If war does start it will bring death, destruction, suffering, mass displacement, economic crisis, and many other consequences. We also want to express our solidarity and support to peace movements in Ukraine and Russia as they resist the move to war. We call upon the people of Ukraine and Russia in the first place, but … Continue reading →